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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
HOIST 91 flt of 2 KC-10's headed south today this morning.
Followed them on VHF ATC as far as I could.
ZDC Sea Isle 127.700.ZDC Salisbury 120.975 to 25k feet.
133,820>127.750 direct Greensboro NC.

STEEL 71 KC-135 #58-0099 arrive McGuire.
This was listed as a 92nd ARW plane but must now be a 171 ARW KC-135.


Ref below..
TIN my KC-135 list is probably 5 years old so need updated list...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

Keep in mind that the HOOK c/s is used by all USAFE transport types, including the C-40B (01-0040 HOOK 40), the remaining C-21As, and the C-37A (albeit rarely but I have seen it in use with this type before), so this is not exclusive to the C-20s there.

Best regards,


Thanks Tony. I wasn't aware of the C-21/37 tieup to that callsign. The one I posted coming to Andrews was a specific tail number (90-0030) which is why I could tie it to the photo.

Edit: Tony, one of the C-21As belonging to the 76th AS/USAFE is using SPAR 91 for a callsign today (tail 84-0110)...and another is using BURSA 21 today (tail 84-0085)....and yet another C-21 is using HOOK 57 (tail 84-0082). Kind of indicates they're all over the board with callsigns for USAFE/76AS C-21As.

Mark said:
STEEL 71 KC-135 #58-0099 arrive McGuire.
This was listed as a 92nd ARW plane but must now be a 171 ARW KC-135.

Mark, how far back was it with the 92nd? Scramble shows it with the 171st since 2004. It does list it as a T model though and that should be changed to R since all their KC-135s are now R models in Pittsburgh. (Every time I think of a T model KC-135, I get a mental image of a Model T Ford. Can't help it.)
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

Sure thing, as always my pleasure to help out.

As an aside, I ran across this site this morning, which I haven't really looked at thoroughly for "up-to-dateness" yet, but it might be an interesting additional resource to recent monitoring efforts:


TinEar said:
Thanks Tony. I wasn't aware of the C-21/37 tieup to that callsign. The one I posted coming to Andrews was a specific tail number (90-0030) which is why I could tie it to the photo.

Edit: Tony, one of the C-21As belonging to the 76th AS/USAFE is using SPAR 91 for a callsign today (tail 84-0110)...and another is using BURSA 21 today (tail 84-0085)....and yet another C-21 is using HOOK 57 (tail 84-0082). Kind of indicates they're all over the board with callsigns for USAFE/76AS C-21As.


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
MOGO-?? with OPEC-29 enroute to IP for AR on 238.9. He spelled out MOGO phonetically. Comms are noisy and barely readable at times. Caught 0033 as the last part of MOGO's tail#.

About 5 min prior MUSSELL-01 was inbound at the Cabin John. A little before that an unknown tanker on 378.1 passing a write-up for a boom that leaks when contact is made.

1926-MUSSELL-01 entering Zone 4 from Zone 5. 120.75
1929-BLUEGRASS TOWER talking to a NIGHTHAWK that I haven't heard yet. 241.0

1957- MUSSELL-06 12mi NE of IAD. 120.75
2003-Now at Cabin John. I wondering where they're coming from. Been a while since I've seen them fly down Route 9.

2006- ????-73 (H-60) inbound to Quantico 118.6
2012- MUSSELL-06 DCA tower to Davison Tower to land.

