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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1247Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 402 (UC-12B) - deps ADW QSY 118.675 then QSY 120.65.
1256Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 957 (UC-12B the usual shuttle) - cleared for the visual app to rwy 14 @ DAA.

1302Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 362T () - a/b 1300Z.
1310Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 362T () - cleared dir LDN.
1311Z 139.400 Davison AAF Ops - PAT 406 (C-12U 84-0167) - one R6 on board, req. fuel and parking - all day. Came in on 119.3 QSY 118.95 cleared for the ivs. to rwy 14 @ 1323Z QSY 126.3 and landed rwy 14.
1317Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP - DC 21 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - flt. of two, off the deck @ 1314Z.
1318Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 382T () - t/off ADW 1318Z.
1325Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 382T () - to 17000' QSY 123.825.
1338Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 302 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 17000' dir GINYA-J149 QSY 118.675.
1341Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1778 (C-37B 04-1778 OSACOM/PAT Andrews) - deps ADW to 11000'.

1439Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ARMY 24378 (C-12U 84-24378) - @ 3000' for the ILS to 19L at ADW.

1506Z 307.025 ZDC-Potomac - MAPLE 38 (F-16C/D 134th FS, VT ANG) - QSY 323.3 where he states is a single ship @ FL280 then sent to ZNY-Big Flat 270.3.
1533Z 119.300 Potomac APP - DC 21 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC) - requesting vectors for the ILS.
1535Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PACER 84 (C-21A 84-0075) - a/b 1532Z tail #40075.
1535Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACER 84 (C-21A 84-0075) - QSY 123.825.
1558Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - GENUS 78 (RC-135 55th Wing, Offutt) - deps ADW dir GINYA-J149 to 17000' QSY 120.65.

1607Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 7595 () - arr msg.

1721Z 119.300 Potomac APP - BOXER 51 (201st AS DC ANG) - shooting RNAV apps.

1811Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - IDAHO 92 () - sounds civilian VFR 5500' back to HEF.
1825Z 323.300 ZNY-Millville - MAPLE 17 (F-16C/D 134th FS, VT ANG) - FL270.
1826Z 118.850 Davison AAF GCA - GUARD 23862 (UH-60) - up on the freq. for practice PAR apps.

1917Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - CARBON 1 (A-10 172ND FS MI-ANG Battle Creek MI) - 3800' for 3000' 8 nms. south.
1953Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - CARBON 3 (A-10 172ND FS MI-ANG Battle Creek MI) - 11 mi. final for the initial to 1R.

***Belatedly changed to MI ANG A-10s in light of Tin's logs below - thanks!***

2031Z 119.300 Potomac APP - JOSA 331 (C-21A) - 4.7 for 3000' cleared 1R.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mid 0900 hour finds a gaggle of F-15s from Langley in W-386 and W-72. They are entering/exiting with Giant Killer on 249.8 today. The three most recent flights in have been MARLIN 41, CAVE 81 and RIDER 71. There are several others already in. Sounds like W-122 might be a bit busy farther to the south also. Entry/exit on 233.7 for that area. Pick a Langley tac freq and you should hear activity. They're popping up all over.

Also have a couple of A-10 flights from Martin State airborne. AXEMAN flight took off at 0941 using tac 41.95 and another flight just took off at 0953 - callsign not heard.

Transports all over the place at Andrews, McGuire and Dover


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
This afternoon finds lots of Langley fighters into W-386 with Giant Killer again....still using 249.8 primarily to enter/exit the area. Seems today they are going to W-386 via RAPTR and returning to Langley via HEELS. The most recent groups in have been F-22A types between 1425 and 1430 using callsigns COWBOY 11, COBRA 21 and DEVO 31. Need to add both COBRA and DEVO to the F-22A callsign list. All three flights were first heard with Norfolk TRACON on 370.925 before switching to Giant Killer's freq.

Others heard in passing first half of 1400 hour were CRAB 55 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) doing approaches at Atlantic City with Approach on 124.6 and CAN DO 02 (C-17 I believe) also with ACY Approach on 124.6.

