Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1555: PITMAN 15 has a problem with a fuel leak...says 15 might have to go back to Shaw with 16 as a chase...suggests HUNTRESS contact Shaw and get their replacements expedited...260.9
PITMAN 15 and 16 are having a discussion about check lists...15 had a fuel warning light on the HUD and it just turned off...they are monitoring.
1559: PITMAN 15 notifies HUNTRESS they need to leave to go back to Shaw...he has a small fuel leak...260.9

1601: PITMAN 15 to Potomac requesting clearance back to Shaw...126.55
1602: TANKER 15 asks PITMAN 15 if they need tanker support on the way home...260.9
They aren't asking for permission to go home...they're telling HUNTRESS they're going. It's a small leak from the left wing...suggest they stop going through the check list and just head for home.
1606: PITMAN 15/16 cleared direct Brooke, direct Shaw...126.55
1608: PITMAN 15/16 handed off to ZDC-Brooke and check in at FL 250...126.875
1609: PITMAN 15/16 tell HUNTRESS they're departing Guard Dog..260.9
1609: PITMAN 15 asks ZDC for Unifrom freq...get 327.0 ...126.875
1610: PITMAN 15/16 check in with ZDC-Brooke...327.0
1611: PITMAN 15/16 go to Victor 8 and come up on 139.825 where they chat about the fuel leak.
1611: TANKER 15 calls Andrews on 378.1 and 141.55
1612: TANKER 15 tells HUNTRESS that while they're waiting, they'll do some flight maneuvers between FL 210 and 250...260.9
1616: PITMAN 15/16 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone...235.625
1618: PITMAN pair on interflight still talking about the fuel leak problem...says he now has trapped fuel in the wing tanks...139.825
1620: The PITMAN pair are now getting out of listening range - or will be very shortly - on the interflight freq...would be nice if we had someone to the south pick this up...139.825
Nick, are you around?
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Delta-9910 with DCA tower 119.1 just declared an emergency. Runway in sight. Cleared for runway 1. Was about to turn around so something on the runway could be cleaned up.

2 SOB, 1 hour and 40 minutes (16k lbs) fuel

1618- on the MWAA system they are advising units the plane is on final.
1619- on the ground , no issues

Completely unrelated, does anyone know anything about 119.65 as a Potomac Approach freq? I've been hearing this today.
1813- On this freq JERES is the navaid being referenced, JERES is right at Camp David. From there they got handed off to 125.65.

Another freq I'm wondering about is 128.8. I posted about that one in the Aircraft forum. Sounds like an approach to IAD.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1717: Just came back to the radios and PITMAN 21/22 are checking into the CAP...260.9
1720: PITMAN 21 reporting a solid cloud deck below them and can't see the ground...260.9
1721: PITMAN 21/22 will refuel...moving to the boom freq...228.9
1723: BLACKJACK 1 up with DCA Helo Control...120.75
1737: TANKER 15 is working his clearance back to McConnell AFB KS...TANKER 16 reports 15 minutes away...135.525/126.55
1741: TANKER 15 says he's now ready to depart...126.55
1742: TANKER 15 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15 and checks in at FL 240 to begin his trip home.
1747: TANKER 16 checks into the Guard Dog CAP with Potomac at FL 250, dropping to 240 now...135.525
TANKER 16 is from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson SC. The four tankers today have come from Milwaukee WI, Lincoln NE, McConnell KS and now from SC.
1750: TANKER 16 and PITMAN 21 decide they'll use primary 260.9 as a boom freq.
Guess this will be a five hour shift until the CAP ends at 2300.

2020: TANKER 16/PITMAN 22 getting ready to refuel...tanker asks the fighter to kill his lights and then clears him to contact...has to again tell PITMAN 22 to kill his lights...then has to tell 22 to turn on his receptacle lights...22 wants a topoff...260.9
TANKER 16 indicated earlier he was here for the duration of tonight's mission.
2031: MUSSEL 01 [female] with DCA Helo Control...120.75
2041: PITMAN 23/24 coming into the CAP...with Potomac 135.525 and over to HUNTRESS on 260.9
2042: PITMAN 23 asking for a snap to TANKER 16...250.9
2044: PITMAN 23 gives his tail number to TANKER 16 as 92-923...260.9
2057: PITMAN 23/24 established in the CAP and take over the duty...260.9
2057: PITMAN 21 to Potomace...ready to RTB...awaiting clearance...wants FL 230, course 180...135.525

