Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1325Z 113.975 ZDC-Potomac - REACH 964 () - FL340 dir GVE.
1345Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - ARMY 01052 (UC-35C 00-1052) - i/b w/a code, RTB in four hours, req. parking.
1351Z 118.400 ADW TWR - NAVY TP 961 () - touch and go on 19R QSY 335.5.
1357Z 335.500 Potomac APP - DRAGO 51 (sounded like F-16s) - req. max alt.: 3000 ft. then inbound 9 nms out from cemetery @ 1359Z.

1425Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 MASD Andrews) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 123.82.
1448Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - BOXER 315 (201st AS DC ANG) - deps ADW.
1450Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 192 (C-12) - on the app to ADW QSY 119.3 [departs ADW @ 1555Z on 119.3 then QSYs to 118.95 and finally 118.67].
1454Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 463 (C-21A) - deps ADW dir GINYA.
1455Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 262 () - cleared for the vis. app to rwy 32 at DAA.

1527Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 3837 (C-130E 63-7837) - deps ADW to 5000'.

1611Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - ? 0472 () - req parking - 10 Row.
1640Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1268 (C-12T 85-1268 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - deps DAA dir SBY.
1644Z 119.300 Potomac APP - ????? 51 - shooting apps to 1L.
1654Z 119.300 Potomac APP - VENUS 24 (C-20 86-0204) - shooting ILS apps.

1730Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JR 849 (C-20 VR-48) - deps ADW QSY 121.05.
1741Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 01052 (UC-35C 00-1052) - deps ADW QSY 121.05.
1751Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - DRAGO 51 (F-16C/D Shaw) - deps ADW QSY 343.7 dir GVE then QSY 284.7 requesting dir SSC.

1831Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 141 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 3000' then 11000' dir LDN.
1856Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 529 () - deps DAA to 12000' QSY 123.82.

1944Z 257.200 Potomac DEP - NODAK 01 (F-16A/B 178th FS ND ANG) - deps ADW.

2007Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - JOSA 634 (C-21A) - deps ADW to 17000' QSY 118.67.
2008Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 634 (C-21A) - dep time ADW 2002Z.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nice catch Tony on the DRAGO 51 flight leaving Andrews and heading for Shaw. Never would have known where they were from otherwise.

Had reference earlier to a DC 51 and 52 being around the area. That might explain your log item at 1644Z - or not.

Hope all is well with the new work location - both for listening and the employment. Noticed your comment yesterday that you were having a problem hearing what you wanted to hear. This has been the busiest week we've had in a long time for MilAir (thanks to all the Langley F-15 and F-22A aircraft that are now home) and I've had the schedule from hell this week and am missing the opportunity to listen to a lot of it.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Here's yet another bank of frequencies from my scanner. I'm doing this because I get one or two requests a day for my MilAir freqs. This way, there will be a permanent record of them that can be picked up at will. This one contains the ARTCC UHF freqs for my listening area. The New York, Washington and Boston Center freqs contain Sector names. The few freqs for Cleveland Center that are within range are listed by RCAG location rather than Sector name simply because Sector names are not available in any document I've been able to find. As previously stated, all descriptions fit within the Uniden 16 character limit.
ZNY=New York

239.0500 ZNY-Lancaster
269.1000 ZNY-Milton
270.3000 ZNY-Harrisburg
273.6000 ZNY-Stoneyfork
278.3000 ZNY-Pottstown
279.5500 ZNY-Swissdale
282.3000 ZNY-Kennedy
282.3500 ZNY-Broadway
284.7500 ZNY-Joboc
285.5000 ZNY-Huguenot
290.2000 ZNY-Yardley
290.4000 ZNY-Sparta
298.9000 ZNY-Elmira
306.2000 ZNY-Philipsburg
307.8000 ZNY-Dixie
322.4000 ZNY-Middletown
322.5000 ZNY-Hyper
323.3000 ZNY-Westminister
335.6000 ZNY-Modena
338.3000 ZNY-Williamsport
339.8000 ZNY-Parke
350.3000 ZNY-East Texas
353.5000 ZNY-Manta
354.0000 ZNY-Atlantic
363.2000 ZNY-Lake Henry
372.0000 ZNY-Binghamton
285.6500 ZNY-????? (New)
292.1500 ZNY-????? (New)
327.6000 ZNY-????? (New)

