Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Alright, my antenna modifications are done. Things are sounding good so far. Alan, I'm going to also concentrate on Gordonsville, Azalea, and Irons to see where they go. Now since they are pretty far south, will they use the RIC Potomac freqs if they're going to Potomac freqs?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
Alright, my antenna modifications are done. Things are sounding good so far. Alan, I'm going to also concentrate on Gordonsville, Azalea, and Irons to see where they go. Now since they are pretty far south, will they use the RIC Potomac freqs if they're going to Potomac freqs?

Nick, that's exactly what I'm trying to learn and hoping you can check those when we get notice of an E-6 departing Pax. I'm not sure how far out the Potomac TRACON (James River Area) control extends. It's entirely possible that could be their first handoff after Pax Departure.


Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
I do know that there are parts of the James River Area that handoff a/c directly to PAX App, but I'm not sure what part of PAX's control the aircraft are going into. I guess all we can do is keep listening. Keep me updated if you know when an E-6 is departing so I can lock everything else out and concentrate on the areas we know they fly through.


Jan 5, 2004
Home from my dad's and hearing SONIC-13 in the CAP. PIREP- "weather is no factor" at this time, they can see the ground.
TANKER-14 will be in the area in 12 minutes.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yes indeed, they just showed up. SONIC 13/14 are the fighters and TANKER 14 is on the way in.
TANKER 14 - KC-135R, 58-0099, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh, Mode 3 = 4147
Getting a gift because the boom intercom isn't working so they're doing the AR chat on the radio.
SONIC 13 is tail 03-4061
1908: TANKER 14 confirms he's from Pittsburgh, the 171st ARW...260.9
1909: SONIC 13 off the boom after taking 8500 pounds of fuel....260.9
2200: For most of the shift, TANKER 14 has been explaining that he arrived about 60 minutes early. Says he can stay the remainder of the VOL time but won't have any fuel to offload to the fighters if he does. Or...he can give the remaining 10K to the fighters and leave now. As he says, "It's a pay me now or pay me later situation." At 1008, SONIC 14 is heading to take 2000 pounds (but winds up taking 3300 pounds) and says they won't need anymore fuel before their shift ends. Want to bet HUNTRESS doesn't let the tanker RTB just yet?...Let's see...260.9
2218: TANKER 14 asks to RTB...apparently told no...says at the top of the hour they'll be bingo and have no more fuel to offload anyway...260.9
I believe the thinking at NORAD is that if an emergency arises, the tanker can always give the fighters more fuel, then land at Andrews to refuel if necessary so they want him on station. At the point he's "bingo," they'll probably let him leave for home. That's just my guess though.
2238: TANKER 14 to Potomac to start the clearance process...says he believes it'll be for 0400Z...135.525
22055: TANKER 14 to Potomac with 5 minutes notice for RTB...135.525
2255: SONIC to Potomac with 5 minute RTB notice...350.25
2257: TANKER 14 given a new Mode 3 squawk of 2443 and makes the change...135.525
2258: TANKER 14 cleared to RTB...descending to FL 230 and heading for Indianhead...handed off to ZDC...135.525
2259: TANKER 14 checks in with ZDC-Hagerstown...134.15
2259: SONIC 13/14 released by HUNTRESS. go through an authentication process to prove the order is authorized, and switch to Potomac for clearance back to Langley...cleared direct Langley...350.25
2301: SONIC flight handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in there as a two-ship at FL 230 direct Langley....281.4
2304: TANKER 14 handed off by ZDC-Hagerstown (end coverage here unless he calls home to STEEL Control)
2305: SONIC 13/14 flight cleared to FL 200...281.4
2306: SONIC 13/14 cleared to 14,000 feet...281.4
2308: TANKER 14 calling STEEL Control with arrival message but too weak to copy details....311.0
2309: SONIC 13/14 flight cleared to 10,000 feet....281.4
And that's enough CAP for tonight. Early birds can tune in at 0600 for more.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
1020: An E-6B just departed Patuxent - 164410 from VQ-4 - is climbing and heading south at the moment...310.15

Been out most of the afternoon and evening. Just had a chance to review the recordings. At 1518 local had "Maintenance this is 410, over"on 310.150. Same thing at 1519. Couldn't find anything else pertaining to the E-6B in my recordings. Probably too late to be of any help but I'll post it anyway.