2103: PITMAN 21/22 cleared by HUNTRESS to RTB...260.9...they switch to 350.25 to clear out with Potomac and go to Victor 8 for interflight and come up on 139.825
2105: PITMAN 21/22 to ZDC-Irons 360.85 to being their trip home.
2111: PITMAN 21/22 handed to ZDC-Blackstone and check in at FL 230...235.625
2157: CLAW 66 (C-17A, 99-0170, 62nd Airlift Wing McChord AFB WA) calling McGuire CP...319.4

2200: PITMAN 23/24 refueling...260.9
2208: PITMAN 23 tells Potomac they'll be leaving in a little less than an hour from now...135.525
2209: CLAW 66 still calling McGuire CP...319.4
2211: PITMAN 23/24 finish refueling...260.9
2211: TANKER 16 tells HUNTRESS the PITMANs have finished refueling for the night and he'd like to put RTB on request...he was apparently told he has to stay and he replies VOL time for him is 0230Z and completion time for the CAP is 0248Z...suggests HUNTRESS check on that...260.9
2211: CLAW 66 makes contact with McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-2...319.4
2212-14: CLAW 66 back to calling McGuire CP...not getting a reply...319.4
2216: CLAW 66 makes contact again...tells McGuire he's 20 minutes out, A-2, needs parking...319.4
2216: TANKER 16 is told something by HUNTRESS and replies that the paperwork HUNTRESS has is obviously different than his and he'll gladly stay as long as he's needed...260.0 (Could it be any different?)
2217: TANKER 16 confirms offload to PITMAN 23 was 9,500 pounds and to 24 was 11,000 pounds...260.9
2238: PITMAN 23 tells Potomac they'll need clearance direct Shaw in 20 minutes...135.525
2238: TANKER 16 asks for clearance in 10 minutes...135.525
2239: PITMAN 23 wants HUNTRESS to call back to homeplate Shaw and ask for a wx report...260.9
2250: TANKER 16 goes home to Seymour Johnson...135.525
2253: PITMAN 23/24 returning to formation, one mile trail, preparing to leave the CAP...260.9
2258: PITMAN 23 ready for direct Shaw RTB at FL 220...135.525

2300: TANKER 16 to Seymour Johnson Ops reports 15 minutes out, A-1, 44K on the gas...administered 40,500 pounds to four F-16s...311.0
2302: PITMAN 23/24 released from the CAP...260.9
2303: PITMAN 23/24 handed off by Potomac to ZDC-Irons where they check in at FL 220 direct Shaw...360.85
PITMAN 23/24 go to interflight freq V8...139.825
2305: PITMAN 23/24 handed to ZDC-Montebello and check in at FL 220...284.7
And that's the CAP for tonight. Early birds can find them back in place at 0600.

Ref below: Tony, you can add another German Air Force CL60 (tail 12+05) about 2000 this evening.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
I'm glad to see the PAANG guys are back...although I doubt they're all that excited to be back to this slop we have here instead of sunny Florida. I missed their return to the area since I've been outside all afternoon chipping away at ice covered by billions of little ice balls. We had something like 18 continuous hours of sleet here yesterday...and to think it was 70 on Wednesday. I had to give up on freeing the cars and clearing the driveway for today...will try again tomorrow when the temp hits 40.

There are people at Willow Grove today, but they've probably all been outside shoveling all day, too!

I did catch a comm relating to a SNOWBIRD-26 on the T-Line freq 140.100 (FM) for Willow Grove about an hour ago. Then something a short while later about a P-3 getting ready to leave...but caught no traffic on the ATC freqs. I had the scanner on as background chatter while working on something else. Hmm....

BTW, what does the term "T-Line" refer to? I always just assumed it was "flighT line". Comms on this freq are usually between ground crews and the tower regarding movements around the runway.

EDIT: Regarding the "T-Line" question, I found an article here: that refers to this as the "Transient Line".
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
German Air Force 148


Only one to report from this afternoon at IAD...

