Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Pretty mundane so far...

1402Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - VENUS 32 (89th AW) - deps ADW to 15000'.
1419Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - OMAHA 74 (DHS/ICE) - deps DCA QSY 125.05.
1429Z 119.850 Potomac APP - BOXER 48 (201st AS DC ANG) - on the arrival for ADW rwy 1.
1435Z 119.850 Potomac DEP - COAST GUARD 6572 (HH-65C Atlantic City) - @ OJAAY, QSY 120.75.
1436Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 752 (UC-12B) - deps DAA to 7000' dir GRUBY.

1520Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 37837 (C-130E 63-7837 ex-36th AS YJ) - deps ADW to 11000'.

1856Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - req vectors for the ILS app to rwy 32 @ DAA QSY 118.85.

1915Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 679 (UC-35A 4th MAW MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - QSY 120.65.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1319: CADE 1, flight of two A-10s from Willow Grove, with Philadelphia TRACON 269.25 at 6000...cleared up to 7000 feet. Handed off to Dover Approach.
1321: CADE 1 flight with Dover Approach 257.875 where they check in as a flight of two.
1321: CADE flight using 143.25 for tac. Talking about seeing a line of C-5s.
1321: Bollen Range active 237.2
1328: CADE sends wingman to get ATIS for Patuxent on freq 276.2 «143.25»
1329: U/I F-16 flight from Andrews with TRACON 348.725...on tac 143.6...with SOF 139.9
1330: It's an ANGRY flight on tac 143.6 -- a flight of two F-16s.
1331: ANGRY flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where they check in at 15000....going up to 17000.
And I hear not another word from the ANGRY flight....lost them...this is getting to be a habit....not even anything heard on their tac 143.6 freq.
1332: CADE flight with Pax on 270.8...say they are going to R-6609 and have it exclusively...will use FL 200 and above....say they're going to Dover upon completion of their work.
1334: Another F-16 flight from Andrews up on tac 139.15...callsign BULLY, flight of two.
1335: BULLY flight with Pax 270.8 and asking about a freq for work with IRON CROSS
1337: BULLY flight to Pax freq 354.8 to use as a discrete freq for their work...they contact IRON CROSS, the ground based J/FAC at the Pax Vienna Range.
1339: BULLY flight has changed to freq 310.55 at Pax for their work. (this freq is included in msg #8 posted above that includes the Pax bank)
BULLY flight and IRON CROSS are coordinating their settings for their ROVERs. (Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver)
1347: Have a U/I flight with ZNY-Williamsport on 338.3...they mention something about a restricted area. (Might be going to the Duke...heads up Dave.)
1354: U/I flight with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and then to Giant Killer on 238.1 to work in area W-387 for 1 hour. (Too noisy to catch his callsign but I don't think it's a fighter flight.)
1358: GRAYHAWK 03 (E-2C VAW-120, Norfolk NAS) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925.

1401: GRAYHAWK 03 heading down to 5000 feet. «370.925»
1421: The BULLY flight leader says to "Push Victor secure" and they do....all I hear from that point on is noise bursts each time they transmit on their tac freq 139.15.
1424: BULLY tells IRON CROSS they have about 15 minutes of playtime left. «310.55»
1424: Have some activity on Raven Ops freq 143.8...believe we have some A-10s up from MTN.
1428: BULLY flight leader lets the J/FAC know they only have one GBU-12, one GBU-38 and 1000 rounds for their guns remaining. «310.55»
1429: It's an AXEMAN flight of A-10s on 143.8. Can't understand much they're saying...signals down in the mud and have to open squelch to hear them. They seem to be using this frq exclusively.
1430: U/I BATON aircraft tells Baton Ops that BATON 54 says they need an hour to complete their ACF and will be at home station at 1945Z. «395.1» (BATON = EC130J, 193rd SOG, PA-ANG Harrisburg)
1437: CADE 1 flight of A-10s from Willow Grove back up north and now with Atlantic City Approach on 327.125.
1441: The A-10s on 143.8 are two AXEMAN A-10s and a WARDOG OA-10.
1441: AXEMAN flight is using 143.8 Ops freq for tac for some reason....they just came up on Baywatch freq 270.8 to leave the Pax area and head back to MTN but said WARDOG would be remaining and arrange his own clearance.
1449: BULLY flight finishes up at the Pax Range 310.55
1451: BULLY flight to SOF 139.9 with mission results.
1451: ANGRY flight back in range on tac 143.6
1451: AERO 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) trying to contact Giant Killer on 255.0
1453: ANGRY flight to SOF on 139.9 with mission results....they also used ordnance somewhere (Could they have gone as far as the Dare Range in NC in that amount of time?)
1455: BULLY flight leader sends his wingman to U-17 to pick up the ATIS report. «139.15»
I mention that for a reason...our old preset plan for the Andrews F-16s had the ATIS freq in the V/U-20 position. At some point it changed to 17.

Thought I just picked up the Willow Grove A-10s on their 46.85 low band freq but it's a police department from unknown parts using the freq. Conditions must be ripe today.

