Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Good news on the job Paul. Congratulations!

The 143.0 freq has A-10s from Martin State. In the past week they've used 143.0, 141.0, 140.0 and 140.25. It appears at least some of them aren't presets in their radios because, for example, I heard a flight leader say, "Go manual on the back radio to 143.0."

I think we had another new A-10 arrive at MTN a couple of days ago - maybe from the MA-ANG at Barnes. The first two that came in used WARPIG and this one came in as a single A-10 using just PIG.

I'm just barely hearing HUNTRESS today and that's only on the R8500. I can't hear him at all on the scanners. So, he's obviously using the transmitting antenna up closer to Thurmont only - at least so far.

About 1620 picked up a couple of F-16s chatting on interflight 141.975. Also caught them with ZDC-Brooke 327.0. Turns out it's TEX 01, a flight of two F-16s from the 111th Fighter Squadron TX-ANG Ellington ANGB. They also contacted DEVIL Ops at Atlantic City on 261.0 to tell them they're both Code 2 so it looks like that's their destination. At 1630, they are handed off to ZDC-Swann 360.7 and check in at FL 240. Controller clears them down to FL 200. They are heading for runway 31 at ACY. At 1632, they're cleared down to 15,000 feet. For whatever reason, at 1633 the flight leader tells his wingman to change to Victor-9 preset and they come up on 142.025 and decide they like it so will stay here. Their next event is at 1637 when they are handed off to ZDC-Kenton 354.15 and check in at 15,000 feet...the controller clears them down to 11000 and then to 8000 feet at 1638 - but stops them at 9000. Handed off to ZDC-Casino 285.4 at 1640 and check in at 9000 feet direct Atlantic City. Seems like these guys are familiar with Atlantic City. One of them says, "It seems like only yesterday," in reference to ACY like they're coming back. At 1642 TEX 01 reports field in sight to the ZDC-Casino controller. Controller clears them from 9000 to 4000 feet - expedited. (Must be excellent visibility up that way too.) At 1644, they are handed off to Atlantic City Approach on 327.125 and check in there at 4000 feet. They are continuing their descent to runway 31 and now fading rapidly as they approach 2000 feet. And that should be the end of them...doubtful I'll be able to hear them with ACT Tower on 239.0 but if you're close, give it a try.

1840: Guard Dog CAP replacements moving into the area...PITMAN 31/32 make contact with HUNTRESS 260.9 and then request clearance to enter the CAP from Potomac on 135.525. Next action is to head for TANKER 11 for fuel. PITMAN 31 is going to take 1000 pounds, 32 will topoff with about 6000 and then 31 will go back for more. TANKER 12 is also coming to the area. He reported 13 minutes out at 1846 and at FL 310. He'll come in at FL 250 since TANKER 11 is at FL 240.
1906: The replacements have refueled and taken over the CAP duties. PITMAN 25/26 are sent on their way, pick up their clearance back to Shaw from Potomac and are handed off to ZDC-Montebello on 284.7 for the first leg of their trip. They also switch to Victor-8 139.825 for interflight on their way home.
TANKER 12 has made it into Guard Dog airspace and has replaced 11. This tanker is also a KC-135R, tail 60-0315, from the WI-ANG 126th ARS/128th ARW at Milwaukee. These players should be in place until the CAP ends at 2300.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
As noted in another thread, some of the servers for this site are down - likely due to the nasty weather in the Texas area. The Wiki, the one for some of the edit functions and subscription are all down, but are expected back sometime this eve (hopefully, weather permitting of course). That news was from Lindsay....73s Mike


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Cap 03.30.2007

Hi guys,

Was out in the Sterling area and got a good 10-15 minutes of monitoring the start of the CAP earlier this afternoon. Had great line of sight coverage to ZDC in Leesburg and was able to hear HUNTRESS louder than at my home QTH.

1845Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - Wkg PITMAN 26 and 25 for Alpha Checks and PIREPs - requests if 26 is able Mode-2, and is wingman able as well?
1846Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 26 informs HUNTRESS that they will be going to the TANKER as single ships. Blocking FL200-230, tanker is at FL240. HUNTRESS requests that one ship stay in the CAP while the other refuels (which I think is standard procedure anyway?)
1847Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - NIGHTHAWK 8 - up on this freq as well.
1852Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 26 to 25 - timber sweet on Zulu but can only see each other. Recycle on Zulu time and try again.
1856Z 350.250 ZDC-Guard Dog - TANKR 11 cleared into the Guard Dog CAP block FL210-250 own navigation.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
ka3jjz said:
As noted in another thread, some of the servers for this site are down - likely due to the nasty weather in the Texas area. The Wiki, the one for some of the edit functions and subscription are all down, but are expected back sometime this eve (hopefully, weather permitting of course). That news was from Lindsay....73s Mike

I was referring to Jeff's Team Speak server. It says the server is unavailable which is unusal if it's for a long period of time.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia


A little late night monitoring here...

0143Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PACER 01 (C-21A 84-0077 457th AS) - requesting the ILS and a full stop landing rwy 19R.
0145Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PACER 01 (C-21A 84-0077 457th AS) - 15 mins out status A1 home station C-21 request crew bus at parking 9 Row.
0150Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 has the tanker in sight.