1836Z 128.425 IAD TWR West - GERMAN AIR FORCE 148 (A310-304MRTT 10+25) - deps rwy 30 QSY 126.650.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Aye! a happy St Patricks Day to everyone.
I'm not Irish but had some green beer..LOL

REACH 706 C-17 #05-5146 maint divert to McGuire 2335 local.
We are Hickam based and need minor fix before crossing ocean.
Aloha crew! Welcome to Jersey!

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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
0538: 135.525 - PITMAN 25 Level 230
0540: 260.9 - TANKER 17 Checks in.
PITMANS must have been very quiet for the trip up here. I only had 2 brief hits on them on 139.825
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
HUNTRESS is currently doing fidelity checks with the fighters. PITMAN is complaining about all the unimportant tracks cluttering the screen.

Today I'm able to hear all the players. :D I'm working to get my feed online.

A little while ago PITMAN arranged with Potomac to make a low approach to ADW when they are RTB.

1020- HUNTRESS will be doing a sparkle (laser warning system) test when the fighters go by ADW. My feed is online now.
1104-Refueling happening now. SKATER-07 is the tanker.

1145- MARINE-1 heading to Thurmont.
1148-PITMAN is arranging his clearance for RTB and his approach to ADW. 135.525/350.25
1149- HUNTRESS advises they can both take the south half of the CAP. Potomac advises that 257.2 will be the departure freq.
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Well, so far from down here the CAP has sounded pretty quiet. I'm getting awful noise on VHF which is making things a bear to listen to. How's the noise up in MD?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
The causes of noise on these freqs is more likely, this time of year, to be local rather than something that is region wide. Darn near anything that uses a motor, transformer or can radiate RF of any kind is a candidate. Even a transformer (or faulty connections on the pole itself - I've seen more than 1 report on this on various amateur sites) can be a source of problems. Bottom line - take out a handheld with a short antenna and snoop.

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1143: PITMAN 31 just contacted by MARINE 1 who tells him he's near Frederick...31 says he has radar contact with him and then asks HUNTRESS if he has a data link with MARINE 1...260.9
1148: PITMAN 31 working out his clearance back to Shaw when done...135.525
1148: SKATER 07 also says he'll be leaving shortly and wants to get his clearance to McGuire...136.525
SKATER 07 is a KC-135 from the 108th Air Refueling wing at McGuire.
1149: PITMAN 31 reads back his clearance and it will be at FL 250 and he'll switch to TRACON on 257.2 as he leaves...135.525
1159: PITMAN flight indicates they'll be doing approaches at Andrews upon breakup of the CAP...260.9
1159: PITMAN 31 asks if it will be possible to follow MARINE 1 out...260.9

1200: JOSA 527 (C21A, 84-0127) with arrival message to Andrews...141.55 and then 378.1...20-25 minutes out, A-1, no pax, needs 2K on the gas, leaving 90 minutes after arrival, no seats available on the outbound.
1208: PITMAN 31 tells Potomac he'd like to get vectored to Andrews now for the Sparkle...descending from FL 210 to 200...then to 180 135.525
1209: SKATER 07 ready for RTB...descending to FL 230...135.525
1210: PITMAN handed off to TRACON on 128.35 and checks in there at FL 180..cleared to 17000
1210: PITMAN 31 picking up green sparkle...he then goes on to describe the various combinations of red/green sparkles that he sees on each try...260.9
1211: SKATER 07 handed off to ZDC-Swann to begin his trip back to McGuire...134.5
1213: PITMAN 31 cleared down to 3000 feet for the approach at Andrews...128.35
1216: PITMAN 31/32 to Andrews Tower and report 11 miles out...118.4
1216: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, MD-ANG MTN) and CRAB 58 (C-130J, 98-1358, MD-ANG MTN) landing at Martin State...121.3
1219: PITMAN 31/32 were working with PANTHER for the Sparkle tests...260.9
1219: PITMAN 31/32 to TRACON...climbing out now over DC...257.2
1219: SKATER 07 to Torch Control at the 108th ARW at McGuire with mission results...303.0
1219: PITMAN 31/32 go to Victor-8 for interflight...139.825
1221: PITMAN 31/32 on their Gordonsville...257.2
1223: PITMAN 31 fuel check - 7000 pounds....32 - 7400 pounds...139.825
1225: PITMAN 31/32 done with TRACON on 257.2 and are handed off to ZDC-Montebello where they check in at FL 210...284.7
So much for this CAP...over and out.