1500: ANGRY flight to TRACON 335.5 for approach to Andrews.
1501: BULLY flight with ADW Tower 349.0 for landing.
1503: BULLY 1 and 2 report gear down, full stop, right (runway 1R) «349.0» BULLY flight done.
1505: ANGRY flight reports field in sight. «335.5» Pushing 4
1506: ANGRY flight to ADW Tower «349.0»
1506: AERO 21 flight from NJ working 138.875 tac. They are doing ACM activity in W-107.
1508: AXEMAN flight to MTN Tower «297.2» requesting to do a tactical initial approach.
1509: ANGRY 1, then 2, report base, gear, stop, 1R. «349.0» ANGRY flight done.
1511: FLIGHT CHECK 58 with ACY Approach...going around. «124.6»
1511: AXEMAN flight going around again on the option at MTN. «297.2»
1513: WARDOG 1 (OA-10 MTN) with MTN Tower «297.2» reporting 15 miles to the south, coming in for initial. AXEMAN reports low approach.
1516: AXEMAN 1 reports base, gear, stop. «297.2»
1516: AXEMAN 2 reports base, gear, stop. «297.2» AXEMAN flight is done.
1518: WARDOG 1 reports base, gear, low approach. «297.2»
1520: WARDOG 1 reports base, gear, low approach. «297.2» 'Round and 'round he goes.
1520: Mama Warthog (aka Raven Ops) talking to her AXEMAN flight on the ground. «347.2» (I hear her, not them.)
1521: WARDOG 1 reports base, gear, stop. «297.2» WARDOG flight is done.
1527: BATON 54 giving arrival message to Baton Ops on «395.1» Both front and back ends are A-2 status.
1528: Have some activity on Giant Killer's «238.1» freq but it's too weak to copy...must be in the extreme southern part of the area. Flight suffix is 81 but that's all I could scrounge out of it. A new round of Langley fighters starting up? Hope so.
1529: Have a female (with a damn nice voice, by the way) that has been switching around to many of the Pax River freqs giving PIREPs for the entire Pax area. Most recent was 354.8 and before that 250.7.
1531: Langley tac freq «228.175» active.
1534: ROCKY 71 flight (F-15 Langley) into Giant Killer's area on «238.1» at FL 230 and will be MARSA with FLASH, BADGER and ??? flights. (FLASH/BADGER both Langley F-15 callsigns) they come.
1536: SAM 0539 calling SAM Command «378.1» He's been trying.
1540: Langley tac freq «276.675» active. It's the ROCKY flight.
1542: Tanker interplane «143.825» active. No callsigns heard.
1543: DC 21 (KC-135R, 756th ARS Andrews) with LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» giving arrival message...A-1, 15K fuel.
1545: ???? 51 flight (Langley F-15) into Giant Killer's area on «238.1» Push 5 AUX from here.
1546: DC 21 with LIBERATOR «351.2» now says he's A-2...the co-pilots FMS head is the problem...gets parking spot 2.
Just thought of something....haven't heard the GUNNY and RAVAGE callsigns used by the Andrews F-16s in a long time. BULLY/SCARY/ANGRY/WILD seem to be all they're using lately plus DRAGO for memorial flybys and BRAVE for scrambles. And they've used CAPITOL as a travelling callsign recently instead of the old SPAD/SPEEDY.
1553: Evac 33115 calling SAM Command «378.1»
1553: ????? 91 flight of two into Giant Killer's area on «238.1» (Freq has become too noisy to pick callsigns out of the hash right now.)
1555: U/I ground controller on Guard Freq «121.5» starts to say...."Flight 396 in Sector 21...oops" and stops. Guess he pressed the mic button by mistake.
1556: LYNX 11 flight with Norfolk TRACON «370.925» "Switching to 7"
1556: LYNX 11, flight of two, (Poss F-22A Langley) to Giant Killer on «238.1» to check into W-386K for the next 27 minutes at FL 230 and requests to work up to FL 300. (LYNX has not been identified as F-22A in the past but the transmitter sound was very much like the F-22A that time.)
NOTE: All the Langley fighters over the past two days have mentioned switching to U-7 before coming up on Giant Killer's 238.1 freq so I guess that's their new preset for that freq. Heard it from both F-15s and F-22As.

1602: ROCKY 71 reports RTB to Giant Killer on «238.1»
1605: Evac 33115 still calling SAM Command on «378.1»
1605: Navy 048 calling Giant Killer on «121.5» (Big mistake!)
1606: NAVY JT 048 calling Giant Killer on «255.0» to say he's scheduled for W-107E and wants to change that to all of W-107. He gets W-107A/B/C/D.
1606: Langley tac freq «228.45» active with DEFT F-22A aircraft.
1607: DEFT 31 (F-22A Langley) flight to Giant Killer on «238.1» for clearance to enter the area.
DEFT was first identified as F-22A aircraft on 1/12/06 and they most definitely have that sound.
1611: More F-22A traffic on Langley tac freq «233.525» (In addition to DEFT who are still on 228.45)

And I'm going to RTB also. Back later....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1931-34: PAT 432 calling Andrews Dispatch on «139.3» No reply to calls.
1932: DC KC-135R to LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2». Says he's going to do one more touch-and-go and then be done.
1934: PAT 432 to Andrews on «141.55» and makes contact to give arrival message. Says he's an Army C-12, tail 51262, coming in for a D/V pickup. It's an A-5. Needs no gas or services and asks if they can notify passenger to come out to the plane. He's sent to 3-Row.