2032- BOXER-45 landing at ADW 118.4
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Sounds like we've got some Willow Grove A-10s at Pax. Interflight freqs 141.725 and 143.75 are both active and loud enough to be from Pax. This is mid-1900 hour.
1931: UGLY flight of Willow Grove A-10s with Philly TRACON...269.25
1933: UGLY handed off to Philly TRACON...check in at 5000 feet...319.15
Looks like I caught them just as they were heading home. Not sure if UGLY is the one using 141.725 or 143.75.
1935: UGLY flight down to 3000 feet...319.15
1935: UGLY tried Ops on 343.0 with no reply so went to Ops on 141.8 to give report...both Code 2
1936: UGLY handed to Philly TRACON...check in at 3000 heading for runway 33...291.7
1937: HUSKY 50 (C-130 DE-ANG) along with two other aircraft with Ops on 343.0 *They mentioned switching to 132.425 which is a Center freq I believe
1938: The other Willow Grove flight is CADE and currently with Philly TRACON ...269.25
Looks like CADE is the 141.725 user and UGLY was using 143.75
1941: CADE to Ops on 141.8 after also trying 343.0 with no success. 15 minutes out.
1941: CADE flight from 6 to 4000 feet now...269.25

Thought I was going to have some activity. The Willow Grove A-10s landed and everything went quiet.

Did anyone catch Air Force 2 in the 1700 hour? Not sure if he was coming or going but was up flying aboard 99-0402 - a C-37A.

Couple of ramp freezes for Andrews tomorrow:
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 21 FEB 19:45 UNTIL 21 FEB 20:15 (1445-1515 local)
AIR TERMINAL RAMP FREEZE 21 FEB 14:20 UNTIL 21 FEB 14:50 (0920-0950 local)

freqhopping said:
2032- BOXER-45 landing at ADW 118.4
BOXER 45 (C-40C, tail #02-0202, 201st AS Andrews) coming home from a European trip.
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Jan 30, 2007
Willow Grove, PA
Right before that, in the beginning of 1900 hour, there was a Flyer flight of two coming in, approximatley 1915. Had the two flyers and then Rock 61 come in right in a row, about 30 seconds apart each of them. A C-130 (probably Rock) was also doing some approach work tonight as well, around 2100.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD

I just figured I would make mention of this as I did not see any other posts abou it.

I am sitting here reviewing my audio from 02/20/07. I Caught BRAVE 61 & 62 up in CAPITOL for RED/BLUE excercise on 139.7

Comms started at 0937

The reference to CAPITOL may have been a simluation as well as judging by the signal strength I had for them I kind of suspect they were doing this in the PAX Areas. Unfortunatley I was not manning the radios to confirm. My last copy on them was @ 1014. I did not hear anything that told me that HUNTRESS was coordinating.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Possible VIP flight

When I turned on my rig this morning it locked on "noise" on 300.400. Transmission lasted from 10:09 - 10:12 local. Might be related to the TN TFR for today.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


1511Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - BLACKJACK 3 (HH-65 USCG DCA) - 9 nms. NE @ 600' rdr contact cleared into the Class B.


1448Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1270 (C-12T 85-1270 OSACOM VA RFC Davison) - deps DAA to 8000' QSY 126.650.
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIR FORCE 1 up here but no details copied.
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 31 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 123.825.
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - AIREVAC 805 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.

1508Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TITUS 01 - deps ADW to 11000' dir LDN QSY 118.675.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Off topic pic

Thought the milair crowd here might not mind a post of a picture I took of a "classic" on final to Falcon Field, Mesa AZ.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
j333_76484 said:

I just figured I would make mention of this as I did not see any other posts abou it.

I am sitting here reviewing my audio from 02/20/07. I Caught BRAVE 61 & 62 up in CAPITOL for RED/BLUE excercise on 139.7

Comms started at 0937

The reference to CAPITOL may have been a simluation as well as judging by the signal strength I had for them I kind of suspect they were doing this in the PAX Areas. Unfortunatley I was not manning the radios to confirm. My last copy on them was @ 1014. I did not hear anything that told me that HUNTRESS was coordinating.

So I don't have the radios on last night and miss a good one. Good catch Jeff. By the way, CAPITOL is the squadron mission ground controller back at Andrews. Whether the scramble is for real or for an exercise, CAPITOL is always monitoring the operational freq.

Very nice picture Brian from back in the days when our industrial base could crank out one of those aircraft in three days. It takes that long now for the workers to decide which flavor coffee they want in the break room.

