Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Side note

From today's Herald-Mail:

Aviation museum plans reception

The Hagerstown Aviation Museum is hosting a special reception Sunday. Museum members and donors who helped secure the return of the Fairchild C-82 Flying Boxcar to Hagerstown are invited to attend, as are other aviation enthusiasts.

Frank Lamm, who piloted the historic return flight home, will recall the adventurous and emotional flight. A large screen presentation of museum history, auction purchase and return flight of the C-82 will be shown. Tours of the C-82 will be available, weather permitting, and other museum aircraft will be on display in the hangar.

The reception will be from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Hagerstown Aircraft Services facility near the airport off U.S 11 North at 14235 Oak Springs Road, Hagerstown.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1718Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY 7C 981 - @ 4000' for the vis. app to rwy 19L @ ADW.
1721Z 118.590 Potomac DEP - PAT 375 - 1000-2000' to 7000'.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1408: AXEMAN flight of two MD-ANG A-10s from Warfield ANGB on interflight...142.3
1409: AXEMAN reports to Raven Ops they were airborne at 08...Ops acknowledges...347.2
1413: Refueling activity...288.0
1414: NJ-ANG F-16s on interflight...138.425
1421: MAI TAI 61 (F-22A Langley) with ZDC-Cape Charles ...256.8
1424: MAI TAI 61 requests handoff to Giant Killer...256.8
1424: MAI TAI 61 to Giant Killer on 238.1, no comms so switches to 249.8...his flight is working Event 2204 and he'll be MARSA with NACHO and RANCH flights.
Haven't heard the F-22As in a long time.
1426: MAI TAI 61, flight of two, says he's working in W-386D and is changing to 36...249.8
1426: Very weakly heard NACHO 41 (I think) reporting to Giant Killer...249.8
If RANCH shows up and is determined to be F-22A, it will be a new addition to the Raptor callsign list.
1430: RAVEN flight of MD-ANG A-10s report airborne at 28 to Raven Ops...347.2
1433: Very weaky heard someone say on 337.225 (GK freq) to switch to 288.0 (refueling freq) and then heard them even more weakly on that freq. Perhaps someone in a different area can pull out some callsigns. Thought I heard a BICEP (NJ-ANG) on 288.0 but not sure at all of that.
1437: NACHO 51 to Giant Killer to check in the area...238.1
1437: Confirm BICEP working the refueling freq...288.0
1438: Giant Killer's tactical freq active with F-22A activity...292.3
1440: BICEP 1 completes his AR per the U/I tanker...288.0
1440: BATON 74 with Baton Ops...395.1
1440: AERO 22 (NJ-ANG F-16) also with the tanker on...288.0
So...we've probably got BICEP 11 and AERO 21 flights active out in W-107 working GK's tactical freq 337.225 and with the U/I tanker on 288.0. On the scanners I can just barely tell there's activity on 288.0. With the R8500 I can hear them when they talk but the freq is very noisy with static interference of some type. One of the flights is working interflight 138.425 but no callsigns heard there yet.
1445: HIRE 70 (C-17A 62nd Airlift Wing, McChord AFB WA) calling McGuire Command Post...x2, no joy...319.4 (Tail #99-0061)
1449: Giant Killer's tactical freq active with F-22A activity...391.2
1451: MAI TAI 1 RTBing to Langley....249.8 (didn't state he had a problem as a reason for breaking from the flight to RTB)
1454: HIRE 70 to McGuire CP to report about 20 minutes out, arriving 15 after the hour, requests 95,000 pounds of fuel, has 78 pax to offload and 3 baggage pallets...needs servicing due to losing engine oil...319.4
1455: MAI TAI to ZDC-Cape Charles at FL 200...256.8
1456: BICEP to HUNTRESS...wants to know if there are any ?marshalls? on board...337.225
1457: RAVEN to Raven Ops to relay from AXEMAN that they are not going to "The Grove" today due to weather...143.8
1457: MAI TAI cleared down to 16000 feet...256.8
1458: NACHO 51 (F-22A) calling Giant joy x3...238.1
1459: NACHO 51 to Giant Killer...says no contact on 238.1 but they are leaving W-386D at this time to RTB to Langley...233.7
1459: MAI TAI 61 tells ZDC they're in a 2 mile non-standard formation...256.8
Earlier, when I weakly thought I heard NACHO 41, that might have been RANCH 41 which would fit for the three flight mission...MAI TAI 61, NACHO 51 and RANCH 41. I would suspect RANCH would be another F-22A since he was flying with two F-22A flights. Adding it tentatively to the F-22A list.