2008: Tanker and receiver chat on refueling freq «238.9» The receiver callsign is CHECK (F/A-18, VMFA-312, MCAS BEAUFORT SC) and the tanker is STEEL 63 (KC-135R PA-ANG Pittsburgh). Didn't hear suffix for the receiver. The tanker will be at the IP at 27 after the hour. (This just doesn't sound right to me...STEEL should not be equipped with the hose and drogue refueling system a Marine F/A-18 would need. So...I'm wondering if I heard that CHECK callsign correctly. Was it really OPEC?)
2016: STEEL 63 requesting FL 210 from Giant Killer on «238.1»
2017: STEEL 62 to Giant Killer on «238.1» to say he'll be hooking up with OPEC 29 (KC-10A McGuire) in AR-636 in altitude block 200-220.
2020: STEEL 62 and OPEC 29 make contact on «238.9»
2020: STEEL 62 and 63 chat on «238.9»
2025: The refueling activity is now too weak to copy on 238.9. I can hear a word here and there and that's it.
2036: PAT 52 with TRACON (Reagan) on «119.3» to say he left Annapolis and is at 1500 feet heading for Davison AAF. Sounds like a helo.
2041: PAT 52 now with DCA Helo Control although he's calling it Washington Control on «120.75»
2043: Have a U/I probable C-21 with Andrews Ground on «275.8» wanting a message passed to Command Post that they aren't answering on their freqs and that he's 15 minutes out and will drop off 4 Space A pax and wants transportation for them. (Will try to pick up callsign from Approach freq.)
2044: BATON 55 (EC-130J PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Giant Killer on «135.725» to say he's direct Sea Isle. (This freq is generally for area W-107 so that's the area he's probably leaving.)
2047: BATON 55 handed off to ZDC-Sea Isle on «133.125» where he checks in at FL 200 direct Sea Isle. He gets cleared direct Sea Isle, DuPont, Middletown.
2059: JOSA 56? landing with ADW Tower «118.4» (Probably the aircraft from the 2043 log item.)

2116: BATON 55 to Baton Ops «395.1» with arrival message. Landing at 0130Z, is A-2 with minor writeups and will have 11,000 pounds of fuel upon arrival.
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Jan 5, 2004
All that I've been hearing lately is inbound aircraft with Griffin CP. Listening conditions definately don't seem to be good.

But right now I just heard MUSSELL-06 reporting "ops normal" to MUSSELL CONTROL and then they mentioned something about Manassas.
2130- Another"ops normal" report and saying they are "back inbound".
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Figures, a day with great visibility at Gravelly Point, and there's very little happening military-wise at Andrews

1657: -119.3 (Potomac app)- VENUS 21 (C-20 seen, prob 86-0201) wants a couple of approaches, will stay with Tower. Switches to -118.4 (ADW Tower)- and shoots 2 or 3 approaches to 1R over the next 10-ish minutes
1702: -141.55 (ADW CP)- didn't catch the callsign, but he's due in 25 minutes, A-2 for a brake accumulator issue. Watched the final approach course more than usual from 1720-1735, but saw and heard nothing. Didn't mention anything about pallets or pax, so maybe a C-21.
1720: -118.95 (Potomac dep)- NAVY 7C 752 -D> GRUBY
1723: -165.235- lots of data packets, is this secure voice, or just straight-up data?
1751: -118.4- MIXJA[??] 995 (C-130 seen) arriving. The only -130 in the American inventory that's a 995 is Navy 164995, and it looked fairly light, like a Navy machine, but I really have no idea.
1758: -119.85 (Potomac app)- PAT 723 depart OJAAY -D> DAVEE for a visual to 32 at DAA. Eventually handed off to -126.3 (DAA Tower)-
1830: -118.4- something 433 arriving 1R.

I also heard PAT 52 referenced above, but I didn't write down any details, for some reason. Also heard at various times with ADW Tower and the nearby approach were MD SP's TROOPER 2 and TROOPER 7 (both AS365s - former ADW based, the latter from St. Mary's County). Helos of interest seen were DC Metro Police 911AS [Condor] and Park Police 22PP [Eagle], although I don't often listen to the DCA freqs if I'm going for military stuff. No Nighthawks or Mussels or any of those seen today.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Mateo said:
1723: -165.235- lots of data packets, is this secure voice, or just straight-up data?

Hi Mateo (spanish for Matthew?) - Yes, I've heard the squawks on 165.2375 - likely is secure voice, though some Feds are starting to move to P25 as well. 73s Mike


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1302Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 526 () - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.67.
1321Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIREVAC 8038 (KC-135R 58-0038 77th ARS AFRC) - deps ADW.
1334Z 118.590 Potomac DEP - VENUS 21 (C-20 86-0201) - deps ADW QSY 121.05.