First transmission pertaining to players showing up this evening was at 1843 local on 233.525 with "SONIC push 31 AUX". Showed up on 260.9 with HUNTRESS.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
Been out most of the afternoon and evening. Just had a chance to review the recordings. At 1518 local had "Maintenance this is 410, over"on 310.150. Same thing at 1519. Couldn't find anything else pertaining to the E-6B in my recordings. Probably too late to be of any help but I'll post it anyway.

Thanks Brian. That was 164410 coming home from the flight that began in the 1000 hour. We're going to pin these guys down before we're done.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
First shift today is TANKER 15 and SONIC 15/16. At first feeding at 0600 SONIC 15 gave tail number as 05-4081, no tail number given over the air for SONIC 16. 277.35 was used for both 0600 and 0700 feeding. HUNTRESS is on 260.9 as usual with numerous open carrier transmissions on 139.7 and 228.9 at 0622-0623. Looks like they're doing this by the numbers today. SONIC 15 asked for authentication from TANKER 15 before the first refueling. HUNTRESS had SONIC 16 radar monitor a group bullseye at 0822 and at 0826 told him to skip it. SONIC 16 also asked for authentication from HUNTRESS for the skip it.

EDIT - Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll even learn to spell
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1007: SONIC 21 flight on the way to the CAP...currently with ZDC-Franklin...290.425
1009: EVAC 80807 (C-130H, 78-0807, 185th AS OK-ANG)to Andrews CP reporting, "Ho, ho, ho...we're off your station at the top of the hour. See you in a couple of hours. Merry Christmas."...378.1
1010: SONIC 21 flight handed to ZDC-Calvert and check in there...281.4
1010: SONIC 21 flight using interflight freq on way to CAP...262.025
1015: SONIC 21 flight pushes "31 AUX" and comes up on primary freq...260.9
1015: SONIC 15 notifies Potomac they'll be leaving in about 15 minutes to RTB...350.25
1018: SONIC 15 gets flight route from Potomac for when they leave...OTT, HCM, LFI at FL 190...350.25
1019: SONIC 21 flight pushes "27 Main" and comes up w/Potomac to get clearance into Guard Dog...350.25
1025: SONIC 21/22 "Push 33 Main" and come up on the boom freq to meet up with TANKER 16 and begin their AR op...277.35
SONIC 21 tail 03-4051, Mode 3 is 5361
SONIC 22 tail 05-4092, Mode 3 is 4331
According to Scramble, 03-4051 is from the 27th FS at Langley VA...05-4092 is from the 90th FS at Elmendorf AK
1033: SONIC 15 lets HUNTRESS know 21/22 are okay passing gas from the boom (so they can depart)...260.9
1034: SONIC 15/16 flight released to RTB by HUNTRESS....260.9
1035: SONIC 15 to Potomac to pick up clearance home...heading for the first checkpoint at Nottingham (OTT)...350.25
1037: SONIC 15 reports leaving FL 210 for flight plan route altitude 190...350.25
1037: SONIC 15/16 check off the Primary freq, wish everyone a Merry Christmas and start for home...260.9
[SONIC 15/16 push "21 AUX" for their interflight freq but I can't find it]
1040: SONIC 15/16 handed off to ZDC-Calvert and check in at FL 190...281.4
1041: SONIC 21/22 push "22 Main" and come up on interflight...262.025
1042: SONIC 21/22 specifically mention using Have Quick...go to give it a test on "5 Main"....doesn't work...then it's push "FMP 012 in the Main"...262.025
1044: On Primary (260.9) SONIC 21 tells 22 to go back to "22 Main"....once there he says "Push Secure 22 Main" and they come up with encrypted traffic...262.025
1046: SONIC 15/16 cleared to FL 180...then to 10,000 feet...281.4

1102: SONIC 21 and 22 keep using interflight freq for chat but they've stayed in "Secure" mode since setting it up at 1044. Nothing has been in the clear since then....262.025
1102: SONIC 21 has gone to the tanker again and they're using the boom freq that was apparently set up for this mission...277.35
1107: HUNTRESS apparently gives a TOI to SONIC 21...21 explains he's on the tanker and asks if he means for 22 to go there or should he break off the tanker...260.9
1107: That's followed by more secure traffic between 21 and 22 on interflight...262.025
1107: SONIC 22 gets the TOI info...260.9
1112: SONIC 21 reports off the tanker at this time...260.9 (and he goes right back to Secure Mode w/22 on 262.025)
In spite of what all this secure mode traffic does to our monitoring efforts, I honestly wish they'd use a whole lot more of it during these CAPs. Keep it all secure as far as I'm concerned.