About 1445, there are flights of NJ-ANG F-16s going into area W-107 with Giant Killer on 255.0. They are using tac freqs 138.3 (V-18), 138.425 (V-15), and 138.875 (V-17). They mention a lot of bleedover on V-15 and V-18.

1451: COWBOY 11 flight already reporting RTB via HEELS «249.8»
1459: SONIC 71 flight from Langley heard w/Norfolk 370.925 and then to GK on 249.8 to work for the next 15 minutes. SONIC 71 says his flight will be working with a CRATE 91 (also Langley) flight. (Both F-15s)

1501: CAVE 81 flight (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on 249.8
1507: Northrup Grumman test flight freq 123.2 active.
1509: CARBON 1 (A-10 172ND FS MI-ANG Battle Creek MI) with ZDC-Irons 360.85 at 17000 feet.
1511: CARBON 1 flight using tac freq 140.0. It's a flight of two.
1512: CARBON 1 now at 15000 and heading for 13000. «360.85» Then down to 12000
1513: CARBON 1 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON 270.275 and checks in there but no reply so they change to 335.5 at 1514 and do make contact there. Still descending...leaving 10500 for 3000.
1517: CARBON 1 flight handed to ADW Tower for landing on 349.0 and check in at 8 miles south of the runway.
1519: CARBON 1 flight cleared to land...1 reports gear down, landing on the right. 2 does the same.
1521: CAPITOL 91 flight with Potomac TRACON (Reagan) 343.7 climbing out. (CAPITOL is the DC-ANG travelling callsign) So...A-10s come in, F-16s go out.
1522: Langley tac freq 228.175 active
1522: GRAYHAWK 05 (E-2C VAW-120, Norfolk NAS) calling Norfolk Approach on 370.925
1522: CAPITOL 91 was handed off but I missed the freq and can't find him. 343.7 (Didn't pick up a tac freq for the CAPITOL 91 flight so it might be a single ship flight.)
1526: NIGHTHAWK 8 (HMX-1, MCAF Quantico, VA) reports at Wood's Corner to ADW Tower 118.4
1531: Seems CAPITOL 91 is inbound, not outbound....have him with ADW Tower 349.0
1532: COBRA 51 flight with Norfolk TRACON 370.925. (he has alternately used suffix 51 and 71)
1532: JOKER 41 (Poss F/A-18 Oceana NAS) with ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1534: JOKER 41 handed off to Norfolk TRACON 370.925 and checks in at 14000 feet.
1537: AXEMAN 1 flight of A-10s returning to MTN with Tower 297.2. This is first I've heard them. Flight of two.
1542: DRAGON 91 flight of two Langley F-15s into GK's area on 249.8 to work for the next 30 minutes.
1542: AXEMAN 1 and 2 report gear down, full stop. 297.2
1548: More CARBON A-10s arriving at Andrews...CARBON 3 now with TRACON 335.5...descending from 9500 to 2000 feet at 1551.
1552: MARLIN 71 (F-15 Langley) with Norfolk 370.825 and then checks in with GK on 249.8...ID's as a flight of two to work for the next 15 minutes
1553: CARBON 3 over to ADW Tower 349.0 for landing...he appears to be a single ship laggard.
1555: CARBON 3 reports 5 miles initial. 349.0
1556: CARBON 3 reports "base, gear, stop, right...cleared to land." 349.0

Close enough to 1600....I quit.

TRACON freq 119.3 is becoming a pain in the butt...still being used for commercial flights today. Seems to be used for RAVEN 1 arrival route now rather than just as an Andrews Approach freq.

