Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
JackTV said:
Is anyone else picking up a loud (as far as modulation) controller on 317.425?
I heard him say contact Potomic app. on ????? so it sounds like he is local and not
skip or anything.Usually the controllers are not that loud up around my way.


That's the UHF side for 124.55 BWI approach. How far away are you?


Mar 1, 2003
freqhopping said:
That's the UHF side for 124.55 BWI approach. How far away are you?

I am up North of Towson. I am familiar with the freq.It is just kinda unusual to hear such a BOOMING voice. Sounds like they might be testing something???I wish the other BWI UHF freqs were as loud as this guy.I am down in a hole where I am at so... the louder the better>



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JackTV said:
Is anyone else picking up a loud (as far as modulation) controller on 317.425?
I heard him say contact Potomic app. on ????? so it sounds like he is local and not
skip or anything.Usually the controllers are not that loud up around my way.


That's a Chesapeake Region (BWI) transmitter of Potomac TRACON. It's the one most often used, for instance, when the DC-ANG F-16s go up to W-107 to work in Giant Killer's area.

Edit: Didn't see your reply above Jack before I posted. I can't tell the difference between any of the TRACON controllers at BWI. They are all loud and clear here.
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Mar 1, 2003
TinEar said:
That's a Chesapeake Region (BWI) transmitter of Potomac TRACON. It's the one most often used, for instance, when the DC-ANG F-16s go up to W-107 to work in Giant Killer's area.

Edit: Didn't see your reply above Jack before I posted. I can't tell the difference between any of the TRACON controllers at BWI. They are all loud and clear here.

Maybe they are using some type of new headset.......or maybe it's....WHOOOO..
hold on there.....he just keyed up and now he sounds normal!!! Who knows???
Gonna go watch the race in HD!!!
Catch you alll later, thanx for the help,



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
JackTV said:
Maybe they are using some type of new headset.......or maybe it's....WHOOOO..
hold on there.....he just keyed up and now he sounds normal!!! Who knows???
Gonna go watch the race in HD!!!
Catch you alll later, thanx for the help,


Yup...important things come first. I'm also off to the HD race broacast. In-car HD this year.


Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
I honestly don't know where you should look for those Richmond freqs Nick. I take it you mean for the helos but I just don't listen to enough of their stuff to have a good feel for them. The only thing I hear on a fairly consistent basis up here is on those two freqs I mentioned plus checking in with Phillips and Weide AAF. By the way, Weide uses the same freqs as Blackstone - 126.2/241.0 for Tower. Both Phillips and Weide have Ops freqs at 229.6 and 229.4 so perhaps Blackstone or Richmond will have an Ops freq in that same range.♪

Richmond IAP:
TWR - (E) 121.1, 257.8
GND - 121.9, 348.6
CLNC DEL - 127.55, 348.6
REMARKS: (127.55 Also used for pre-taxi clnc.)
ANG OPS - 142.175, 289.3
ARNG OPS - 40.2, 231.2

Blackstone AAF:
CTAF/UNICOM - 122.95
WASHINGTON CENTER - (R) (E) 118.75, 353.9
TWR - Opr by NOTAM. (E) 38.3, 126.2, 241.0
RANGE OPS - 38.3, 41.05

The few times I have gone to Ft. Indiantown Gap, the PA ARNG UH-60's and CH-47's there have used VHF ATC frequencies and low band mil frequencies. There is also a UHF air-air discrete for use in the training and test flight areas at FTIG, but I haven't heard it used the few times I've hung out over there. I have heard some ARNG helos use 242.4 when transiting through my area as a group in the past. I've also caught PA ARNG Apaches use lowband and others have heard them on UHF air-air freqs.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
I plugged in the ARNG frequencies and Blackstone frequencies into my 330t so I guess I should just sit and wait. A formation of 2 blackhawks flew over today so they're definately active. If I get nothing on those frequencies, I'll beginning searching.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: 28530

Hi Mateo,

I performed a similar search when I got home that day, and I came to this conclusion - drop the logging as it could have been anything, but thank you for the effort with this one; as I previously stated it is very much appreciated!

Best regards,

Mateo said:
From earlier: 28530 doesn't come back to anything. xx-8530 matches only a UH-1, and #2-8### matches only C-130J 02-8155 and VC-25 82-8000. So, assuming that the 8 is the mis-heard digit, we get KC-135R 62-3530, last noted 6 weeks ago as a Grissom bird.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
1424: RHODY 35 calling Norfolk NS METRO. They stated they were a C-130 and the wanted a weather update for their destination, KOQU. <271.6>


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Great finish to the Daytona 500.Liked the pre-race Eglin F-15 flyover.
Mixed emotions on Nascar Direct TV Pass coverage.
Hard to believe you are paying for this service yet they still cut in FOX commercials,
but did like radio car com aspect but in car cams seemed weak.
Hopefully some improvements to come..

EVAC 33118 C-17 arrived Andrews about 2045z.
Good Southern accent on the pilot from MS ANG.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
0940 local Coast Guard 6572 Chopper HH-65C Atlantic City with Dover appch UHF req handover to Potomac with discrete sqwak so we can enter Washington airspace enroute to National airport.

