Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TIN wrote:
I had that freq set all day yesterday and never heard a thing on it. So, today I take it down and it becomes active. It was copied a couple of days ago out in the midwest with the DEATH callsign and was identified as B-2 bomber types. It was a flight of three for that flight and it was being used as an interflight freq.

Got home tonite and I didn't mention that before A/A coms 388.850 I heard an aircraft GEO 21 moving thru a couple not normally heard ZNY and ZDC UHF freqs around same time but didn't put 2+2 together till another Midwest poster had this.

GEO 21 (x2, sounded like typical B-2 comms) blocking
34-35,0 requesting 35-36,0
"direct Bedford (Ma)......
(later) direct ELZ (Wellsville,N Y), Sacry
intersection(unid, spelled.....their point 21) on J75,
Taylor (unid) to make up time........(then changing
to) ELZ, SBJ (Soleberg,N J), flight plan

Sounds like the B-2's did a circular route out East here..
Guess I will add GEO as B-2 callsign..

btw nice tail catch on that SENTRY 02.I heard that Brit accent also but assumed it was US/NATO E-3 with RAF crew member.
Scramble has that tail listed as AEW1 24109 8/23sq which on Google search is RAF Waddington.

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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Possible VIP transport 03162007

Started picking up "the noise" on 300.4 @ 09:29. Barely broke squelch at first, increased to signal strength of 3 within 2 minutes. Now (09:37) up to 5 and steady.

EDIT - 09:48 signal strength started decreasing with signal lost @ 09:55.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
n3bxv said:
Key words here are "under Federal authority" - The National Guard remains under State control until Federalized, Activated, or Mobilized by DoD. So the Guard operating under State authority can support and/or conduct law enforcement missions. As soon as they are Federalized, they can't. This is the reason Guardsmen sign two contracts, one State, and one federal to enlist.

Back to lurking...

This website:

lists the ways in which the PAARNG/PAANG can assist local law enforcement with aerial assistance and other technological assistance.


Jun 23, 2005
Allegany County, Maryland
For those who are tracking MilAir as well as you do, does anyone have any inside scoop on Hagerstown Airports 9/27 expansion. Website says they are expanding the runway because of safety issues or something. But once completed they will have a 5,461 foot runway. Seems like an awfully long runway for Private airplanes and Shuttles to Pittsburgh. Site says they do Military about 9% of their flights. Any chance that would increase with that long of a runway. I am not sure what a standard runway is like BWI or Reagan. Any thoughts???


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Whistler said:
For those who are tracking MilAir as well as you do, does anyone have any inside scoop on Hagerstown Airports 9/27 expansion. Website says they are expanding the runway because of safety issues or something. But once completed they will have a 5,461 foot runway. Seems like an awfully long runway for Private airplanes and Shuttles to Pittsburgh. Site says they do Military about 9% of their flights. Any chance that would increase with that long of a runway. I am not sure what a standard runway is like BWI or Reagan. Any thoughts???

That's actually a fairly short runway that would prohibit an aircraft of any real size from using it. For instance the runway at BWI (10/28) is 10,502 feet long. Andrews 1R/19L runway is 9,700 feet long. Even little Martin State Airport is 7000 feet.
DC 51 and DC 52 (KC-135R types, tails 59-1469 and 62-3543) were off from Andrews midway through the 1100 hour. I heard DC 51 check in with Giant Killer on 118.125 to enter W-386 and there was mention of W-122. DC 51 is going to meet up with a SUNKING at 1630Z. DC 52 is going to meet SCARY and WILD flights of DC-ANG F-16s at 1800Z so we can look for them to take off around 1330 local I would guess. They just checked with Command Post to see if the SCARY/WILD flights were still on (I guess due to the weather) and they got confirmation they are still on the schedule.

