Sticky Thread for MilAir II

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0600: And the Guard Dog CAP resumes. PITMAN 25/26, F-16s from Shaw, came into the area and are refueling with TANKER 03, a KC-135R, tail 58-0099, from the 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh.
0602: PITMAN 25 is off the refueling boom after taking 5500 pounds and 26 is now heading for the boom for her fuel allotment. PITMAN 26 is a female pilot. They're using primary 260.9 for HUNTRESS and as a boom freq.
0605: PITMAN 26 disconnects from the boom unexpectedly. TANKER 03's boomer asks if she disconnected them. She says she did, thinking she had received more gas than she did. She's hooking up again for another 2000 pounds...260.9
The fighters are talking to the tanker on the boom intercom so no tail numbers heard for the fighters.
0608: PITMAN 26 is off the boom after taking 6500 pounds total for the two tries...260.9
And so another shift of the CAP is underway and the log will only continue for them should something unusual happen or when replacements come on the scene.

0612: JOSA 504 (C-21A, 84-0077, 457th AS Andrews) to Griffin Command to report airborne from Andrews at 1008Z...378.1 (also with TRACON 125.65 heading toward PALEO)

0702: That Swedish Air Force Gulfstream IV (tail 102001) I posted the picture of a couple of days ago is flying overhead again this morning. It's from Wing 17 at Ronneby, Sweden.
0706: REACH 3116 (C-17A, 03-3116, 183rd AS MS-ANG Jackson) reports takeoff time as 1105Z...378.1
0715: REACH 463 to Dover CP...10 minutes out, A-1, no pax but has 33 pallets with 98,000 pounds of cargo...349.4
0745: PITMAN 26 sounds like she's about 15 years old...heading for TANKER 03 again...260.9
0750: And PITMAN 26 is off the boom after taking 5000 pounds...PITMAN 25 now going to the boom...260.9
The boomer aboard TANKER 03 has a rotten transmitter.
0755: JOSA 504 coming into Andrews again. (See item at 0612 above). 15 minutes out..says she's coming through to pick up some more passengers...needs 3k fuel...wants to be in the air again by 1400Z...doesn't like her parking spot on 9-Row...wants 3-Row since they're just refueling and taking off again (but actually that's two hours from now)...she gets her 3-Row for parking (a little *****ing always goes a long way)...378.1
0756: PITMAN 25 off the boom with 4500 pounds of new gas...260.9
0759: REACH 7027 (C-5B, 87-0027, 436th AW Dover AFB) to Dover...ETA there 1220Z...offloading 95K in cargo with 4K hazardous, 6 pax, needs services, etc...349.4

Ref below: I was wondering how you were doing at that new job Paul. Yeah, it would be great to have a totally updated freq list. The ones we're using are pretty good because we've put it together ourselves here at RR but there's no reason an official list can't be put together and issued by the FAA. It's just a lousy performance on their part to not take the initiative to do it correctly. It's certainly not classified information so there's no excuse for the poor product they continue to publish for everyone involved in flight operations and flying.
As far as the encrypted comms, yes, I'm positive they were encrypted. That cycling tone (I don't know what else to call it) at the start of each transmission is a dead giveaway. I believe that tone is the ID information given by the transmitter to identify it. They sure were having a difficult time communicating with the FAC on the ground - no matter what they tried using last night.

Okay...I'm gonna go write checks to Federal and State governments since I can't put off paying my taxes any longer and then go to bed and pull the covers over my head. It's been a long night.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 30, 2005
Barnesville, Maryland 20838
TinEar said:
The encrypted communication system used by the Martin State A-10s is a different type than we've heard in the past from F-16s. This has a tone that cycles at the beginning of the transmission and sounds nothing like the encrypted comms from the F-16s which just sounds like static.