226.6750 ZDC-Elkins
227.1250 ZDC-Hagerstown
235.6250 ZDC-Blackstone
254.3000 ZDC-Coyle
256.8000 ZDC-Cape Charles
257.7000 ZDC-Salisbury
259.1000 ZDC-Bryce
263.1000 ZDC-Azalea
269.1500 ZDC-Sampson
270.3500 ZDC-Shenandoah
272.7500 ZDC-New Bern
279.6500 ZDC-Wilmington
281.4000 ZDC-Calvert
281.4500 ZDC-Sea Isle
282.2000 ZDC-Casanova
284.7000 ZDC-Montebello
285.4000 ZDC-Casino
285.5000 ZDC-Rocky Mount
285.6000 ZDC-Blue Ridge
288.3500 ZDC-Guard Dog
290.4250 ZDC-Franklin
296.7000 ZDC-Yorktown
307.0000 ZDC-South Boston
307.0250 ZDC-Potomac
307.2500 ZDC-DuPont
317.7000 ZDC-Valley
319.0000 ZDC-Marlinton
319.1000 ZDC-Linden
322.4500 ZDC-Raleigh
323.0000 ZDC-Cofield
323.2250 ZDC-Hopewell
327.0000 ZDC-Brooke
327.8000 ZDC-Norfolk
348.6500 ZDC-Liberty
350.3500 ZDC-Cofield
351.9000 ZDC-Gordonsville
352.0000 ZDC-South Boston
353.9000 ZDC-Hot Springs
353.9500 ZDC-Snow Hill
354.1000 ZDC-Tar River
354.1500 ZDC-Kenton
360.6500 ZDC-Dixon
360.7000 ZDC-Swann
360.8500 ZDC-Irons
362.3000 ZDC-Woodstown
363.0000 ZDC-Woodstown
371.9000 ZDC-Moorefield
377.1000 ZDC-Dominion
377.2000 ZDC-Tech
379.3000 ZDC-Bay
385.4000 ZDC-Hagerstown
387.0500 ZDC-Yorktown

273.5500 ZBW-Rockdale
299.7000 ZBW-Hampton
388.8000 ZBW-Delancey

291.6500 ZOB-BradfordRCAG
299.2000 ZOB-Altoona RCAG
307.0750 ZOB-Belmont RCAG
353.8500 ZOB-Wayland RCAG
363.0750 ZOB-Altoona RCAG
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
Heard yesterday (Friday) afternoon at Gravelly Point:
1650: -118.95 (Potomac Dep)- GUARD 21776 (matches UH-1 73-21776) wants the visual at DAA
1652: -119.85 (Potomac App)- PACER 07 (C-21 seen) vectors for arrival ADW
1654: -119.3 (Potomac App)- PACER 07 would like the NDB 1L circle-to-land 1R [wrong terminology]
<PACER 07 re-reads his Airmans Information Manual and...>
1656: -118.4 (ADW Twr)- PACER 07 is on the NDB 1L sidestep 1R [much better]
1708: -119.85- something 054 is cleared from the AML area direct DCA at 4500' A Cessna (looked like a 182RG) then proceeded to do 3 minute orbits NW of the DCA VOR at that altitude.
1715: -119.85- GUARD 251 (at least 9 different helos end in 251) goes direct DAA.
At this point, mil went quiet for the next 15 minutes, and despite the beautiful weather and fantastic vis, the Mets were in town, and it was time for me to go...
1749: -378.1 (ADW CP)- REACH 408T departed at 48 past the hour.

Helos seen were CONDOR, one of the MEDSTARs, STAT 12, and PG 1 was heard working with ADW tower, but not seen. Also a UH-60 landing at Bolling/Anacostia, but I never caught a call.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: something 054

Hi Mateo,


Best regards,


Mateo said:
1708: -119.85- something 054 is cleared from the AML area direct DCA at 4500' A Cessna (looked like a 182RG) then proceeded to do 3 minute orbits NW of the DCA VOR at that altitude.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I don't know why this didn't occur to me before - I know we have at least 1 member in Southern Maryland...since it seems the Grove page was going nowhere, I copied most of the Pax freq assignments and moved them to the Wiki, along with the RRDB references. It can be viewed here....

This data is quite dated now - I'm certain the RTPS stuff is out of date, and at least some of the callsigns and freqs are also dated. If anyone has any updates to the freqs on this page (apart from the ones TinEar has provided - I will apply them shortly) please consider registering with the Wiki (free) and contributing. This list, like so many we maintain, is only as good as the data that's supplied to update it.

73s and thanx in advance...Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Here comes another bank of MilAir frequencies. I'm going to do a couple, maybe three banks here and get them out of the way. To those that aren't interested, an apology in advance and please just skip over these messages. This bank contains all the Approach/Departure freqs for this area other than BWI and Andrews which are elsewhere. It also contains the freqs for the various bomb ranges and some special freqs for F-15s which I'm currently working on to see what happens on them.