1217: DC 52 just contacted TIGER Lead aircraft to check to see if they were in the area. He got a reply I couldn't hear and then replied back he'd be there in 20 minutes. This was on 351.2 so apparently they are using it as a boom freq these days - along with interflight use.
1226: Conversation between DC 51 and DC 52 about one of them going to W-122 and then they pass the coordinates of the IP, etc...they also give the routing to get there...mention primary freq will be 251.6, secondary freq 251.3....351.2
1238: DC 51 and DC 52 are trolling for work in W-386. There is a lot of chat on 351.2 about who is refueling whom and then someone else piped up they'd like to refuel. They described themselves of sort of looking like a DC-9, white and red and squawking 5361. No idea yet who that might have been....and maybe I just missed his callsign because several radio were squawking at once - including one of the DC tankers on 118.125 with Giant Killer about who they were or weren't going to tank with.
It also appeard that "Tiger Lead" and "Tiger 2" are in-flight calls for DC 51 and DC 52.
1245: DC 52 just talked to LIBERATOR on 378.1 and got a confirmation that SCARY and WILD have been cancelled due to weather.
Not much flying today even in the commercial world due to weather. Very light activity at Andrews today. Not far north of my location all this rain here is freezing rain and then snow across PA/NY/NJ. Wasn't it just 82 degrees a couple of days ago?
1258: REACH 796 (C-130H, 90-1796, 164th AS OH-ANG) arriving Andrews with 7 crew...378.1/TRACON freqs

1300 hour: DC 52 is still playing in W-386 with a SUNKING aircraft. SUNKING is the one that said he looked like a DC-9 that I mentioned above. He is simply "KING" and DC 52 is "TIGER" in their back and forth chat on 351.2
I've heard the DC tankers referring to TIGER in the past but, until today, I never realized that is their own in-flight callsign.
1328: BOXER aircraft (prob 55) with Boxer Ops saying he's 15 minutes out and Code 1...314.25
1329: Just got confirmation the SUNKING aircraft is one of the Northrup Grumman aircraft from BWI. He just told the DC tanker that's where he was from and said once he got back home he'd give the tanker a call and explain what they're doing...I'm fairly sure this is the N161NG aircraft (he called himelf BAC161NG that day) that we heard up in W-107 the other day working with LOBO 71...351.2
1331: DC 93 (KC-135R, 61-0307, 756th ARs Andrews) just called LIBERATOR to report off the ground at 1729Z...378.1
1331: BOXER 55 with ADW Tower...118.4
1353: SUNKING and DC 51/52 are talking about heading for home...DC will fly a Sea Isle, Dover, V308 to Nottingham route...SUNKING is going to follow one of the DC tankers and get in more work on the way...351.2
1354: DC 52 to Giant Killer talking about breaking away from the flight and heading to Andrews...118.125

1402: MAPLE 26 (F-16 VT-ANG) coming down the road toward Langley on the ZDC freqs and just went to MAPLE Ops on 138.0 to ask about the weather at Langley
1403: SUNKING and DC 51 are going to be in trail on the way home from W-386. Not sure what SUNKING is doing but he's going to stay below the tanker lookin up at him. A few minutes ago, they decided on another 20 minutes work out in the AR track area...351.2
1414: SUNKING/DC 51 now done out in the track and are getting clearance to come home...SUNKING will maintain voice contact with DC 51 on 351.2 while working their own way through ATC freqs.
1423: DC 53 (KC135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS) on the way LIBERATOR to say 20 minutes out, Ae-2 for comm 1 secure voice will not load, 49K on the fuel...378.1
1425: DC 51 to DC 52 checking on wx along the way home...rain is the answer...351.2
ADW wx...visibility 4 miles, 700 foot ceiling, winds 060/9, gust 20.
1426: DC 51 30 minutes out, A-1, 43K on the fuel...378.1

Ref Ben below: Ben, 351.2 was the squadron freq for the 756th ARS Command Post at Andrews. Callsign of their CP was LIBERATOR - and still is. However, a couple of months ago, they stopped using the freq for CP use and switched it to 378.1. They apparently retained the 351.2 freq and are using it for interflight use and for AR ops as we're seeing today.

Ref Brian below: I'd bet the scheduled CAP is going to be delayed due to weather. It is scheduled to begin at 1410 local time per the TFR.
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Pennsylvania DB Admin
Database Admin
Jul 16, 2003
West of the Atlantic Ocean
TinEar said:
1217: DC 52 just contacted TIGER Lead aircraft to check to see if they were in the area. He got a reply I couldn't hear and then replied back he'd be there in 20 minutes. This was on 351.2 so apparently they are using it as a boom freq these days - along with interflight use.