Ref below: Thanks Travis. I think the climb to 15000 might have been another aircraft. I totally lost him until I caught the end of a transmission from him with Tower. I blew that one.
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Listening this afternoon from Gravelly Point, 119.3 seemed to be in use for RAVEN1 arrivals into BWI, calling in at the the usual FL190-230 and getting the descent via Nottingham. Most handoffs were to 119.7, which is a south sector BWI approach. These are routes that would normally be on 128.35. 28.35 was awfully quiet, save for a Citrus calling into the ether "Citrus xxx, on 128.35, how copy?," and a Southwest who blundered onto the frequency. Approach asked "how are you hearing," WN responded "five by five," and approach came back with "OK, then you can stay on the frequency." So maybe it's something as simple as an antenna problem and once it's fixed, the frequency assignments will be back to normal.

Now, for why we all read this...
1701: -349.4 (Dover CP)- something 52 is offloading 3 pax, and needs no service.
1701: -118.4 (ADW Tower)- Navy 692 is arriving.
1704: -141.55 (ADW CP)- STING 51 departed at 2100z.
1707: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- STING 51 increase speed to greater than 300kts.
1707: -118.95- NAVY 7C 957 -D> GRUBY
1712: -378.1 (ADW CP)- EVAC 46706 (C-130H 94-6706 WV ANG) is inbound. Over the next 20 minutes, heard him departing OJAAY on -119.85-, descended, and handed off to -119.3-, but I just couldn't see the dern thing :(
1736: -119.85- TROUT 99 heavy (C-135E 57-2589 seen) vectors for ADW arrival. [I have it written as "-135 in USA c/s???" - good to know I'm not crazy!]
1742: -119.95- JOSA 616 vectors for ADW arrival
1743: -118.95- JOSA 331 vectors for climb
1747: -141.55- JOSA 331 was off at 2140z
...and that was the last military transmission heard for the next hour.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Believe the STING 51 was a KC-135 from McConnell AFB KS. Both that one and CAPITOL 91 were heard by a Detroit listener earlier today. We had a CAPITOL 91 go out to Alpena in Michigan a couple of weeks ago. Wonder if this is the same aircraft that has been out there all that time?

1902: DC 24 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) will do some approaches at Andrews when he arrives. «119.3»
2108: DC 24 beginning those approaches. «119.3» He'll also work with Tower «118.4» as he goes 'round.
2112: OPEC 29 (KC-10A McGuire) (femop) calling McGuire Command Post «319.4»
2116: OPEC 29 Heavy (different op, male) with ACY Approach going from 10 to 8000, direct Sea Isle «124.6»
2118: JOSA 302 to Griffin Command with arrival blocks at 0145Z, A-2, has an R-4 plus 3, no Space A pax, wants his maintenance notified of arrival and needs a crew bus. «141.55»
2119: Evac 33137 calling SAM Command «378.1» No joy so over to «141.55» and makes contact to give arrival message....25 minutes out, has 25 Space A pax and 1 litter patient...needs parking.
2123: DC 24 heading for the runway with the option to go around again. «119.3»
2123: Griffin Command calls Evac 33137 to give parking spot 12-C....33137 reminds her he needs a crew bus also. «141.55»
2132: REACH 995 calls SAM Command «141.55» to report, "airborne at this time." Ground acknowledges.
2133: DC 24 going around again and reports he sees the DC-10. «119.3» Not sure if he means a KC-10 going into Andrews or a commercial airliner in the area.
2134: VENUS 41 in the pattern at Andrews «119.3»
2136: JOSA 993 to Griffin Command «141.55» to give arrival msg....20 minutes out, A-1, home station C-21, tail 40079. Dumping off a S-3 plus 2....mission complete upon arrival, needs crew bus for 2 to pick them up in 9 row.
2139: REACH 363T calls SAM Command «378.1», gets no reply so over to «141.55» to call Griffin Command and still gets no reply.
2141: REACH 363T now calls Griffin Ops on «378.1» That doesn't do it either. Back to «141.55» aminute later and still no reply.
2144: REACH 995 (femop) now calling McGuire CP on «319.4» Give arrival msg....20 minutes out, A-1, 140K on the gas.
2145: REACH 363T finally gets together with ground on «141.55» Arriving on the hour, has 3 pieces of rolling stock and 19 pax to offload...needs no gas....wants her to notify terminal that they want to leave quickly so please notify any pax of that. Ground doesn't respond so 363T has to repeat the msg again. He adds that he's going to Charleston when leaving Andrews. Needs parking spot.
2147: REACH 995 (male op this time) with Atlantic City Approach «124.6» descending as he heads for McGuire....down to 5000 feet.
2149: Ground calls REACH 363T to give parking spot 12-B. «141.55»
2154: REACH 363T with ADW Approach «119.3»
2155: DC 23 to LIBERATOR «351.2» with arrival msg...20 minutes out, A-1, 40K on the gas...says parking spot 6 or 7 would be nice....gets 6.
2156: DC 24 checks in here too with LIBERATOR and says he's going to land in about 20-25 minutes and will have 38K on the gas. «351.2» In the background, DC 23 tells ground to give 24 parking spot 1. (that's the long walk spot.)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr Mateo heard PISTON 52 KC135 63 ARS/927 ARW Selfridge ,MI arrive
Dover 2115z at that time dropping off pax and shortly before had
OPEC 76 KC-10 McGuire with Dover dispatch 269.1250 arrive 2110z dropping off an A-5 pax.