1400Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACER 96 (C-21A 457th AS) - deps ADW.
1403Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0470 () - deps ADW.
1412Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 479 (C-21A) - deps ADW, has trouble w/squawk, gets it right @ 3000 then dir FLUKY QSY 121.05.

1736Z 119.850 Potomac APP - JOSA 774 (C-21A) - rwy 1L is closed, ILS 1R is OTS, so takes the visual to 1R.
1741Z 119.850 Potomac APP - HAWK or HOSS? 32 () - vectors for 1R @ ADW.
1756Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 057 (C-12) - expect visual app. to rwy 14 at DAA QSY 126.3

1805Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1268 (C-12T 85-1268 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - deps DAA dir EMI.

1924Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 2111 (C-17A 02-1111 62nd AW) - deps ADW.

2035Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 940 () - depart BAL VOR on your present heading QSY 128.35.
2036Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 10301 (UC-35C 01-0301) - 5900' on the app.
2039Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 2402 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - req PAR app to rwy 14. QSY 118.95.
2052Z 119.850 Potomac APP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374) - on the app down to 3000' QSY 119.3 where he's cleared for the visual app to 19L @ ADW.

2130Z 119.850 Potomac APP - SWIFT 33 (C-21A) - on the arrival to ADW 19R - QSY 128.35.
2131Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2403 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - deps DAA dir GRUBY.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The 165.235 freq is really 165.2375 and that is a data transmission in those bursts of "noise" you hear on that freq. The freq is also used to patch Customs helos during scrambles from the 282.425 freq. And, as we've heard for a couple of weeks, it has "other" purposes. The normal purpose of the freq that I hear is Customs agents at BWI and around the Baltimore area doing their everyday work.

This morning sounds fairly busy just as it was yesterday. There are Andrews flights up - BULLY just finished at Pax with IRON CROSS J/FAC as they've been doing the past couple of days. BULLY 2 was our new femop. SCARY just went airborne from Andrews at 1005. The only thing of note with the BULLY flight is that they were using 139.45 for work with IRON CROSS and I haven't heard an Andrews aircraft using that freq in ages. Now noting the SCARY flight is also working 139.45 with IRON CROSS early in the 1000 hour.

SPIDER F-16s of the ND-ANG, deployed to Langley also up in the 0900 hour on their usual 138.0 freq.
Also in the 0900 hour were a ton-and-a-half of Langley jets working offshore in Giant Killer's areas. The Langley tac freqs are busy.
There is a MAD HOG (OA-10, Willow Grove) flying around the area going from one ZNY freq to another.
GRAYHAWK 1 (E-2 Norfolk NAS) also up with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and from there to ZDC-Casino 127.7 -- probably on one of their usual flights to the Atlantic City area and back.

The Pax area also has some Test Pilot School activity with TESTER 11 doing supersonic runs. His last was at mach 1.1 at 30,000 feet.
In addition, there are transports and tankers all over the dial this morning in the 0900 hour.

There is surveillance activity on 140.075 following someone on a military base that does not sound like Ft. Meade from the descriptions being given. Very unusual freq for this type activity. I can hear it equally well in AM or FM mode although it probably should be FM. (Late add: It now sounds like it's at Andrews...talking about the Navy hangars.) And they are signing off at 1026. Last transmission was to "Hollywood." The signal pegged my strength meter (full six bars on Uniden) which almost makes it appear to be airborne surveillance since a ground based signal from Andrews shouldn't have been anywhere near that strong.

I won't be able to log this morning so the above is the best I can do for now.

1027: DEVIL flight of F-16s off the deck at Atlantic City and with App/Dep on 327.125...change to U-19 which should be 255.0 - the Giant Killer freq for entering W-107
Right behind them I'm hearing a SONIC 71 flight from Langley entering GK's area using 238.1.

Couple of notes: I'm adding the 139.45 freq back to the DC-ANG freq list. See message #1 above. I left it off just because they hadn't used it in such a long time.
I also note that the original MilAir thread has gone over 100,000 views and it is logging them.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just a quick note...time 1320....hearing some F-22A activity out of Langley. Have a MEXICO 31 flight on tac 257.075 and into W-386 with Giant Killer on 238.1
Also have a MAI TAI 41 flight (F-22A) into W386 on 238.1 that says he'll be MARSA with LYNX, WOLF and STOMP flights. None of three last callsigns has been previously identified as F-22A aircraft other than WOLF. I'm not sure they are now either but we've generally only seen F-22As working with other F-22As. MAI TAI is working 233.525 tac.
The flights going to W-386 from Langley are using their tac freq, Norfolk TRACON 370.925 as they climb out, over to ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and then to Giant Killer on 238.1 - in that order.
Indications are that the F-22As will be refueling while in W-386. Talking about going over to the boom freq. Heard one of the F-22As talking to a U/I tanker on 238.9 telling him to check with Giant Killer on 238.1 about something or other.
STOMP 21 flight is with Giant Killer and is confirmed as F-22A. Adding to callsign list as F-22A
I heard LYNX flying yesterday and was unsure if it was F-22A or F-15. Based on this activity, I'm going to add LYNX as F-22A also.

