Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Just a few from the past two commutes...


2110Z 125.650 Potomac DEP - REACH 5039 - dir PALEO QSY ZDC-Swann 134.500.
2116Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY 7C 595 (UC-12B NAS Oceana Norfolk Flt. Det.) - deps DAA @1200' for 3000' cleared to 5000' dir GRUBY.


1454Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - EVAC 71427 (KC-135R 57-1427 127th ARS KS ANG) - to 17000' QSY ZDC-Linden 120.650.

Also had MUSSEL 03 up on both 119.300 and 292.200 plus an U/I fighter up on 335.500 and 349.00, sounded like BULLY 1 but not sure.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
VENUS flights from Andrews is today's topic...
I don't remember that we've ever discussed how they select their suffix and how it identifies which tail number they're flying. The suffix is derived from the second-to-last and last of the tail numbers. For instance, 86-0201 would be VENUS 21 (who happens to be doing pattern work at Andrews as I type this.) Tail 86-0403 would become VENUS 43, etc.
I've seen an exception to this where the second-to-last number is a zero so for the first number of the suffix they use the first digit of the tail number. Anyway, it's an easy (sort of) way to identify the tail number. The next step would be to look up the suspected tail number at the Scramble website to identify the aircraft type and unit. Just one more identity trick of the trade.

Edit: Wow! Talk about ESP....VENUS 43 just came up with Andrews Tower on, as the example above stated, it's tail 86-0403, a C-20C from the 99th Airlift Squadron at Andrews per Scramble.
Edit 2: One of the exceptions to the rule flew this afternoon. Second-to-last digit was a zero so he used the first and last numbers of the tail 98-0002 as his VENUS 92 callsign.
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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
04.11.2007 pm

Heard a few on the way home this afternoon...

2049Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1264 (C-12T 85-1264 VA ArNG) - 1.5 nm. from STEAD for the GPS rwy 14 and cleared for the option. Goes missed and then conducts mult. apps.
2051Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - SAM 1268 (C-40B 02-0042) - deps ADW 1-3000' then cleared to 17000' dir LDN.

2116Z 139.700 HUNTRESS - BLACKJACK 1 up on this freq.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
2030: I've got what sounds like 3 a/c up on 142.3. They are extremely weak. I had to turn the squelch all the way down in order to slightly hear one of the three players. One a/c is strong, one is so-so and one is weak. From what I can hear, it sounds like they're doing some ACM activity, but I could be wrong.

The more I'm listening to them, it sounds like there's only two of them. Still no callsigns. I wonder if they're our A-10 friends from MD ANG?
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
trainman111 said:
2030: I've got what sounds like 3 a/c up on 142.3. They are extremely weak. I had to turn the squelch all the way down in order to slightly hear one of the three players. One a/c is strong, one is so-so and one is weak. From what I can hear, it sounds like they're doing some ACM activity, but I could be wrong.

The more I'm listening to them, it sounds like there's only two of them. Still no callsigns. I wonder if they're our A-10 friends from MD ANG?

You've got it right Nick. It's a flight of A-10s from Martin State. They were at Pax - in the southern portion.
I believe I heard an AXEMAN A-10 along with them....and 140.0 is active which probably confirms that.
Add a RAVEN flight also...they're 10 minutes out from MTN at the same time AXEMAN is landing on runway 33 at MTN. RAVEN flight landing at 2147.

Ref below: Actually, there were four of them Nick. Two AXEMANs, two RAVENs. Probably the reason they sounded so weak is that they were working way down on the deck. One guy was always up above doing the target lasing, and playing AFAC, and was probably the loud one you heard. Earlier, I thought I heard one of them ID as COLT but that was probably a mistake because the same guy became a RAVEN the next time I heard him...or maybe I just heard him wrong since he was so weak.

2145-2215: There has been a DC 32 (KC-135R 59-1469, 756th ARS Andrews) going 'round and 'round in the pattern at Andrews. He's about to do a full stop landing on this go around and should roll to a stop about 2220....118.4 with Tower
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Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Woo Hoo! 10 points for me. On a serious note though, it's strange that they were so weak. Usually when the F-16's from DC are working up in Vienna, I hear them crystal clear, but these guys were pretty weak. The one aircraft was decent. I could understand him, but the other one was barely audible. Maybe it's just the bad weather in the area, who knows...

And the fact that you heard an AXEMAN with them explains why I thought I heard 3 of them. I guess after you listen to milair more and more, it just becomes second nature to recognize what is what. I think I'm actually getting the hang of this.


May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia

Busy at work today so only now getting to type up this morning's logs from the commute in...

1348Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP - JOSA 128 (C-21A) - reporting takeoff time ADW 1346Z. Also on 118.950 to 17000' dir LDN.
1348Z 139.150 121st FS DC ANG - WILD 1 with MACE 21 in a simulated CAP exercise. Terminated at 1355Z.
1357Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - NAVY JW 060 (C-130T VR-62 NAS Brunswick) - deps ADW to 14000' QSY 118.675.