1502: BICEP asking HUNTRESS about what type cargo aircraft they're looking for and does it have an Air Marshall on board...337.225 (I'm only hearing occasional transmissions on this freq - I guess when they turn just right or get up enough altitude.)
1504: NACHO 51 to ZDC-Cape Charles checking in at FL 200...256.8
1505: MAI TAI 61 flight with Norfolk TRACON...370.925
1507: BICEP to HUNTRESS to say target was intercepted..."TOI splash"...mentions calling the FAA...337.225
1508: Both BICEP and AERO flights report "teminate" mission...337.225
1511: Sounds like BICEP/AERO are beginning a new target acquisition...337.225 (Wish I could hear more of this mission. Sounds interesting and a bit different. Training to shoot down an airliner is one thing but imagine what a pilot would go through in a real scenario having to do that. They'd follow orders...BUT...
1515: AXEMAN still working interflight 142.3...making up missions as they go...probably out over the Bay...never did hear the RAVEN flight on an interflight freq even right after takeoff. I suspect they were on a low band FM freq but haven't caught one of those by this unit in a long time. I wonder if they've changed their FM freqs?
1516: The BICEP/AERO flights have faded from listening range.
1522: Oops...still there...AERO 21 with HUNTRESS giving a BRAA to the TOI...122/66/22000/southeast...337.225
BRAA=Bearing, Range, Altitude, Aspect (direction of flight)

Time for me to fade away too. 'Till later...

Interesting story on about a synthetic fuel test in a B-52. I think the author made a mistake though in the story when he says the new fuel costs $20 a barrel. Did he mean $20 a gallon? What do you think?,15240,125857,00.html?
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Interesting story on about a synthetic fuel test in a B-52. I think the author made a mistake though in the story when he says the new fuel costs $20 a barrel. Did he mean $20 a gallon? What do you think?,15240,125857,00.html?

I caught the 419th FLTS doing the initial testing for that at Edwards a few months back, using an MT B-52. Some economists have said the only thing that would ever get people looking seriously at alternative fuels, would be a fairly large increase in oil prices. I guess they were right.

- Featuring the MilTenna Air Band Antennas -


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1837: REACH 3125 to McGuire CP...319.4
1937: STEEL 62 (KC-135R PA-ANG 171st ARW Pittsburgh--tail #58-0074) to Steel Ops...311.0
2004: JOSA 946 to Andrews mentions circling over the airport - didn't say why...378.1
2037: MAPLE 24 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Salisbury checks in at FL 260...he's been heard ever since leaving Burlington by listeners in New England...257.7
2042: MAPLE 24 cleared down to FL 200...257.7
2044: MAPLE 24 calls Maple Ops on Detachment Ops freq...repeats barometric pressure as 2973 and reports 114000...138.0
2046: MAPLE 24 cleared down to 12,000 feet....257.7
2047: MAPLE 24 handed off to Norfolk TRACON and checks in at 12,000 feet...370.925
2048: MAPLE 24 cleared to 3000 feet...370.925

Late addition: Just want to mention a JEDI/JINX 52 (C-17A) going into McGuire at 2321. Says he's 20 minutes out, A-1, no cargo or pax, needs parking spot and crew bus. He called a total of five times...the first and last he used JEDI and the middle three he used JINX. Guess he was confused.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
20:45 - ROCK 84 doing some approach work with Willow Grove GCA on 128.675. Has been going at it now for about 25 minutes it seems.
20:55 - ROCK 84 now working with WG Tower on 119.6
21:00 - contacting 913th opps, one last touch and go and then they are landing
Thought i also heard ROCK 61 at one point coming in for a landing.....guess these guys are trying to get in as much flying as they can, seeing as how they are pretty much finished at the end of next month. Gotta feel bad for them.

Interesting note, Rock 84 is one of the 913th's demodified HC-130s with a funny nose. They used to be 'fulton recovery' system planes, and then were made into weather recee planes, WC-130s apparently. They received them in the spring of 06, and just started flying them. He was flying around 1730 today as well, caught a few pics out of my window as he went by. Sun was going down, didn't have time to change up settings on the camera, anyways...thought you guys might like to see what he looks like! Lighter grey than usual and on the tail, AFRC and then in purple WEATHER.



Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1003: 141.875 AM - Have 2 UNID using as Interplane. Likely VA ANG but unsure as yet.
1004: 142.775 FM -Comms relating to apparent pre flight work being done to GLOBAL HAWK
1006: 142.3 - MD ANG up no C/S yet
1011: 255.4 - AXEMAN and RAVEN just check in to one of the MOAS on 255.4
1012: 313.7 - Sporadic comms unknown player(s)
1015: 267.8 - Sporadic comms unknown player(s)
1019: 313.7 - Heard 849 talking about loading software. I assume WB 849
1203: 142.775 FM & 254.025 AM - GLOBAL HAWK crews conducting mutiple radio checks. Currently checking KU SATCOM and UHF SATCOM
1205 - 237.8 - Weak sporadic comms
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1153: U/I FM voice...143.025
1154: Pair of A-10s landing MTN...297.2
1154: JINX 61 (C-17A) calling McGuire CP...x3, no joy...319.4
1157: JINX 61 makes contact...reports 20 minutes out, A-3...319.4

1202: AVALON 74 (C-9A 932nd AW, Scott AFB, IL) arriving Andrews...378.1
1204: AVALON 74 with ADW Tower...118.4
1207: JOSA 979 calling Andrews...141.55
1208: JOSA 655 to Andrews explaining he was originally coming into ADW but is diverting to BWI. Wants to make sure all parties are advised for protocol reasons...141.55
1210: JOSA 979 (84-0075) to Andrews...says he is coming into ADW, needs 4K fuel but wants to know if JOSA 655 is diverting to BWI because of winds...if so, he might have to do the same...141.55
1214: U/I speaker on DC-ANG SOF freq explaining to his wingman the radio button setup at Andrews...says to setup 4 as 335.5, 3 as 349.0 and 2 as 275.8.....139.9 (It seems he has buttons different than normal DC-ANG usage. Four is normally the Tower freq 349.0, 19 is 335.5 for DC-ANG so no telling who these guys are.)
275.8 ADW Ground
349.0 ADW Tower
335.5 Potomac TRACON (ADW Approach)
1215: It's a flight of two aircraft apparently coming to Andrews working the 139.9 freq.
1215: Same flight is with ZNY-Yardley...290.2
1222: Flight handed off to ZNY-Modena...335.6 (Missed callsign)
1223: MIght have heard them use MOTLEY on 139.9 (MA-ANG A-10 callsign if so. That's also one of their normal interflight freqs.)
1227: It is MOTLEY 1...just requested direct Baltimore...335.6
1234: MOTLEY 1 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON (BWI) and check in blocking 12-13000 non-standard...307.9
1235: MOTLEY talking about the ATIS report from Andrews. Says winds are pretty high...20-35 mph...139.9
1236: MOTLEY 1 flight told to descend to 10,000 feet...307.9
1236: MOTLEY flight leader tells wingman to rejoin on him...139.9
1237: MOTLEY 1 told to descend to 6000...MOTLEY responds out of 10 for 6...307.9
1237: MOTLEY flight leader tells wingman to jump over to 139.3 and give them a heads up they're 10 minutes out...wingman asks who to call...flight leader says Navy Ops....139.9
1238: MOTLEY to Navy Ops...IDs as two A-10s, 10 minutes out...139.3
1239: MOTLEY 1 flight handed off to TRACON (Reagan) and check in at 6000 feet...269.0
1239: MOTLEY 2 tells Navy Ops they're six minutes out....139.3
1240: MOTLEY 1 reports field in sight...out of 6 for 3000 feet...269.0
1241: MOTLEY 1 handed off to ADW Approach... asks for UHF...tells wingman to "Push 4" ...269.0 (According to the earlier chat that would be 335.5)
1241: MOTLEY 1 to TRACON and check in at 3000 feet..."Push 3"...335.5
1243: MOTLEY 1 to ADW Tower and check in 5 miles to the east for full stop on runway 1R...349.0
1245: MOTLEY 1 tells tower he's weak...they're coming in for full stop...349.0
1246: MOTLEY 1 reports, "right, base, gear, stop, cleared to land"...MOTLEY 2 follows...349.0
And they're down at Andrews. Wonder what the mission is? And why Navy Ops?
1256: U/I flight with ZNY-Kennedy on 282.3 and then at 1259 with ZNY-Dixie 307.8