0201Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 - tanker can push the boom, nose is cold switch is safe. Refueling on 228.900.
0245Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKR 12 - requests if HUNTRESS has contact with the replacement? Looking at the ATO it shows 0245Z. PITMAN 31 does not agree, we'd like a wx rpt as well.
0246Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - TANKR 12 - requests dir present position dir IHD FL320.
0251Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - PITMAN 31 - 5 mins from RTB req. dir BRV-dir Shaw FL240.
0252Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - TANKR 12 Heavy - heads out of the CAP.
0257Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - PITMAN 31 - picks up clearance to RTB FL240.

0300Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - PITMAN 31 requests direct at this time departing your airspace QSY ZDC-Brooke 327.000 V8.
0301Z 327.000 ZDC-Brooke - PITMAN 31 checks in @ FL240. QSYs ZDC-Blackstone 235.625 @ 0306Z.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2242: Almost time for the CAP to end for the night so everyone is waking up now. TANKER 12 just asked HUNTRESS to check the Milwaukee weather for mentioned earlier, he's from the 126th ARS of the WI-ANG at General Mitchell Field in Milwaukee...260.9
2246: PITMAN 31/32 also requesting weather for their homeplate...and tell HUNTRESS they don't need more fuel...260.9
2246: TANKER 12 asks HUNTRESS if they can begin working their clearance...they get and okay and switch to Potomac on 135.525 where they request routing through Indianhead and a FL 320.
2248: TANKER 12 tells PITMAN 31 they each took 11,700 pounds of fuel during their shift...260.9
2250: PITMAN 31/32 get into fighting wing formation in preparation to head home...260.9
2251: PITMAN 31 switches to Potomac to say they'll be leaving in about 5 minutes and request direct Brooke, direct Shaw for their routing...135.525
2251: TANKER 12 receives his release, gets his clearance and is handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown 134.15 and checks in there at FL 250 and requests FL 300....he gets cleared to FL 270 for now.
2256: PITMAN 31 receives his route clearance back to Shaw via Brooke at FL 240 from Potomac...ready to go as soon as released by HUNTRESS...135.525
2259: PITMAN 31/32 cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS...260.9...switch to Potomac to clear out of the area and request a Uniform freq for the handoff...135.525
2300: PITMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Brooke and check in at FL 240...327.0
2300: PITMAN 31/32 also open Victor-8 for interflight chat...139.825
2306: PITMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone and check in at FL 240...235.625
2306: PITMAN 31 has 8900 pounds of fuel remaining...32 has 7800 pounds...139.825
And that ends the Guard Dog CAP for tonight. It'll resume at 0600.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Guard Dog CAP 0600-1000 shift had PITMAN 25/26 (F-15 Shaw AFB SC) and TANKER 13 (KC-135R, 62-3509, 77th ARS, Seymour Johnson AFB SC) with the duty.

0945: PITMAN 31/32 took over the CAP. TANKER 13 looking for a replacement but he hasn't shown up and HUNTRESS has no word on his whereabouts.
PITMAN 25/26 were handed off by Potomac to ZDC-Montebello 284.7, had no contact there, went back to Potomac 135.525 and were told to try the Montebello VHF 121.675 where they made contact. From there it was to ZDC-Azalea 263.1 and "Push Victor-8" for interflight - 139.825 - and off they went toward home.
0959: PITMAN 25/26 handed off to ZDC-Raleigh 322.45 and check in at FL 240. (Surprisingly good radio conditions this morning. I don't normally hear the fighters at this check-in.)

1001: HUNTRESS asks TANKER 13 about his fuel remainder. 13 says he has about 15,000 pounds he can give the fighters but that goes down 2,000 pounds per 15 minutes (based on what he's burning himself.)...260.9
1003: PITMAN 31 tells HUNTRESS they'll go back to TANKER 13 in about 30 minutes and take all the gas the tanker can give them...260.9
(If TANKER 14 isn't heard from soon, we'll probably get SKATER 07 as an emergency replacement flying out of McGuire to take the duty.)
1008: TANKER 13 tells HUNTRESS he can loiter for an hour and still give 5k to each of the fighters...after that he's worthless as a tanker to them...260.9
1009: TANKER 13 tells HUNTRESS the best option is to let him orbit for 30 minutes and then give off what he has left to the fighters...he presents that as the best option....HUNTRESS gave 13 word about a replacement but I couldn't copy what he said...260.9
1028: PITMAN 31/32 are going to take a run at TANKER 13 and take what fuel they can get...260.9
1030: The AR op is on boom freq...228.9
1032: HUNTRESS is talking to someone - very, very weak from here - that might be the replacement tanker. Anyone closer to HUNTRESS' transmitting location that can confirm?....260.9
1036: TANKER 13 tells HUNTRESS he is not "bingo" after this offload (to PITMAN 31/32)...260.9
1036: PITMAN 32 completes the AR op and is back in the CAP...260.9
1037: TANKER 13 tells HUNTRESS that after giving PITMAN 31 2000 pounds, he'll have 15 minutes of loiter time and then will be "bingo"...260.9
1040: PITMAN 31/TANKER 13 on boom freq to begin the AR op...they do the normal vocal handshake of confirming the radar is turned off and weapons are switched to "safe" in the fighter before he approaches the boom...228.9
1044: PITMAN 31 completes the AR...TANKER 13 switches to Potomac on 135.525 to pick up a clearance home to Seymour Johnson.
1046: TANKER 14 checking in at FL 250 to Potomac...135.525
1047: TANKER 13 checks off the HUNTRESS freq...his CAP orbit was at FL 220 and he'll climb to 240 to exit the Guard Dog area...260.9
1049: TANKER 13 climbing from FL 240 to 260...confirming routing with Potomac...135.525
1050: TANKER 13 handed off to ZDC-Brooke...126.875
1054: TANKER 14 came into the CAP at FL 250, was told to descend to 220 and is now there...135.525/260.9
So...PITMAN 31/32 and TANKER 14 are in place and all should be quiet for the next three hours or so.