1404Z 139.900 121st FS SOF - WILD 1 - up for approx. 1 hr.
1404Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - TITUS 55 - deps ADW to 11000' QSY 118.675.
1415Z 141.550 GRIFFIN CP Andrews - PAT 584 (UC-35C 03-0726) - 15 mins. out tail #30726.
1416Z 119.850 Potomac APP - PAT 584 (UC-35C 03-0726) - cleared for the ILS rwy 1L @ ADW QSY TWR 118.400.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That Giant Killer freq 320.45 was active again today. It appears it's the control freq for aircraft in the test track area of W-386. Today, there was a WATERBUG tanker using it for GK control while refueling SALTY DOG 321 and others on 277.0. Both times I've heard the 320.45 freq there have been references to the test track.

There have been two SCARY/WILD flights up to W-107 today - one this morning and another just ending a few minutes before 1500.
VA-ANG F-16s - TBOLT and FURY - also up in the 1400 hour offshore with Giant Killer in W-386 and returned to home (TBOLT said he was returning to Richmond) around 1430 or so.
A DEVIL flight of two F-16s from Atlantic City came down to Pax to work this morning and now there's a BICEP flight at Pax mid-way through 1400 hour and continuing as we near 1500.
BICEP flight left Pax around 1500...with Devil Ops 261.0 at 1513 and with ACY Approach 327.125 at 8000 feet heading for runway 31...non-standard formation, two miles front to back as they approach ACY.
There has also been the regular flock of jet transports hauling VIPs from base to base and many transports and tankers moving around and through the area.
TACO 91 (too many TACOs to ID this one - sounds like F-16 though) through the ZDC area...last heard with ZDC-Yorktown 319.1 at 1509 cleared from 17,000 to FL 270.
ROMAN 85 flight (F/A-18 VFA-106, NAS Oceana VA) with ZDC-Irons 360.85 at 1519.

And that's my 10 minutes allowed for logging today.

There was also a Swedish Air Force Gulfstream 4 overhead around 1130. He was from Wing F17 based in Ronneby - located on the southern tip of Sweden. His full tail number is 102001. It was this aircraft...
That's a beautiful aircraft. Wish I had one. Let's see...if I save $1000 a week...I can have one in only 600 years.


  • SwedishAF100021.jpg
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Rgr TIN on foreign aircraft in the area. Nice Gulfstream!

ASCOT 6746 arrive Dover 1950z,parking at Hot cargo ramp.9 pob.

PAF-549 with Dover CP 349.400 arriving 2140z,not sure this type.Could
be Pakistani Air Force according to Google.

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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
BLADEs and TIGERs working on 365.7. Heard a TIGER-01 arrive at ADW a day or two ago, don't know if that's related. Thought I may have also heard one of these guys reference a SNAKE flight up there too. Suppose it could be a bunch of USMC F-18s.


Mar 1, 2003
I have a couple of players on 365.7
Air Intercepts?
233.85 >active
142.3 >A/A Axman active
341.75 >active
322.5 NYC > active Axman
322.4 NYC > active Axman
I guess Axman flight is heading up to the DUKE???
20:48- 352.6 Opec 49
21:00- Colt flight up 290.475 wonder why they are using the COLT C/S again?
21:22 - 40.15 FM active

Ref Below: 139.7 too noisy up here
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2037: RAVEN flight of A-10s about to take off from MTN in the next few minutes...they'll be on departure freq 290.475
2046: OPEC 49 (KC-10A, 87-0122, 305th AMW McGuire) to Andrews CP asking them to call DSN 277-xxxx to check on the status of STEEL 61 (KC-135R, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh)....378.1
2056: RAVEN flight climbing out from MTN...290.475...using 140.0 for interflight, putting on goggles....calls Raven Ops on 347.2 to say they were off the deck at 55 past the hour and wants Ops to call the range and tell them they're going to be 20 minutes late.
2058: REACH 493 (C-17A, 06-6160, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) calling on AR primary 341.75...he took off from Andrews about 2035 and has been calling McGuire Command Post about 40 times on both 319.4 and 349.4
2059: 139.7 scramble freq active...don't know the players yet.

2101: And a COLT flight of A-10s airborne from MTN with departure...290.475
2104: COLT to Raven Ops to report they were airborne on the hour....347.2
2105: U/I (probably REACH 493) asks tanker if the AR is still on time at 0130Z at Nantucket...341.75 (Can't hear the tanker)
2109: 139.7 still active but it's too weak for me to pull anything out of it...maybe one of you in another area can get it.
2113: COLT 1 calls RAVEN 1 on Ops freq 143.8 to ask if "you're still working together?"...can't hear the RAVEN so don't know the answer.
2120: It's BLACKJACK 1 and 2 that were on 139.7....their training was apparently once again on Marine Channel 23A - getting route clearance from Andrews Tower on 118.4
2128: COLT 1 to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, Code 1...appears he's a single ship...347.2
2130: Raven Ops repeating AXEMAN on the deck at 30 past the hour...347.2
2130: CRAB/TERP 58 (C-130J, 98-1358, 135th AS MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) to Crab Ops to report 20 minutes out...also using 143.8 this time. Ground station is definitely different person than Raven Ops on the same freq.
2141: OPEC 48 (KC-10A, 305th AMW MCGuire)...ETA 5 past the hour, A-1 with one minor writeup, will have 80K on the fuel when landing...319.4
2148: TERP 58 with Martin State Tower for approach and landing....says he's following the Citation...reports gear down...121.3 (Ground station apparently asks him about the TERP callsign and he says that's his international callsign - whatever that means. We've had the CRAB C-130s using the TERP callsign in the past.)
2157: RAVEN to Raven Ops...female op on the ground shouts, "We're all waiting on you!"...he says 6 minutes out, code 1...347.2 (RAVENs still using 140.0 for interflight)