1335: DC 31 (KC-135R Andrews) to LIBERATOR on 351.2 with arrival msg...20 minutes out, A-1, 47K on the fuel, needs parking spot.
1335: TERRA 97 with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 descending. (TERRA could be a State Department FEST mission flight -- or not. Also have that callsign associated with JSTARS.)
1345: And here come the F-16s out of Andrews again....SCARY, flight of two F-16s, on tac 143.15.
1347: SCARY to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing to FL 200. Gets direct Cofield at 1348.
1349: SCARY 1 "pushing up to 400" (knots) «143.15»
1351: SCARY leaving FL 200 for 220. «281.4»
1352: BULLY flight of F-16s also now with ZDC-Calvert 281.4...climbing. (No tac freq heard..prob. single ship)
1353: And a pair of A-10s from MTN up on tac 142.3
1355: SCARY flight, while on 281.4, "Push 290.425." (I went there but was apparently too late or they were too weak...heard nothing. That's ZDC-Franklin.)
1357: MAKO 11 flight (A-10 CT-ANG Bradley) with ZNY-Dixie 307.8 at FL 200 (No doubt going to Warren Grove Range.)

1402: Not sure where the SCARY flight went but BULLY went to Pax and is working the 139.45 freq with IRON CROSS as they did this morning.
1403: AXEMAN flight reports off the deck at 01 past the hour to Raven Ops on 347.2

No more time...that's it for now.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
This afternoon at Gravelly Point:

1653: -118.4 (ADW Tower)- MARINE 374 (UC-35 166374 seen) gets the visual to 19L.
1705: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- PAT 42 is radar contact, -D> Brooke, and handed to 124.65
1708: -141.55 (ADW CP)- didn't catch a callsign, but he's 30 mins out, has no pax, is picking up 4, is A1 and needs 2500 lbs fuel so he can leave in an hour%
1725: -119.85 (Potomac App)- SWIFT 33 (C-21 seen) gets vectors for an ADW approach. To -119.3- and -118.4- to land at 1737.
1733: -128.35 (Potomac App)- ARMY 1944 (C-37B 97-1944 seen) is on left downwind for 19L, to -118.4- for landing.
1738: -118.95- PAT 2403 wants the LOC 32 at DAA, but is told 14 is in use. To 124.65.
1739: -119.85- SAM 0497 (C-32 seen) is IDed as a heavy in a few transmissions, and gets vectors for a visual 19L from 124.7, then 119.3, and finally 118.4.
1749: -119.3- MUSSEL 01 is a flight of 2 and will be working for 30 minutes.
1752: -118.95- PAT 26 is descended from 6 to 5 to 2.
1823: -124.7 (Potomac App)- PACER 96 (C-21, maybe 84-0096?, seen)
1832: -119.3- MARINE 654 (UC-35 seen) to arrive ADW.
1902: -118.4- JOSA 479 arrives ADW (this was seen, but didn't look like a C-21. If I had to take a guess, I'd say it was a C-41A/Casa 212, but I imagine it'll turn out to be a Learjet)
1904: -118.95- SWIFT 33 is now climbing out of ADW, and a descending airliner is given a traffic point-out for "a C-21." He's -D> LDN and handed off to 120.65.

Also seen were MUSSEL 02 (UH-1), EAGLE 1 (Park Police B412 22PP), and CONDOR (DC Police AS350 911AS)

%ref to TinEar below - I figured it was the same, which I why I mentioned that he landed 29 minutes after his in-range message :) Much thanks for the tail number.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mateo said:
1708: -141.55 (ADW CP)- didn't catch a callsign, but he's 30 mins out, has no pax, is picking up 4, is A1 and needs 2500 lbs fuel so he can leave in an hour

That was the SWIFT 33 aircraft (C-21 Tail 40119) that you note in your next log item.

2226: PAT 27 to TRACON «119.3» Says he's over Greenbelt, heading for Annapolis
2237: PAT 27 reports he's landing at Lee Airport. «119.3»
2250: PAT 27 reports off Annapolis heading for Davison. «119.3»

2300: REACH 3123 reports airborne from Andews. «141.55»
2301: MOVER 35 (KC-10A McGuire) with ACY Approach «124.6» descending and heading direct McGuire.
2310: THUG 01 (C-17 McGuire)) with ACY Approach «124.6» descending. (Think he said direct McGuire)
2316: THUG 01 with McGuire Command Post «319.4» giving arrival message.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Wish it were that easy Mateo!

PACER ## is a unit callsign of the 457th at Andrews, and as such does not tie up to last two of serial in my experience.

Best regards,


Mateo said:
1823: -124.7 (Potomac App)- PACER 96 (C-21, maybe 84-0096?, seen)


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1325Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 244 () - deps ADW QSY 121.05.

1518Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 837 (pres. C-130E 63-7837) - deps ADW.
1554Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - deps DAA.

1610Z 119.850 Potomac APP - REACH 993 () - depart AML 080 degrees down to 3000 QSY 119.3.
1614Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 611 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 121.05.

1703Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 612 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.67.