That takes care of the question I was going to pose. I had this in the scanner as a 913th freq at KNXX. I left it in there even though the unit is no more. Today, I have been copying air-air traffic that sounds like refueling work. Been out of commission for a couple of up and about so I've got the scanner back on.

I had a REACH aircraft reporting to HUNTRESS on 364.200 that he was in the vicinity of the E. Texas VOR earlier today.


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Thurmont area

It's been snowing in my area since 10:15. Total on my back deck looks like about 3 inches. I've been hearing the folks at Catoctin Park talking about clearing the roads in the park. As the tfr for Thurmont is still out there maybe there will be ground transport instead of the helos.

EDIT - 13:35 more traffic about plowing "before the arrival"
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
Whistler said:
For those who are tracking MilAir as well as you do, does anyone have any inside scoop on Hagerstown Airports 9/27 expansion. Website says they are expanding the runway because of safety issues or something. But once completed they will have a 5,461 foot runway. Seems like an awfully long runway for Private airplanes and Shuttles to Pittsburgh. Site says they do Military about 9% of their flights. Any chance that would increase with that long of a runway. I am not sure what a standard runway is like BWI or Reagan. Any thoughts???


Hagerstown is again expanding its maintainence operations of Commercial Aircraft. I forgot who got the contract.

They are also expanding it service of the larger commercial aircraft for regular service in and out of Hagerstown.

Try searching the Herald-Mail website for details. (Such as this article:


Edit: Here's some more info:

The genesis of the Airport’s Runway Improvement Program is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) mandate requiring Part 139 airports to have 1,000-foot safety area at each end of designated runways by 2007. With the concurrence of federal, state and County agencies, runway lengthening was included as part of the Program. The outcome will be a compliant airport infrastructure and a more suitable runway length for today’s aerospace standards. Presently the airport’s main runway is 5,461 feet. At the conclusion of this Program, Runway 09-27 will measure 7,000 usable feet.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1542: United 614 flight declaring an emergency and wanting to divert to Dulles...currently at 4000 feet...says he needs to vector for a bit and isn't ready to attempt a landing. On freq 124.7 with TRACON.
1545: United 614 wants to go through some check lists before trying to go into Dulles...124.7
(I still haven't heard him declare the nature of the emergency.)
Now 1554 and I haven't heard anything further...don't know if he changed freq (probably did) but lost him among all the TRACON traffic.

He's all yours guys....he's now out of my voice range.

BWI is a mess too...aircraft lined up for takeoff are getting called back to the gate...many, many delayed flights...others returning to gate after deicing due to more ice buildups...the usual winter weather mess all airports experience.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
On the MWAA system the crash/rescue crews are getting ready and standing by.

1554- They're saying they were notified of an alert and saying he is being vectored out. Also mentioned some issues with another flight.

1555- ????-8144, a 777 on a 5-mile final with hydraulic issues. Has not declared an emergency though.
United-614 is suppose to come in behind the 777.

Units will be staging on 'J'.

1558- 'Emergency aircraft 614' is 20 miles south of the airport. It's a 737, engine transformer won't shut down. 128 SOB; 2hour, 27 minutes of fuel remaining

1610- No assistance needed, alert terminated.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: United 614 IFE

Hi Alan,

Thanks for the heads up - I'm up on the tower freqs right now - just had a UA 777 report a birdstrike on landing and another UA 777 inbound 1R with a hydraulics problem (UA8144); and we currently have freezing rain, snow and ice pellets blasting down here, 600 foot ceiling. They are also preparing for the emergency a/c at this time once the last 777 lands, 1R will be U/S for the emergency a/c.

Not a pretty picture!


TinEar said:
1542: United 614 flight declaring an emergency and wanting to divert to Dulles...currently at 4000 feet...says he needs to vector for a bit and isn't ready to attempt a landing. On freq 124.7 with TRACON.
1545: United 614 wants to go through some check lists before trying to go into Dulles...124.7
(I still haven't heard him declare the nature of the emergency.)


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Ua0614 Ife

2058Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - emergency a/c is now on a 25 nm final for rwy 1R.

2102Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - one more a/c in front of the emergency a/c (B733 N302UA): UA 0903 @ MOSBY now cleared to land rwy 1R.

2102Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - UA614 @ 3000' for rwy 1R.

2104Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - UA0903 app. clnc canceled, vectored 090 off app. course; emergency a/c now on a 10 nm final.