2203: RAVEN 1 and 2 to MTN 2 miles to the south for a straight in approach and landing...297.2
2205: RAVENs report gear down for full stop landing...297.2
And so all the MTN A-10s are back on the deck and done for the night.
2228-39: DUCE 06 [not DEUCE] (KC-10A, 79-0434, 305th AMW McGuire) calling McGuire Command Post many times, no joy....319.4
His first call he used HOIST 06 and then DUCE the next 20 times.
2241-47: OPEC 49 (KC-10A, 87-0122, 305th AMW McGuire) also calling McGuire CP and also having no joy...319.4

Follow up: I overstated the length of time I'd have to save $1000 a week to be able to buy the Gulfstream IV that I want. I said it would take 600 years to save enough to purchase it. It's really only slightly over 500 years. (I got a deal. :)) The price looks a lot different when you figure it that way, doesn't it? Annual costs are about $500,000 to keep it in the air. To save up enough in a reasonable amount of time, say...5 years, I'd have to put away $100,000 a week in my savings account. And it's such a small aircraft.
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Nov 3, 2005
You called it Jack. The AXEMAN flight was working with TOPCAT 4 (KC-135E 108th ARW, NJ ANG McGuire AFB). TOPCAT was trying to contact the AXEMAN flight on 259.40 (now DUKE Primary) and AXEMAN was trying to get a hold of TOPCAT on (301.60 now DUKE Secondary). They got everything straightened out when AXEMAN 1 got a hold of TOPCAT on 124.325 (Cleveland Center). Refuelling was then on 301.60. The AXEMAN flight was using 142.30 then switched to "Aux 5" and I lost them. I was searching through the 138-144 range and nothing came up, perhaps that is an FM Low freq. AXEMAN 1 was having venting issues when connected and only got 600 LBS of fuel after two tries. AXEMAN 2 got 2,100 LBS. Refuelling was wrapped up just before 2100 and AXEMAN was headed to R-5802 (Bollen Range).
AXEMAN 1 was 79-0088 and AXEMAN 2 was 79-0086.



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
Activity 04132007

1020 - Bluegrass tower to someone (no callsign given) with clear to land, wind speed & direction, no response copied - 241.0


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
MADHOG 1 flight of three A-10s from PA-ANG Willow Grove heading south to McDill AFB FL. They are working 143.25 interflight. Had them with ZNY-Modena 335.6 and now with ZNY-Westminster 323.3. They've been cleared up to FL 280 and are requesting direct MCF (McDill) when able. That last was at 1055.
At 1105, they're handed off to ZDC-Potomac 307.025 and check in there. They request heading 240 degrees direct MCF-McDill. (They're chugging along at almost stall speed. One mentioned 188 [knots] indicated at 82% power on the fans.)
1109: MADHOG cleared direct GSO-Greensboro by ZDC-Potomac controller...307.025....on interflight 143.25, they indicate Greensboro is at 245 degrees, 147 miles from their current position. Fortunately, they're doing a lot of chatting on interflight. At 1111, apparently someone else is using this freq along their route and flight leader says, "What a pain in the ass. Don't they know we're talking?" :)
1113: MADHOG 1 requesting non-standard formation, 2-mile-trail...307.025
1118: Shaw interflight freq 138.15 active. (But it's not Shaw aircraft)
1121: MADHOG 1 handed off to ZDC-Gordonsville 351.9 and check in there at FL 280
1124: TANK KILLER 1 flight of two (A-10s ?) with ZNY-Parke 339.8 and then handed off to ZNY-Yardley 290.2 and check in in the block 240-250.
I don't have that callsign in my database but it sure makes them look like A-10s.
1126: MADHOG 1 fuel remainder 8600 pounds...2 has 8400....3 has 8100.....flight leader says they should get there with about 2000 pounds...143.25
1127: Believe the aircraft on 138.15 are the TANK KILLER 1 flight.
1127: TANK KILLER 1 flight handed off to ZNY-Westminster 323.3 and check in there.
1130: TANK KILLER 1 requesting direct destination if able, heading 262...323.3
1131: MADHOG 1 flight still chatting away on interflight 143.25
1132: TANK KILLER 1 cleared direct destination (but don't say what the destination is)...323.3
1135: On 138.15 one of them mentions Peterson (AFB CO) and callsign LUMPY. (That callsign is not in my database either. I'm not sure of the context of that remark about Peterson.)
1139: MADHOG flight leader tells ZDC controller that McDill looks like it's on a heading of 230 degrees, 15 degrees left for the flight...apparently the controller clears them for that course change and flight leader thanks him...351.9
1144: MADHOG flight finally starts getting a bit weaker as they plod along to the south...143.25
1144: The flight on 138.15 interflight is chatting about their flight being an hour, 45 minutes. They're complaining about head winds...mentioned 100 knots...say they're going backwards.
1145: MAPLE 11 (F-16 VT-ANG) with ZDC-Cape Charles at FL 250...256.8 (Heading north toward home in Burlington - probably from the Langley Detachment)
1148: MAPLE 11 flight handed off to ZDC-Coyle and check in as two F-16s at FL 250...254.3
1149: TANK KILLER 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Potomac 307.025 and check in in the block 240-250.
These guys are moving as slowly as the MADHOG flight.
1154: MAPLE 11 flight cleared direct Kennedy...254.3
1156: TANK KILLER 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Linden and check in 240-250...319.1
A couple of minutes prior to that, they decided to push up the speed a bit and increased power to 85%...138.15
The MADHOG 1 flight of three A-10s has apparently finally flown out of listening range. Last heard at 1149 - or maybe they just got tired of talking. It was kind of strange to be able to hear a flight of aircraft for an hour when they're flying away from you.