1333-37: JOSA 361 (C-21A, 84-0077, 437th AS Andrews) calling McGuire joy x4...372.2
1338: JOSA 361 makes contact with McGuire for arrival message...IDs as a C-21, 25 minutes out, A-1, will offload 2 Space A and 1 Duty Pax...couple of others going gas..wants to do an engine-running offload and get out of there heading for Andrews...372.2
1342: JOSA 361 then calls Command Post on 349.4, gets an answer from Dover (he wanted McGuire) and signs off after apparently being told to try 319.4
1343: JOSA 361 to McGuire CP...repeats the offload message, hot turn request...319.4
1351: JOSA 361 tells McGuire he filed to leave there at 1930Z...he wants it changed to 1830Z (guess he forgot the time change)...372.2

1411: JOSA 527 (C-21A, 84-0127, 375th AW, Scott AFB IL) departs Andrews...118.95
1426: JOSA 527 to Andrews CP...reports departure at 1811Z...378.1
1433: COBRA 70 (OC-135B, 61-2670, 45th RS-Open Skies) landing Andrews...118.4
1436: JOSA 361 reports airborne from McGuire at 1830Z...372.2
1451: JOSA 361 to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival type/tail/affiliation (see above)...has an A-5 plus 1 Duty Pax and 2 Space As to drop off...A-1...378.1
1454: JOSA 361 with TRACON...124.2
1457: JOSA 361 with ADw Approach...has field in sight...119.3
1459: JOSA 361 checks in with ADW Tower for landing on runway 1L...118.4

1533: JOSA 431 calling Griffin Command at Andrews to report departure at 1928Z...says late departure ws due to winds...378.1
1534: REACH 6157 calling Andrews Command Post...x2, no joy...378.1
1535: DC 95 (KC135R, 756th ARS Andrews) arriving ADW for landing runway 1R...118.4
1537: REACH 6157 (C-17A, 06-6157, 60th AMW, Travis AFB CA) to Andrews Cp with arrival msg...8 pax, no cargo, needs crew bus...378.1
1538: BATON 51 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Baton Ops...arriving at 50 past the hour...395.1
1553: CODY 02 calling Andrews Dispatch...IDs as a C-130, 15 minutes out, will RON and needs 20K fuel...372.2

1612: REACH 464/461 (he has given the callsign both ways) to Dover CP with arrival message...IDs as a C-5, 15 minutes out, A-1 and needs parking...need Customs to meet plane...349.4
1656: EVAC 33115 (C-17A, 03-3115, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) calling Griffin Command at Andrews...x3, no joy..141.55
Last few minutes there were a couple of Navy planes into (or out of) Andrews but I was watching the race and didn't note the freqs....BuNo 160049, a C9B from VR-52 and BuNo 164993, a KC130T from VR-64.
1659: EVAC 33115 with arrival message to Andrews...15 minutes out, A-1, needs parking spot (and gets 13 Row), needs fuel and buses for the offload...141.55 ("THE OFFLOAD"?????)

1708: COBRA 70 (Open Skies OC-135B, 61-2670) leaving Andrews with TRACON...118.95
1711: EVAC 33115 with ADW Tower on a 10 mile final for runway 1L...gear down...118.4
1712: U/I aircraft with Andrews requesting fire trucks standing by upon landing for servicing requirements...378.1
1713: REACH 191 to Dover Cp with arrival msg...has 33 pax to offload and 30,000 pounds of cargo on oversized pallets...needs Customs/AG to meet plane...also said something about scheduled for crew rest but want to do a quick turn to go from Dover to Stewart...349.4
1737: BOXER 922 calling Andrews Command Post...141.55
1753: BOXER 922 (C-38A, 94-1569, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) with ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1757: CLAW 79 (C-17A, 03-3125, 6th AS McGuire AFB) calling McGuire CP...319.4