2106Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - UA0614 advises #2 engine is shut down. 2107Z now on a 3.5 nm final. Could not see him as he went by the house.

2108Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - UA0614 lands rwy 1R. OPS 1 proceeds onto rwy 1R, UA0614 turns left onto K2 taxiway @ 2109Z QSY 121.900.

2110Z 121.900 IAD GRND EAST - UA 0614 holding short of J checking on the gate.

Not milcom of course but thought I'd log the situation for everyone. Over to you now freqhopping!

One more note: not sure if I've ever mentioned it before or not but "Potomac Director" (Potomac TRACON app. controller) is up on 120.1/128.425 sequencing ILS traffic. Standard procedure here at IAD when simultaneous ILS approaches to the parallel rwys are being conducted.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1606: JUst heard someone say they shut down the #2 engine and asking about the runway braking action... on 120.1. Is that our United 614 flight?

Nevermind...answered above by Tony.

Very good...sounds like everything went well and the landing was without incident. Thanks Tony and Travis for the updates.

1614: Evac 33117 (C17A, 03-3117, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) to Griffin Command at Andrews with arrival message...15-20 minutes out, A-2, has 22 litter patients, 20 ambulatory patients, 2 attendants, 1 Space A pax, needs fleet service, Customs and Ag to meet the plane, 20,000 pounds of gas...378.1
1623: REACH 376 with arrival message to Andrews...ETA 50 past the hour, has 12 pallets and 51 pax to offload, needs Customs and Ag to meet the plane and a parking spot...378.1
1647: REACH 376 to ADW Tower for landing...118.4
1639-57: REACH 5144 (C-17A, 05-5144, 729th AS March AFB CA) tries to make contact with ADW CP many times before finally getting them...ask to pass a message to Metro to come up on 344.6....378.1
1658-59 REACH 5144 tries to contact Andrews luck here either...344.6

1701: REACH 5144 to Andrews CP to say he wasn't able to contact Metro..wants CP to connect him to them so he can ask about icing.
1702: PAT 2402 to Davison AAF...arriving in 10 minutes to deliver a D/V...says he's parking in Hotspot 1 and wants to know if they can send the D/V's car out to meet the plane due to the weather...139.4
1705: REACH 5144 sounds exasperated...he asks CP if they called Metro or if they'll connect him...can't hear ground but 5144 sounds like he's not getting the right answers - or any answers...378.1
1710: REACH 5144 calling ADW Metro...344.6 [He's got to be about ready to land by now.]
1717: REACH 5144 with gear down preparing to land at ADW..118.4

Forgot to mention earlier, we had an Irish Air Corps Gulfstream IV from the 102 Squadron, tail 251 arrive around 1300 to this area.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Presidential motorcade vehicle in mva

Watched DC ch 9 news @ 18:00. They had a piece on weather-related traffic issues this afternoon. They reported that a security vehicle that was part of the Presidential motorcade was in an accident on I70, the President was not in that vehicle. The recorded footage showed a black Suburban-type suv with what appeared to be minor damage.

On a side-note - The Site R 380mhz system with an id of 005-0101 has been booming in at my location. I've never heard any traffic from them before.

Edit to correct typo
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
At about 0700 PITMAN-11 and PITMAN-12 (call themselves 1 and 2 sometimes) refueled with TANKER-13. 260.9 was used as the boom freq.
At 0714 no one can hear HUNTRESS on 260.9. PITMAN tried 228.9 and made contact. After that everyone was good on 260.9.

At 0900 the fighters are refueling again. BLACKJACK-1 is now airborne. 139.7
Potomac controller is on 350.25/135.525 asking when they're heading home -around 1000.

1023- NIGHTHAWK-61 (H-60) wants Rt 3 to Rt 1 heading to Ft. Washington. 120.75
1024- BOBCAT-40 ZDC-Swann

1202- SALTYDOG-403 jumping between the ZDC freqs. Luray, Marlinton and now with Irons I finally heard the c/s.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
This first tanker, TANKER 13, is a KC-135R from the 126th ARS WI-ANG Milwaukee. His orbit is at FL 240 - around and around and around.