NOTE: The new FAA-ATA-100 freq list valid for the period 10 May - 5 July 2007 still doesn't have any of the new KZDC freqs that have been in use for the past couple of years. No telling how long it takes them to make updates. The same situation for ZNY updated freqs. Those are the only two Centers I looked at but I image they're all the same...outdated by years.

Hey Al,

Just curious about those encrypted comms, though you are certainly a far better expert at this stuff than I, but I was wondering if you tried switching the freq mod to FM? I remember a few weeks ago, I was hearing what I thought was encryption in the 138.XXXX range, and when I switched to FM, the broadcasts were loud and clear, but with beeps throughout the transmissions.

I will check at my new job on Monday about those ATA-100 freq's. I work in the Standards, Practices and Procedures section, for comms, radar and new technology. I am surrounded by pilots, both commercial and military, current and retired. I'll bet I can find someone with an updated list somewhere.



Jun 18, 2006
Looks like Willow Grove might not be closed after all. There is an article today in the local newspaper that the Air Force has unofficially reqeusted to take over KNXX from the Navy in 2011 and then ultimately turn it over to the state. The governer wants to turn it into a "state-run facility with military and civilian security agencies supporting missions overseas and at home".

The 111th would stay but the A-10's are still scheduled to be taken away (for now) but there is talk of finding other airplanes to fly. The PA-NG 56th Stryker Brigade from Philly would also move to the base.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
bigred10 said:
Looks like Willow Grove might not be closed after all. There is an article today in the local newspaper that the Air Force has unofficially reqeusted to take over KNXX from the Navy in 2011 and then ultimately turn it over to the state. The governer wants to turn it into a "state-run facility with military and civilian security agencies supporting missions overseas and at home".

The 111th would stay but the A-10's are still scheduled to be taken away (for now) but there is talk of finding other airplanes to fly. The PA-NG 56th Stryker Brigade from Philly would also move to the base.

That is good news.I posted AP article over on the Pennsylvania board yesterday.
Gonna miss those A-10's though.Maybe they will stick around longer.

Was wondering if any local bases here are making weather preps for later this
weekend.Sounds like a nasty storm coming.
Thought some aircraft might clear out in case.

Guess I better get ready to unplug antennas myself if we get severe lightning and
batten down the hatches.Better to have scanners off rather than fried.



Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
1240: SLAM 01 looking to land at RIC. SLAM 02 will be following. SLAM 01 is 5 minutes out. <257.8>
1241: SLAM 02 confirms gear down and locked. <257.8>
1242: BASH 11 on 9mi. ILS Approach left closed. <257.8>
1246: BASH 11 now 2 miles out. <257.8>
1249: Tower asks BASH 11 if he will be doing another Touch-and-go. BASH 11 replies "nope, we're going to full stop this one." <257.8>

Note: The SLAM flight used 141.875 as their interflight frequency. As of 1254, it seems that they've all landed safely.

Also, earlier today I had 139.875 active with some interflight chit-chat.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
The woman working Potomac currently is clueless. PITMAN has a TOI he's intercepting. She didn't know what's going on.
Cleared for use of flares, single engine Beechcraft, head butting south.

1359- HARRIER is airborne. Target is at 3500ft.
1401- Attempting contact on 121.5
1402- HARRIER advised to stay below 3000ft, intercept in progress.
1403- HARRIER-1 advised to RTB. TOI tail number is N28763, Gumman AA-5B Registered to James Ford of Kensington, MD
1404- Have PITMAN on guard advises TOI he's intercepted by USAF F-16s and to follow a heading of 180.
1406- Returning to the CAP, tapes off.
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
Did a quick search in the FAA database.