1826: LOBO 377 (C-9B VMR-1, MCAS Cherry Point, NC) departing Andrews...125.65

1902: NAVY JU-101 [female] (C9B, BuNo 159120, VR-56 NAS Oceana) landing runway 1L at Andrews...118.4
1919: German Air Force 148 (A310-304, tail 10+25, German Air Force FBS) climbing out of Dulles...w/TRACON
FBS=Flugbereitschaftstaffel ("VIP Flights" also much shorter and easier to pronounce)
1949: NAVY JU-101 [male this time] (C9B, BuNo 159120, VR-56) takes off from Andrews, with TRACON...125.65
1950: EVAC 33115 (C-17A, 03-3115, 183rd AS MD-ANG Jackson) is airborne from Andrews...reports off at 50 past the hour...378.1...also heard with TRACON departure...118.95

2023: JOSA 527 (C21A, 84-0127, 375th AW Scott AFB IL) into Andrews...119.85

2140: SWIFT 29 (Same acft that was JOSA 527 earlier coming to Andrews) reports off from Andrews at 0137Z and would like the departure time passed to Scott...378.1

2221: REACH 563 calls Dover CP and asks for a phone patch to TACC...Dover says they can't do a phone patch so 563 asks Dover to call them and ask about his tanker - ETHYL 61 - who they are supposed to meet up with but haven't heard from them them...he gives his own tail as 60023...349.4
[The full tail number would be 86-0023, a C5B from the 436th AW at Dover.]
2224: Unfortunately, REACH 563 doesn't repeat the reply from Dover - just says thank you and goes on his way...349.4
2241: REACH 6006 calling Pope Command Post...x2, no joy...381.3
[Full tail number should be 96-0006, a C-17A from the 437th AW at Charleston.]
2247: REACH 6006 still calling Pope Command Post...still no joy...381.3
2259: JOSA 421 to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival message...home station C-21, tail 84-0092, A-2 for landing lights and pax, ETA 0320Z...wants maintenance notified at 301-xxx-xxxx...378.1

2303: REACH 6016 (C5B, 86-0016, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) to Dover CP...says CP is weak and unreadable, call back in 5 minutes...349.4
2306: REACH 6016 calls Dover again (3 minutes later)...tells Dover they're now about 20 minutes out, A-3 for a right spoiler, they have 18 pax going through but need to take off the plane while it's being worked on...all cargo is also a throughload...349.4
2327: PACER 13 to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival msg...home station C-21, tail 40095, 30 minutes out, A-1...378.1

NOTE: Freqhopping: I'm fairly sure it was you that mentioned a Center freq handoff to 363.175. I finally found out where it belongs. It's for the Henderson Sector 95 in Indianapolis Center (ZID) I took a quick look in the database and it doesn't seem to be listed so it must be new - but that's where it belongs. It's a high level freq for flight levels 360 and above.
For the Plane Spotters Crowd:
Foreign Aircraft seen/heard this afternoon

Country, ICAO Acft Type, Tail, Callsign (if heard)
United Kingdom, B772, G-VIIT, BAW 2227
Netherlands, B763, PH-MCL
Saudi Arabia, B744, HZ-AIX, SVA 035 (in to Dulles - SVA 034 outbound)
Jamaica, A320, 6Y-JAJ, AJM 019
Ireland, B738, EI-DRC
Mexico, B762, XA-JBC
Germany, A332, D-ALPH, LTU 416
Austria, B763, OE-LAY (no callsign heard inbound...outbound used AUA 94)
France, B772, F-GSPQ, AFR 438
Iceland, B752, TF-FIG
Iceland, B752, TF-FIR, ICE 643 (landing BWI)
Canada, A321, C-GUIB
Luxembourg, B735, LX-PCV, CLX 778
Japan, B773, JA736A
South Africa, A346, ZS-SNB, SAA 208
Denmark, A333, OY-KBN, SAS 926
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Low altitude C17, Berkeley County WV

I pulled in my driveway @ 12:13 when a C17 at low altitude when over my house. It was heading west and looked to be at less than 2,000 feet. I didn't copy anything about it on the scanner once I got into the house. I've haven't seen a C17 in my area before. Anyone copy it?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
I pulled in my driveway @ 12:13 when a C17 at low altitude when over my house. It was heading west and looked to be at less than 2,000 feet. I didn't copy anything about it on the scanner once I got into the house. I've haven't seen a C17 in my area before. Anyone copy it?