1201: TANK KILLER 1 flight handed off to ZDC-Casanova and do the usual check in....282.2
1202: MAPLE 11 flight handed off to ZNY-Kennedy and check in at FL 250 and ID as two F-16s...282.3
1205: MAPLE 11 flight on McGuire's Metro freq 239.8 checking weather for BTV (Burlington VT)
1209: And the TANK KILLER 1 flight is starting to fade out on interflight...they're still chatting but picking up a lot of static in their transmission now...138.15
1210: MAPLE 11 flight giving a PIREP for the Albany NY area to McGuire Metro...239.8

I've been sticking with these Center freqs for the three flights (MADHOG/TANK KILLER/MAPLE) and not paying much attention to anything else. However, there's a WILD flight of four F-16s offshore with Giant Killer in W-386 and WILD 3 is breaking off and heading home to Andrews. This is at 1213 on 249.8. When he gets closer to home, he calls WATERGATE on SOF freq 139.9 and says he's Code 3 for "up front controls" which is why he left early. The rest of the WILD flight is six minutes behind him according to his in-flight report to the SOF at 1228.

1216: TANK KILLER 1 flight handed off to another Center freq. I was out of the room and missed it...searching. They're still chatting away on interflight 138.15 at 1219.

MAPLE 11 flight was handed off to Boston Center so they're gone. In fact, I'm going to call all three of the cross country flights gone and go play outside for a bit in spite of this continued winter weather. We've got another week of this cold stuff at least. I should have the garden going by now and have flowers planted. Instead, I've still got my snow shovel handy.

Late add: Refueling activity again today on Pax freq 277.0. Giant Killer's 320.45 might also be active again as a result. Time noted 1234.

End of log for now.

Ref below: wildbillx.....OMAHA 4507 is probably a Customs flight.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 25, 2006
Cape May, NJ
can someone tell me who "Omaha 4507" is talking about using the downlink and on a Gov. frequency. They are air ops. sounds like u/c and talking about landing in Laural DE. to meet up. 165.465


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
That freq sounded familiar, so I looked it up on the MT Fed Files blog - sure enough, that's likely Customs/Border Protection, and the correct freq would be 165.4625, maybe Net 07.
The callsign 'Omaha' is a dead giveaway.

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1336: PITMAN 25/26 on the way to the CAP....trying to call joy, apparently still too far out...260.9
1347: PITMAN 25/26 with Guard Dog at FL 230 and cleared into CAP area...135.525
1347: PITMAN 25 calling HUNTRESS and makes contact...260.9 (HUNTRESS just barely audible from my location today.)
1349: PITMAN 25 asking status of TANKER 01...260.9
1349: PITMAN 25 asking Potomac for a separate Mode 3 squawk for PITMAN 26...gets 4331...135.525
1354: PITMAN 25 (now calling himself 23), reports he's squawking 4333...360.9
1355: PITMAN 25 reports timber sweet (datalink working) and says cloud deck scattered at about 10,000 feet...260.9
Still no sign of TANKER 01 late in the 1300 hour. Official start of the CAP was scheduled for 1410 local time per the published TFR.