353.7000 Norfolk Approach
370.9250 Norfolk TRACON/E
360.6000 Norfolk TRACON/W
124.1500 McGuire App/Dep
363.8000 McGuire App/Dep
122.4500 Harrisburg A/D
269.4500 Harrisburg A/D
273.5250 Harrisburg A/D
281.5250 Harrisburg A/D
379.8000 Harrisburg A/D
269.3500 HarrisburgTower
125.1500 Reading App/Dep
257.9000 Reading App/Dep
263.1250 Phila. App/Dep
269.2500 Phila. App/Dep
273.5750 Phila. App/Dep
291.7000 Phila. App/Dep
317.5500 Phila. App/Dep
319.1500 Phila. App/Dep
323.1000 Phila. App/Dep
343.7250 Phila. App/Dep
363.2500 Phila. App/Dep
119.6500 LehighValley A/D
397.9000 LehighValley A/D
124.6000 AtlanticCity App
134.2500 AtlanticCity App
327.1250 AtlanticCity App
385.5000 AtlanticCity App
257.1000 Pope AFB CmdPost
381.3000 Pope/ShawCmdPost
355.3000 Quantico BaseOps
395.1000 BATON Ops
134.1000 McGuire CmndPost
319.4000 McGuire CmndPost
349.4000 Dover Cmnd Post
121.3000 Martin St Tower
121.8000 Martin St Ground
253.4000 Martin St Ground
126.2000 Weide AAF Tower
241.0000 Weide AAF Tower
229.4000 Weide AAF Ops
126.1500 Phillips AAF Twr
229.6000 Phillips AAF Ops
242.4000 Natl Grd Common
246.8000 NatlGrd Interpln
305.7000 CherryPntBaseOps
360.2000 CherryPointTower
126.3500 Dover AFB Tower
257.8750 Dover AFB Apprch
269.1250 Dover AFB PTD
279.6250 Dover AFB Tower
323.0000 Dover AFB Depart
372.2000 Dover AFB PTD
289.4000 Oceana NAS Ops
360.2000 Oceana NAS Tower
257.8000 Richmond Tower
394.3000 Wallops Tower
316.4500 Webster NOLF Twr
306.8000 Willow Grove Ops
340.2000 Willow Grove Twr
351.7500 WillowGrove AFRC
343.0000 Willow Grove ANG
226.5000 WillowGrove Army
266.8000 Willow Grove App

301.6000 Duke MOA Primary
259.4000 Duke MOA Backup
248.4000 Aberdeen Range
41.4000 Bollen Range
142.4500 Bollen Range
237.2000 Bollen Range
32.3500 Warren Grove Rng
283.1000 Warren Grove Rng
139.6250 Warren Grove Rng

300.0000 F-15 T Net
300.1000 F-15 T Net
300.2000 F-15 T Net
300.3000 F-15 T Net
300.4000 F-15 T Net
300.0250 F-15 FMT Net
300.1250 F-15 FMT Net
300.2250 F-15 FMT Net
300.3250 F-15 FMT Net
300.4250 F-15 FMT Net
300.5250 F-15 FMT Net
300.6250 F-15 FMT Net
300.7250 F-15 FMT Net
300.8250 F-15 FMT Net
300.9250 F-15 FMT Net
301.0250 F-15 FMT Net
301.1250 F-15 FMT Net
301.2250 F-15 FMT Net
301.3250 F-15 FMT Net
301.4250 F-15 FMT Net
301.5250 F-15 FMT Net


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
This is my BWI Airport bank and also contains the VHF freqs for the Washington Center ARTCC. Again, all descriptions fit within the Uniden 16 character alpha tag format.

122.0000 Flight Watch
122.9000 Unicom
122.9500 Unicom
118.0500 BWI Clrnce Deliv
120.2000 BWI-Gnd Ops(Alt)
121.9000 BWI-Ground Ops
119.4000 BWI-Tower
123.7500 BWI-Tower (Alt)
257.8000 BWI-Tower/119.4
377.0750 BWI-Ground/121.9
119.0000 Pot. TRACON BWI
119.7000 Pot. TRACON BWI
124.5500 Pot. TRACON BWI
125.5250 Pot. TRACON BWI
126.7500 Pot. TRACON BWI
128.7000 Pot. TRACON BWI
133.7500 Pot. TRACON BWI
254.3500 Pot. TRACON BWI
282.2750 Pot. TRACON BWI
290.4750 Pot. TRACON BWI
291.6250 Pot. TRACON BWI
307.9000 Pot. TRACON BWI
317.4250 Pot. TRACON BWI
154.9800 BWI-Maint/Plows
156.1950 BWI-Snow Plows
127.8000 BWI-ATIS
129.0000 Signature FltSpt
130.1750 SignatureDeicing
131.0750 SignatureDeicing
460.6500 Northwest
460.7500 Continental
460.7750 American
460.8500 Delta
461.0500 Southwest
461.2750 Southwest Mechan
461.5750 SouthwestCustSvc
461.7125 Air Tran
463.2750 Southwest
463.8000 Southwest
464.6000 America West
462.1125 Signature FltSpt
462.1375 Signature FltSpt
172.1500 Trans Scty Admin
172.9000 Trans Scty Admin
129.3000 FedEx
130.4750 Southwest Ops
130.5750 US Airways
131.8500 Delta
131.3250 Southwest Maint.