1250: TANKER 17 comes on the scene...260.9
If TANKER 18 makes it to the CAP later, it should give us the missing 9th tanker base location. We missed it when TANKER 09 aborted and was replaced by the alert tanker - SKATER 07. Possibilities include McConnell KS and Niagara Falls NY or ????

1428: HUNTRESS reports a TOI to SONIC 21...260.9
1428: SONIC 21 to Potomac to get permission to leave the CAP to about 10 miles to the northwest of the northern part of the TFR area and wants clearance down to the surface...Potomac clears him for altitude but not out of CAP araea...350.25
1428: SONIC 21 has to tell HUNTRESS he isn't yet cleared to exit the Guard Dog area - only cleared for altitude descent...350.25 (bad situation but it is what it is)
1429: SONIC 21 asks 22 for help...22 is on the boom, tells TANKER 17 he's got to break away to take care of some business (277.35)
1431: SONIC 21 says TOI is on a 200 degree heading...260.9
1433: SONIC 21 has visual on TOI, describes it as a low wing aircraft, white in color, looks to be a 4-6 seater...260.9
1434: SONIC 21 apparently told to skip it by HUNTRESS...260.9
According to an observer on the ground, SONIC 21 was circling the TOI in an area about 10 miles southeast of KHGR (Hagerstown)...Thanks Bob.
1434: SONIC 21 climbing back to altitude...Potomac tells him to expedite his climb and he does...350.25
While the above was happening, SONIC 23 flight was on its way to the Guard Dog CAP area and working ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1439: SONIC 23 asking for UHF handoff freq and gets both 135.525 and 350.25 given to him...281.4
1440: SONIC 23/24 wind up in contact with Potomac on the VHF freq...135.525
1441: SONIC 23/24 check into CAP area w/HUNTRESS...reports heading for tanker 18 miles off his nose...260.9
1442: SONIC 21 to Potomac to report he and 22 will be RTB-ing in about 15 minutes and would like to start working their clearance now...says they'll be in the north part of the CAP...then says they'll be there for 5-10 more minutes...350.25
1443: SONIC 23 establishes voice comms w/TANKER 17 on boom freq which he calls "33 AUX" to his wingman...277.35 (They've got all the necessary freqs preset in the their radios this time)
SONIC 23 = 05-4089 (90th Fighter Squadron, Elmendorf AFB AK)
SONIC 24 = 03-4047 (27th Fighter Squadron, Langley AFB VA)
1448: SONIC 23 reports off the boom so HUNTRESS releases SONIC 21/22...260.9
1448: SONIC 21 reports to Potomac that he and 22 are holding hands and are cleared to LFI at FL 210...350.25
1451: SONIC 21/22 handed off to ZDC-Calvert....281.4
1452: SONIC 21 notifies 23 he's leaving the freq and they wish each other a Merry Christmas...260.9
1456: SONIC 21/22 cleared down to 11,000 feet...281.4
1456: SONIC 21/22 using interflight freq...262.025
They mention switching to 9 AUX which might be the squadron ops freq I can't seem to find. See note below.

NOTE: These fighters during this CAP have not been noted calling their squadron ops when on the way home. Last time when they were all from the 94th FS, they'd call SPAD Ops on 364.125. I've been searching through the freqs I have listed for all three squadrons ops at Langley (351.0, 357.1, 364.125) but have not managed to hear anything from them. I can't remember the last time I've heard either 351.0 or 357.1 so we might have new freqs for squadron ops.