1100: TANKER 13 contacts Seymour Johnson Ops and gives fuel offload during the CAP as 58,200 pounds and recites the few problems with the aircraft including his boom being 2 degrees right of center...ground gives him parking spot C-2...311.0
1114: EVAC 37872 (C-130E, 63-7872, 171st Airlift Squadron MI-ANG Selfridge ANGB) departs Andrews...378.1
1120: BLACKJACK 2 working HUNTRESS freq...139.7
1154: DC 91 (KC-135R 756th ARS Andrews) landing at Andrews runway 19R...118.4

1202-04: NAVY JR497 (C-20G, BuNo 165093, VR-48 Andrews) trying to contact Andrews..finally does...15 minutes out, 9 pax to drop off at the Pax Terminal...has 20 seats available for Atlanta trip...141.55
(I'm not sure how you make 20 seats available on a 14 passenger jet, but hey, good luck.)
1208: SAM 1288 (C-37A, 97-0400, 99th AS Andrews) off from Andrews...climbing out to the northeast...125.65
1215: REACH 960 (C-130H, 93-1459, 156th AS NC-ANG Charlotte) to Andrews CP asking for a phone patch to the NC Air National Guard at DSN 231-xxxx to let them know his ETA at Charlotte-Douglas Airport is 1345 local...378.1
1225: REACH 960 asks Andrews if they passed the message...apparently the answer was that no one answered...960 asks if they have HF phone patch capabilities...must have been no because he thanks them and leaves the freq...378.1
1237: REACH 2288 (C-130H, 92-3286, 328th AS NY-ANG Niagara Falls) calling joy...378.1
This aircraft recently flew under callsign BISON 86.
1238: REACH 2288 to Griffin Ops at Andrews...says he's a C-130 inbound, ETA 1705Z, needs 10K fuel and has 8 crew (other msg elements missed - weak)...then does a long song and dance about where they're parking - near the terminal or near the tower because the people waiting won't know where to meet them, etc...378.1
1245: CRAB 51 (C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) reports off at 40 past the hour...385.9
1251: REACH 5004 (C-5M, 85-0004, 436th AS Dover AFB DE) to Dover CP...ETA in 20 minutes, has 6 pax and 2 pieces of rolling stock to offloac, is A-2 and needs parking...349.4

1309: VENUS 42 (C-37A, 99-0402, 99th AS Andrews) to Andrews...20 minutes out, needs parking, is A-2 for burned out light bulbs...378.1
1312: NAVY JR497 (C-20G, BuNo 165093, VR-48 Andrews) off from Andrews (he arrived about 1215 so quick turn)...125.65 (Indicated upon arrival he'd be going to Atlanta)
1319: VENUS 42 landing Andrews...9 mile final for full stop, gear down, cleared to land...118.4
1320: Belgian Air Force 610 (Dassault-Breguet Falcon 900B 3-engine jet, tail CD-01, 21st Squadron) into the area and apparently landing at Dulles.
1333: SAM 1285 landing Andrews runway 1L...118.4
1333: JOSA 683 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) calling Willow Grove Dispatch...x3, no joy...306.8
1342: PITMAN 31/32 replacements apparently at 193 degrees, 100 miles out...260.9
1343: Yup....PITMAN 33 checking in as fragged...HUNTRESS gives BRA to tanker...and turns TANKER 14 toward the incoming fighters...260.9
1343: PITMAN 33/34 check in with Potomac at FL 230...135.525
1345: REACH 517T (C-17A, 03-3118, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) with ADW Tower for landing approach...118.4 (Heard him ealier on 378.1 saying he had 22 pax to offload and 16 going through)
1348: Believe NIGHTHAWK 8 is working with HUNTRESS but too weak from here to pull anything out...260.9
1349: PITMAN 33 reports visual tanker...260.9....changes to boom freq...228.9
1350: PITMAN 31 to Potomac to report RTB in 5 minutes...135.525
1351: REACH 517T has gear down for landing at ADW...118.4
1352: PITMAN 33 going to the tanker's boom...34 cleared to hang on the tanker's left wing...228.9
1359: PITMAN 33/34 finish AR op...TANKER 14 indicates he'll still be around for their next refueling...228.9

1401: PITMAN 31/32 relieved by HUNTRESS...get authentication and wave goodbye...260.9
1402: PITMAN 31 tells Potomac he's ready to RTB picks up clearance for his flight back to Shaw at FL 210...135.525