Nov 3, 2005
Good Morning All,

8:51AM Just had DEMON 41 and 42 (Possibly MI-ANG F-16s) transitioning through the area. First picked them up around 8:30...picked them up on: 353.85 (ZOB-Wayland), 338.30 (ZNY-Williamsport), and 322.40 (I don't know this offhand). They were air to air on 143.925. They switched briefly to 122.60 to get weather for Andrews.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0914: LION 81 (F-15 Langley) with Norfolk TRACON 370.925 (appears to be flight of two F-15s)
0914: LION 81 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8
0916: LION 81 to Giant Killer on 238.1 wanting to enter areas G-J but wants to know if the BOMBEX is still going on. Can't hear ground so don't know the reply but at least we know it *was* going on at some point.
0920: LION 81 flight just entering Giant Killer's area and trying to raise him again on joy to first couple of calls.
0922: LION 81 flight changes to GK's 249.8 and says he understands BOMBEX is still going on in areas D, G and H. He requests to work in B for the next 30 minutes. Still having trouble communicating with GK on this freq too. Anyway, his flight is cleared direct area B.
0925: LION 81 reports to GK as established in area B. He requests freq change. «249.8»
0931: FLIGHT CHECK 70 to ADW Tower 118.4 and Approach 119.3 to do some work on the outer marker of runway 19R (Believe he said he was a BE-30 type aircraft)
0939: Pair of A-10s off the deck at 0938 from Martin State. Working tac 142.3 talking about what a gorgeous flying day it is. AXEMAN flight.
0941: LION 81 flight out of GK's area «249.8» and over to ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» at FL 200.
0946: Langley''s IRON Ops freq «357.1» active. (Not sure if this is the LION flight or someone else...too weak to copy)
0946: At the same time, another flight entered GK's area on 238.1 to work for the next 45 minutes. (Didn't hear callsign)
0948: And another callsign missed as a flight calls Giant Killer on 233.7 to enter area W-72 to work area 1 C-D with a JOKER flight. (JOKER should be F/A-18s from NAS Oceana)
0951: And a RAMBO 41 flight entering GK's W-72 area on 233.7. (Don't know who belongs to that callsign. Several units use it but none close to us.)

Work break...