Beechcraft N28763

FAA Registry
N-Number Inquiry Results
N28763 is Assigned

Aircraft Description

Serial Number AA5B0796 Type Registration Individual
Manufacturer Name GRUMMAN AMERICAN AVN. CORP. Certificate Issue Date 11/07/2003
Model AA-5B Status Valid
Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine Type Engine Reciprocating
Pending Number Change None Dealer No
Date Change Authorized None Mode S Code 50565502
MFR Year 1978 Fractional Owner NO

Registered Owner

Street 123 street....
City KENSINGTON State MARYLAND Zip Code 20895-4223


Engine Manufacturer LYCOMING Classification Standard
Engine Model O&VO-360 SER Category Normal

A/W Date 04/29/1978


Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
freqhopping said:
...1359- HARRIER is airborne. Target is at 3500ft.
1401- Attempting contact on 121.5
1402- HARRIER advised to stay below 3000ft, intercept in progress.
1403- HARRIER-1 advised to RTB.1404- Have PITMAN on guard advises TOI he's intercepted by USAF F-16s and to follow a heading of 180.

Heard all of this from my location but nothing from HARRIER 1. Did anybody copy HARRIER 1?


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
BM82557 said:
Heard all of this from my location but nothing from HARRIER 1. Did anybody copy HARRIER 1?

No, but I'm heading over to Frederick airport to see what's over there.

1618- No out of the ordinary aircraft at Frederick. Did find that I can hear HUNTRESS extremely well there with my duckie. Could also hear the ZDC-Hagerstown controller.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV

Found post -

" 12-24-2005, 06:36 PM
Member Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 35



Thanks for the posts Tinear, I live in Thurmont, actually .5 mile from the bullseye. I don't always catch everything on my scanner but I know I can come here for the recap.

It can get real interesting here when a craft enters P40. Two Black Hawks always come out of Emmitsburg (National Fire Academy) along with the fighters.

Just prior to everyone leaving DC to Thurmont I always have a small black two seater helo running patterns. Probably Secret Service. Do they and the black hawks operate on 228.9?"

I know that HARRIER has been a player in Thurmont caps since I started to follow milair in the fall of 2006 but what it is and where it's located have been unknowns. Has there been any additional information concerning the helos mentioned in the 12/2005 post? They would seem to be likely candidates to me.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The tankers are pulling long shifts in the CAP today - about 5 hours each for the first two today - TANKER 03 and 04. TANKER 05 is just coming on the scene a few minutes before 1600.
TANKER 03 -- KC-135R, 58-0099, 171st ARW PA-ANG Pittsburgh
TANKER 04 -- KC-135R, 62-3542, 77th ARS Seymour Johnson AFB SC
TANKER 05 -- KC-135R, 63-8038, 133rd ARS NH-ANG Pease ANGB

As noted above, Potomac TRACON was clueless during that intercept. It almost happened again at 1535 when the PITMAN fighters were sent after another target. Fortunately, HUNTRESS gave the "skip-it" command before too much happened. PITMAN 33 contacted Potomac on 135.525 to get clearance down to 1000 feet and, again, had to repeat his message three times and it still wasn't understood. The reason control of the Guard Dog CAP changed from Washington Center to Potomac TRACON was to rid themselves of one clearance step when chasing down a target. It's still a good plan but the Potomac controller must be aware of the CAP and what's happening with it if it's to work well.
[I don't have first hand knowledge of the reason stated above for cutting out Washington Center, but good command structure policy would dictate you must simplify command and control to successfully engage a potential target with the fewest steps and transfers possible.]