And with that CAP transfer I'm out of here...end of log.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

1434Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - wkg TANKR 14 - "once you get a little closer, we can try again. Confirm you are in the green."
1435Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - wkg TANKR 13 - Negative, we are not bingo after this offload.
1435Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 - back up in the north, AR complete.
1437Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKR 13 - after the next fighter refuels, we will have approx. 15 mins loiter time and will be bingo.
1438Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 now going to the tanker currently @ FL230.
1439Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 has visual on tanker.
1440Z 228.900 PITMAN 31 with TANKR 13 - can rejoin, confirm nose is cold switch is safe.
1444Z 260.900 TANKR 13- "If we are to recover at our station, this will do it for us."
1446Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - TANKR 13 - is cleared to RTB.
1446Z 135.525 ZDC-Guard Dog - TANKR 13 req. clnc to GSB FL240 - requesting DAILY-J61-HUBBS; if we can drop out of the CAP down to FL220, and we're turning direct DAILY now, req. exit the CAP @ FL240.

1548Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 owns the northe end of the CAP. PITMAN 32 goes off to refuel.
1550Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 32 has visual with tanker, switching to boom freq.
1552Z 228.900 Takes a few minutes because TANKR 14 thought PITMAN 32 would use 260.900 for AR, but now they're both up on boom freq. 228.900.
1553Z 228.900 PITMAN 32 wkg TANKR 14 - nose is cold, cleared for contact. PITMAN 32 is tail #96085.
1558Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 proceeding to tanker.
1559Z 228.900 PITMAN 31 nose is cold.

1601Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN 31 has visual with tanker @ 3 nms.
1601Z 228.900 PITMAN 31 to TANKR 14 - PITMAN 31 is visual.
1604Z 228.900 PITMAN 31 says we're from Shaw AFB tail #92-907
1611Z 260.900 HUNTRESS - PITMAN passes PIREP - 25% of CAP area is in a layer of haze from FL200-270, vis. is 1.5 nms. Other than that it's beautiful.
1624Z 378.100 SAM CP Andrews - REACH 960 (C-130H 93-1459 156th AS NC ANG) - req. update on msg telephoned to our base? Thanks, they may not be there yet, and do you guys haveHF phone patch capability? OK, thanks and REACH 960 out.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

This one actually routed CYYT-KADW.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
1320: Belgian Air Force 610 (Dassault-Breguet Falcon 900B 3-engine jet, tail CD-01, 21st Squadron) into the area and apparently landing at Dulles.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Hi Tin,

This one actually routed CYYT-KADW.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
1320: Belgian Air Force 610 (Dassault-Breguet Falcon 900B 3-engine jet, tail CD-01, 21st Squadron) into the area and apparently landing at Dulles.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

This one actually routed CYYT-KADW.

Best regards,


Ref Belgian AF 610: Thanks Tony...I was listening for his landing at ADW and never heard him contact the tower which is why I figured he went to Dulles. Guess he snuck in the back door.

Never did catch the ID on TANKER 14 before he went home. TANKER 15 came in and is a KC-135R, tail 61-0310, from the 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease.
1702: Sounds like PITMAN 34 is having trouble distinguishing his tracks on the datalink. He has what he thinks are tracks from Dulles/National/BWI...260.9
1703: PITMAN 34 heading for the tanker...260.9
1707: TANKER 15 clears PITMAN 34 onto the boom...228.9
1710: PITMAN 34 completes the AR after taking 4600 pounds of fuel...228.9
1711: PITMAN 34 reports back on station to HUNTRESS...260.9
1723: PITMAN 33/34 report fuel remainders and PITMAN 33 tells TANKER 15 they won't need any more gas from him today...260.9

Here's a strange one...
1828: REACH 2110 calling HAWK Ops at the MA-ANG at Barnes and Hawk Ops answering him. Ground was as loud as the aircraft. That's a freak of propagation...303.0...Sure would be nice if it was like that all the time.
1858: Tanker interplane active from somewhere...143.825

Guess I should have mentioned that PITMAN 35/36 came in to replace 33/34 about 1745.
1900: PITMAN 35 looking for TANKER 15 to get a refill...35 tells 36 to take the north part of the CAP while he's off at the tanker...260.9
1902: PITMAN 35 informs HUNTRESS he only sees one or two surveillance tracks on the Link 16...same for PITMAN 36...260.9
1905: PITMAN 35 switches to the boom freq, makes contact with the tanker and is cleared onto the boom...228.9
1907: NIGHTHAWK 8 calls HUNTRESS on 260.9 and says he's a flight of two passing Gaithersburg.
1910: PITMAN 35 done with the AR after taking on 7,000 pounds...228.9...back to the CAP with HUNTRESS...260.9
1915: BOXER 41 (C-40C, 02-0203, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) off from Andrews...125.65