The tanker list brought forward:

December 21
TANKER 01 = KC-135R, 59-1498, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor, Mode 3=3477
TANKER 02 = KC-135R, 60-0315, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee, Mode 3=5662
TANKER 03 = KC-135R, 63-8018, 173rd ARS NE-ANG Lincoln, Mode 3 = 5653
TANKER 04 = KC-135R, ---------, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease, Mode 3 = 3515
************************************************** *****
December 22
TANKER 05 = KC-135R, 59-1467, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh, Mode 3 = 4142
TANKER 06 = KC-135R, 57-2597, 153rd ARS MS-ANG Meridian, Mode 3 = 1520
TANKER 07 = KC-135R, 58-0051, 465th ARS AFRC Tinker, Mode 3 = 2340
TANKER 08 = KC-135R, 62-3509, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson, Mode 3 = 5352
SKATER 07 = KC=135E, 58-0032, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire, Mode 3 = 7177
(SKATER 07 is the Alert Tanker, a replacement for TANKER 09 who aborted)
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December 23
TANKER 10 = KC-135R, 59-1498, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor
TANKER 11 = Not Used-CAP Suspended (From Milwaukee)
TANKER 12 = Not Used-CAP Suspended (From Lincoln)
TANKER 13 = Not Used-CAP Suspended (From Pease)
TANKER 14 = KC-135R, 58-0099, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh, Mode 3 = 4147
December 24:
TANKER 15 = KC-135R, 58-0051, 465th ARS AFRC Tinker
TANKER 16 = KC-135R, 58-0109, 153rd ARS MS-ANG Meridian, Mode 3 = 1606
TANKER 17 = KC-135R, 57-1437, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson, Mode 3 = 4663
TANKER 18 = KC-135R, 63-7982, 22nd ARW AFRC McConnell, Mode 3 = 2475
TANKER 19 = KC-135R, 59-1948, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor, Mode 3 = 3471

Ref Below: Thanks Brian. I wasn't able to hear any of that HARRIER/HUNTRESS traffic from here.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
1053 local - HARRIER calling HUNTRESS, reporting that they are up doing some training SW of the TFR, asking how copy, L&C reports HUNTRESS - 260.9
1057 - HUNTRESS back with HARRIER passing WX, sounded like local forecast with wind speed, direction and altimeter given - 260.9
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Jan 5, 2004
TinEar said:
NOTE: These fighters during this CAP have not been noted calling their squadron ops when on the way home. Last time when they were all from the 94th FS, they'd call SPAD Ops on 364.125. I've been searching through the freqs I have listed for all three squadrons ops at Langley (351.0, 357.1, 364.125) but have not managed to hear anything from them. I can't remember the last time I've heard either 351.0 or 357.1 so we might have new freqs for squadron ops.
I heard them calling ops on 341.8 -Eagle Ops, on Friday I guess it was. I just checked my ID Tracker log and it shows it being used Saturday night at 2309 also.

TinEar said:
Appreciate that very much Travis. That's a new freq for me and must replace one of the Ops freqs I mentioned above.

I got that one from CHM Volume 9 Issue 2 (2004). :D That's what I used to first get me started in milair.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
I heard them calling ops on 341.8 -Eagle Ops, on Friday I guess it was. I just checked my ID Tracker log and it shows it being used Saturday night at 2309 also.

Appreciate that very much Travis. That's a new freq for me and must replace one of the Ops freqs I mentioned above.

1618: TANKER 18 calls HUNTRESS on 260.9 to say he'll be in the area at 2125Z - about 15 minutes early...TANKER 17 is released and switches to Potomac 350.25 to get clearance home.
1623: TANKER 18 asks Potomac if he has permission to move along the lateral confines of Guard Dog (he switched freqs to VHF after first calling on UHF)...135.525

TANKER 18 = KC-135R, 63-7982, 22nd ARW AFRC McConnell, Mode 3=2475

1721: And SONIC 23 heard calling (?something?) Eagle Ops just to check comms...341.8 (Unfortunately, he got them on the first try so I didn't get to hear the callsign he used a second time)
1725: SONIC 24 to TANKER 18 for fuel...18 advises him he's at FL 230 due to weather...24 gives squawk as 4333...277.35
1736: SONIC 24 off the boom after taking 10,000 pounds of fuel...277.35

TANKER 19 to the area around 1940.
TANKER 19 = KC-135R, 59-1498, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor, Mode 3 = 3471
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 12/25/2007