118.0250 ZDC-Bryce
118.4750 ZDC-Wilmington
118.7500 ZDC-Blackstone
118.8250 ZDC-Dixon
118.9250 ZDC-Raleigh
120.6500 ZDC-Linden
120.8500 ZDC-Hot Springs
121.0250 ZDC-Coyle
121.6750 ZDC-Montebello
123.8500 ZDC-Cofield
124.0250 ZDC-Sampson
124.0500 ZDC-South Boston
124.7250 ZDC-Cofield
124.7750 ZDC-Casino
125.4500 ZDC-Woodstown
126.8750 ZDC-Brooke
127.2750 ZDC-Kenton
127.4250 ZDC-Yorktown
127.7000 ZDC-Casino
127.7500 ZDC-Blackstone
127.9250 ZDC-Valley
128.5250 ZDC-Salisbury
128.6000 ZDC-Elkins
132.0250 ZDC-Franklin
132.2250 ZDC-Tar River
132.2750 ZDC-Bay
132.5250 ZDC-DuPont
132.5500 ZDC-Cape Charles
132.7750 ZDC-Irons
133.0250 ZDC-Marlinton
133.1250 ZDC-Sea Isle
133.2000 ZDC-Casanova
133.2750 ZDC-Morefield
133.5750 ZDC-Shenandoah
133.6500 ZDC-Blue Ridge
133.7250 ZDC-Gordonsville
133.8250 ZDC-Norfolk
133.9000 ZDC-Calvert
133.9750 ZDC-Potomac
134.0250 ZDC-Hopewell
134.1500 ZDC-Hagerstown
134.4000 ZDC-Hot Springs
134.5000 ZDC-Swann
134.6250 ZDC-Tech
135.2000 ZDC-Liberty
135.3000 ZDC-Rocky Mount
135.4000 ZDC-Azalea
135.5000 ZDC-New Bern
135.5250 ZDC-Guard Dog


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
This is my Andrews AFB bank that also contains Potomac TRACON freqs for Dulles, National/Andrews and a few Naval fighter tac freqs along with Flight Service Stations freqs and a few for filler like Northrup-Grumman test flight freqs, etc. One quirky thing I've done here is to enter the 119.3/335.5 freqs both within the Potomac TRACON sections and again as strictly Andrews AFB freqs. It's just the way I move around when I'm listening. Take 'em out if you don't want them twice. You'll also notice the Andrews Tower UHF freq (349.0) is both here and over on the fighter bank that started this thread just so I can get to it quickly when I'm following an Andrews fighter flight coming home.

257.2000 Pot. TRACON DCA
269.0000 Pot. TRACON DCA
269.5000 Pot. TRACON DCA
270.2750 Pot. TRACON DCA
279.5750 Pot. TRACON ADW
306.3000 Pot. TRACON DCA
322.3000 Pot. TRACON DCA
335.5000 Pot. TRACON ADW
338.2000 Pot. TRACON DCA
343.7000 Pot. TRACON DCA
348.7250 Pot. TRACON ADW
118.3000 Pot. TRACON DCA
118.9500 Pot. TRACON DCA
119.3000 Pot. TRACON ADW
119.8500 Pot. TRACON DCA
121.0500 Pot. TRACON DCA
124.0000 Pot. TRACON ADW
124.2000 Pot. TRACON DCA
124.7000 Pot. TRACON DCA
125.6500 Pot. TRACON ADW
126.5500 Pot. TRACON DCA
128.3500 Pot. TRACON DCA