2001: PITMAN 35 and 36 both report Link 16 showing timber sweet but no tracks showing - including each other. They mention just crossing midnight Z time and ask if that's a problem. Not sure what HUNTRESS told them but it has often been a problem in the past when the date changes...260.9
2006: TANKER 16 checks in with HUNTRESS...PITMAN 35 tells HUNTRESS they can wait for TANKER 16 to arrive so HUNTRESS tells TANKER 15 he can leave for home...260.9
2007: TANKER 15 wastes no time...goes to Potomac and asks for clearance home...135.525
2009: TANKER 15 handed off by Potomac to ZDC-Potomac 133.975 and checks in at FL 240.
2009: TANKER 15 asks HUNTRESS to check the weather for Pease...gets it and continues on his way...260.9
2014: TANKER 16 checks in with Guard Dog and let's them know he's with HUNTRESS...135.525
2016: PITMAN 35 looking for TANKER 16...finds him on radar at 207 degrees, 13 miles and asks HUNTRESS to confirm that's him...260.9
2017: PITMAN 35 says tanker is off his nose 2 miles...has visual...asks to go to the boom...260.9
2018: PITMAN 35 tries to contact TANKER 16 on reply...HUNTRESS gives 16 the boom freq.
2019: PITMAN 35 makes voice contact with the boomer and is cleared to make contact...228.9
2021: TANKER 16 says he's from the 101st ARW (132nd ARS) in Bangor Maine...PITMAN 35 confirms they're from Shaw and says his tail number is 93-544...228.9
2024: PITMAN 35 off the boom after taking 4900 pounds...says his wingman will be up in just a sec...228.9
2026: EVAC 37872 (C-130E, 63-7872, 171st AS MI-ANG) to Andrews...needs parking space...378.1
2030: PITMAN 35 and 36 playing around with their datalink trying to get it to far timber sour...260.9
2031: PITMAN fighters chatting on's PITMAN 41/42...139.825
2032: Seems the PITMAN duo got their Link 16 to work...260.9
2034: PITMAN 36 asks to go to the tanker...260.9
2036: PITMAN 36 asks HUNTRESS to confirm tanker bullseye is 177/25/24000...'tis true says HUNTRESS...260.9
2038: PITMAN 35/36 to Potomac for clearance home to Shaw...says they'll be leaving in 20 minutes...135.525
2039: PITMAN 36 makes contact with TANKER 16's boomer...says he wants just a dry hookup before heading home...228.9
2039: HOIST 97 (KC-10A McGuire) calls McGuire CP...319.4
2043: PITMAN 41/42 to Guard Dog to enter the CAP...135.525
2044: PITMAN 41 checks in with HUNTRESS as fragged...260.9
This is a surprise...I thought 35/36 would have it until the end at 2300.
2045: PITMAN 35 to Guard Dog about exiting the CAP at FL 230 to the south...135.525
2045: PITMAN 41 looking for the tanker...HUNTRESS gives him a pointout...41 says he's currently timber sour...260.9
2045: PITMAN 36 completes his dry hookups with the tanker...228.9
2046: PITMAN 35/41 coordinate altitudes while they're all in the CAP together...36 reports off the tanker at FL 230...41 is 25 miles in trail with the tanker...260.9
2047: HOIST 97 still trying to contact McGuire CP...still no joy...319.4
2049: PITMAN 41 visual the tanker...pushing boom freq...260.9
2049: PITMAN 41 to TANKER his position in relation to the tanker...41 tells the tanker his transmissions are broken...TANKER 16 clears 41 to rejoin (actually 'join' since he hasn't been there before)...228.9
2051: PITMAN 41 gives his tail as 96-085 and 42's as 92-907....41 will take 1000 pounds, let 42 topoff and then 41 will go back for more...228.9
2051: HOIST 97 makes contact with McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-1 and will land with about 40K of gas...319.4
2054: PITMAN 41 off the boom after taking 1000 pounds....TANKER 16 informs the fighters the boom intercom isn't working tonight so they'll operate on Uniform (228.9)
2054: EVAC 37872 [female] with ADW Tower for landing...118.4
2058: EVAC (37)872 reports gear down for landing runway 19R...118.4
2059: PITMAN 42 off the boom...228.9....over to HUNTRESS to check into the CAP...260.9

2100: PITMAN 35/36 released to head home to Shaw...260.9
2000: Brazilian Air Force A319 (callsign FAB 01, tail 2101) off from BWI and heading east across the bay. (Hey..Brazil is the other way!)
FAB=Forca Aerea Brasileira (The C in Forca needs one of those little doohickies under it that you make with the special characters.)
2101: PITMAN 35 to Potomac to pick up Brooke first stop...135.525
2102: PITMAN 41 off the boom on his second run after taking 6200 pounds...228.9
2103: PITMAN 35/36 switch to Victor 8 -- 139.825 for interflight and mention 269.5 for a handoff freq which is a TRACON freq rather than ZDC.
2107: PITMAN 35/36 handed off to ZDC-Irons and check in at FL 220...360.85
PITMAN 41 and 42 are established in the CAP...TANKER 16 is flying his orbit at 24,000 feet and PITMAN 35/36 are heading happily toward Shaw after drawing the short shift. The 41/42 flight will be even shorter if the CAP ends on time at 2300.
2115: PITMAN 35/36 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone...235.625
2124: TANKER 16 laying out his flight route for when he leaves with Potomac...says he wants FL 310 and routing to KIPPI, J80, direct Bangor...also confirms he's an Echo model (KC-135E)...135.525
2129: COBRA 72 (OC-135B, 61-2672, 45th Recon Squadron) reports off (from Andrews) at 0127Z...378.1
2140: FLASH 22 off from Andrews (this is probably the same aircraft that came into Andrews earlier as EVAC 37872 - a C-130E from the 171st Airlift Squadron...the FLASH callsign is associated with that unit)...125.65
2224: Another Brazilian Air Force plane..a B737 this time, tail 2115 in the area.
2234: PITMAN 41 reports heading for the tanker...260.9
2239: PITMAN 41 off the boom for his last refueling of the night...228.9
2246: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 16 to head for home...250.9
2247: TANKER 16 to Potomac to pick up his clearance...he's at the north end of the CAP at FL 240...cleared direct Bangor via KIPPI, J80...5361 squawk...135.525
2249: TANKER 16 cleared to KIPPI at FL 250...135.525
2253: HUNTRESS tells PITMAN 41/42 they can rejoin...meanwhile TANKER 16 is headed northeast out of the area and is currently at FL 262....260.9
2255: REACH 5005 (C-5B, 85-0005, 436th Airlift Wing Dover AFB DE) calling Dover CP...349.4
2255: PITMAN 41 to Potomac to let them know he's ready to RTB in 5 minutes...135.525
2256: REACH 5005 to Dover to report 10 minutes out, A-1 and has about 60 (pax) on board...349.4
2259: HUNTRESS relieves the PITMAN pair from the CAP...260.9
2259: PITMAN 41 to Potomac to report ready to RTB...135.525