Mid-1100 hour...the only fighters I'm hearing active are a pair of A-10s from Martin State working interflight 142.3

1215: Andrews F-16s up on interflight 143.6...simulated HUNTRESS ACM activity.

Back later.

Ref below: Yeah did say 0937 didn't you? And that's morning to most people. Yup...things change as needs develop.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
So I don't have the radios on last night and miss a good one. Good catch Jeff. By the way, CAPITOL is the squadron mission ground controller back at Andrews. Whether the scramble is for real or for an exercise, CAPITOL is always monitoring the operational freq.

Very nice picture Brian from back in the days when our industrial base could crank out one of those aircraft in three days. It takes that long now for the workers to decide which flavor coffee they want in the break room.

Mid-1100 hour...the only fighters I'm hearing active are a pair of A-10s from Martin State working interflight 142.3

Tin, This was all yesterday morning.

Familiar wih CAPITOL is being at ADW. Judging by the way they were kicking it around, they were reminding me of the days right after 9/11 when different positions of the CAP were given names. CAPITOL was one name then there was REDSKINS and HIDEAWAY CAP as well. I guess alot has changed since I put my scanner hat back on. I am working from memory here so may very well not have the names right on on the money.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
I keep getting what sounds like open mike on 349.400 today off and on.
Maybe from aircraft airborne...
Was really strong there for a while pinning meter.



Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
Mark said:
I keep getting what sounds like open mike on 349.400 today off and on.
Maybe from aircraft airborne...
Was really strong there for a while pinning meter.


I am down here from Southern MD, and just wole up about 30 minutes ago and have not noticed it on my rigs from down here.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
02.21.2007 (cont'd)

1912Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 42 - t/off time ADW 1906Z.
1948Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - REACH 158 - deps ADW to 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.
1955Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 469 (C-12) - deps ADW to 12000' dir AML.

2007Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY WB 157 () - up on this freq on app.
2043Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY WB 958 - out of the Davison area w/tfc advisories QSY Pax App 120.050.

You know I'm desperate when...:cool:)

I keep listing helos...

2141Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - ARMY 22325 (UH-1) - Springfield inbound for landing pax dropoff.
2147Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 28 - lands heliport 32.

Just had a "Chairs"??? 093 QSY to 118.400 @ 2149Z from 119.300. Callsign a total guess, just terrible reception here.

2205Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 2403 (C-12T pm shuttle Davison) - deps DAA 2000' for 5000' dir GRUBY.
2210Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EASY 825 (UC-35 MASD NAS JRB New Orleans) - deps ADW to 11000' dir LFUKY QSY 121.050.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
I keep getting what sounds like open mike on 349.400 today off and on.
Maybe from aircraft airborne...
Was really strong there for a while pinning meter.


Didn't get a chance to post earlier when you mentioned it Mark but I tuned in and didn't hear anything on the 349.4 freq from here.

By the way, adding to the THUG story, there were a couple of C-17A trannies operating in this general area this morning under the THUG 01 and 02 banners. They were from McChord.

RAVEN flight of A-10s just returning to MTN a minute before 1600 with Tower on 297.2. A few minutes ago with Raven Ops on 143.8 to report the arrival.

At 1549 a DEVIL 11 flight of F-16s from Atlantic City returned home...caught them with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and with ACY Approach 327.125. Sounded like they came from down this way - possibly at Pax.

Had a U/I pair of fighters using 143.625 for interflight late in the 1500 hour. No idea on the ID.

Seems to be transports all over the place while running through the freqs but once the RAVEN and DEVIL flights went home, the fighters are quiet.

And my suddenly favorite new callsign to add to the database...JALOP for C-21As of the 76th Airlift Squadron/USAFE.