1602: TANKER 04 is talking to Seymour Johnson Ops giving them a report on arrival time and condition and their offload during the CAP....311.0
1606: PITMAN 34 going to TANKER 05 for fuel on the boom freq 228.9...34 gives his tail as 94-049 and his unit as the 20th Fighter Wing at Shaw. Although he didn't state the squadron, one of the current F-16 pair gave the unit as the 55th Fighter Squadron a little bit earlier to the last tanker.
1616: COLT flight of two A-10s airborne from MTN at 1615 as reported to Raven Ops...347.2
1616: COLT interflight freq...142.3
1626: COLT flight to R-4006 with Pax...say they'll be working in the area of Vienna...270.8
1627: AXEMAN flight of A-10s from MTN also apparently airborne...hearing them weakly reporting to Raven Ops...347.2 (Sounds like they're off at a distance and not just airborne)
1631: PITMAN 33 heading for the tanker...260.9 (Boom freq is still 228.9)
1633: PITMAN 33/TANKER 05 make voice contact on boom freq...PITMAN 33 gives his tail as 93-546 and TANKER 05 gives his as 63-8038, 157th ARW (133rd ARS)...speed will be 310 knots during the AR...228.9
1640: PITMAN 33 off the boom after taking 7500 pounds of fuel...228.9
1642: One of the MTN A-10 flights is now working interflight...140.0 (Not sure if this is the COLT flight that changed freq or if it's AXEMAN.)
1643: CRAB 51 (C-130J, 97-1351, 135th AS MD-ANG Martin State) with MTN Tower...121.3
1644: CRAB 51 to Crab Ops reporting he's on final...148.925

And, after a break trying to watch both NASCAR and the Red Sox game....

1725: PITMAN 33 to Potomac to give notice that RTB will happen in about 30 minutes...135.525
1728: COLT flight to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, both Code 1...347.2
1730: PITMAN replacement flight - 35/36 - with ZDC-Irons 360.85 and on interflight Victor-8 - 139.825
1739: PITMAN 35/36 handed off to Potomac and check in there...135.525
1739: PITMAN 33 tells Potomac they'll be ready to RTB in about 5 minutes...135.525
1744: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, both Code 1...347.2
1748: PITMAN 35 completes refueling...228.9...reports back to the CAP...260.9....HUNTRESS releases PITMAN 33/34 to RTB...260.9....PITMAN 36 with TANKER 05 for AR...228.9
1749: PITMAN 33 has 10,500 pounds of fuel and is Code 1...34 has 8700 pounds and is Code 1....PITMAN 35 reports that both he and 36 and NVG capable...260.9
1750: PITMAN 33/34 to Potomace to pick up their clearance back to Shaw...135.525
1755: PITMAN 33/34 switch to Potomac on 350.25 and open Victor-8 for interflight chat on the way home...139.825
1755: PITMAN 36 off the boom after taking 7500 pounds of fuel...228.9
1756" PITMAN 33/34 handed to ZDC-Irons 360.85 and check in requesting direct Shaw when able...they're able and are cleared direct Shaw.a

1802: PITMAN 35 calls 33 on interflight 139.825 to tell them about some icing they encountered on the way to the CAP between Pope and Raleigh-Durham. He then tells HUNTRESS to pass that icing message back to Shaw...260.9
1804: PITMAN 33/34 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone and check in at FL 230...235.625
1805: PITMAN 33/34 on the their way to Shaw...PITMAN 35/36 settled into the CAP with full fuel tanks...TANKER 05 flying his track...and all is quiet....135.525 (350.25)/228.9/260.9/139.825 gets you full CAP coverage.
1818: Refueling op...receiver wants 90,000 pounds..says he'll be about 20 minutes late due to maintenance problems and will be there at 2250Z...he's at FL 290...only hearing receiver, not the tanker...341.75
1834: VENUS 24 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) to Andrews to report takeoff time at 30 past the hour to fly his local...378.1

End of this log...continued below if necessary.
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Mar 22, 2007
Hatboro Pa

bigred10 said:
Looks like Willow Grove might not be closed after all. There is an article today in the local newspaper that the Air Force has unofficially requested to take over KNXX from the Navy in 2011 and then ultimately turn it over to the state. The governor wants to turn it into a "state-run facility with military and civilian security agencies supporting missions overseas and at home".

The 111th would stay but the A-10's are still scheduled to be taken away (for now) but there is talk of finding other airplanes to fly. The PA-NG 56th Stryker Brigade from Philly would also move to the base.