0931: The replacements for PITMAN 11/12 are coming into the area on interflight 139.825
0943: PITMAN 13/14 and TANKER 14 on station, TANKER 13 cleared to RTB direct General Mitchell Field in Milwaukee.
0955: PITMAN 13/14 refueling with TANKER 14. This tanker is a KC-135R from the 173rd ARS NE-ANG, Lincoln NE...260.9

1006: PITMAN 11/12 cleared direct Shaw...135.525
1006: MAPLE 14 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Irons at FL 210... 360.85
1007: MAPLE 14 with Detachment Ops requesting weather for Langley...he's about 10 minutes out..138.0
1010: MAPLE 14 cleared down to 11,000 feet...360.85
1011: PITMAN 11/12 handed off to ZDC-Brooke and check in at FL 240...327.0
PITMAN 11/12 say they'll use Victor 8 for interflight on the way home...and come up on 139.825
1011: BOBCAT 88 [female] at FL 240 on ZDC-Brooke...327.0
1015: BOBCAT 88 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown...363.00
1020: PITMAN 11/12 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone and check in at FL 240...235.625
1031: WOODEN 11 (generic tanker callsign) calling McGuire Dispatch...x2, no joy...372.2
1034: LOBO 377 (C-9B VMR-1, MCAS Cherry Point, NC) to tail as 715...141.55
1040: WOODEN 11 now calling McGuire Command Post...same result...319.4
1043: STEEL 83 (KC-135R 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh) calling Willow Grove Base joy...306.8
1044-46: STEEL 83 calling Willow Grove Air National Guard joy...343.0
1051: STEEL 83 still trying to get Willow one is home...343.0
I think Willow Grove is closed today. They have two NOTAMs up as follows...
1059: STEEL 83 getting a wx update from someone on Steel Control freq that is too weak to copy...STEEL 83 is apparently looking for a place to land...says he can't get into there (didn't say where "there" is) because of winds...311.0
1112: EVAC 01796 (C-130H, 90-1796, 908th AW Maxwell AFB) departs Andrews 1510Z...with TRACON 125.65 and CP 378.1
1116: PACK 91 (KC-135R, 63-8038, 133rd ARS Pease NH) calling McGuire...349.4/319.4/372.2...and McGuire Ground on contact on any of them.
1116: EVAC 55144 (C-17A, 05-5144, 729th AS March AFB CA) departs Andrews....w/TRACON...125.65
1121: PACK 91 talking to U/I STEEL tanker and says he talked to McGuire (must have been by phone) and the ramps and taxiways there are good...will head for McGuire...then he asks where Middletown is from Willow Grove...311.0
1124: PACK 91 to McGuire CP...says he wants to divert to McGuire...says he's a KC-135 with 34 duty pax on board...says he was supposed to go to Willow Grove but their runways are not usable...will land at McGuire and have the pax bused over to Willow Grove (yikes!)...says he assumes runway 6 due to winds...will not RON...believe he said he's coming from McDill AFB...319.4
1128: PITMAN 13 and 14 are getting ready to head for TANKER 14 to refuel...260.9 (They're using this primary for a boom freq also - at least so far today.)
1138: REACH 3117 (C-17A, 03-3117, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) leaves Andrews...118.95
1153: German Air Force Airbus 310, tail 10+25, going into Dulles
1156: SALTY DOG 403 with ZDC-Montebello...284.7
1159: NJ-ANG F-16s up on interflight freq...138.425

1202: SALTY DOG 403 (Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 [VX-23] Patuxent River NAS) handed off to ZDC-Irons and checks in at FL 230...says he can start descent whenever the controller is ready...360.85
1204: SALTY DOG 403 cleared down to 13,000 feet...360.85
1205: SALTY DOG 403 handed to ZDC-Calvert...passing 17000 for 13000...281.4 (Going into Pax)
1216: JOSA 373 to Andrews to report airborne from RMN at 1614Z...378.1
RMN=Stafford Regional Airport VA
1245: It sure has gotten quiet the past half hour...CAP still in place. The only thing they've talked about is cloud decks obscuring visibility of the ground...still PITMAN 13/14 and TANKER 14 who is flying the track at FL 230 and everyone still on primary with HUNTRESS on 260.9