2303: PITMAN 41/42 flight cleared direct Shaw by Potomac...135.525...handed off to ZDC-Irons and check in direct Shaw at FL 220...360.85
2303: PITMAN 41/42 also open victor-8 for interflight chat on the way home...139.825
2305: PITMAN 41/42 remark how it was a quiet night...42 says he got a lot of emails done...139.825
2308: REACH 785T calling Dover CP...349.4
2311: REACH 785T to Dover reports 30 minutes out, A-3 and details the problems...front right gear didn't want to come up...reset circuit breaker and it retracted, etc, etc...will RON at Dover and then back to Wright Patterson tomorrow...needs Customs and Ag...also wants to know about quarters for the night on base...349.4
2316: REACH 785T repeats that on base quarters are all filled up (guess it's into town and a motel for the crew)...349.4
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Jun 18, 2006
I don't have anything to add to the CAP, however there was a transient F/A-18 that departed KNXX around 19:40. After listening carefully the callsign was RIVER 65 (VFA-204 NAS JRB New Orleans?). Handoffs were 340.2 (KNXX Tower) -> 263.125 (Philly ATC) -> 319.15 (Philly ATC) -> 335.6 (ZNY - Modena)

I didn't flip the scanner on until he was airborne and zipped by the house. A twilight visual confirmed it was an F/A-18.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
Re: Brazilian AF

Hi Tin,

Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva was meeting with President Bush yesterday at Camp David.

Best regards,


TinEar said:
2000: Brazilian Air Force A319 (callsign FAB 01, tail 2101) off from BWI and heading east across the bay. (Hey..Brazil is the other way!)
FAB=Forca Aerea Brasileira (The C in Forca needs one of those little doohickies under it that you make with the special characters.)

2224: Another Brazilian Air Force plane..a B737 this time, tail 2115 in the area.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
Hi Tin,

Brazilian President Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva was meeting with President Bush yesterday at Camp David.

Best regards,


True. And that's what I thought those two Nighthawks were all about.

I heard TANKER 17 coming to the CAP earlier (early, early). He was a KC-135R from the 77th ARS at Seymour Johnson (BACKY in his other life.) TANKER 18 is a KC-135T from Pittsburgh (STEEL when he's not doing this.) It's shortly before noon as I type this so a little more than an hour left in the CAP.

1151: PITMAN 45/46 say they'll leave the CAP in about 30 minutes - based upon their present fuel load. I'm not quite sure of the reason for this since TANKER 18 is still on station. I couldn't hear the justification from HUNTRESS. TANKER 18 then pops up and asks if he can RTB too when PITMAN 45/46 leave. The answer is yes but TANKER 18 asks if PITMAN 45/46 can refuel one more time since he's overweight for landing right now. PITMAN 45 flight leader says the flight can only take about 5000 pounds between them. That's fine and dandy with TANKER 18. So...45 is off to meet the tanker and 46 will maintain watch over the northern part of the CAP...260.9
1157: PITMAN 45 reports radar contact with the tanker...260.9