1240 local Coast Guard Baltimore up on 157.100 CH 22 with Tug Lucky V and fuel barge in C+D canal headed westbound to Baltimore.
Reports bad ice conditions ahead and restriction of 15k + horsepower ahead as previous vessel got into trouble.
The Coast Guard Ice breaker tug CLEAT is on the way and also heard on 157.100.
LUCKY V says they have 26k horsepower.
CG Baltimore says they may soon raise minimums up from 15k horsepower for vessels.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Since this was a totally dead day for MilAir, I've been using a source to compile some callsign information I was confused about. Here are a couple of things I learned from flights that have taken place just during this month...

PETRO: Callsign is used by both KC-10A tankers at McGuire and by KC-135s at McConnell in Kansas. There doesn't seem to be anything you can pick from the suffix numbers to identify which is which. I found records for PETRO 02/03/81/94 that were KC-135 types from McConnell and a bunch - 41/42/61/91/11/51 - that were KC-10A types from McGuire. One of the PETRO KC-10As from McGuire was a PETRO one day and became WOODEN 21 for a trans-Pacific flight the next but that's not unusual.
Another interesting find was that a McGuire KC-10A (tail 86-0028) used PETRO 91 for one flight and then FORCE 10 for the next - just proving as I suspected they're aren't locked into one callsign.

HOIST: All seem to belong to the 2nd Air Refueling Squadron at McGuire, not to the 32nd. (At least those that have flown this month)

WRESTLER 73: (Tail 84-0190) This callsign was logged for several flights of a KC-10A from McGuire. I've never heard the callsign previously.

CLAW: Add it for C-17A for the 6th Airlift Squadron at McGuire.

THUG: Belongs to C-17A types from both the 6th Airlift Squadron at McGuire and the 58th Airlift Squadron at Altus AFB OK. Two flights I tracked were THUG 01 (tail 95-0104 from the 58th) and THUG 02 (tail 04-4134 from the 6th.) On a different day, THUG 01 was tail 03-3127 from McGuire which means you can't tell anything from the suffix whether it's from the 6th or 58th.

JEDI: You can add this specifically for C-17A types to the 6th AS at McGuire AFB.

Sort of a productive day in spite of no activity.

I also heard a HOOK 20 coming into Andrews in the 1300 hour today. Using my callsign database, I figured it was an EA-6B from Cherry Point. It wasn't. It was a C-20H from the 76th Airlift Squadron/USAFE. (And that's a rock solid confirmation.) He did ask for Customs to meet the plane. So, I've added that unit to the HOOK callsign in my database.

Here is HOOK 20 while at Mildenhall England a couple of months ago courtesy of Airliners Net:


  • HOOK20.jpg
    5.5 KB · Views: 181
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
More clarifications for callsigns...

HIRE 41 has been heard going into McGuire several times. I've seen the callsign logged as HIGHER (maybe even by me) but should be HIRE. That callsign went into McGuire about a week ago with tail 02-1107. It belongs to C-17A types of the 62nd Airlift Wing, McChord AFB WA for your database.

AUTO is listed in my callsign database as belonging to the 93rd Air Refueling Squadron at Selfridge MI. It should be the 63rd ARS. Made the change.

VIPER: Add the callsign to the 142nd AS DE-ANG if you don't already have it. I didn't on my list.

TREK: Added to callsign list for C-17A 535th Airlift Squadron Hickam AFB HI (PACAF)

GRIM: Added to callsign list for E-4B 1st Airborne Command and Control Squadron, Tinker AFB OK
Note that this is an E-4B, not an E-3B.

CHROME: Adding another user to callsign list...C-130H, 700th Airlift Squadron, Dobbins ARB GA

CAGE: Adding to database for MC-130H, 7th Special Operations Squadron, Mildenhall UK (USAFE)

FLASH: Adding to database for C-130E, 327th Airlift Squadron, Willow Grove ARS PA

And that's enough digging for now.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
CLAW: Add it for C-17A for the 6th Airlift Squadron at McGuire.

THUG: Belongs to C-17A types from both the 6th Airlift Squadron at McGuire and the 58th Airlift Squadron at Altus AFB OK. Two flights I tracked were THUG 01 (tail 95-0104 from the 58th) and THUG 02 (tail 04-4134 from the 6th.) On a different day, THUG 01 was tail 03-3127 from McGuire which means you can't tell anything from the suffix whether it's from the 6th or 58th.

JEDI: You can add this specifically for C-17A types to the 6th AS at McGuire AFB.

Yes was a slow day,The Coast Guard was the best i heard todaY.
nice work on the callsigns.
Those McGuire callsigns for KC-10's and C-17's sure vary.