1404: PITMAN 25 doing an alpha check of his datalink...260.9
1406: PITMAN 25 and 26 both report 6100 pounds of fuel remaining...25 asks HUNTRESS to confirm TANKER 01 is about 100 miles east (must see him on radar)...260.9
TANKER 01 should be a KC-135R from the 133rd ARS, NH-ANG at Pease ANGB (Thought it was NY-ANG at first but it's NH.)
1418: TANKER 01 contacts HUNTRESS on 139.7 and is quickly sent to 260.9 where he checks in and gets the Mode 3 squawks for the two fighters.
1418: TANKER 01 checks in with Potomac for Guard Dog FL 250...135.525
1420: NIGHTHAWK asks PITMAN 25 for a radio check on 260.9
1419: NIGHTHAWK to HUNTRESS on primary...260.9
1423: There's also a BICEP 11 flight of f-16s from NJ-ANG flying down this way...currently with ZDC-Cape Charles 256.8 and were handed off from ZDC-Casino 285.4
1424: Boom freq for the CAP will be on 228.9. PITMAN 25 currently trying to contact TANKER 01 here but gets no reply. Meanwhile, TANKER 01 wants confirmation of boom freq - says he had no contact with PITMAN 25 on 228.9 (but I never heard him call there). PITMAN 25 comes back to 260.9 and says he didn't hear the tanker on 228.9.
1425: There's also an AERO 21 from from Atlantic City on ZDC-Casino...285.4
1426: HUNTRESS tells PITMAN 25 that TANKER 01 can't transmit on 228.9 so to go back to 260.9...he does.
1426: AERO 21 flight to Giant Killer to enter W-107...255.0
The two New Jersey flights are working inteflight 138.425 and 138.875
1427: PITMAN and TANKER finally decide the boom freq will be 260.9 and are working on the meetup...260.9
1429: TANKER 01 asks PITMAN 25 how much fuel he wants...the tanker is operating on the radio but the fighter is on the boom intercom so he can't be heard...260.9
1431: PITMAN 25 off the boom after taking 7300 pounds of fuel...reports back to the CAP and sends his wingman to the tanker...260.9
1436: BICEP 11 flight entering Pax area on 314.0. They'll enter VR-1754 at point B for the next 30 minutes (So they'll be down too low to copy during this time.)
BICEP at Pax for VR-1754....AERO at W-107
1436: PITMAN 26 tells TANKER 01 he'll take a topoff too...260.9
1439: PITMAN 26 off the boom after taking 8400 pounds of fuel...reports back on station to HUNTRESS...260.9
If PITMAN 25/26 and TANKER 01 swapped tail numbers/units, it was done on the boom intercom and not heard.
1441: TANKER 01 checking flight levels for himself and the fighters. Says he's at FL 250 which is the top of the block and would like 1000 feet separation above and below him. Fighters report they'll take 210-230 and the tanker will descend to FL 240...the reserved altitude block for the Guard Dog CAP is FL 210-250...260.9
The 260.9 freq is very clear today. HUNTRESS, although very weak from here, is perfectly readable if I turn the audio gain way up. However, if I do that, the fighters will knock me out of my chair when they talk.
1447: HUNTRESS and the fighters are currently checking various tracks on their datalink scope...they've settled into their respective CAP positions with 26 in the north and 25 taking the south, have refueled and all is basically quiet for now. Logging will end at this point unless something drastic happens.

1542: BICEP flight on their way home to Atlantic City...currently flying over the Naval Academy per flight leader's tour guide instructions to his wingman...138.425
1550: PITMAN 25 going to the tanker and they're using boom freq 228.9 this time.
1551: BICEP flight through the ZDC freqs (354.15 Kenton last stop) and now to ACY Approach 327.125 heading for runway 31 at ACY
1552: Pair of A-10s off the deck at MTN...(COLT callsign)...working 143.8 Ops freq...say to go to AUX 1 which would be an FM freq but I can't find them. They come back to 143.8 and one mentions he can't get the FM freq on his front radio - neither F1 or F2. Sounds like they're staying on 143.8 for now.
1556: PITMAN 25 off the tanker and 26 is heading that way...260.9
1556: TANKER 01 invites PITMAN 26 to come on up...26 says he's 10 miles away...228.9
1557: CARBON 1 flight (A-10, 172nd Fighter Squadron, MI-ANG Battle Creek) with ZDC-Irons 360.85 at FL 230

1600: COLT flight checking in with Patuxent to work R-6609...314.0
1605: PITMAN 26 off the refueling boom and tells the tanker they'll see him in another hour or so...228.9....PITMAN 26 reports back on station to HUNTRESS...260.9
1607: CARBON 1 flight handed off to Potomac TRACON...cleared down to 11,000 feet...335.5
1608: CARBON 1 cleared down to 4000 feet and asking if he can get runway 11R (11?)...maybe he means 1R...335.5
1610: CARBON 1 reports field in sight...335.5
1611: CARBON 1 cleared down to 3000 on 6 mile initial...335.5
1612: RAVEN flight on Ops freq 143.8 mentions working 140.nothing (140.0)...he switches to that freq and calls WARHOG or WARHAWK
1613: CARBON 1 handed to Andrews Tower on 349.0 and checks in for runway 1R
1614: RAVEN 1 calls BREWMASTER 33 on 140.0 (Sounds like he's working with a FAC at the Pax range at Vienna MD...and that's exactly what he's doing)
1616: CARBON 1 cleared to land....349.0 (Appears to be a single ship flight)
1654: PITMAN 31/32 radio checking with PITMAN 25...says they'll arrive as fragged...260.9