317.8000 Pot. TRACON IAD
338.2500 Pot. TRACON IAD
343.7750 Pot. TRACON IAD
348.6000 Pot. TRACON IAD
350.2000 Pot. TRACON IAD
254.2500 Pot. TRACON IAD
239.0250 Pot. TRACON IAD
118.6750 Pot. TRACON IAD
120.4500 Pot. TRACON IAD
123.8250 Pot. TRACON IAD
124.6500 Pot. TRACON IAD
125.0500 Pot. TRACON IAD
125.8000 Pot. TRACON IAD
126.1000 Pot. TRACON IAD
126.6500 Pot. TRACON IAD
126.8250 Pot. TRACON IAD
134.2000 Pot. TRACON IAD
135.7750 Pot. TRACON IAD
142.7500 VENUS Control
139.4000 Davison AAF Ops
229.4000 DavisonAAF Tower
241.0000 DavisonAAF Tower
118.4000 Andrews Tower
349.0000 Andrews Tower
275.8000 Andrews Ground
119.3000 Andrews Approach
335.5000 Andrews Approach
139.3000 Andrews PTD
372.2000 Andrews PTD AF
386.8000 Andrews PTD Navy
141.5500 SAM Command Post
378.1000 SAM Command Post
141.7000 1 HeloSq Andrews
292.2000 1 HeloSq Andrews
314.2500 201 ALS Andrews
351.2000 756thARS Andrews
136.7250 SAM Interplane
280.2000 VAQ-209 Andrews
283.7500 JOSA Common
241.0000 Bluegrass Cntl
120.7500 DCA Helo Control
123.0250 Helo Air-Air
123.4500 Air-Air Chat
333.3300 Air-Air Chat
121.5000 Flight Emergency
243.0000 Flight Emergency
321.7000 Boeing Test Freq
123.2000 Northrup Grumman
123.2250 Northrup Grumman
345.3250 VMFA122 Beaufort
237.8000 VFA106 OceanaNAS
239.8750 VFA131 OceanaNAS
275.3000 VFA106 OceanaNAS
277.8000 USN Fleet Common
333.3500 Navy tac
339.5000 VMFA122 Beaufort
361.9000 VMFA122 Beaufort
342.9000 VFA81 NAS Oceana
122.2000 Flight Svc Stn
255.4000 Flight Svc Stn
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
And finally (yeah, you were hoping I'd finish soon), this is my Airshow bank. There are lots of freqs that could be added to this list depending on what's going to appear at the show. For instance, I didn't include the 50 or so freqs you'd need for just the F-15 Demo Team, but it's fairly inclusive for the units that seem to show up everywhere.

And with this bank, I've posted my MilAir freq collection for this area. You've now seen my complete hand. I'd sure appreciate anyone that has anything to add to please post them and build upon these lists.

143.0000 Blue Angels
143.6000 Blue Angels
237.8000 Blue Angels
238.1500 Blue Angels
251.6000 Blue Angels
255.2000 Blue Angels
264.5500 Blue Angels
265.0000 Blue Angels
275.3500 Blue Angels
284.2500 Blue Angels
289.8000 Blue Angels
299.6500 Blue Angels
302.1000 Blue Angels
305.5000 Blue Angels
346.5500 Blue Angels
140.4000 Thunderbirds
141.8500 Thunderbirds
143.8500 Thunderbirds
235.2000 Thunderbirds
235.2500 Thunderbirds
322.9500 Thunderbirds
122.4750 Heritage Flight
123.1500 Heritage Flight
127.1500 Heritage Flight
132.9500 Heritage Flight
136.5750 Heritage Flight
376.0250 Heritage Flight
384.5500 Heritage Flight
238.1500 USAF B1B Flyover
388.8500 USAF B2 Flyover
376.0250 USAF B52 Flyover
227.6000 Canada Snowbirds
242.6000 Canada Snowbirds
245.5000 Canada Snowbirds
245.7500 Canada Snowbirds
246.5000 Canada Snowbirds
272.1000 Canada Snowbirds
284.9000 Canada Snowbirds
299.5000 Canada Snowbirds
333.3000 Canada Snowbirds
340.1000 Canada Snowbirds
123.1500 USAF T6 Texans
123.4000 USAF T6 Texans
127.1500 USAF T6 Texans
138.4000 USAF T6 Texans
283.7000 USAF T6 Texans
295.0000 USAF T6 Texans
138.0250 F-16 Demo Team
138.1000 F-16 Demo Team
138.1500 F-16 Demo Team
138.2000 F-16 Demo Team
138.2500 F-16 Demo Team
138.4250 F-16 Demo Team
138.4750 F-16 Demo Team
138.9000 F-16 Demo Team
139.7500 F-16 Demo Team
138.8250 F-16 Demo Team
139.9000 F-16 Demo Team
139.9250 F-16 Demo Team
139.9750 F-16 Demo Team
140.3750 F-16 Demo Team
141.6000 F-16 Demo Team
227.7000 F-16 Demo Team
229.0750 F-16 Demo Team
261.2000 F-16 Demo Team
283.7000 F-16 Demo Team
317.8000 F-16 Demo Team
336.9250 F-16 Demo Team
344.9000 F-16 Demo Team
376.0250 F-16 Demo Team
384.5500 F-16 Demo Team
122.5750 Golden Knights
123.4000 Golden Knights
123.4750 Golden Knights
124.8750 Golden Knights
284.9000 Golden Knights
367.7000 Golden Knights
123.1500 LimaLima FltTeam
123.1750 LimaLima FltTeam
123.4250 LimaLima FltTeam


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
One thing that should be made clear - with the Delta, Southwest, ect frequencies - there are specific PLs or DCSs on those freqs (particularly the Southwest ones, as they're on freqs that are shared with other services). Tin, you might want to supply those - or if you don't have them, I do.

Anyway, another item which is really a question - what is the 'T Net' and 'FMT Net'? I don't think I've ever heard those terms before. 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mike, yes, the PL/DPL tones are important for the airport/airline services freqs. They are also all in the database. Here is the list for those in the BWI bank I posted (Message #48 above) starting with 154.98 BWI Maint/Plows and ending with 462.1375 Signature Flt Support.....