First I'd like to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

First up is TANKER 20 and SONIC 41/42. SONIC's were discussing a problem 41 is having as they flew into range in the 0550 - 0600 timeframe (interflight 233.525) . 41 was saying he'd try an avionics restart while 42 was getting gas and if that didn't work he'd fly home, get a new jet and be back. 41 attempted his avionics restart at 0603, at 0606 he was back to HUNTRESS on 260.9 with "unable for avionics restart if you're having a hard time seeing me" At 0616 41 said "42 will man the cap, I will be back as soon as I can" on 260.9 Next copied 41 calling EAGLE OPS with "SONIC 41 airborne, 41 is early RTB" (341.8) Next on to ZDC Calvert on 281.4 with "single ship, direct Langley". Back to OPS on 341.8 reporting code 3 for radar fail. SONIC 42 to EAGLE OPS on 341.8 at 0716 - 0719 with pirep and back to HUNTRESS on 260.9 with a "heads up that I just talked to OPS, they're saying that SONIC 41 should be ready for takeoff in 20 minutes and on his way shortly thereafter" Then 42 back to the tanker at 0727 on 260.9 with "42 clear contact" by a female. SONIC 41 back into the picture at 0758 with "41, say gas" 42 back with 15.4 - 260.9. SONIC 41 with POTOMAC at 0800 on 350.250 "GUARD DOG SONIC 41 level at FL230 direct Nottingham looking direct to the cap". 41 was into the cap and to the tanker at 0809. SONIC 41 back to OPS at 0857 on 341.8 "looking for the status of the field as well as our replacements" HUNTRESS to TANKER 20 on 260.9 at 0911 reporting their replacement is 35 minutes out.

0958 - 1000 local -- ARMY copter 26446 with Leesburg radio activating vfr flightplan. Hagerstown > Frederick > Baltimore > Aberdeen > Ocean City > Atlantic City > McGuire --- 255.4

Edit - still can't spell any better
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
December 25:
TANKER 20 = KC-135R, 60-0315, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee, Mode 3 = 6566
TANKER 21 = KC-135R, 59-1463, 173rd ARS NE-ANG Lincoln, Mode 3 = 3647

Ref Below: He sure did Mark and it was a surprise to see him flying....84-0062, C-5B from the 436th AW at Dover.

Not much else was flying overnight. REACH 3113 (C-17A, 03-3113, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) departed home station last evening, was heard in Atlanta around 2000, arrived at Andrews about 2130...departed late 2300 hour, heard in the UK around 0530 (our time) and finally at Stuttgart Germany just before 0700 (our time)
Also heard was REACH 157 (C-5B, 85-0003, 436th AW Dover) late in the 0900 hour this morning. I'm not sure where he was coming from although he was over Nantucket about an hour earlier and last record of him was in Italy on the 22nd. He departed this area on the 20th heading for Europe.

Merry Christmas to everyone reading. Hope your day is spent with family and lots of good cheer.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Merry Christmas as well...At least something's flying today..

1458z REACH 4062 C-5 depart Dover for Andrews.


Ref above Rgr TIN on that REACH 3113.USAF article says they depart every Tuesday from Ramstein
so should be back tommorow as EVAC 33113.Seems though those EVACS come and go at other times as well
or needed.
2100z EVAC 33116 arriving Andrews with CP ,12 litter,9 amb patients.
Guess this was the Tuesday special..
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just bringing the tanker list forward and up to date through the rest of today's activity....

December 21
TANKER 01 = KC-135R, 59-1498, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor, Mode 3=3477
TANKER 02 = KC-135R, 60-0315, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee, Mode 3=5662
TANKER 03 = KC-135R, 63-8018, 173rd ARS NE-ANG Lincoln, Mode 3 = 5653
TANKER 04 = KC-135R, ---------, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease, Mode 3 = 3515
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December 22
TANKER 05 = KC-135R, 59-1467, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh, Mode 3 = 4142
TANKER 06 = KC-135R, 57-2597, 153rd ARS MS-ANG Meridian, Mode 3 = 1520
TANKER 07 = KC-135R, 58-0051, 465th ARS AFRC Tinker, Mode 3 = 2340
TANKER 08 = KC-135R, 62-3509, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson, Mode 3 = 5352
SKATER 07 = KC=135E, 58-0032, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire, Mode 3 = 7177
(SKATER 07 is the Alert Tanker, a replacement for TANKER 09 who aborted)
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December 23
TANKER 10 = KC-135R, 59-1498, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor
TANKER 11 = Not Used-CAP Suspended (From Milwaukee)
TANKER 12 = Not Used-CAP Suspended (From Lincoln)
TANKER 13 = Not Used-CAP Suspended (From Pease)
TANKER 14 = KC-135R, 58-0099, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh, Mode 3 = 4147
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December 24:
TANKER 15 = KC-135R, 58-0051, 465th ARS AFRC Tinker
TANKER 16 = KC-135R, 58-0109, 153rd ARS MS-ANG Meridian, Mode 3 = 1606
TANKER 17 = KC-135R, 57-1437, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson, Mode 3 = 4663
TANKER 18 = KC-135R, 63-7982, 22nd ARW AFRC McConnell, Mode 3 = 2475
TANKER 19 = KC-135R, 59-1948, 132nd ARS ME-ANG Bangor, Mode 3 = 3471
December 25:
TANKER 20 = KC-135R, 60-0315, 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee, Mode 3 = 6566
TANKER 21 = KC-135R, 59-1463, 173rd ARS NE-ANG Lincoln, Mode 3 = 3647
TANKER 22 = KC-135R, 58-0061, 22nd ARW AFRC McConnell (Positive on unit, not on tail number)
TANKER 23 = KC-135R, 58-0099, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh, Mode 3 = 4142
TANKER 24 = KC-135R, 60-0349, 77th ARS AFRC Seymour Johnson, Mode 3 = 5320