1701: COLT flight with Dover Approach...says after this approach they want to climb out for Martin State...257.875
1702: HUNTRESS asks TANKER 01 how fuel he has to offload...01 replies that he thinks he's got about another 25K to give but standy while he checks on that...260.9
1703: PITMAN 31 to HUNTRESS to report as fragged 10 minutes out...260.9
1706: TANKER 01 reports he does have 25K of fuel left to give out but that's only if he leaves the CAP as fragged...260.9
1708: PITMAN 31 checks in with Potomac at FL 230...135.525
1709: TANKER 01 asks for and receives the Mode 3 squawk for PITMAN 31 flight from HUNTRESS....260.9 (TANKER 01 is squawking 6561)
1710: PITMAN 31 asks Potomac for a separate squawk for 32...he gets 4334 for 32...31's Mode 3 squawk is 4335....135.525
1711: PITMAN 31 reports established in the Guard Dog MOA and requests permission to head for TANKER 01...260.9
1713: COLT 1 reports 10 minutes out, Code 1 x2 to Raven Ops...347.2
1713: PITMAN 31 requests to push 228.9 boom freq...260.9
1714: PITMAN 31 and TANKER 01 establish contact on the boom...tanker turning to the south...tanker clears 31 to join...228.9
1716: PITMAN 31 gives the tanker his tail number as 91-394 and 32's as 98-003...228.9
1716: PITMAN 25 and 26 both tell HUNTRESS they're in Code 1 maintenance status...260.9
1716: PITMAN 25 wants to leave the CAP...says if they leave in the next couple of minutes they'll be "good to go" which is in reference to their fuel remainders...260.9 (You just know HUNTRESS told them to stay until the replacements are established back in the CAP)
1718: PITMAN 25 gives 31 a "please hurry the hell up so we can get out of here" push...31 explains he's having 32 top off and they'll be ready in five minutes...25 prods him to go faster...:)...they don't want to have to refuel again...260.9
1722: PITMAN 32 finishes refueling and is established in the CAP...260.9
1723: PITMAN 25/26 cleared to RTB by HUNTRESS...both have 6200 pounds of fuel remaining...260.9...they switch to 135.525 with Potomac to pick up their clearance.
1725: TANKER 01 tells PITMAN 31 he's got a lot of fuel spilling...he got 5900 pounds though and is finished with the tanker....228.9

Gotta run...I assume PITMAN 31/32 will refuel, PITMAN 25/26 will be cleared back to Shaw and a replacement tanker will show up sometime in the near future and TANKER 01 will head for home at Pease NH.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
TANKER 01 departed for Pease NH around 1845 and TANKER 02 slid into his place in the CAP. TANKER 02 is a KC-135R from the 126th ARS/128th ARW WI-ANG Milwaukee.
At 1933, PITMAN 31 is heading for the tanker, switches to boom freq 228.9 and is cleared to contact by the female boom operator.
1939: PITMAN 31 completes his AR after taking 4800 pounds of fuel...228.9....reports back into the CAP to HUNTRESS...260.9
1941: PITMAN 32 heading for the tanker...reports nose cold, weapons safe...switches to boom...260.9
1947: PITMAN 32 off the boom after taking 5000 pounds...228.9
1951: PITMAN 31 has radio contact with PITMAN 33 on his way to the him a general weather report...260.9 (I couldn't hear PITMAN 33/34 flight - but my antenna isn't 23,000 feet high like his.)
1958: PITMAN 33/34 within voice range as they contact PITMAN 31 on primary...260.9