1918Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 0553 () - deps ADW QSY 118.67.
1933Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2401 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - deps DAA QSY 118.95.
1945Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JAGUAR 01 (???) - deps ???

2004Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - FAST 61 (F-16C/D 138th FS NY ANG) - deps ADW QSY 257.87 Dover APP where he checks in a 17000' and was quickly sent elsewhere but could not catch the freq.
2024Z 119.850 Potomac APP - COAST GUARD 102 (C-143A 02) - on the app to DCA QSY 124.7.
2044Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2402 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - checking in on the app to DAA QSY Davison GCA 118.85.
2058Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270) - QSY 118.85 for the PAR app to DAA.

2131Z 119.300 Potomac APP - SAM 0526 () - 4000' for 3000'.
2132Z 335.500 Potomac APP - HEAT 11 (A-10A 118th FS CT ANG) - to 4000' on the app to ADW.
2140Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 2403 (C-12T Davison shuttle) - deps DAA QSY 118.95 and dir GRUBY QSY 126.4.

2200Z 119.850 Potomac APP - HAWK 32 (??) - pretty sure of the c/s here, QSY 118.85 but nothing heard there, NOT the C-130E, prob. helo.
2236Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 042 (UC-12B 163844 NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det. vis. conf.) - lands rwy 14.

2303Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - REACH 394T () - 30 mins. out, 5 pallets, status A1.

Terrible reception so far from this location...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1143: MAZDA 31, flight of five, checking in with ZDC-Salisbury 257.7 at FL 280
(This is a flight of five EA-6B Prowlers returning from Iraq to their home station at Cherry Point MCAS.)
1148: MAZDA 31 calling Leesburg Radio on FSS freq 255.4 (Two calls, no reply)
This flight was accompanied by two tankers - BLUE 84 and 85 - but they are not being heard. They probably returned to McGuire or whatever their home station is after giving the flight enough fuel to make it home.
1158: MAZDA 31 flight handed off to ZDC-Norfolk 327.8 and check in there at FL 280.
Heard a couple of brief air-to-air transmissions on 308.875 but don't know if it was this MAZDA flight.
Believe I heard the end of a transmission by this same flight with ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 before they checked in with ZDC-Salisbury. Their flight level is across the high level grid so they don't get handed off every couple of minutes to a new Sector.

Just tuned in to try to hear this MAZDA flight and now must attend to other things. I note while searching for this flight there are Langley F-15 flights on their tac freqs and into Giant Killer's area using 238.1 which should mean into W-386 or W-72. Also heard a MAD HOG 2 (OA-10 Willow Grove) flight through ZNY/ZDC freqs and was heading for Scott AFB IL. There was also a WAR HOG 1 flight that might have been doing the same....last heard on 363.075 which, I believe, is a ZOB freq after zipping through various ZNY freqs.

And have to sneak this one in here too....FIRST 71 (F-15 Langley) flight with ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 at 1218 checks in at FL 230, climbing to 270. At 1222, he requests direct Tinker (AFB OK). Handed off at 1224 to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 and checks in at FL 270. Requesting direct Tinker and a climb to FL 430 when able.

Mid-1200 hour MAD HOG 3 now crossing ZNY and requesting direct Brickyard (Grissom ARB IN)
ANGRY flight of F-16s from Andrews up and heading to Pax for their work with J/FAC IRON CROSS on 139.45 and then change to 256.5. Tac 143.6. ANGRY flight of two are both Rover equipped and the flight leader is FAC(A) qualified. FAC(A) = Forward Air Controller (Airborne)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2041: SCARY, flight of two F-16s from Andrews, airborne with TRACON 348.725 and on tac 143.15. Put on their NVGs during climbout.
2044: SCARY flight handed to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 climbing from 10 to 15,000 feet.
2045: OPEC 48 (KC-10A Mcguire) on refueling freq 238.9...he's with ???? 55 setting up the IP time. IP time will be 0056Z.
2046: SCARY flight handed off to Pax Baywatch 354.8...cleared to operate from 3500 to 25000 feet in the area. Request tunnel back to Andrews when done. Ask for a discrete freq for their work. They are given 256.5.
2048: SCARY flight checks in on the discrete freq 256.5.
2051: SCARY flight leader tells Pax that SCARY 3 along with BULLY 1 (single ship) flights will be coming up to join them. 256.5
2053: SCARY 1 and 2 flight push Victor-8 and come up on 139.45 to contact IRON CROSS, the J/FAC at the Pax Vienna Range. They make contact and ask IRON CROSS if he has UHF and can work 256.5. He can and does and they make the switch. They also go back to V-7 143.15 for their chat freq.
2056: SCARY flight leader identifies his flight to IRON CROSS as two F-16C+, gives the ordnance load and tells him about the other flight that will join them. Says they have about 40-45 minutes playtime. 256.5
2056: SCARY 3 reports airborne to TRACON 348.725 at 1500 feet and climbing. Cleared to climb to 15000 at 2058.
2059: SCARY 3 handed to ZDC-Calvert 281.4 where he reports in at 9000, climbing to 15000.
2059: SCARY 3 handed to Pax Approach 305.2 where he checks in in his climb. He's sent to the discrete work freq 256.5.