1632: WARPIG 1 (A-10) flight to Raven Ops reporting 5 minutes out...all is normal...143.8
1634: WARPIG now with Martin Tower for landing...appears to be a flight of two...297.2
Not sure of their origin but I've seen this callsign reported by Michigan listeners in the past. I didn't hear any interflight activity in the 138-144 band for them.
[I'm operating with just one scanner to try to remember what the simple days were like. Nice!]
1638-39: JOSA 319 calling Griffin Command a couple of times with no reply. He's on the wrong freq...349.4
1640: JOSA 087 (84-0129) with arrival message to Andrews...378.1
1651: VENUS 40 calling Griffin Command at Andrews...nada first try...second time a charm...blocks at 10 past the hour, A-1, transportation for 4 crew members needed...141.55
1654: TESTER 15 (USN Test Pilot School Pax River NAS) tells BayWatch he'll be going supersonic in about 2 minutes...he's heading to flight level 350...354.8
1657: "BayWatch, TESTER 15 will be supersonic in about 30 seconds."...354.8
1659: TESTER 15 reports he went supersonic at the 087/23 radial at 34,000 feet, max speed mach 1.05, subsonic at the 098/17 radial...354.8

1708: Refueling activity on AR-20NE gave tail as 10191...341.75
Tail is possibly 01-0191 making him a C-17A from the 437th Airlift Wing at Charleston.
1719: REACH 757T with arrival message to blocks at 45 past, needs parking spot...378.1
1731: PAT 187 arrival Andrews...10 mile final...378.1
1733: Guard copter 22325 landing at Phillips AAF...126.15
1740: Just heard a couple of helos on the chat channels talking about a fire alarm just put out for Tipton Airport at Ft. Meade...123.025
1741: LOBO 719 (VMR-1, MCAS Cherry Point, NC) calling Andrews CP a couple of joy...141.55
1742: JOSA 617 (84-0140) calling Griffin Command at Andrews...reports he departed LGA at 2221Z and will be arriving at MGE at 0015Z...wants Andrews to send them an arrival message....378.1
LGA=LaGurdia Airport NY
MGE-Dobbins ARB GA
1745: Helo pilot on chat channel says the fire at Tipton is in a hangar...123.025
1746: SUMMIT 20 (C-130E 731st AS AFRC, Peterson AFB, CO) to SHORTSTOP at Willow Grove...351.75 (Has the C-130 turboprop sound in the background)
1751: That SUMMIT 20 still calling SHORTSTOP...351.75
1752: TV Channel 4 in D.C. has their helo (CHOPPER 4) on the way to Ft. Meade...120.75
1756: JOSA 747 arriving Andrews at 1820 local...dropping off an A-5, needs crew trans for 3...378.1

1801: SUMMIT 20 still calling SHORTSTOP...351.75
1801: FLYER 1 flight (A-10 Willow Grove PA-ANG) with ZNY-Pottstown at 13,000 feeet...heading up to 16,000...278.3
1802: FLYER 1 on Ops freq...error, he should have been with ZNY...141.8
1804: SUMMIT 20 still calling SHORTSTOP...makes contact...says he's 10 minutes out...just dropping the plane off in the maintenance spot...351.75...repeats callsign as SUMMIT 20
SUMMIT 20 tail number is 94-7320.
1805: SUMMIT 20 tells SHORTSTOP to notify maintenance that they're just going to sign the plane over to them for the ____ mod...351.75
1810: FLYER 1 flight handed off to ZNY-Williamsport and check in there at 16,000 feet...338.3
Headed to the Duke perhaps?
1820: UGLY 1 flight (A-10 Willow Grove) with Philly TRACON....reporting at 8,000 feet...317.55
1821: Inteflight freq active...probably the UGLY flight...143.75 ('s the UGLY flight)
1824: UGLY flight handed off to ZDC-Casino and check in there at 8,000's a flight of two...285.4
1827: UGLY flight cleared to 10,000 feet...285.4
1827: U/I flight with Willow Grove Base Ops...wants a message passed to someone there...they were going to help him out with a rental car....306.8 (Might be the SUMMIT 20 flight again)
1831: UGLY putting on NVGs...143.75
1833: UGLY 1 flight handed off to Patuxent and check in at 10,000 feet...cancel IFR...operating in area from 3500-25000 feet and will be at Pax for 35 minutes...354.8
1834: UGLY flight leader tells Pax he doesn't need advisories for his wingman...says they'll be within 10 miles of each other all evening...Pax wants wingman to have a separate squawk anyway and gives him 1050...354.8
1835 until ?: UGLY pair doing their work on interflight freq...143.75

Dinner time....back later.