2010: PITMAN 33 checking into the CAP with Potomac at FL 230...he also requests a Mode 3 for his wingman...135.525
2011: PITMAN 33 reports both his jets are NVG capable and that he's negative timber (on the datalink)...260.9
2013: PITMAN 33/34 find TANKER 02 on radar and start that way...260.9
2018: PITMAN 31 to Potomac giving a 5 minute until RTB notice...request routing Brooke, Raleigh-Durham, Shaw...they get Gordonsville, Shaw...135.525
2018: PITMAN 33/34 are with TANKER 02...228.9
2022: PITMAN 31 and 32 both report 9500 pounds of fuel remaining...260.9
2024: PITMAN 33 volunteers to the tanker that his tail is 93-532 and is squawking 3244...PITMAN 34's tail is 93-546 and is squawking 0463...228.9
2024: AXEMAN flight of A-10s about to take off from Martin State on departure freq 290.475...he may take off as a single ship and his wingman will catch up to him in a bit.
2026: PITMAN 34 off the boom after taking 5500 pounds of fuel...228.9....reports back in the CAP to HUNTRESS...260.9
2027: HUNTRESS gives the RTB signal to PITMAN 31/32...31 reports they both have 9000 pounds and are both Code 1...260.9
2028: PITMAN 31 to Potomac to pick up clearance back to Shaw...they'll go out at FL 220...135.525
2030: PITMAN 31/32 handed off to Potomac 350.25 and also open up Victor-8 for interflight on the way home...139.825
2031: PITMAN 33 off the tanker after taking 6600 pounds...228.9
2031: PITMAN 33 reports established in the CAP at FL 220...260.9
2032: PITMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Montebello and check in at FL 220 direct Gordonsville...284.7 (seven tries to check in, no back to 350.25 they go...they're sent right back to 284.7 and try again...on the third try they get heard and do their check in again.)
2034: RAVEN flight off the deck at Martin off at 31 after the hour...347.2
2038: Another flight off the deck at Martin State at 38...I didn't hear the inbound report, only the ground station repeating might be the AXEMAN flight mentioned earlier....347.2
2041: One of the Martin State A-10 flights is on interflight freq...142.3
2041: PITMAN 31/32 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone and check in at FL 220...235.625
2044: One of the Martin State A-10 pairs is checking into Pax...314.0 (I'm in a bad cycle - getting to freqs right after they've given their callsign so I miss it.)
2044: And a COLT flight of A-10s off the deck at Martin off at 42 past the hour...347.2
2046: AXEMAN and RAVEN flights are both at Pax...354.8
2047: RAVEN with WARHAWK FAC at the Pax Range at Vienna...mention they are going to change to 143.8 for their work...142.3
2049: RAVEN is with WARHAWK on 143.8
2049: AXEMAN reports at 7000 feet and says he'll be working MARSA with the RAVEN flight for the next 30 minutes...354.8
Apparently, COLT isn't part of the Patuxent group...not sure yet where they're going.
2050: RAVEN and AXEMAN decide to go back to 142.3...and do. They mention FM and how they hear each other...loud and clear is the answer. However, I won't hear any of their FM transmissions at that distance.
2053: COLT flight is checking into Pax now also...314.0
2053: RAVEN flight is going back to 143.8 for their work and do. (RAVEN told AXEMAN to move closer to Vienna)
2054: RAVEN now decides to switch to interflight 140.0
2055: AXEMAN calls WARHAWK on 142.3 but is having trouble hearing him at Vienna.
2055: COLT reports they'll be working R-4006...314.0
2055: I have received encrypted comms on both 142.3 and 143.8 from one of the A-10 flights...obviously I can't tell if it's AXEMAN or RAVEN but one of them has the capability and is using it.
2057: AXEMAN tells BayWatch they'll be RTB in 30 minutes to MTN and request 3000 feet for the trip back if able...354.8
2058: WARHAWK FAC tells AXEMAN his location is 5 miles southwest from Vienna in response to why AXEMAN is having trouble hearing him.
2059: AXEMAN is requested to go to 259.1 for work by WARHAWK...he asks BayWatch if he can do that...he can...but he tells BayWatch that since he'll be using a Uniform freq for work, he'll have to monitor him on 119.275...all is fine with BayWatch.

2102: AXEMAN calls WARHAWK on Uniform freq 259.1 in both the clear and, I presume, in encrypted voice which came up right after the call in the contact so AXEMAN tries contacting him on 142.3...seems he can't get him anywhere.
2104: AXEMAN is told to come up on 140.0 by the RAVEN flight...RAVEN is over Hooper's Island at the present time for their work.
2105: AXEMAN has weak comms with WARHAWK on 140.0...but then quickly turns unreadable.
2107: AXEMAN asking RAVEN if he has coordinates for WARHAWK...says if he gets them he'll fly right over the top of him...RAVEN asks WARHAWK for his coords and gets 3826.520 by AXEMAN is off to overfly those lat/longs to establish contact with WARHAWK. (By the time he finds him, it's going to be time to go home.)
2112: AXEMAN still trying to find WARHAWK...142.3
2112: RAVEN is now changing to 140.0 and leaving 142.3 to AXEMAN
2113: AXEMAN telling WARHAWK to go to 259.1 and to also try 236.0 and he can call him later on his cell and let him know where he hears him (I guess for the next time they get together)
2114: AXEMAN (I think) is encrypted on 259.1...someone is and it's got to be AXEMAN.
2115: And encrypted comms on 142.3 from AXEMAN.
2115: Meanwhile, nothing at all is happening with the CAP. PITMAN 33/34 and TANKER 02 flying their tracks and staying quiet...260.9
2121: RAVEN calls AXEMAN on 143.8 company freq and tells him the new freq for WARHAWK is 251.9 (wonder if he reversed the numbers and meant 259.1?) There's some kind of signal active on 251.9 from my location. It'll kill them if they try to use it...maybe.
2124: RAVENs now trying to use 142.3 but can't seem to make contact with each other...someone is lost with all the freq changes going on (including me) RAVEN 2 is switching around trying to find RAVEN 1.
2127: RAVEN 1 and 2 still trying to contact each other...finally do on 140.0...they're going to make one more pass at a target and then call it quits.
2135: RAVEN flight making its last pass at a target with WARHAWK...RAVEN pilots don't like the lat/longs they've been getting and ask instead for UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) grid listings...and get them...140.0
2138: The Martin State guys have had enough...they announce RTB to Martin State to BayWatch on 354.8 (not sure which of them just made that report though - they're all over the place)
2140: COLT to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...347.2
2140: RAVEN to Patuxent announce RTB to MTN at 3000 feet...281.8
2142: RAVEN to Raven Ops to announce 10 minutes out, 1 is Code 1, 2 is Code 2 for back radio...347.2
2143: COLT flight to Martin State tower for a straight in approach....297.2
2145: PITMAN 34 to HUNTRESS to say he's going to the tanker and will switch to boom freq...260.9
2145: PITMAN 34 to TANKER 02 to establish comms on boom freq...228.9
2147: COLT 1 reports 3 miles out...gear down...full stop...297.2
2148: COLT 2 reports 3 miles out...gear down...cleared to land...297.2
2150: RAVEN reports 13 miles out for runway 33...cleared to land...297.2
2151: PITMAN 34 bouncing around trying to connect to the TANKER 02's boom...228.9
2152: RAVEN 1 reports 6 miles out, gear down, cleared to land...297.2
2152: Raven Ops reports COLT 1 and then COLT 2 down at 52...(they're already on the ground...must have just completed their taxiing)...347.2
2154: PITMAN 34 off the boom after taking 6000 pounds...228.9...reports back in the CAP to HUNTRESS...260.9
2156: PITMAN 33 heading to the tanker..reports nose is cold, pushing boom....260.9
2158: RAVEN reports down at 58 to Raven Ops while on the ground....Raven Ops acknowledges...347.2
2158: PITMAN 33 with TANKER 02 on boom freq...228.9