I can clear up THUG callsign though.
THUG is used by any inbound C-17 arriving McGuire for the Advanced Weapons traing course that McGuire conducts for C-17's nationwide.
Mostly ground school that lasts about a week.A lot of work out on the tarmac and
maybe a flight or 2.
so I have heard used by McChord.Charleston C-17,s etc.Just bring your own C-17..LOL

JEDI and CLAW seem to be local training mission callsigns for McGuire C-17's.
Been hearing both a lot lately.

Also remember to add COVERT and BEELINER for Travis C-17's

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks for that THUG explanation Mark. That sure clears it up.

Yup...I added BEELINER the night I found it belonged to Travis after you had asked about it. COVERT I already had.

I've been poring over flight plans all day, cross checking tail numbers against Scramble to make sure we agree and then with my master callsign list to make corrections as I develop new info. I still have a bit more work to do (like another hundred flight plans) and a few more callsigns to confirm or add to the list but those will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm going blind tonight.

Kind of glad it was a quiet day on the radios or I wouldn't have gotten to this project.

By the way, I've been noticing much more Coast Guard flight activity on the Marine channels recently. I really never paid much attention to them until that day I found BLACKJACK 1 and 2 doing practice intercepts on one of them and that opened my eyes.

Just another note about something....In a message above I gave this callsign:
CHROME: Adding another user to callsign list...C-130H, 700th Airlift Squadron, Dobbins ARB GA
It's listed on on the flight plan as CROME for the same reason that many other callsigns are shortened - there are only 7 characters allowed, 5 letters and 2 numbers (or 6 letters and 1 number which I usually only see used by TOPCAT with single digit suffixes.) So, all those 6, 7 and 8 letter callsigns get shortened to 5 letters which results in CHROME being spelled CROME. BEELINER is shortened to BLINR.

Edit: Mark, here's an interesting one for you. That BEELINER 11 C-17 you copied (I think on the 9th) was tail 06-6155. COVERT 21 that came in on the 7th was the same aircraft (same tail number.)
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
Edit: Mark, here's an interesting one for you. That BEELINER 11 C-17 you copied (I think on the 9th) was tail 06-6155. COVERT 21 that came in on the 7th was the same aircraft (same tail number.)

Good observation Tin,
Yes I noticed also another time recently had Travis C-17 into Dover and calling 2 different callsigns.
The only explanation I can think of is that 2 different crew members calling on same aircraft mixed up their own callsigns.
Pilot thinks he is one callsign and flight engineer or Load Master Sgt has another.
Those Travis crews need some more practice!
Well being from California I can see how they could screw up...
You know like knarly dude!

BTW watched good show on "Future weapons" today on Discovery channel recently filmed using AF CV-22 aircraft in Alberquerqe? New Mexico.
Wonder where the AF will station their V-22 Ospreys? Maybe Andrews gets a few?
OK web check shows Hurlbert Florida rescue/special ops aircraft for starters.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Good observation Tin,
Yes I noticed also another time recently had Travis C-17 into Dover and calling 2 different callsigns.
The only explanation I can think of is that 2 different crew members calling on same aircraft mixed up their own callsigns.
Pilot thinks he is one callsign and flight engineer or Load Master Sgt has another.
Those Travis crews need some more practice!
Well being from California I can see how they could screw up...
You know like knarly dude!

BTW watched good show on "Future weapons" today on Discovery channel recently filmed using AF CV-22 aircraft in Alberquerqe? New Mexico.
Wonder where the AF will station their V-22 Ospreys? Maybe Andrews gets a few?
OK web check shows Hurlbert Florida rescue/special ops aircraft for starters.


The Travis guys weren't as bad as all that Mark. It was the same aircraft but on two different flights on different days so they really didn't screw up.

I believe that's always been the intent of the Air Force - to put the Osprey in with the Special Ops people. The reports at first were that the troops weren't wild about the idea. But that was during the time they were crashing and killing people. I don't know if attitudes have changed.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

Keep in mind that the HOOK c/s is used by all USAFE transport types, including the C-40B (01-0040 HOOK 40), the remaining C-21As, and the C-37A (albeit rarely but I have seen it in use with this type before), so this is not exclusive to the C-20s there.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
I also heard a HOOK 20 coming into Andrews in the 1300 hour today. Using my callsign database, I figured it was an EA-6B from Cherry Point. It wasn't. It was a C-20H from the 76th Airlift Squadron/USAFE. (And that's a rock solid confirmation.) He did ask for Customs to meet the plane. So, I've added that unit to the HOOK callsign in my database.

Here is HOOK 20 while at Mildenhall England a couple of months ago courtesy of Airliners Net:


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1219: 246.45 Have a couple of BLACKJACKS up on this freq using as an appearant Interplane freq

Had WILD Flight up on PAX CHECK IN 369.9 and heard something worth mentioning. WILD checked in and asked for BAY WATCH freq. CHECK IN passed 270.8. WILD confirmed they could use that as a DEPARTURE freq. CHECK IN advises yes as long as they are VFR. So maybe that comes into play on why we hear Aircraft calling Approach so much on the ADVISORY/ BAY WATCH freqs.

1240 246.45 Apparent flight test underway with unknown players as welll as the BLACKJACKS
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