1303: UGLY 1 (PA-ANG Willow Grove A-10) is the flight with ZNY-Dixie...passing 8 for 13000 feet...307.8
1305: Raven Ops talking to an AXEMAN flight of A-10s on the ground at MTN...347.2
1306: Coast Guard Baltimore taking position report from CG Helo 6559 (HH65)...Marine Channel 23A...157.15
Also had a U/I copter on the chat channel saying he was doing a photo mission around the Inner Harbor and told a U/I Coast Guard copter that he should monitor this freq to keep track of the helos in this area...123.025
1309: PA-ANG interflight freq active...mention Slate Run...142.25
1310: CAPE 11 (Langley or Otis F-15--probably Otis based on flight plan) to ZNY-Stoneyfork checking in at FL 430 direct destination...273.6 (Heard him switch from ZNY-East Texas 350.3) No problem hearing him at that altitude.
1313: U/I PA-ANG A-10 talking about his map pages with Willow Grove Ops...mentions FLYER...343.0
1314: CAPE 11 handed off to ZNY-Milton and checks in at FL 430 direct McConnell (AFB Kansas)...269.1
He repeated the freq by the last controller as 261.9 but came up on the correct freq.
1317: CADE 1 (A-10 Willow Grove) flight with ZDC-Kenton...8000 feet...354.15
1319: CADE 1 leaving 8 for 10(000) feet...354.15
1323: CAPE 11 handed off to ZNY-Philipsburg and checks in still at FL 430, direct destination...306.2
1325: CADE 1 handed off to Patuxent and checks in at 10000...requests 3500-17000 for 20 minutes, cancels IFR...305.2
1325: And here's the flight of AXEMAN A-10s from MTN in the air on interflight...142.3 (Raven Ops had been talking to them on the ground for several minutes but couldn't hear the aircraft, just the ground controller)
1327: AXEMAN reports off at 25 to Raven Ops...347.2
1328: EVAC 119 (C-21, tail 84-0119) to Andrews with arrival message...141.55
1329: CAPE 11 handed off to Cleveland Center and checks in at FL 430 direct destination...276.4
Freq 276.4 is for the ZOB-Franklin Sector 59 High.
1330: CADE 1 handed off to BayWatch....270.8
1339: SALTY DOG 323 with BayWatch...270.8
1340: CAPE 11 handed off again but finally was too weak to copy new freq...276.4
1341: CADE 1 reports RTB at this time...270.8
1341: MAPLE 69 (F-16 VT-ANG) with ZDC-Cape Charles...256.8
1343: MAPLE 69 handed off to ZDC-Salisbury looking for FL 270...257.7
1343: CADE 1 handed off to ZDC-Kenton...354.15
1343: JOSA 979 reports departure from Andrews at 40...141.55
1344: CADE 1 checks in as a single A-10...354.15
1346: WB 537 (WATERBUG) with ZDC-Calvert at 7000...281.4
1348: MAPLE 69 gets flight plan as far as Albany...257.7
1348: CADE 1 direct Smyrna...354.15
1350: MAPLE 69 handed off to 254.3 (ZDC-Coyle), has no joy there and comes back to 257.7 where he's sent right back to 254.3
1352: MAPLE 69 calling Washington Center, no right back to 257.7 he goes
1355: MAPLE 69 once again back to ZDC-Coyle and makes contact this JFK...254.3
1355: CADE 1 handed off to Philly TRACON, comes back and gets 286.0, no joy there, comes back again to 354.15, gets 269.25 this time and checks in there with no problem.
1356: Have another flight of two A-10s coming to Andrews...they call Navy Ops on 139.3 and report 10 minutes out. Just before that I had them with TRACON 317.425. (Didn't hear callsign)
1358: CADE 1 to Ops requesting early landing at 1410....141.8

1400: MAPLE 69 with ZNY-Kennedy at FL 270...282.3
1401: NAVY WB 537 with Atlantic City Approach for runway 31....124.6
1403: That other pair of A-10s is with ADW Tower for landing and I still can't catch their callsign. It sounds something like "ENDO"....349.0
Got it! At last! It's HENDO
1406: HENDO 1 and 2 are landing. These are more MA-ANG A-10s
1406: MAPLE 69 handed off to ZBW-Kingston and checks in at FL 270...290.35
1424: AXEMAN flight still with Dover Approach IDs as a flight of two A-10s and mentions going over to Atlantic City...257.875

Four A-10s (MOTLEY x2 and HENDO x2) from MA-ANG Barnes to Andrews with Navy Ops for unspecified mission. MAPLE 69 from Langley Detachment to home in Burlington VT. PA and MD-ANG A-10s flying around the area. CAPE 11 F-15 from Otis MA to McConnell AFB Kansas. Lots of transports moving around the area and high winds reported from here to New England by listeners.