1042: DEUCE 30 (KC-10A McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 descending from 10 to 8 and then 5000 feet.
1043: NJ-ANG F-16s up on tac 138.875...talking about burning off gas and then landing.
1046: AXEMAN flight landing at MTN with Tower 297.2...mention doing a low approach at about 500 feet so ground can "launch those guys."
1047: JOSA 090 reports off the deck from Andrews at 1440Z «141.55»
1048: Leesburg Radio telling an aircraft on FSS freq 122.2 that Millville Radio is closed. Don't know if he means temporarily or just what.
1051: AXEMAN flight doing another approach and then say they'll depart to the east with Potomac (TRACON) «297.2»
1053: AXEMAN 1 reports they're leaving to the east and will be back in about 15 minutes. «297.2»

1108: U/I F-16 with VA-ANG Command post on 289.3 and then 142.175 having trouble communicating.
1111: U/I F-15 confirming with Giant Killer that BOMBEX is still ongoing. «238.1»
1112: AXEMAN flight back in the vicinity of MTN...down to about 2K on the gas which they say is perfect for ending their mission....also state no one is in the pattern at MTN at the moment. «142.3»
1114: Bollen Range active «237.2»
1118: AXEMAN flight landing at MTN with Tower «297.2»
1119: RANCHO 4 flight in GK's area on «249.8» Transmitter sound is F-22A so will add this callsign to the Langley F-22A list.

(Ref below): Tony, how about EA-6B VMAQ-4, MCAS Cherry Point for HOOK 40?
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1232Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EXECUTIVE ONE FOXTROT () - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1242Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 422 () - deps ADW to 11000' dir FLUKY QSY 121.05.

1344Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 33 () - enroute PIT req. dir MRB QSY 128.7 for that req.

1432Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 91 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - to 14000' QSY 118.675.
1432Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - HOOK 40 (EA-6B VMAQ-4, MCAS Cherry Point) - deps ADW dir GINYA-J149. ***Tin, that will work, thanks!***
1443Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 31 (KC-135R 459th ARW AFRC Andrews) - to 11000' QSY 121.05.
1445Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1506 (C-26B 91-0506 OSACOM Det.33 CO ArNG) - deps DAA QSY 118.95 QSY 126.65.
1451Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 MASD Andrews) - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 121.05 then QSY 121.675.
1454Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIREVAC 46706 (C-130H 94-6706 WV ANG) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.825.

1511Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PACER 84 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 120.65.
1513Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 84 (C-21A) - t/off time 1509Z.
1515Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 542 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 120.65.
1516Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 542 (C-21A) - t/off time 1512Z.
1529Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 428 () - @ 2500' on the app to ADW QSY 118.4. Comes back and
states "5 miles straight in to 1R and I can't get anybody on 118.4".
1534Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ANVIS 21 (DHC-6) - deps DAA QSY 118.95 to 12000' then amended to 9000' QSY 121.675 then QSY 132.95.
1548Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - FUZZY 31 (KC-135R 136th ARS NY ANG) - ATC mentioned would work him north of the prohibited area
due to fly-by at Arlington Cemetery, then dir HAFNR to FL210 QSY 121.675.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
London to Dulles Flight Intercepted and diverted to Boston:

and from WTOP:

Two F-15s were scrambled from Otis Air National Guard Base on Cape Cod to escort the airliner, said Master Sgt. Anthony Hill, spokesman for the North American Aerospace Defense Command in Colorado Springs, Colo. He said the fighter pilots can intercept, shadow or escort commercial aircraft and, if ordered, shoot down an aircraft deemed to be a threat.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
md_p97/Paul said:
London to Dulles Flight Intercepted and diverted to Boston:

It was a SLAM 31 flight of F-15s from Otis that went up for the escort.

1526: COLT flight of A-10s from Martin State landing with Tower 297.2 (Haven't heard them use the COLT callsign in a long time, other than single ship COLT 45.
1542: CRATE 91 (F-15 Langley) flight in W-386 with Giant Killer.
1549: SUNDOG 71 (F-15 Lan gley) flight into W-72 1C with Giant Killer on 233.7
1551: U/I fighters on tac 143.925 - flight of two. *(Dave, I believe you had a DEMON 41 flight - probably MI-ANG F-16s from Selfridge - up on this freq this morning in the 0800 hour as they headed east and mentioned Andrews wx.)
1556: TROJAN (F-15 Langley) (no suffix given) with GK on 238.1 to work W-386 K