Re your question about T and FMT....don't ask...because I don't know. All I know is that those freqs are in some way, form or fashion set aside for something to do with F-15 aircraft. I've checked a couple of spots away from this area and have been told there has been F-15 activity heard on some of them. I had that one hit myself that could have been almost anyone. I couldn't do much checking in this area due to the Langley F-15s being down in Savannah from the time I got those freqs until last week. So...time will tell if they are worth anything. As I mentioned in the post, I'm just testing with them to see what develops. If it's nothing, it's easy to delete freqs from the scaner. The whole process of MilAir scanning is searching and testing freqs and ideas as we all find out soon enough when we get interested in that aspect of the hobby. Good hunting!


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1805: REACH 388T calling Andrews on 378.1 -- over and over again with no joy. He calls until 1823 with no reply. At 1824, he's in the vicinity of Andrews and switches to Approach on 119.3 and begins his descent for runway 19L and at 1826 he's in the landing approach with Tower on 118.4. At the same time he tries once more to reach SAM Command on 378.1 and once again gets no reply.

1823: RAWLY 42 calling Dover Command Post on 349.4 and makes contact at 1825 to give arrival message. He's 25 minutes out, is A-1, needs 130,000 pounds of fuel to upload, a parking spot and crew transportation. RAWLY (not RALEIGH) is a C-17 from McChord AFB WA. Didn't spell the callsign this time but has in the past.
1833: REACH 388T reports, "left base, gear down" on ADW Tower freq 118.4.

1907: OPEC 81 (KC-10A McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post 319.4
1911: OPEC 81 makes contact for arrival message...A-1, 24 pax and 1 baggage pallet to offload....gets parking spot J-2.
1931: Airevac 55145 calling Andrews on 141.55 with no joy. He earlier used "Medevac 5145" while attempting contact.
1951: Airevac 55145 with Andrews Approach 119.3 heading for runway 19L.
1956: Airevac 55145 with Andrews Tower 118.4 for landing runway 19L.
(The 123.45 and 123.525 freqs are solid with pilot chat this evening. The 123.45 freq has always been full of pilot BS but lately so has the 123.525 freq. Red Bull calling his girlfriend Pocahontas at the moment.)
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Jul 15, 2006
The Dee Sea
I was going to post a log of what was heard from IAD this afternoon, but all I had were REACH 388T, RAWLY 42 [I wrote 'Rally'], and EVAC 55145. About the only things I have to add were REACH 388T was a Dover C-5, and EVAC 55145 was March C-17 05-5145.

Update: Just kidding. I looked back at the notebook from today, and found another pair.
1705: -119.85 (Potomac App)- DC 95 (KC-135R seen), vectors for the ILS 19L at ADW
1857: -131.875 (Signature Dulles)- GERMAN AIR FORCE 969 (C-160D 50+74 LTG61 seen) is 10 minutes out and would like parking. ATC was the usual east side handoff sequence of 126.1, 125.8, 120.1.
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Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
Hey TinEar, I made it over here. Thanks for the freq lists. I'll have to get them in the 8200 and see what I hear down here. Probably put them in the mobile too.

Do I read correctly that you hear Giantkiller regularly? Just the acft or ground too. Do they have base stations in the DC area? There was a guy on the VA forum asking about monitoring Giantkiller from Richmond, that's why I'm asking.

I've got to find that freq for the Venus Ops (do you have it?) since they are often doing practice at CHO. I saw one of the G-Vs recently that had all of the usual colors and logos re-painted and was all white with just small tail numbers visible.

Thanks again.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1305Z 351.200 LIBERATOR CP - DC 11 - t/off msg.
1316Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 995 () - arr msg.
1328Z 119.300 Potomac APP - REACH 995 () - intercepting the loc and est. on the ILS 19L.
1336Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - PAT 088 () - arr msg.
1336Z 141.550 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 346T () - dep msg.
1355Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 363T () - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1406Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 451 () - deps ADW QSY 121.05.

1512Z 119.300 Potomac APP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 MASD Andrews) - dir OTT.
1532Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TRACK 32 (C-21A AFFSA) - deps ADW dir LDN.

1647Z 119.300 Potomac APP - PAT 661 () - clg the base for the vis.

1700Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 5145 (C-17A 05-5145 March) - deps ADW dir LDN QSY 118.675.
1702Z 119.300 Potomac APP - REACH 362T () - arriving ADW.
1758Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 23541 (C-12C 81-23541) - @ 6000' req. vis to rwy 14 @ DAA dir DAA. [departs 2105Z QSY 118.95 dir CSN.].

1817Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - ARMY 1944 (C-37A (97)-1944 OSACOM/PAT Andrews) - deps ADW dir HAFNR QSY 121.05.
1856Z 260.900 ZDC-HUNTRESS - SPAR 28 (C-37A 01-0028 310th AS MacDill) - "w/ the sparkle".