1200: PITMAN 45 switches to boom freq for the AR with TANKER 18...228.9
1202: TANKER 18 has a bad squeal in his radio...228.9
1202: PITMAN 46 tells HUNTRESS he'll stay on his freq while 45 refuels. 46 is also in trail with the tanker...260.9
1203: PITMAN 45 tells TANKER 18 he'll take a topoff - about 4000 pounds...228.9
PITMAN 45 thinks the squeal in the radio is being caused by his VHF radio.
1203: PITMAN 45 is off the boom after taking 4000 pounds...228.9
1203: PITMAN 46 tells HUNTRESS he's switching to boom freq...and does. He tells the tanker he can take 2500 pounds...then changes his mind and says he'll take a topoff....45 says he'll drop down and take the southern portion of the CAP while 46 is on the boom...228.9
1205: PITMAN 45 tells HUNTRESS he's back in the CAP working south...260.9
1208: PITMAN 46 winds up taking 3500 pounds from 18...228.9...and reports back to HUNTRESS...260.9
1208: PITMAN 45 to Potomac to say they'll RTB in 5 minutes...135.525
1209: TANKER 18 to Potomac to give a 3 minute warning for his RTB...picks up his clearance route...will plan on FL 250 for the trip to Pittsburgh or at least the first portion of it...135.525
1210: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 18 to RTB and 18 says he'll depart the area to the northwest (heading toward Indianhead)...260.9
1214: PITMAN 45 is Code 1 with 10,900 pounds of fue remaining and 46 is also Code 1 with 11,400 pounds...260.9
1214: TANKER 18 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown...134.15
1214: HUNTRESS gives the RTB signal to PITMAN 45/46...260.9
1214: PITMAN 45 to Potomac to pick up clearance to Shaw...135.525
1215: PITMAN 45/46 handed off to Potomac TRACON...269.5
1215: PITMAN 45/46 open Victor-8 for interflight and check in on 139.825
1217: PITMAN 45 flight handed off to ZDC-Montebello and check in at FL 240...on route J75, request 2 mile non-standard formation...284.7
1225: PITMAN 45/46 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville and check in at FL 240...351.9
And another CAP weekend is over and done.

1232: HOIST 91 (KC-10A McGuire AFB) calling McGuire CP...319.4 (Possibly tail 85-0030)
1233: HOIST 91 to McGuire to say they're declaring an emergency at this time...will make a straight in approach to the runway...they will land with their drogue in trail...319.4 (this is not a good situation)
1234: NICKEL 31 (Poss. F-18A VMFA-122, MCAS BEAUFORT SC) calling Washington Center...351.9
1234-38: HOIST 91 calling McGuire CP several reply...319.4
1238: HOIST 91 makes contact...repeats the above message about the emergency...says they're inside 30 minutes out and will hold at ??? (possibly JULSI)....they are concerned that when they land with the drogue in trail, it will wipe out the lights along the runway (that would be the last of my concerns)...says they are down to about 10,000 feet...319.4
1242: HOIST 91 repeats all the above yet again...says they will shut down on the runway and want to know what maintenance wants them to do...says the boom operator wants to talk to someone there and they're standing by until that person gets on the (?radio?)...319.4
1245: HOIST 91 (different speaker) mentions a phone patch with the boom operator...319.4
He's very weak at this point and that may be the last heard from him....he's below 10,000 feet at approximately 150 miles away - and this ain't Kansas.

Shortly after noon, there's a Royal Air Force VC-10 (callsign RRR 2300, tail XR808, 101 Squadron) flying over the area....about a half hour earlier there was an RAF C-130, possibly tail XV301, callsign JGN 0085 but flying in the opposite direction.

1332: EVAC 23286 (C-130H, 92-3286, 328th Airlift Squadron Niagara Falls NY) to Andrews...reports 15 minutes out from KADW, 6 crew, 3 med attendant crew, needs 15K fuel and parking...gets 11 Row...378.1
1334: JOSA 323 (C-21A, 84-0098, 457th AS Andrews) reports airborne time was 1729Z...378.1

1400-05: OPEC 78 (KC-10A, 86-0028, 305th AMW McGuire AFB NJ) calling McGuire CP...319.4
1411: REACH 805J (C-17A, 94-0067, 437th Airlift Wing Charleston SC) to SAM Command inbound to Andrews...ETA 1830Z, 82 pax and 2 baggage pallets to offload...assumes parking will be in 13 Row...378.1
In the past week we've heard REACH 805H, I and J....something different.
1435: JOSA 289 (C-21A, 84-0065, 458th Airlift Squadron Scott AFB IL)to Langley Dispatch with arrival message...ETA 1855Z, 1 pax to drop off, no fuel needed, wants to take off 40 minutes after landing...141.75
1439: JOSA 289 to Langley Ground...says he's 20 minutes out and wants the current weather at Langley...275.8

1506: EVAC 112 (C-17A, 02-1112, 183rd Airlift Squadron, MS-ANG Jackson) arriving Andrews...20 minutes out, A-1, 24 litter patients, 23 ambulatory, 11 airmed crew, 4 attendants, need 20K fuel...378.1
1509: REACH 3125 (C-17A, 03-3125, 6th Airlift Squadron McGuire AFB) to Andrews with arrival message...378.1
1530: EVAC 21112 landing ADW...118.4
1531: PITT 18 (C-130H, 86-0418, 758th Airlift Squadron, Pittsburgh) to Dover CP with arrival msg...IDs as a C-130, 30 minutes out, 22 pax to drop off...B-2 for parking...349.4
1542: REACH 3125 landing at ADW...118.4
1542: REACH 805J leaves Andrews...118.95 (He arrived about 90 minutes ago.)
1558: JOSA 289 with arrival message for Andrews...141.55 (Went to Langley earlier...see log item for 1435)

1655: PITT 18 off from Dover...349.4 (Log item at 1531 for ID)