1602: DC 31 (KC-135R Andrews) with Approach 119.3 in the pattern at Andrews.
1604: JOSA 582 with Griffin Command 141.55 to give arrival msg....home station C-21, tail 84-0125, dropping off six pax...2 A-4s, 1 A-6, 2 A-7s and 1 Duty Pax. No fuel or services needed. Wants crew bus for 2 to take them to Building 1420.
1608: Navy SD 405 with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 to cancel IFR, going into Patuxent.
1609: Navy SD 405 with Pax River 281.8 to enter area.
1616: PECOS 61 (F-15 Langley) with Norfolk 370.925 climbing
1617: PECOS 61 flight into W-386 G with GK on 238.1
1618: MARLIN 35 in the pattern at Andrews on 119.3. (MARLIN 35 = LJ35A N326HG Chantilly Air)
1627: Langley tac freq 358.85 active
1627: _____ 71 (F-15 Langley), flight of two, into W-386 K for 20 minutes with GK 238.1
1633: CRATE 91 (F-15 Langley) into GK's W-386G on 238.1, IDs as a flight of two F-15s and will be MARSA PECOS.

1711: BATON 55 (EC-130J, 193d SOG PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Giant Killer on 255.0 to enter area W-107A. He's currently 20 miles northwest of Sea Isle. He's working Event A-1605 with a scheduled block time of 2100-2200Z in altitude block 10-20,000 feet. He says he can restrict his flight to block 15-20000 feet if it will help out and also requests extending his finish time to 2215Z from 2200Z.
1715: SUNDOG 81 (F-15 Langley), flight of three, to Giant Killer on 238.1 to enter W-72 1B/C.
1717: SUNDOG 81 to GK this time on 249.8 requesting air Kilo.
1723: BATON 55 reports established (in W-107A) to GK on 255.0.

Back later...

I wasn't around a radio about the time Tony mentions the Arlington flyby in his log above but I'd be almost willing to bet it was the CARBON flight of A-10s that came into Andrews yesterday that became the DRAGO 51 flight today.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
SENTRY 60 E-3B from Tinker AFB arrived Dover at 2020z gave tail as #71-14074.
Wouldn't surprise me if working with Langley F-15's in offshore areas tommorow
that Tin has been hearing.Seems so busy out there they need some on scene traffic control.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks for catching that one Mark. I heard the tail end of the call...just the 60 suffix so didn't have enough to post. That sets up an interesting scenario for the next couple of days if he does indeed work the W-72/W-386 areas with the Langley fighters.

If the callsigns are still according to plan, the SENTRY 60 full ID should shake out this way...
DRAGNET T-Z back end/SENTRY 6X front end, 966th Airborne Air Control Training Squadron, 552 Air Control Wing, Tinker AFB OK
...but when was the last time we heard the DRAGNET back end callsign in this area?

1947: Coast Guard 1711 with Giant Killer on 255.0. (Must be working around W-107)
1948: REACH 409T to Andrews on 141.55 with arrival message....20 minutes out, downloading 2 rolling stock, 26K on the needed fuel.
1951: REACH 252 with HUNTRESS 364.2