1930: TANKER 24 just taking over AR duties in the CAP. SONIC 51/52 are the F-22As from Langley
Primary NORAD freq...260.9
Primary boom freq...277.35
Potomac TRACON Guard Dog Control...135.525/350.25
1935: SONIC 52 tops off his tanks with TANKER 24 and gives tail as 03-4051 (27th FS Langley)...277.35
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Dec 13, 2007
Merry Christmas to all!!!!

Tin, still working toward the VQ-4 goal. Wasn't able to get alot done this weekend but was able to make some progress. Got a UBC780XLT programmed up with all of the listed POTOMAC TRACON freqs I could find in the latest Flight Information Pubs. I have the VHF and UHF freqs divided up into separate banks with all of the VHF freqs locked out for now except for the GUARD DOG freq. The plan is to listen to the recorded audio from all of my PAX ATC freqs and listen for any handoff freqs for departing aircraft and then unlock those from the PCT VHFs freqs as the come accross. Hopefully in a matter of a few days I should be able to ID most all handoff freqs used for departing birds out of PAX. This should help me to be able to watch the commonly used hand offs.

I have another UBC780XLT set up for ZDC. The plan is pretty much the same for this one as for the PCT scanner noted above. The VHFs are all locked out except for 133.9 and I will unlock all of the the VHF handoffs I can catch from aircraft departing PAX as they come.

Both of these scanners are recording all audio.

Sitting here now listening to "1" days recorded audio from 121.0/250.3 KNHK-APP/DEP CNTRL. Holy cow I am going to have my work cut out for me. I starting reviewing this audio at 18:30 and have been at it ever since. Have not clued into anything VQ-4 specific as yet. But to be honest with as much audio as I have listened to I would not be surpised if it slipped by me. Will get it though.

These folks sure simulcast allot. Gonna have my work cut out for me.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Seems you have a good plan JR. Being able to hear all the ground station traffic has got to keep that recording busy. That's why I was trying to place a note here when one of our targets is taking off - so you can home in on that time frame. However, the exercise you're going through is also going to bring you up to speed in a hurry on the Pax activity so you can become our resident expert on all the gibberish that emanates out of that facility. You're the only one in a location able to do it that posts to this forum. We've had others that lived down that way - one that was very good at deciphering Pax activity but he just disappeared one day - and a couple of others but they weren't into MilAir so weren't in a position to help us. I've got a couple other interests among the aircraft there but we'll leave those for sometime in the future. I'm sure with your background from the west coast and with the Edwards test facility activity, you've got your own priorities you're trying to get a handle on.


Jan 5, 2004
Upon reviewing my recording of 260.9, last night at 2234 HUNTRESS advised that NORAD was tracking a sleigh in the immediate vicinity of the CAP.

Around 1235 today SONIC-42 said he's from the 27th FS, tail FF 05-4092


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
Around 1235 today SONIC-42 said he's from the 27th FS, tail FF 05-4092

That's kind of interesting Travis. Scramble shows that as one of the tails from the 90th FS at Elmendorf rather than the 27th. I wonder if they're swapping aircraft around or if some of the 90th aircraft are temporarily assigned to the 27th. There's no real way to find out that I know of unless I run into one of their pilots somewhere along the line. I'm going to play in the Google sandbox for a bit and see if I can dig up something in the news that accounts for that.
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