1302: MARINE 474 (UC-35D, BuNo 166474, MAW-4) departs Andrews...118.95
Marine Aircraft Wing 4 located in New Orleans LA
1321: Not entirely sure but the PITMAN flight might have switched to a separate boom freq..I was out of the room and had 260.9 turned way up on one radio and didn't hear a refueling but PITMAN 13 is now on 260.9 reporting full tanks - 12,400 pounds so must have just refueled somewhere...maybe 228.9.
1329: Believe it's TANKER 15 I'm hearing way off in the distance saying he'll be on station as fragged... 260.9
1335: TANKER 14 to Potomac to say he'll be RTB in about 5 minutes...requests FL 370 for the trip...135.525
1335: PITMAN 15/16 with ZDC-Blackstone...235.625
1336: PITMAN 15/16 over to ZDC-Irons..check in FL 210...360.85
1339: TANKER 14 released and picks up his clearance to Belair and then direct Lincoln (NE)...135.525
1342: TANKER 14 handed off to ZDC 134.15....135.525
1343: PITMAN 15/16 flight looking for handoff to HUNTRESS Guard Dog...360.85
1345: PITMAN 15/16 check in with Potomac 135.525 and with HUNTRESS 260.9
1347: PITMAN 15/16 and TANKER 15 are sent to TRACON freq 126.55 for a boom freq...very strange...or maybe they were just sent to that freq for radio checks...but there they were.
1350: Now the PITMAN crew and TANKER 15 have decided on 228.9 as a boom freq...are there and preparing to conduct the AR op
1355: EVAC ??176 arriving Andrews...378.1 (very weak)
1358: REACH 3603 arriving Dover...349.4

1400: U/I fighters working interflight...138.05
1402: WARHOG with ZDC-Blackstone...235.625
1404: WARHOG handed to ZDC-Calvert and checks in at FL 210...281.4
1405: PITMAN 13/14 go to Potomac on 135.525 to pick up clearance back to Shaw and are sent to 126.55 to get it...they do...126.55...and from there they are sent to Potomac on 350.25
1407: WARHOG asking ZDC for any shortcuts they can give him today...281.4 *WARHOG should be an OA-10 and is no doubt an OA-10 from the PA-ANG Willow Grove flying with the FLYER flight below.
1408: PITMAN 13/14 now handed off to TRACON 269.5 and check in there.
1408: Interflight freq 138.875 active...probably NJ-ANG F-16s but no callsigns heard.
1409: Also a FLYER 1 flight with ZDC-Calvert...281.4
1410: FLYER also on 141.8
1411: PITMAN 13/14 on interflight 139.825 for the flight home
1411: PITMAN 13/14 with ZDC-Irons...looking for FL 280 when able...360.85
1415: WARHOG 1 handed off to ZDC-Swann and check in looking for direct SKILS...controller asks if they're a two ship...he says they are and there are two more two-ships behind him - FLYER and UGLY
Looks like the PA-ANG is coming home. I think they were in Florida.

1415: Some of the PA-ANG (all talking at once) on OPs freq 141.8 saying at LOUIE they got cleared direct Lancaster.
1417: PITMAN 13/14 sent to ZDC-Hopewell 323.225, no joy and go back to Irons...360.85...sent right back to Hopewell and try to check in at FL 280...good comms this time.
1418: FLYER flight sent to ZDC-Swann and check in at FL 210...request direct Lancaster...360.7
1418: WARHOG 1 sent down to FL 190...360.7
1421: FLYER cleared down to FL 190...360.7
1422: One of the PA-ANG pairs using 143.75 for interflight chat.
1423: WARHOG 1 flight sent to 17000 expedited by Swann...360.7
1424: WARHOG flight handed to ZNY-Lancaster...check in at FL 170...request direct Lehigh Valley/allentown when able...239.05
1424: FLYER to FL 170...360.7
1426: UGLY flight with Lancaster...281.4
1426: Pair of fighters on 138.875 might not be sounds more like part of the PA-ANG crew talking about taxiways at Willow Grove being closed.
1427: WARHOG says they are going direct Lehigh Valley...239.05
1428: FLYER 1 flight handed off to ZNY-Lancaster and check in at 17000 feet...239.05
UGLY flight bringing up the rear...they're still back with ZDC-Calvert 281.4
1431: UGLY 1 flight handed to ZDC-Swann and check in there direct Lancaster...360.7
1432: Another of the PA-ANG pairs is using 138.5 for interflight chat
1432: The pair on 138.875 is apparently coming into the area...talking about seeing snow on the ground now
1434: WARHOG handed to ZNY-Pottstown and check in there...278.3
WARHOG is the pair using 138.5 for interflight.
1435: FLYERs cleared form 17 down to 10000 feet...239.05
1437: FLYER flight handed to ZNY-Pottstown...278.3
FLYER flight is the one using 138.875 for interflight (I doubt they'll use it after they get home since there would be very much interference to the NJ-ANG ops.
1438: UGLY flight handed to ZNY-Modena and check in there at 17000 feet...335.6
1439: ROCCO 70 (KC-135, 108th ARW McGuire) calling Andrews...requesting "latest message preamble if you are able"...378.1 (Apparently not and ROCCO 70 signs off)
1442: PA-ANG pair on 143.75 interflight talking about landing on runway 31
1444: UGLY flight handed to ZNY-Lancaster...check in at 13000 feet...cleared to 10000...239.05
Not sure where these guys are landing...there is no runway 31 at Willow Grove...Atlantic City has one though
1449: UGLY flight handed to ZNY-Pottstown and check in there...278.3.
1455: PITMAN 15 going to the tanker to refuel...260.9
1457: PITMAN 15 contacts Potomac again on 126.55 rather than 135.525 for permission to go to the tanker.
1459: MUSSEL 1 to ADW Tower...landing north pad...118.4