The only one I had about that time Brian was a C-17A going into Andrews about 9 minutes later (REACH 1820).

Lots of interesting stuff flying around today. Have that SENTRY 02 (Tail ZH 101) E-3D from RAF Waddington flying around today. Had him at 1309 with Dover on 349.4 and then with McGuire on 319.4 at 1355 for a radio check and asking for the weather since he couldn't seem to access the Metro freqs. There was also a Brazilian Air Force KC-137 (Tail 2404) in the area around 0900 this morning and then I heard him later giving an ETA to Dover of 1740Z and said he'd stay overnight and park in the "hotspot." He was difficult to understand and his callsign was either Brazilian Air Force 001 or 011.

In the 1100 hour there was a female trying for a phone patch. She was very weak and I never could get her callsign - other than 52. First heard on 305.7 asking for a phone patch (that's a Cherry Point Base Ops freq), was told they don't do such a thing. Next heard a couple of minutes later on 311.0 calling RAYMOND 25 which is at Seymour Johnson. She placed a couple of calls to the 405 area code which is in Oklahoma City so they might have been to Altus AFB. Her next phone patch was to a DSN 574-xxxx which is at Langley. She probably gave her callsign 20 times while setting up those phone patches and still I couldn't pick her callsign out of the mud.

Other than those few, there have been all the usual transports coming and going from Andrews/McGuire/Dover. I've heard THUG 01/02/03 all from the 62nd AW McChord, a ROCCO 62 KC-135E from the 108th ARW at McGuire and a scad of REACH flights. As I'm typing (1434) there is a FUZZY 11 (KC-135 from Niagara Falls) passing through this area asking Andrews for the weather for his flight home. They tell him to go to the Metro 344.6 freq and he replies that he's been calling and no one answers. That's the story I hear over and over again for the past several months.

At 1435, I'm hearing a DRAGO 51 with TRACON 335.5 heading out to Nottingham so he must be getting ready for an Arlington flyby. They're just sending him to 279.575, the Andrews radar freq that controls the flyby. He sounds like a "heavy." Actually, it's a C-17A, tail 95-0106 from the 437th Airlift Wing at Charleston AFB. This one is called "The Spirit of Bob Hope."
DRAGO 51 reports time for flyby will be 1905Z (1505 local). The funeral is for Howard E. Kreidler, Brig. General, USAF.
1500: DRAGO 51 reports departing 2000 feet...279.525 (Flyby is normally done at 1000 feet.)
1504: DRAGO 51 reports "feet wet"...279.525
1506: DRAGO 51 completes the flyby..climbing and following flight plan route....279.525
1511: DRAGO 11 is done and is handed off to ZDC-Calvert...checks in at 14000 feet heading for FL 190...133.9
1515: DRAGO 51 cleared to FL 230 direct HCM (HARCUM)...two minutes later cleared to FL 260...133.9
1519: DRAGO 51 handed off to ZDC-Norfolk and checks in there...133.825 (And this is where I'll drop him as he flies back to Charleston.)

1520: Fighters have finally made their appearance today...138.425 interflight freq active which should be F-16s from the NJ-ANG Atlantic City. Flight leader just sent his wingman to 251.05 to get the ATIS report and that's for Andrews so it appears they're down this way. (See item below - probably OH-ANG F-16s)

1533: Just heard DARKSTAR to Giant Killer on 249.8 saying he's going to RTB...says SENTRY 52 should be calling shortly...249.8 (DARKSTAR is back end and SENTRY 52 is front end callsign

And at 1548, there is a LOMA 11 flight of two (F-16 112th FS OH-ANG Toledo) landing at Andrews on Tower freq 349.0. Prior to that they were on 348.725/322.3/335.5 and I'd almost be willing to bet that's who was using the 138.425 interflight freq - not the NJ-ANG. LOMA is the traveling callsign for the OH-ANG.