Ref below: Not hearing 237.8 here Jeff...but I'm seeing your message 20 minutes after the activity.
Good reminder...pulling it up on my R8500 too...if I don't hear it with that, I won't hear it.
At 1721 I'm hearing a weak voice on 237.8...sounds like a female. How in the world did you even find this POS? Really weak so it's no closer to me than to your area Jeff. Another short transmission at 1724.
You obviously have the signal better than I do...I would guess south of you...Pope/Shaw area perhaps?
I can't wait to put up my (imaginary) 100 foot tower!!!
The stuff I heard was definitely 237.8...if it was 237.85 I never would have heard it...don't get overlap from that far away even with the cheap old scanners.
Agree...scanners scattered all up and down the coast feeding back via a PC voice link would be even better...using something like Butel's ARC EasyStream system.

Speaking of 780s Jeff...I'm thinking of selling off my three 780s along with the rack they're installed in. And I'm going to be selling the Ortronics equipment rack that I have my R75 and R8500 installed in. The rack, the equipment trays with speakers and a Tripp Lite voltage regulator installed in the rack will be included. Room left over for two more equipment trays in it. Perfect for someone with an R75 and an R8500.

Yeah Jeff, I have an L shaped desk about that long overall and have used every inch of it. If I don't get rid of some stuff I'm going to have to start double stacking - sort of like bunk beds for equipment.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1706: 237.8 Very weak comms, appears to be interplane
1708: 237.8 Way to weak for me to grab. Unsure of whether to the north or south of me.
1710: 237.8 Fights on whoever it is
1722: 237.8 I make out a good 4 players on the freq including the female. Every once in a while they get up high enough for me so that their comms clear up but course they won't use their callsign when I can hear them. :)
1727: 237.8 Entirely possible Tin, I suspect they are out in one of the more southern GK areas than we are used to hearing. I think its safe to say I can scratch it from the list of PAX suspects
1733: I do show 237.85 as a Cherry Point TACTS RANGE freq
1735: No comms in last 7 minutes here. Tried both freqs. I might get lucky with the recorded audio but that was will be form the PCR-1000. It did alert me to them but they barely even broke the squelch. And I don't need a higher tower. Would just like to have about 20 remote receivers scattered all over the Mid Atlantic thats all I want. :) If I ctach it live again I'll put an AMP on it

Rgr on the 237.85. Grasping at straws there. That came from older info from trusted source and it would not be uncommon to see it jump up or down 5 since document was made.

Forgot to mention the BC780s found that 2 weeks ago and I have been working it ever since. That is why it was in the rotation. Also I have been catching verbal comms on it every couple of days but my notes every day are simply "BROKEN/WEAK VERBAL". :-( If I catch it live again I'll stick an AMP on it for a bit.

Re the BC-780s, As soon as I relaized they were off the market I ordered 3 more from the UK. I love them scanners. I don't really need a Rack at all. I have kind of an oversized desk hear. About 12 -14' long I guess. I have oodles or room

BTW, F-18 users list: 237.8 VFA-106 OCEANA

1833: 272.4 BlackJack 359 at with ROMEO at PAX. Inbound
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Nov 3, 2005
Good evening folks...was home today but had my hands full with the little one so not many details.

CitationJet said:
1450Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - DC 31 - deps ADW to 17000' dir LDN QSY 123.825.

Around 10:30AM, DC31 was up in the DUKE MOA with AXEMAN 1 (Single A-10, MD ANG). They refuelled on 301.60. AXEMAN went to the Bollen Range (R-5802) when done.