Will end this log too long.

Ref below: Jeff, I can't hear any of your freqs. I tried 315.5 and 225.0 and got nothing. I was also searching the 138-144 band constantly and heard nothing on 138.25. For some reason, I have a lot of trouble hearing Pax area freqs. I can draw a straight line from my house to Pax and beyond to Langley. No trouble at all hearing Langley but I can't hear Pax only 64 miles away. Strange. It's just a dead spot for me unless they are up high enough.

Departing PITMANs used 139.825 on their way out. I was sitting on 225.0 when you said they were BOOMING...heard nothing. I haven't used the R8500 yet though...that's got the CAP on it.
This is making me want a drink instead of another cup of coffee.

DarkPhoenix/Chris said:
1448 FLYER 1 on 257.95 KABE TWR
Lehigh Valley PA

Good catch Chris. They did mention getting cleared direct Lehigh Valley and KABE certainly does have a runway 31.
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Dec 1, 2002
Great Mills, MD
1033: 315.5 I keep getting someone on this freq loud and clear but unable to pull a call sign out of them as yet.
Nevermind. It is another PAX test flight with RTPS

Ref WOODEN 11. I don't think anyone likes this guy. He has tried about every number in the book and nobody answers him.

1046: 225.0 Quite possibly a flight test aircraft. Referencing a GADGET and RANGE CONTROL. Now hearing 2 aircraft working a Range. Using the freq as Interplane. One sounds like a COBRA.
1053: 138.25 Just had someone booming in on this freq.

TinEar said:
Ref below: Jeff, I can't hear any of your freqs. I tried 315.5 and 225.0 and got nothing. I was also searching the 138-144 band constantly and heard nothing on 138.25. For some reason, I have a lot of trouble hearing Pax area freqs. I can draw a straight line from my house to Pax and beyond to Langley. No trouble at all hearing Langley but I can't hear Pax only 64 miles away. Strange. It's just a dead spot for me unless they are up high enough.
315.5 Is still active and is PAX based. I am seconds away from declaring it as a PAX RTPS freq as that is who the aircraft is talking to. They seem to be shooting plenty of take off and landings so they are low. For 225.0 They are distant now. I have them weak on the PCR-1000 and only slightly better on the R-8500. Recording all so hope to pull something better out of the audio. 225.0 active at the moment. No C/S as yet. One aircraft stating he has the lead. For 138.25. I only had the one hit. possibly catching the last from the outgoing PITMAN flight. I'll check the audio later.
1120: 315.5 OSPREY 8 talking to TM. That does it. This is a PAX RTPS freq. I had it in old records but this is the first activity I have had on it this year.
1122: 267.8 Weak. I have been picking up very weak A-A comms for fighters in ACMs, for about 2 weeks on this freq but it's always to weak to copy.
1123: 225.0 Aircraft 11 referencing a CARGO SHIP
1127: 225.0 BOOMING in now. Referecing a LAZER targeting device.
1129: 138.25 Skip it. I guess I just found another PAX FM handheld freq with this one. Just went active with FM ground side from PAX.