2001: Coast guard 1711 with Giant Killer 255.0 (Msg too weak to copy)
2003: REACH 409T wants the tanker (on the ground) to meet him in about 20 minutes. 141.55
(Hearing the simulcast of Andrews Tower ground operator on 349.0 as he talks to aircraft on 118.4 tonight. That's a first for me.)
2005: BOXER 61 (201st AS Andrews) with ADW Approach 119.3 at 11,000 feet...descending.
2012-18: REACH 2098 calling SAM Command 141.55. Over the next few minutes he tries using 378.1 but gets no reply there either.
2019: Back to 141.55 and makes contact...arrival msg...20 minutes out, 8 pax, 0 cargo, needs parking.
2021: CRAB 55 (C-130J MD-ANG Martin State) (femop) making a practice drop with Phillips AAF 126.15
2023: CRAB 55 tells Phillips she'll be working 148.925 (with the drop controller). «126.15»
2025: REACH 2098 Heavy with ADW Approach 119.3
2030: DC 32 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR 351.2 with arrival msg...15 minutes out, A-1, 44,000 on the gas...coming down from Dover.
2040: DC 31? with ADW Tower, gear down, full stop runway 1R...asking about status of cable. «118.4»
2046: MARINE 347 with ADW Approach 119.3 descending.
2047: REACH 382T calling Andrews on 378.1...16 calls, no joy over a 14 minute period. (He hasn't tried 141.55 yet)
2051: CRAB 55 back with drop controller on 148.925.
2053: CRAB 55 reports 1 minute out from the drop. «148.925»
2058: REACH 382T finally switches to 372.2 and calls Andrews Dispatch....2x, no joy here. (He must not know about 141.55 or doesn't have a working VHF radio.)

2100: REACH 382T makes contact on 372.2 to give arrival message...15 minutes out, 33 pax and 3 rolling stock to offload, no drivers needed - they'll do it themselves, needs crew bus for 7, a parking spot and upload info. Can release 54 seats on the outbound flight to Charleston so probably a C-17.
2117: JOSA 090 to Griffin Command 141.55 with arrival msg...home station aircraft, in the blocks at 0135Z, A-1, zero pax, mission terminates upon landing. Needs crew bus.
2126: JOSA 090 with ADW Approach 119.3 descending.
2135: REACH 3114 landing on Andrews runway 1R «118.4»
2137: CRAB 55 inbound for another drop run with Phillips AAF Tower 126.15
2140: CRAB 55 doing a low approach to runway 22 at Phillips AAF. «126.15»
2144: REACH 407T calling Andrews 378.1

2221: CRAB 55 with Martin State Tower 121.3...left base for runway 15...IDs as C-130.

(Ref below) Carbineone: Thanks for the reminder of the ACY airshow. Not sure about going. Is there a web site up with the info that you know of?
Add: Thank you very much. What a great website!! That's about as good as it gets.

(Ref Below Below) bigred10: Sounds like you heard an EAM. Any idea who belongs to that 323.8 freq?
Just your name Dan?

NOTE: final evaluation of my new Uniden 996T is that it's a piece of crap. A wealth of features, sensitivity pretty good although doesn't do as well as my 785D on digital trunked systems, all the storage capacity you could ever want...however...the most basic feature needed by those that actually "work" their scanner is missing - the ability to rapidly (or even fairly quickly) get to a selected frequency. You just can't do it. That functon is not built into the scanner. What a damn shame. I put it in a drawer where it's collecting dust.
Add: Email question about digital trunked systems...for instance, I can't hear DC Police system on the 996 at all other than an occasional hit but it's not strong enough to lock on the control channel or understand the weak transmissions when it occasionally does. Same time it's perfectly clear on the 785D. Barely can hear Harford's system - full meter strength and perfectly clear on the 785D. Analog trunked systems are great on the 996. I think they thought up every feature scanner-heads have ever asked for and built them into the 996 --- and forgot that sometimes you want to select a specific frequency. You absolutely cannot follow a particular aircraft with the 996. They're three freqs ahead of you by the time you get to a freq. I just can't imagine how they could leave this feature out of the scanner or that no one picked up on it during the designing, testing, manufacturing and beta testing phases. In spite of the dynamic memory System/Group method of programming, there is no reason why an arbitrary number could not have been assigned to each freq and the ability to recall that number built into the scanner. It should have been easy. One extra button and the keypad along with a few lines of code is all it would have taken.
Final add: Yes, both the 996 and the 785 are on the same antenna at the same time through a Stridsberg multicoupler.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Sorry if a little off topic but is anyone going to the Atlantic city airshow ? Possible meet up ?
Practice day is Tuesday and the show is Wed.
Airboss for the last three years has used 132.950 and 238.150 .