TinEar said:
At 1549 a DEVIL 11 flight of F-16s from Atlantic City returned home...caught them with ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and with ACY Approach 327.125. Sounded like they came from down this way - possibly at Pax.

Had a U/I pair of fighters using 143.625 for interflight late in the 1500 hour. No idea on the ID.

1810: FLYER 1 flight handed off to ZNY-Williamsport and check in there at 16,000 feet...338.3
Headed to the Duke perhaps?

Tin, I believe the DEVIL flight came from up North because I picked them up loud and clear on a ZNY UHF Freq. Also, I heard the DEVIL callsign on 143.625.

The FLYERs did come up to the DUKE but I only heard them talk to ZOB on 353.85. I didn't hear them on the VHF Low bands and between 138-144 or the DUKE Primary (301.60) and Secondary (259.40) Freqs.

Between 1400 and 1500 in the afternoon a FLYER flight of two was up in the DUKE, it sounded like they were working with the A-10C models. They were air to air on 143.75, 138.30, then 138.50. They tried doing some refuelling with STEEL 72 but there was a boom fuel spray issue. On their way home they wanted to stop at the Bollen Range but were not able to for some reason and headed back to Willow Grove. On a side note, these guys seem to really be getting the hang of these new models.

All players in the DUKE today were professional as usual, great work fellas!

And one more interesting tidbit, I picked up an Illini 11 headed West transitioning through the area self ID as a single F-16. Must have been from the 183rd FW, Springfield, Illinois.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
dparana said:
Good evening folks...was home today but had my hands full with the little one so not many details.

Around 10:30AM, DC31 was up in the DUKE MOA with AXEMAN 1 (Single A-10, MD ANG). They refuelled on 301.60. AXEMAN went to the Bollen Range (R-5802) when done.

Tin, I believe the DEVIL flight came from up North because I picked them up loud and clear on a ZNY UHF Freq. Also, I heard the DEVIL callsign on 143.625.

The FLYERs did come up to the DUKE but I only heard them talk to ZOB on 353.85. I didn't hear them on the VHF Low bands and between 138-144 or the DUKE Primary (301.60) and Secondary (259.40) Freqs.

Between 1400 and 1500 in the afternoon a FLYER flight of two was up in the DUKE, it sounded like they were working with the A-10C models. They were air to air on 143.75, 138.30, then 138.50. They tried doing some refuelling with STEEL 72 but there was a boom fuel spray issue. On their way home they wanted to stop at the Bollen Range but were not able to for some reason and headed back to Willow Grove. On a side note, these guys seem to really be getting the hang of these new models.

All players in the DUKE today were professional as usual, great work fellas!

And one more interesting tidbit, I picked up an Illini 11 headed West transitioning through the area self ID as a single F-16. Must have been from the 183rd FW, Springfield, Illinois.


Great stuff Dave. That confirmation of the 143.625 for a new NJ-ANG interflight freq is interesting. I only heard a couple of transmissions on it when I logged it but never heard a callsign. This calls for a close look at that unit to see if any of their other interflights have changed. They've been so locked into just using two of them for the most part (138.425 and 138.875) for a long while now. I'll have to keep this one on my radar screen (so to speak.)

That ILLINI 11 was also heard by a listener in Michigan at 2105Z. He also reported it as a single F-16 at FL 260 on a VHF Indianapolis (ZID) freq and a UHF Chicago (ZAU) freq.

Glad you caught that FLYER flight up in The Duke. Strange that they didn't show up on either of the two Duke freqs though.

Thanks for the good info Dave. Much appreciated.


2216: Heard an aircraft talking to TORCH Control at the 108th ARW at McGuire. I couldn't catch his callsign due to a very heavy accent. He passed a message twice as follows...."TKU23V 2400 WS"...anyone have any ideas?...303.0
2249: BOLAR 71 [female] (C-5B Dover) to Dover Command Post to report 100% complete on the AR work...expect to be home at Dover at 0030 local. Says she'll call about 30 minutes before landing...349.4 (Probably tail number 87-0045)
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