1942Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 249 () - on the vis. app to rwy 14.

2025Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - MARINE 374 (UC-35D 166374 MASD Andrews) - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.
2030Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 669 (UC-12B) - lands rwy 14 [departs @ 2102Z QSY 118.95 dir GRUBY].
2046Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AF 2 (C-32A 89th AW) - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 123.825.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
gcgrotz said:
Hey TinEar, I made it over here. Thanks for the freq lists. I'll have to get them in the 8200 and see what I hear down here. Probably put them in the mobile too.

Do I read correctly that you hear Giantkiller regularly? Just the acft or ground too. Do they have base stations in the DC area? There was a guy on the VA forum asking about monitoring Giantkiller from Richmond, that's why I'm asking.

I've got to find that freq for the Venus Ops (do you have it?) since they are often doing practice at CHO. I saw one of the G-Vs recently that had all of the usual colors and logos re-painted and was all white with just small tail numbers visible.

Thanks again.

Good to see you here George. Yes, Giant Killer is heard regularly from this area - the aircraft working with Giant Killer, not the ground station. Too far away for me to hear the ground station. I think you're talking about Nick over in Richmond and I sent a PM to him with some info about what he should be able to hear from there. He's in a great position to hear all that offshore activity along with the Langley and VA-ANG traffic at a very minimum. I think his antenna is holding him back since a directional antenna just won't work for copying MilAir - especially one that's not cut for the 225-400 mHz band. I just turned on one scanner for the first time this morning (early 1100 hour) and just heard a HARP 71 flight with Giant Killer on 238.1 entering area W-386 so it looks like Langley is working again today.

VENUS Ops is 142.75. I just checked the freq list I posted above with the Andrews unit freqs and that one is not on the list. I must have made a mistake with the cut/paste routine or I didn't transfer it during my recent freq realignment. (And then I hear VENUS giving arrival msg on 141.75 in the log below at 1226 which must be the correct freq since he made contact there...maybe.)


1115: ROCKY 91 flight (F-15 Langley) into Giant Killer's W-386 area on 238.1. Says it's mission V-1410 and he'll be MARSA with both SUNDOG and HARP flights. (All Langley, all the time)
1128: The ROCKY 91 flight is working Giant Killer's ops freq 292.3 and there is another flight working 373.1 which is probably the HARP flight. Haven't heard SUNDOG enter the area yet although he might have been the first in before I turned on the radio.
1153: Yup...that's the answer. SUNDOG 84 (F-15 Langley) with Giant Killer on 238.1 to announce RTB. He's at FL 300. So that flight was already in the area apparently before I heard the HARP flight above.
1156: SUNDOG 84 with Norfolk TRACON 370.925. Apparently, he's returning to base as a single ship out of the four ship flight.
1159: GAUCHO 71 (F-15 Langley) flight also RTB with Giant Killer on 238.1. Says he's in the vicinity of RAPTR.
[RAPTR located 37-10-05.000N / 075-30-00.000W Virginia] (I have noticed the Langley flights have been using the RAPTR fix rather than HEELS recently as they head home from W-386. Not sure why the change.)
[HEELS located 37-25-54.000N / 075-30-00.000W Virginia]

1224: DC 11 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) to LIBERATOR on 351.2 with arrival pattern 40-45 minutes before landing, is A-1 and the gas load is about 35K. Needs parking.
1226: VENUS 7 on 141.75 with arrival message...he's a C-21, tail 40105, 20 minutes out, dropping off 4 Duty Pax and needs 300 gallons of fuel. (Is this a change in VENUS Ops freq?) (Don't know if he dropped a number from his suffix during that transmission but all he gave was single digit 7.)
1234: DC 12 (yet another KC-135R) landing at Andrews with Tower on 118.4....7.5 miles out, gear down.
1236: DC 11 in the pattern at Andrews with Approach 119.3
1237: PAT 661 makes contact after calling Command Post several times on Andrews Dispatch freq 139.3 to give arrival message....10 minutes out, dropping off and refueling.
1248: PAT 661 with ADW Approach 119.3 heading for runway 19L.
1250: PAT 661 to ADW Tower 118.4 for landing...10 out from runway 19L.
1256: Another ROCKY 91 flight (F-15 Langley) entering Giant Killer's area W-386 on 238.1 to work for the next 20 minutes.
1257: DC 11 with ADW Tower for full stop landing 118.4
Conditions here today are awful on VHF - very noisy - but UHF is excellent.
Early in 1300 hour has REACH 362T and PACER 18 arriving at Andrews....141.55/119.3/118.4
Also have SUNDOG 81 flight (F-15 Langley) into W-386 on 238.1 at 1324.

Also noticing that several commercial aircraft are using the Potomac TRACON (ADW) 119.3 freq today as they cross the area. That's very unusual. It's not just Andrews aircraft on approach today.