Hey Just Heard A Rumor That Once The 111th Lose There A-10's They Might Acquire F-16's, Like I Said It's A Rumor But It Would Be Nice To See, It Would Do The Area And Other ANG FG Good With Another Multi Role FG To Maintain The ANG Force Readiness.
And If Anyone Has An Updated List That They Have Put Together For Both NY And Washington Centers I Would Appreciate It. It's Hard To Keep Up With All The Stuff Anymore With All The Interference In The Background.
Oh And Also Knxx Has An S-3 From VS-?? I Forget The #'s But I Do Know He Came In As Vider01 Leaving On Sunday So Time After 1200local As Usual As They Do Here


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
andy3315 said:
Hey Just Heard A Rumor That Once The 111th Lose There A-10's They Might Acquire F-16's, Like I Said It's A Rumor But It Would Be Nice To See, It Would Do The Area And Other ANG FG Good With Another Multi Role FG To Maintain The ANG Force Readiness.
And If Anyone Has An Updated List That They Have Put Together For Both NY And Washington Centers I Would Appreciate It. It's Hard To Keep Up With All The Stuff Anymore With All The Interference In The Background.
Oh And Also Knxx Has An S-3 From VS-?? I Forget The #'s But I Do Know He Came In As Vider01 Leaving On Sunday So Time After 1200local As Usual As They Do Here

F-16s to Willow Grove? I'd doubt that one very seriously but you never know.

Both Washington Center and New York Center freqs are listed in the database at this site. Pull up the Maryland page and beneath the list of counties are the freqs for both Centers. Don't use the top list that comes from the FAA-ATA-100 report because those are seriously out of date. Use the lists below those that are provided by members. The Washington Center is very accurate and New York is perhaps missing a freq or two but it's also a good list.

1907: BOXER 671 (C-38A, 94-1570, 201st AS DC-ANG Andrews) landing at Andrews with Tower...118.4
1909: PITMAN 35 on TANKER 05's boom...228.9
1912: PITMAN 35 completes his AR after taking 6500 pounds...then they chat about getting out of here around 8 o'clock...228.9
1913: PITMAN 36 heading for the tanker...260.9
1923: PITMAN 36 switches to boom freq to meet up with TANKER 05 for an AR op...36 says he wants 5000 pounds...228.9
1927: PITMAN 36 gets his five grand and is off the boom...228.9
1929: HUNTRESS releases TANKER 05 to RTB...260.9....05 to Potomac to pick up his clearance back to Pease...135.525
1930: TANKER 05 handed off to ZDC-Swann where he checks in at FL 235 for 230...course 90 degrees...134.5
1931: PITMAN 35 reports 11000 pounds of fuel and Code 1...36 has 10000 pounds and is Code 1....looks like they may be disbanding the CAP - perhaps due to replacements heard for either fighters or tanker on any of the normal freqs....260.9
1933: TANKER 05 requests FL 310...Center tells him to stay at FL 230 for now...134.5
1934: PITMAN 35/36 sent home by HUNTRESS....pick up their clearance from Potomac, are handed off to ZDC-Montebello and check in at FL 240...284.7 (but have no joy)....they also open Victor 8 on 139.825 for interflight chat on the way home.
CAP is done.
1936: PITMAN 35 back to Potomac on 135.525 to say no joy on 284.7...but now he's not being heard by Potomac either - guess they went home. :)
1937: ZDC clears TANKER 05 to Robinsville, Boston and then destination...134.5
1937: PITMAN 35 back to calling ZDC-Montebello and trying to check in at FL 240...284.7 (Still not being heard)
1939: TANKER 05 handed off to ZDC-Woodstown 125.45 but ask for UHF and get 363.0...134.5
1939-40: PITMAN 35 still trying to check in at FL 240 with ZDC-Montebello and still no joy...284.7
1940: PITMAN 35 asks 36 to give it a try to contact ZDC...139.825....he does and still no joy....284.7
I guess they're now out of range. I'm not hearing them on any freq and have no idea what they did for ATC comms...but they sure didn't stay around here.