Departing PITMANs used 139.825 on their way out. I was sitting on 225.0 when you said they were BOOMING...heard nothing. I haven't used the R8500 yet though...that's got the CAP on it.
Rgr. I know. I though I might have caught them trying to raise an OPS or CP closer to their landing field. But please note the FM reference above. I tend to only listen activly with half an ear trying to hear all the radios at once. I tend to rely on the recorded audio for the details. So for me to sit and actually hear something live and get anything worth noting out of it is uncommon.

1138: 225.0 HMMMM . Both aircraft swtiched BTN 1. Then I had PAX 341.1 fire up with 61 & 62 retuning to PAX looking to refuel at the PITs. I suspect VX-1 is using 225.0 as an interplane. If they are going to do a HOT PIT refuel and go back out I should be able to confirm it's them if they make the switch back to 225.0
1143: 268.8 YANKEE 710 Inbound NGU
1152: 315.5 Now seem to have OSPREY 8 and OSPREY 70 using this freq to talk to TM. Also just heard them talking to TOWER on this freq. They appear to be conducting braking tests doing take offs and landings and looking at brake temps. They probably are not getting enough altitude for you to copy them Tin. Likely sticking to the HELO pattern.
1205: 225.0 Just went active again.
1213: 354.8 PIONEER 61 & Flight just switched ECHO 310.55. I think these are my 225.0 players. Tin they are Helos judging from the background noise. Might be too low fo you.
1216: 225.0 Coming in a tad clearer now. Still nothing for a confirmation as yet but looking good as a VX-1 Interflight.
1223: 225.0 These guys are difinatley flying very low. One just said lets move west so we can stay clear of this guys sailboat mast.:)
1224: OK That does it. I am declaring this one good for VX-1 PIONEER Interflight freq. I have PIONEER 61 talking with 62 and also coordinating with ECHO on 310.55 as well as frequent reports to VX-1 OPS BASE OPS/MAINT on 341.1.
Hmm That makes for a good day for me to be able to ID two new freqs when I figured it was going to be a long quiet day. Happy Happy Joy Joy :)
TinEar said:
1245: It sure has gotten quiet the past half hour...CAP still in place. The only thing they've talked about is cloud decks obscuring visibility of the ground...still PITMAN 13/14 and TANKER 14 who is flying the track at FL 230 and everyone still on primary with HUNTRESS on 260.9
Rgr. Tin. Quiet from my end as well. Still have 315.5 going good and strong and 225.0 as well. They are doing some Missle excercises with ECHO on 310.55 now
TinEar said:
1321: Not entirely sure but the PITMAN flight might have switched to a separate boom freq..I was out of the room and had 260.9 turned way up on one radio and didn't hear a refueling but PITMAN 13 is now on 260.9 reporting full tanks - 12,400 pounds so must have just refueled somewhere...maybe 228.9.
Rgr Tin. They worked 228.9 for the last AR. Also just had 138.0 fire up
1347: 126.55 PITMAN trying to raise TANKER 15 on this freq. Remember this freq we caught for the X-MAS CAP as a possible GUARD DOG ALT. I have been watching it ever since.

Well, that is enough for me for a while. I don't seem to show anymore activity on any of my unknown freqs so that takes the fun out of it for me. Will stick my nose back into the scanners later and see what happens. BTW, 138.875 going active now.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Evac 55144

1522Z 120.650 ZDC-Linden - EVAC 55144 (C-17A 05-5144 452nd AMW AFRC March) - to FL270.

1605Z 120.100 IAD TWR East - PAT 03 - landing Signature Flight Support FBO, lands J/J3.
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Sep 24, 2006
N. Catasauqua
1448 FLYER 1 on 257.95 KABE TWR. Also comms on 397.9 KABE APP. Comms concering about meeting a vehicle...
1457 Ugly 1 on 257.95 clear runway 31
1459 ***** on 143.75
1533 Casino Royal clg Reach **** Unk. Freq.

Kinda new to hearing all these comms., not quite sure whats up.

*Edit* After reading Tin's earlier post kinda have an idea ;)
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