2100: SCARY 3 checks in on 256.5. SCARY 1 asks Pax if he'd just be quiet and not contact other aircraft on this freq. Says that's why he asked for a discrete freq and he's talking to IRON CROSS. (How's that for a subtle way of telling the Pax controller to get the hell of his freq.)
2103: SCARY 3 contacts SCARY flight leader to make contact and give his position. 143.15
2112: (On the phone while BULLY 1 was taking off) He's now with Pax Approach 305.2 to enter the Range area.
2115: JOSA 611 to Griffin Command on 141.55 with arrival message...home station C-21, tail 40117, 20 minutes out, A-1, mission complete, zero pax, wants his maintenance notified and a crew bus for 3 to go from their parking spot in Row 9 to Building 1420.
2116: Have a couple of U/I aircraft chatting on the Navy refueling freq 123.525.
2119: DC ?? (KC-135R Andrews) with arrival message to LIBERATOR 351.2...45K on the fuel.
I didn't hear it arrive but DC 98 returned this afternoon from Patrick AFB FL where he's been TDY for the past week.
2128: U/I transport with Dover Metro 342.0 getting wx for the Dover area.
2144: BULLY 1 did nothing but observe at Pax and now is coming home. He's with SOF on 139.9 currently.
2146: BULLY 1 with TRACON 335.5 for approach to Andrews.
2150: BULLY 1 to Andrews Tower 349.0 for landing.
2157: SCARY flight leader tells IRON CROSS they've got to RTB at this time. 256.5
2158: SCARY flight leader to Pax Advisory on 256.5 to say they're done in the airspace and are ready to begin their tunnel to Andrews. Heading back at 6000 feet.

2204: SCARY 1/2/3 over to TRACON 335.5 for approach to Andrews.
2214: SCARY "push 4" and go to Andrews Tower 349.0 for landing on runway 19L.
2216: SCARYs gear down, full stop, left 349.0
2230: STEEL 64 with ACY Approach 124.6 descending
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Jul 10, 2006
Carteret County NC
NVG's at 2041z ???? thats still daylight here on the east coast......

(maybe it's just me... my worlds been upside down with the Sox being swept
the last three days by KC) :-(



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Even worse barefootdipole....5 out of 6 to Tampa Bay and Kansas City. And I watched every inning of all that misery. It almost made me sorry I have that Season Pass service from DirecTV.

0951: Sounds like we may have a DRAGO flight at Arlington. Heard an aircraft talk about doing the missing man formation. «335.5»
0952: DRAGO 51 talking to DRAGO 02 on TRACON freq «335.5» ). Haven't heard them yet on the usual 279.575 freq.
0954: Navy TP 961 with TRACON «335.5» heading for Pax River.
0957: Have fighter chat on tac «138.15» which is the DRAGO 51 flight
0957: The missing man aircraft is going to do a pullup to 9000 feet. «335.5» He's told max is 3000 feet.
0959: DRAGO 51 flight at 1000 feet as they begin their run to the flyby position at Arlington National Cemetery. «335.5»