1715: EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT (C-20B, 86-0203, 99th Airlift Squadron Andrews) departs Andrews...125.65
1717: JOSA 323 (C-21A, 84-0098, 457th AS Andrews) reports to Andrews that they departed MDT (Harrisburg) at 2104Z...wants it entered into the computer...378.1
1755: REACH 2112 off from Andrews...118.95 (Same aircraft that came into ADW as EVAC 21112 - see log at 1506 for ID)

1842: RHINO 90 (C-5A, 69-0020, 89th Airlift Squadron Wright Patterson AFB OH) with arrival message to Andrews...ETA 2300Z, 72 pax and 28 pallets to offload...378.1

1902: RHINO 90 has gear down for landing ADW runway 19R....118.4
1925 (approx..was out of room) REACH 805K (C-17A, 96-0004, 437th AW Charleston) to Andrews...378.1
This adds to the list...REACH 805H/I/J/K

2055: Royal Air Force 2301 (VC-10, tail XR808, 101 Squadron) over the area again at FL 390.
During this past week, we've had Air Force aircraft from the UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Greece and Brazil noted in this area. Oh, and there was also the Rwandan government aircraft.

2100: REACH 805K leaves Andrews
2119: JOSA 323 (C-21A, 84-0098, 457th AS Andrews) preparing to land at ADW...118.4

2210: EVAC 44138 (C-17A, 04-4138, 729th Airlift Squadron, March ARB CA) to Andrews with arrival message...ETA 40 past the hour, 70 Space A pax and 1 litter patient, need crew transportation...378.1
2213: REACH 4136 (C-17A, 04-4136, 6th Airlift Squadron/305th AMW, McGuire AFB NJ) calling Command Center (Pope?)...381.3....nope, he's calling "McGuire Command Center" but on the Pope CP freq.
2229: EVAC 44138 reports on an 11 mile ILS for runway 19Rat ADW...gear down...118.4
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin wrote: 1245: HOIST 91 (different speaker) mentions a phone patch with the boom operator...319.4
He's very weak at this point and that may be the last heard from him..

Yeah I caught some of that also Tin but got weak here also.
Last I heard Boom Operator wanted pp with "Skyhook" but was told no deal.
They were going to shutdown at end of runway and I guess have maint disconnnect
what is left of hose.
I think he was worried about damaging lights on taxi ways so that is reason for shutting aircraft down on end of runway.
Made for exciting Sunday for that crew I bet.



May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
04.02.2007 am


A few on the way in to work this morning...

1352Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - JOSA 787 (C-21A JOSAC) - arrival message with five A5s and one A7, maintenance status A1, can release four seat to Dobbins.

1404Z 119.300 Potomac APP - NAVY JT 965 (C-9B VR-52 NAS JRB Willow Grove) - @ 3000' on the app. to ADW.
1405Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 281 - 5 nms. out for rwy 32.
1411Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - NIGHTHAWK 55 - single H-3 @ Springfield for the I-95 transition N-S to Quantico.
1427Z 378.100 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - wkg EVAC 3125 (C-17A 03-3125 6th AS) - req. if seat release is available?

Also had a visual on a USCG HH-65 in the Parklawn area of Alexandria but no comms.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
11:27 - REACH 5004 with Huntress for a sweet/sour check - 364.2

That's the new C-5M (85-0004) assigned to the 436th AW at Dover. Heard him with Dover.

I'm operating from a single radio and magnetic antenna in the back yard this morning. In the 1000 and into the 1100 hours, in addition to the one above, there was also THUG 01 and 02 (C-17A types, tails 04-4131 and 04-4132 from the 6th AS at McGuire) and JINX 72 (C-17A, 04-4129 also 6th AS McGuire) flying around the area. A Candadian Air Force CC-144C Challenger (tail 144618 from the 412 Squadron/8 Wing) came through also.

WILD and SCARY flights of F-16s from Andrews operated on 139.15 and 143.6.
A BARNEY 1 from MA-ANG Barnes came up the coast. Heard him on 141.75 with Langley passing a message about his arrival time back home. Then he was with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8, ZNY-Dixie 307.8 and ZNY-Kennedy 282.3
BASH 61 (believe he said 2 Eagles - F-15s) with ZOB-Altoona RCAG 363.075 and then with ZDC-Moorefield 371.9 requesting direct Eglin AFB FL
Refueling on 238.9 and 315.9 heard in 1100 hour...also heard a JEDI 21 C-17A trying to set up a refueling with a TEAM KC-10A on 319.4 - the McGuire CP freq.
There was also a NAVY AA706 (Carrier Air Wing 17) up the coast at FL 270 the entire way. Heard him with ZDC-Bay 379.3 > ZDC-Woodstown 363.0 > ZNY-Kennedy 282.3 > ZBW-Danbury 317.7 and that's where I lost him. That last freq had me guessing for a minute because it's also a ZDC freq
In addition, there was the normal assortment of JOSA/PAT aircraft buzzing around the area.
And that was my hour at the picnic table.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
I'm expecting a flyover for the Nationals' game. Only makes sense, right? Just now hearing some weak comms on 279.575, but I'm doubtful.

1256- Better now. Heard a "-02".

1257-Watching on TV, two Navy F-18s.
VFA-213 "Black Lions" from Oceana. One callsign was DRAGO-51. Sounds like they went back to ADW. Maybe they're sticking around for the Orioles' game.
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