Okay, enough logging for now. Time for other stuff.

Mark (or anyone), are the JINX/JEDI callsigns used for training at McGuire by any C-17A unit such as the THUG callsign is? I have them listed for McGuire but I've noted aircraft tails assigned to Charleston also using those callsigns.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:

Caught this same xmsn and heard the flight number as 1, but the callsign was unreadable.


Just below the line you quoted Tony is where I caught it. It's HENDO, A-10s from Barnes also coming in with Navy Ops.

P.S. Okay, I will. :)


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


Earlier this morning heard these two while at home and at IAD...

1225Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - HAWK 32 - landing Signature Flight Support for pax drop.

1410Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - PAT 758 (C-12T 86-0089 OSACOM Det. 36 IL ArNG) - lands rwy 1L.

1925Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 346 to 12000'.
1950Z 349.000 Andrews AFB TWR - BOLAR 70 (C-5 436th AMW Dover) - lands 1L.
1950Z 292.200 MUSSEL CTL - MUSSEL 08 - checking in.

2019Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NAVY 7C 029 - @ 2300' on the R dwind for rwy 32.
2019Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2401 - deps DAA 2000' for 5000'.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just a couple of minutes of logs because a couple are unusual...

1554: AXEMAN flight landing MTN...297.2
1556: AXEMAN flight landing at 54 as repeated by Raven Ops...347.2
1558: REACH 355 calling Cherry Point Command Post...x3, no joy...305.7
I've had that freq programmed forever and this is the first hit on it.
1558: REACH 01 to Andrews to report they took off from BWI which was their weather divert airport at 2052Z...141.55

1604: GARBO 34 calling HUNTRESS Radio...364.2 (No ID for GARBO)
1604: REACH 355 makes contact with Cherry Point...arriving in 20 minutes, has 71,692 pounds of cargo on 3 pallets, 14 passengers and three Super Cobra helos that require special handling. Also needs Customs upon landing...305.7
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
267.35 FM has some activity now.

Also just missed some callsigns with ZDC-Gordonsville > Blackstone and someone with Montebello.
1704- Well, there was activity on 267.35. Maybe I caught them finishing for the day. Now listening for anything inbound to any place I can hear.

ARMY-263 complaining about wake turbulence.
1730ish- JOSA-360 home station flight with 3 pax. 378.1
1742- MARINE-664 15 min out with a code. 141.55
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
freqhopping said:
The Navy's new stealth helicopter?
And doesn't exist anywhere on the internet because it's still classified. :)

I don't know either. Not a clue. Notice there is not a single marking on it anywhere. It looks like a primer coat of paint on it while perhaps awaiting its final paint job. WAG time. Looks military but no weapons visible either.
1858: REACH 0447 (Probably a C-5) to Dover Command Post with arrival message...15-20 minutes out, A-2 for a #3 bus tie relay, 1 passenger through to Ramstein, 12 crew and 7 extra crew catching a ride to Ramstein...wants quick turnaround...349.4
1903: REACH 0447 requests info on upload for his aircraft...also wants to know if a couple of vans are available for the crew to go get something to eat....349.4
1941: REACH 9063 asking ground (Prob. Dover or McGuire) if they can call Bangor to check on their tanker - ETHYL 74 - and gives a couple of commercial numbers to call (207-990-xxxx and 800-538-xxxx. The speaker wants to know if they can be about 15 minutes early...134.1
1947: REACH 9063 gets confirmation of the phone call but doesn't repeat any of the info...134.1
REACH 9063 was probably a McChord AFB WA C-17A with tail 99-0063.

2030: THUG 01,(Originally thought I heard BUD) flight of two, to McGuire CP with arrival message...THUG 01 tail 183 is A-2 and THUG 02 tail 170 is A-1...20 minutes out...319.4
2051: PAT 648, IDs as a C-12 arriving Andrews with 4 pax...mentioned 0087 which might be his tail number...378.1
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN GARBO 34 was probably a Pax River E-6,Those Pax callsigns for E-6's are never the same and they usually check in with Huntress when headed towards North Atlantic.