1001: DRAGO 51 has completed the pass over Arlington...pulling up to 2000 feet...flight leader tells the aircraft doing the missing man pullup to get in a one mile trail. «335.5» Over on «138.15» he tells the flight they did a good job.
Strange that the DRAGO flight did not use 279.575 for the flyby which is the only use of that freq I've ever heard.
1002: There are a couple of F-15 flights from Langley just entering W-386 on Giant Killer's «238.1» freq. They also mention doing refueling in AR-636. (Missed callsigns while listening to the DRAGO flight...they were both talking at the same time.)
1005: DRAGO 51 flight has Andrews in sight. «335.5»
1005: FLYER 1 flight (A-10 Willow Grove) with Philadelphia App/Dep at 8000 feet. «319.15»
1006: DRAGO 51 flight to Andrews Tower for landing. «349.0». Identify as a flight of four F-16s.
1006: FLYER 1 wants to climb...says if he can't get cleared to climb, he's got to divert to Fort Campbell. «319.15»
1007: DRAGO 51 asks Tower if there's anyway to get word to DC 51 and DC 52 (KC-135Rs from Andrews). Don't know the answer and flight leader doesn't mention it again. «349.0»
1008: FLYER 1 cleared to climb to 16000. «319.15»
1009: FLYER 1 handed off to ZNY-Modena «335.6» climbing to 16000 and IDs as a single ship flight. Says he's heading for KSZL.
1011: FLYER 1 IDs as a single A-10 with a destination of KSZL (Whiteman AFB MO) «335.6»
1012: FLYER 1 cleared to KSZL via BelAir at FL 230. «335.6»
Seems we've had a whole bunch of A-10s leaving Willow Grove flying to several different places in the country over the past couple of days.
1014: Pair of A-10s from Martin State up on tac «142.3»
1016: FLYER 1 flight handed off to 133.475 by ZDC-Modena «335.6» (Not sure if that's ZNY or ZOB but I don't have the VHF freqs programmed for other than ZDC so am not following him.)
Looked it up...133.475 is ZNY-Harrisburg. Wonder why he didn't take the 270.3 freq?
1021: WARDOG 1 (OA-10 MTN), flight of two A-10s, with Harrisburg App/Dep «281.525»
1022: TESTER 35 with Pax on «250.85» to report RTB. (Hmmm...this is the Helo Advisory freq at Pax but TESTER 35 should not be a helo.)
1024: The A-10s on tac «142.3» from Martin State are talking about someone on their V-1 freq (143.8 Raven Ops). One says he thinks it's the DC guys - the tanker guys. (Good to know they are still using that freq. It has always been listed in the Supplements and in the Airport/Facility Directory for Andrews but I've never heard them use it. Maybe they don't use it while in the vicinity of Andrews for just this reason - it'll interfere with the Martin State Ops freq.)
1028: Have a flight of fighters with ZNY-Kennedy «282.3» and then to ZNY-Dixie «307.8» and being handed off next to ZDC-Casino «285.4» Haven't caught the callsign yet. Eventually, they go to ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8». There seems to be two flights through the area...the second flight is YANKEE 11, A-10s from the CT-ANG Bradley. Never did catch the callsign for the first flight. The second flight makes it to Cape Charles late in the 1000 hour. YANKEE 11 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury «257.7» at 1102. They are also using «138.25» for tac/chat. YANKEE 11 handed off to Norfolk TRACON «370.925» at 1109. Flight is direct Franklin, direct Pope which is their destination. Handed off to ZDC-Franklin «290.425» at 1115.
1030: VENUS 91 with Atlantic City Approach on «124.6» doing an approach to runway 31 at ACY.
1032: COLT 45 (A-10 Martin State) with Pax Advisory on «270.8» getting clearance to work in the area for the next 90 minutes.
It seems that Patuxent Advisory has replaced BayWatch as the callsign when aircraft enter the work areas around the Patuxent River NAS. I haven't actually heard anyone call BayWatch in quite some time.
1036: Bollen Range active «237.2»
1038: Tanker interplane freq «143.825» full of chatter...setting up at FL 275. Suffix 50 and 51 doing the talking.
1038-44: FLYER 1 flight talking with Cleveland Center (ZOB) on «363.075» Last is change from FL 270 to 240. (This is the flight heading for Whiteman AFB MO)
1047: FLYER 1 flight handed off to ZOB freq «307.075»

Out of time...back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Here's another bank of freqs I've got programmed. It includes the HUNTRESS freqs, the aerial refueling freqs I've heard, area Metro freqs and some filler like Coast Guard, Marine, Cap, etc. I generally keep the Marine and CAP freqs locked out until needed. The alpha tags all fit the Uniden 16 character limit. I expect the refueling freq portion of the list to expand in the future and, when it does, I'll simply chop some Civil Air Patrol freqs from the list.


239.8000 Metro WRI/LFI
271.6000 MetroNGU(Chmbrs)
342.0000 Metro DOV
344.6000 Metro ADW/NXX
356.2000 Metro NHK

156.4500 Marine 9
156.6000 Marine 12
156.8000 Marine 16 Emerg.
157.0500 Marine 21A
157.1000 Marine 22A
157.1500 Marine 23A
156.4250 Marine 68
156.4750 Marine 69
157.0750 Marine 81A
157.1250 Marine 82A
157.1750 Marine 83A

119.3500 CAP Sch&Resc A/A
120.8500 CAP Sch&Resc A/A
148.1250 CAP Channel 2
148.1375 CAP Channel 3
148.1500 CAP Channel 1
149.5375 CAP Channel 4
149.8950 CAP Dig Repeater
149.9100 CAP Dig Repeater
149.9250 CAP Dig Repeater
161.5875 CAP Discrete
161.9875 CAP Discrete
164.0000 CAP Discrete
165.1250 CAP SearchRescue
165.1500 CAP SearchRescue
164.5500 Coast Guard
166.2250 Coast Guard
237.9000 Coast Guard Air
326.1500 Coast Guard Air
345.0000 Coast Guard Air
379.0500 Coast Guard Air

123.5250 Navy Refueling
139.8750 TankerInterplane
143.8250 TankerInterplane
148.0500 TankerInterplane
228.0000 Aerial Refueling
236.2500 Aerial Refueling
238.9000 Aerial Refueling
252.8000 Aerial Refueling
266.4000 Aerial Refueling
276.5000 Aerial Refueling
288.0000 Aerial Refueling
293.7000 STEEL Interplane
294.8000 Aerial Refueling
295.8000 Aerial Refueling
303.0000 108thARW McGuire
303.1250 Aerial Refueling
306.9000 Aerial Refueling
311.5750 Aerial Refueling
315.9000 Aerial Refueling
319.7000 Aerial Refueling
320.6000 Aerial Refueling
327.9000 Aerial Refueling
339.6000 Aerial Refueling
341.7500 Aerial Refueling
343.5000 Aerial Refueling
351.2000 756thARS Andrews
387.8000 Aerial Refueling
388.4000 CoronetRefueling
391.0000 CoronetRefueling
396.2000 Aerial Refueling
365.7000 Aerial Refueling
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