And a SCARY flight of two F-16s off the deck at Andrews about 1548. 139.15 for interflight, then over to 281.4 for ZDC-Calvert, then to 305.2/270.8 in Pax for entry to R-6609 for 25 minutes.
And another Andrews F-16 flight on 143.6 interflight (WILD). This flight is heading north to W-107 and is trying to contact Giant Killer on 255.0. Both F-16s are trying to contact GK but no joy. They swtich over to 312.3 for their work.
1611: SCARY flight to SOF to report 15 minutes out, both Code 1...139.9
1647: WILD two-ship just getting home...with TRACON 270.275 and have field in sight.
1650: WILD flight over to Tower and ready for initial to runway 19L...349.0
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
1515- LOBO-928 inbound to Quantico to pick up a Mike-5. 127.05

1520- MUSSELL-02 5 minutes out from Mt Weather. 241.0
1543- MUSSELL eastbound passing Leesburg, snuck out of Mt WX.

1552- NIGHTHAWK-6 with DCA tower.

1720- PACER-01 inbound to ADW 119.3/ 118.4
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1527: 296.9 1st FW Fighters up with DARKSTAR for RED/BLUE EXCERCISE
1527: 252.775 1st FW Fighters up with DARKSTAR for RED/BLUE EXCERCISE (I think the C/S is MEXICO)
1529: 285.15 1st FW up this freq
1531: 382.7 Yet another apparent PAX flight test freq just found. 413 up with TFC. Unsure as yet Who/What TFC is at this point. Lots of talk about secure comms
1557: 309.95 Got some weak traffic here that appears to be an Interflight but too weak to be sure.
1602: 382.7 Now getting secure comm type bursts on this one
1921: 126.2 BATON 74 up with CHERRY POINT OPS
1921: 138.0 JAWS has been working this freq for about an hour now doing A-G work
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
I Think I've got it!

I think I may have found out who our mystery LOBO was.

According to many websites I've found on the net (1 being, the 175th FS SD ANG's nickname is LOBO. On the tail wing of their aircraft it says "LOBOS". Could this have been our mystery friend? It sure would explain why his callsign was LOBO xx and not LOBO xxx. He's part of the Air Force, not the Marines! It also explains why it sounded like he was wearing an air mask when I heard him. And do you want to know how I began believing this was the case?... From a callsign I heared while playing MS Flight Simulator.

Edit: I took this a step further and looked up what the word "lobo" means. It's another name for the gray wolf. That sure does explain why the would call themselves that! An intimidating animal for sure...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
I think I may have found out who our mystery LOBO was.

According to many websites I've found on the net (1 being, the 175th FS SD ANG's nickname is LOBO. On the tail wing of their aircraft it says "LOBOS". Could this have been our mystery friend? It sure would explain why his callsign was LOBO xx and not LOBO xxx. He's part of the Air Force, not the Marines! It also explains why it sounded like he was wearing an air mask when I heard him. And do you want to know how I began believing this was the case?... From a callsign I heared while playing MS Flight Simulator.

Edit: I took this a step further and looked up what the word "lobo" means. It's another name for the gray wolf. That sure does explain why the would call themselves that! An intimidating animal for sure...

Only one problem with that Nick...the 175th Fighter Squadron flies F-16s. Our mystery LOBO was a "heavy" - meaning he couldn't be an F-16.


Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
TinEar said:
Only one problem with that Nick...the 175th Fighter Squadron flies F-16s. Our mystery LOBO was a "heavy" - meaning he couldn't be an F-16.

It was reeeally BIG F-16 :D
May be it was the F-16 XXXL Size.
We'll get it eventually NIck. I think we have enough folks keeping an ear out for it and watching posts from other lists.

Pulled this off another list:
LOBO 72 (B-52H 53rd TEG 49th TS? Barksdale AFB, LA
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
Oh and I was so close! Oh well. Maybe it will always remain a mystery. Who knows...

Actually, I thought we already had it identified as a Barksdale AFB LA B-52.

Next time he comes up this way I'll take a run out to W-107 and take a look.