2204: PITMAN 33 off the boom after taking 5500 pounds...boom operator wishes PITMAN 33 a good night if she doesn't see him again for refueling...PITMAN 33 just grunts...(I mean, after all, she's just a lowly enlisted boomer and he's an exalted F-16 pilot)...228.9...PITMAN 33 back in the CAP with HUNTRESS...260.9
2209: TANKER 02 asks HUNTRESS to check the weather for Milwaukee at 0400Z...260.9 (And this confirms my earlier placement of TANKER 02 to the WI-ANG unit at Milwaukee when he came on duty.)
2216: JOSA 282 (C-21A, 84-0140, 458th AS, Scott AFB IL) reports takeoff time 0212Z from Andrews...141.55
2217: TANKER 02 gets the weather report for Milwaukee from HUNTRESS...nothing significant...260.9
2233: PITMAN 33 asks HUNTRESS to check his homeplate weather (Shaw)...260.9
2236: HUNTRESS gives PITMAN 33 the weather for Shaw...PITMAN 33 tells HUNTRESS they'll skip the last refueling...PITMAN 33 has 9700 pounds currently and 34 has 9500 pounds...260.9
2238: HUNTRESS tells TANKER 02 to start working his clearance...260.9....02 over to Potomac to request clearance to Milwaukee..says he'll be leaving shortly but not just yet...135.525
2239: PITMAN 33 with an in-CAP request...looking for direct Shaw at FL 220 in about 20 minutes...135.525
2242: HUNTRESS releases TANKER 02 from the CAP...260.9....02 to Potomac to pick up his clearance back to Milwaukee...wants direct PULMAN at FL 280...135.525
2245: TANKER 02 gets his clearance at FL 240 for now and off he goes...135.525
2247: TANKER 02 handed off to ZDC-Hagerstown and checks in at FL 240...134.15
2249: TANKER 02 cleared to FL 280...134.15 (and this is where I drop coverage on him)
2251: PITMAN 33 tells Potomac it'll be about another 8 minutes until they leave...135.525
2259: HUNTRESS releases PITMAN 33/34 to RTB...260.9

2300: PITMAN 33 to Potomac to pick up clearance back to Shaw...135.525
2304: PITMAN 33 to HUNTRESS to report RTB at this time...260.9
2304: PITMAN 33 asks Potomac to push to 350.25 so they can open Victor-8 for interflight. They do a radio check on 139.825 and check in at FL 220 to Potomac on 350.25
2307: PITMAN 33/34 handed off to ZDC-Montebello and check in there at FL 220...284.7 (three tries to check and the same problem the last pair reply)
2310: PITMAN 33 back to Potomac on 350.25 to say no one answers them on 284.7...they're told to go to ZDC-Azalea on 263.1 and check in there at FL 220.
2313: PITMAN 33/34 chatting about how to find Gordonsville...139.825
2314: PITMAN 33 has 6400 pounds of fuel remaining...34 has 6000 pounds....139.825
2316: ZDC-South Boston 352.0 next check in.

Okay...that's enough. End of log. 0600 it starts again.

The encrypted communication system used by the Martin State A-10s is a different type than we've heard in the past from F-16s. This has a tone that cycles at the beginning of the transmission and sounds nothing like the encrypted comms from the F-16s which just sounds like static.

NOTE: The new FAA-ATA-100 freq list valid for the period 10 May - 5 July 2007 still doesn't have any of the new KZDC freqs that have been in use for the past couple of years. No telling how long it takes them to make updates. The same situation for ZNY updated freqs. Those are the only two Centers I looked at but I imagine they're all the same...outdated by years.
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