Back later.....
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 2, 2005
Chesapeake, VA

Thanks for posting the various "banks" of frequencies; I found them to be extremely helpful in setting up my own banks. Are all of these (Giantkiller, airtoair refuel, etc) actually confirmed? If so, you've posted a tremendous resource. Are the air-to-air refuel Air Force or Navy? I live in the Hampton Roads area and Giantkiller and the Ops area is right here off the coast.

Thanks again,



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Larry51 said:

Thanks for posting the various "banks" of frequencies; I found them to be extremely helpful in setting up my own banks. Are all of these (Giantkiller, airtoair refuel, etc) actually confirmed? If so, you've posted a tremendous resource. Are the air-to-air refuel Air Force or Navy? I live in the Hampton Roads area and Giantkiller and the Ops area is right here off the coast.

Thanks again,


All confirmed Larry. I generally only add a freq to my scanner once I've heard it. So, all those Giant Killer freqs are indeed confirmed. So are all the refueling freqs that I've managed to hear. Those are almost exclusively Air Force refueling freqs of one type or another. I've heard some Navy refueling such as on the one that's marked that way (123.525) and also on some of the Naval fighter tac freqs included on one of those banks above. I don't have a list of freqs used specifically for Navy refueling though. I guess it's just not within my area of listening. You should easily hear the refueling in AR-636 off the coast...primary 238.9, secondary 319.7 and the 288.0 freq used in the Pax area and along the coast in an area that's not designated on the refueling charts. Same for 266.4. Glad to be of help.


Just want to add this before leaving for a bit....
1327: REACH 025 with Dover Command Post on 349.4 saying he's due to meet up with ETHYL 30 (KC-135 97th AMW, Altus AFB, OK) for refueling over Nantucket at 1750Z but will not get there until 1800Z. He wants to get that message passed along. Dover gives him another freq to try to get that message to ETHYL 30. I then hear REACH 025 come up on 303.0 (Good for MA-ANG Hawk Ops) and hear him pass that same message.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2042: REACH 3113 calling SAM Command 141.55. No reply
2047: VENUS 42 calling Griffin Command 141.55. No reply
2047: REACH 3113 calling Griffin Command 141.55. No reply
2048: Both REACH 3113 and VENUS 42 call SAM Command on 378.1. No reply.
2048: REACH 3113 and VENUS 42 talk to each other on 141.55 and VENUS 42 talks to ADW Approach on 119.3 since he's already to jump into the pattern.
2050: VENUS 42 and REACH 3113 talk about the comm problem with SAM Command. VENUS 42 says he's been on a local flight for 3 hours and has been trying the whole time and can't raise anyone. They ask each other's aircraft type...REACH 3113 says he's a C-17, VENUS 42 says he's a Gulfstream V.
2051: VENUS 42 tells REACH 3113 that he has CP on the phone and can pass a message for him if he'd like. He does. REACH 3113 says he's a C-17, is 10 minutes out, has 6 pax to drop off and 16 pax going through, needs 70,000 pounds of fuel. VENUS 42 comes back a minute or so later and tells REACH 3113 that he passed the message.
2055: Both VENUS 42 and REACH 3113 are in the pattern with approach on 119.3 and then tower on 118.4 for landing.
2056: VENUS 42 tells REACH 3113 that he was told all the Andrews CP radios are down and that he'd have to have any contact with ground or tower. Tells him to follow the "Follow-Me" truck when he lands. 141.55

2105: VENUS 42 did not land...he's doing some touch-and-goes before his full stop landing...will do a couple more before calling it quits. 119.3 and 118.4 as he goes 'round and 'round.
2115: ARMY 1778 with Andrews Approach 119.3. He's going around in the pattern several times too.
2117: VENUS 42 has had enough...full stop landing this time around. 119.3
2131: ARMY 1778 full stop landing this time and over to tower 118.4 for runway 19L.
2132: JEDI 23 (Prob C-17 McGuire) with Atlantic City Approach 124.6 descending.
2148: JEDI 23 comes up on FSS 255.4 and calls.."All Radios, All Radios..." and then promptly fades out. All I caught was something about altitude and MSL.

2225: REACH 6018 to Dover Command Post on 349.4 with arrival message...IDs as a C-5 Heavy, 20 minutes out, is A-2. They have 15 pax, 8 will get off at Dover and 7 will go through. Has 77,000 pounds of cargo on 22 pallets but that will stay on the plane. Scads of seats available on the outbound. Wants a quick turn at Dover. Coming in to have minor maintenance problems taken care of. Needs crew transportation to take them to get some food during the stop.

Again tonight, the 119.3 freq is being used by commercial aircraft as a normal Potomac TRACON freq for the Reagan National Airport area and not exclusively for Andrews Approach. Wonder if this a permanent change?
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