Had a THUG 01 flt of 2 into McGuire,tails are probably C-17,s 00-0170 and 00-0183
both McChord 62AW jobs.

Also heard COBRA 72 depart Andrews 2257z,relay to Offutt.Must be the OC-135 special.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Rgr TIN GARBO 34 was probably a Pax River E-6,Those Pax callsigns for E-6's are never the same and they usually check in with Huntress when headed towards North Atlantic.

Had a THUG 01 flt of 2 into McGuire,tails are probably C-17,s 00-0170 and 00-0183
both McChord 62AW jobs.

Also heard COBRA 72 depart Andrews 2257z,relay to Offutt.Must be the OC-135 special.


Thanks for that GARBO translation Mark. I don't have anything at all for that call. And your THUG 01 is much better than the "BUD" I thought I heard until realizing it had to be THUG. By the way, the two tails for them are 99-0170 and 00-0183 and they are definitely from the 62nd at McChord. I can also confirm the COBRA 72 you heard was indeed who you said it was -- an OC-135B, tail number 61-2672 from the 45th Recon Squadron. He came into Andrews in the 1800 hour I believe.

There's also a PETRO 95 (tail 79-1712) floating around the area somewhere - a KC-10A from McGuire

I just did some work on the McChord 62nd Airlift Wing to identify their C-17s. Here's the list of what is stationed there if you want it. The list isn't necessarily all inclusive. It's what I've been able to identify only.

McChord AFB WA
62nd Airlift Wing (4th AS, 7th AS, 8th AS)
90-0535 C-17A
90-0533 C-17A
92-3291 C-17A
93-0603 C-17A
98-0049 C-17A
98-0050 C-17A
98-0052 C-17A
98-0054 C-17A
98-0055 C-17A
98-0056 C-17A
98-0057 C-17A
99-0058 C-17A
99-0060 C-17A
99-0061 C-17A
99-0062 C-17A
99-0063 C-17A
99-0064 C-17A
99-0165 C-17A
99-0166 C-17A
99-0167 C-17A
99-0168 C-17A
99-0169 C-17A
99-0170 C-17A
00-0171 C-17A (corrected this one...orginally typed 00-0071)
00-0172 C-17A
00-0173 C-17A
00-0174 C-17A
00-0175 C-17A
00-0176 C-17A
00-0177 C-17A
00-0178 C-17A
00-0179 C-17A
00-0180 C-17A
00-0181 C-17A
00-0182 C-17A
00-0183 C-17A
00-0184 C-17A
00-0185 C-17A
01-0186 C-17A
01-0187 C-17A
02-1102 C-17A
02-1103 C-17A
02-1104 C-17A
02-1105 C-17A
02-1106 C-17A
02-1107 C-17A
02-1108 C-17A
02-1109 C-17A
02-1110 C-17A
02-1111 C-17A
03-3120 C-17A

2313: TEAM 81 (KC-10A McGuire) to McGuire CP with arrival message...30 minutes out, A-1...319.4
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0715 327.125 MAZDA 75-76 flt of 2 F-16's diverting to Atlantic City with problems.
Our tanker GOLD 22 KC-135 will also land.
Mentions fixing problem before the crossing.

0950 relay update: Been told these are F-16's headed to Moron Spain.
Tankers are GOLD 11,12,13,21,22,23.

GOLD 22 mentioned they would use 4925 Khz on crossing.
Probably A/A with other tankers since GOLD 22 and company will be so far behind.

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
0930: - 285.4 - SCARY 1 up with ZDC. I have nothing on their A-As yet.
0935: - 139.15 - For the A-A. Also up 348.725 with PCT
0936: - 139.15 - Now they are WILD Flight of 4
0940: - 354.8 - WILD fixing to do some practicing in the PAX areas. Working on 354.8 with ADVISORY
1029: - 285.4 - BANGER 21 up with ZDC.
1030: - 139.875 - Also have some acivitiy on 139.875. I guess the tankers are up.
1055: - 272.4 - BLACKJACK 359 (HX-21 PAX) talking to unheard station at Webster Field. Also working 340.2 for Webster Field TWR. Heard them up with PAX Controller advising they should be at Webster for about 4 hours.
1105: - 141.675 - Active no c/s heard
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