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
1947: Coast Guard 1711 with Giant Killer on 255.0. (Must be working around W-107)

Interesting that CG 1711 Tin. Have that listed as
HC-130H7 CGAS Kodiak.
Long way from home.



Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
An active day around Andrews, although I would have liked a better serials:sightings ratio. 128.35 had a number of faint transmissions - it sounded like 119.3 ground was broadcasting on both, but aircraft were only responding on 119.3. RAVEN 1 arrivals were still using 119.3 this afternoon.

1652: -118.4 (ADW Tower)- DRAGON 56 landing (could very well have been DRAGO, but it was 56, not the usual 51)
1654: -118.4- PACER 034 on the option 1R
1704: -119.85 (Potomac App)- VIPER 1 (C-12 seen) depart AML -D> ADW, vectors for arrival. To -119.3- and -118.4-
1719: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- SUNNY 748 (C-12 seen) vectors on the climb, -D> GINYA. Given a couple of traffic point-outs for a Citation, which turned out to be...
1725: -119.95- ROSS 623 (C750 N254CX seen) vectors arrival DCA. Eventually to -119.1 (DCA Tower)-, probably via -124.7-
1726: -119.85- SAM 0573 (C-20 in USA c/s seen) depart ELDEE -D> ADW, arrived 1740
1745: -378.1 (ADW CP)- STING 51 (KC-135 seen) calls "Andrews Command Post" and doesn't get a reply.
1753: -119.85- ROSS 043 (Cessna seen) is operational DCA 240 radial, 3 DME.
1748: -119.3- SPAR 55 (C-40 in USA c/s seen) would like the ILS 1R, but eventually needed a 360 because he was too high on approach.
1756: -118.95- ARMY 1778 (C-37B 02-1778 seen) vectors for climb
1802: -119.3 (ADW Approach)- STING 51 would like the ILS 1R and to -118.4-
1805: -118.4- DC 32 (KC-135R) switch to departure. This is the first time I've heard a departure handoff on ADW tower, but the -135 itself was neither heard from again, nor seen!
1812: -118.95- MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 seen) vectors for climb
1819: -141.55 (ADW CP)- someone is picking up a code and 2 boxed lunches and would like the fuel truck out front for a quick turn. There's intermittent chatter on this frequency for another few minutes, but nothing I could make out.
1826: -119.85- PAT 33 cleared direct to DAA and gets an approach to 14
1828: -119.3- SAM 0578 (C-20 in USA c/s seen) cleared for the ILS 1R, to -118.4-
1833: -119.85- NAVY 7B 548 (something small seen) depart OJAAY heading 050 vectors for arrival. To 119.3 and 118.4 for a 1842 arrival.
1838: -118.95- EXECUTIVE ONE FOXTROT (C-32 seen) is out of 12 for 10. Departure politely tells him he's probably transposed numbers.
1839: -119.85- EXECUTIVE ONE FOXTROT is out of 12 for 10. Approach is much more receptive. To 119.3, 118.4, ILS 1R, blah, blah. (Fundraiser in Kentucky)
1900: -119.3- NAVY 377 (C-37B 166377 seen [nice!]) cleared for the approach.


Jun 18, 2006
Mark said:
Interesting that CG 1711 Tin. Have that listed as
HC-130H7 CGAS Kodiak.
Long way from home.


I also heard CG1711 calling Giantkiller on 135.225. Didn't seem like he was getting a response since he repeated himself several times (perhaps switching to 255.0 next).

~1950 <323.8> someone reading off a series of letters & numbers (repeated a second time). It was coming in very clear for me. Never did hear a callsign.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

TinEar said:
1618: MARLIN 35 in the pattern at Andrews on 119.3. (MARLIN 35 = LJ35A N326HG Chantilly Air)

Hi Tin,

At the time I sent out the list of MARLIN callsign tieups, 35 was still LJ35A 326HG. This machine has been re-registered N565GG.

Best regards,

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