1926: Looks like we've got SCARY and WILD flights of F-16s out of Andrews again...SCARY with departure 348.725 climbing out in non-standard PALEO (east from ADW)...interflight on 143.6
1931: SCARY flight handed off to ZDC-Swann and check in there...cleared to FL 190 and then 210 by 1935...360.7
1933: SCARY flight leader orders goggles (NVG) on...143.6...flight of two (F-16s, not goggles)
1936: SCARY requests a climb to FL 250...360.7
1935: Another F-16 flight off the deck at Andrews...348.725...callsign WILD...interflight 139.15, flight of two
1937: SCARY handed to ZDC-Coyle and request FL 250 there...254.3
1939: SCARY handed off to ZDC-Salisbury and check in at FL 250...257.7
1941: SCARY handed off to Giant Killer...FL 250, in for W-386 A-F...they'll be MARSA with WILD who is 10 minutes behind SCARY and they'll tank with STEEL 61 (KC-135R, 171 ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh)...they'll be using 312.3 for common/work...249.8
1941: A German Air Force Airbus 310 in the area...callsign GAF 866, tail 10+22 (This Airbus is configured for VIP flights)
1950: WILD flight made it to W-386 and are calling Giant Killer..but on...238.1...then to 249.8 and check in at FL 210...MARSA with SCARY on event number V-1902.
1953: The AR op will be on 288.0 and sure enough they meet up with STEEL 61 on that freq.
1955: STEEL 61 wants one WILD on the boom and the other on his left wing...WILD flight leader decides the wingman will stay in a one mile trail and that's okay by the tanker...288.0
1955: SCARY comes up for radio check with STEEL 61...all is wonderful...288.0
1957: SCARY flight is going in for the AR first...WILD requests port side observation..granted by the tanker...288.0...SCARY 2 on the boom at 1958.
All the chatter must be on the boom intercom since it's not on the radio now that they're taking on gas.
And the chat on 288.0 while they're changing positions on the boom has become very, very weak from my location. Anyone reading that's out on a boat that can copy them better?
Sounds like they're taking 3,000 pounds each...SCARY flight is done, WILD 1 is done and 2 is heading onto the boom now at 2007.
This must be the mission that was cancelled Friday because of weather that was supposed to be supported by DC-52 who wound up playing with the Northrup Grumman test flight aircraft.

2011: Looks like they're done with the AR...WILD 2 just finished and he got 3500 pounds....288.0
2014: There's another tanker out in the offshore areas...just barely heard him with Giant Killer mentioning an AR with what sounded like ?BOOM? 10...118.125
2016: SCARY/WILD are on 312.3 for a common freq while out in W-386.
2017: EVAC 85308 (WC-130J, 98-5308, 53rd WRS, Keesler AFB MS) landing at Andrews with Tower on runway 19R...118.4
I don't remember ever hearing a WC-130J from a Weather Recon Squadron being used for AirEvac missions.
2047: WILD/SCARY flights ready to RTB...249.8 [Hurry up guys...I've got to watch 24 at 9]
2055: WILD flight to SENATE SOF with in flight report...10 minutes out, 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for ALQ-213
2056: STEEL 61 to Steel Control...20-25 minutes out, A-2 for several writeups...311.0

2106: SCARY and WILD have done the SOF bit on 139.9...gone to TRACON on 270.275 and now are with Tower on 349.0 preparing for landing maneuver...everyone should be on the ground by 2110 and in the O-Club 5 minutes after debriefing paperwork is done.
2116: Air Force 2 (C-32A, 98-0002, 1st AS Andrews) with ADW Approach 119.3 and then over to Tower for landing on 118.4
2144: BATON 74 (EC-130J, 193rd SOW PA-ANG Harrisburg) with arrival message to Baton Ops...15 minutes out, A-1, about 10K remaining on the gas...395.1
2157: Italian Air Force aircraft, callsign I-2443 (A319CJ, tail MM62243, 93 Gruppo) off from BWI. He just arrived around 1800.

2210: REACH 3117 (C-17A, 03-3117, 183rd AS MD-ANG Jackson) with arrival message to Griffin Command at Andrews...15 minutes out, 8 pax to offload and 4 going through, 9 ACM and 1 airevac equipment pallet to offload, need 90K fuel and crew transportation along with a parking spot...gets 13-Row...378.1
2221: REACH 3118 landing runway 19R at Andrews...118.4

Note: Both the CRAB and RHODY C-130J aircraft of MD and RI-ANG units use the last two digits of their tail number as the suffix with their callsigns. It took me all this time to realize this. For instance...
RHODY 31 is 99-1431...RHODY 32 is 99-1432...RHODY 34 is 02-1434
CRAB 56 is 98-1356 and CRAB 58 is 98-1358
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