2003: There's an A-10 flight up from MTN on interflight...142.3
2005: COLT flight with ZDC-Calvert at 3000 feet...routing V268, Swann, MTN...281.4
Sounds like an AXEMAN flight is also up...talking to each other on company freq...143.8
2011: AXEMAN flight checks in with ZDC-Calvert at 3000 feet...281.4
RAVEN flight also up...RAVEN calls both AXEMAN and COLT on 143.8 to say they can use 5000 feet...that it's okay at that altitude.
2013: RAVEN flight withe Dover Approach getting routing back to MTN...257.875
2014: AXEMAN asks RAVEN where they are in R-4006...RAVEN says there is no R-4006 tonight because they're not open...says they're going up near Smyrna....and one of the flights is going to work around Vienna. All three flights are popping up on all the freqs so it's difficult to keep straight who is talking.
2016: AXEMAN cleared to work 7-10000 feet by ZDC-Calvert...281.4
2021: COLT with TRACON 317.425 coming home...cleared to runway 33
2021: RAVEN flight also calling TRACON wanting clearance to MTN runway 33...317.425
2023: One of the A-10 flights is using interflight 140.0
2026: RAVEN flight reports they'll be on the deck in 5 minutes...347.2
2027: RAVEN to MTN Tower for straight in to runway 33...cleared to land...297.2
COLT is working 140.025 the three interflight freqs were 142.3/140.0/140.025
2029: RAVEN 1 and 2 report gear down, cleared to land, full stop...297.2
2031: COLT 1 and 2 report gear down, cleared to land...full stop...297.2
And that only leaves AXEMAN handing out there somewhere.
2036: AXEMAN flight with ZDC-Calvert 281.4 heading back to MTN...heading direct Swann at 6000 feet.
2039: AXEMAN to Raven Ops to report 10 minutes out, two Code 1s...347.2
2045: REACH 277 (C-17A, 04-4137, 6th AS McGuire) landing at Andrews...118.4
2047: AXEMAN on 142.3 interflight and to MTN Tower for approach to runway 33...297.2
2050: AXEMAN 1 and 2 report gear down, cleared to land...297.2
2056: VENUS 24 (C-20B, 86-0204, 99th AS Andrews) on his way back to Andrews...20 minutes out, A-1....378.1

2103: NAVY JR448 (C-20G, BuNo 165093, VR-48 NAS Andrews) landing Andrews...118.4
2124: VENUS 24 with ADW Tower...cleared to land...118.4
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
TinEar said:
1931: PITMAN 35 reports 11000 pounds of fuel and Code 1...36 has 10000 pounds and is Code 1....looks like they may be disbanding the CAP - perhaps due to replacements heard for either fighters or tanker heard on any of the normal freqs....260.9

Makes sense with the weather forecast. Bush wants out of there. It's going to get nasty. The streams running along the road up there could even cause problems for a motorcade.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Slow soggy Sunday locally so listening to the HF USB freq 13.927.1 MARS pp to various aircraft.
1238 local ORCA 70 reports over Canada enroute Travis with a couple PP's
Euro board had ORCA 70 KC10A 82-0192 depart out of Ramstein this morning.

1248 MACE 99 prob C-130 from South Carolina,could not hear aircraft but ground side.
1302 REACH 3285 with Gander Radio 8864 USB,prob Dover C-5 #83-1285 coming back home.
1440 REACH 4131 C-17 arriving McGuire on CP 319.400
1510 REACH 9008 C-5 Stewart 100 miles North req wx at Dover 342.000 and with Dover CP arriving there but doesn't like the weather report.
getting wx reports for other bases.
1521 REACH 9008 getting wx for Martinsburg WV on metro 342.000
1522 REACH 9008 going to try and shoot for Dover anyway.

BTW nice Nascar flyover of single Barksdale B-52 at Texas race.Looks like FOX TV actually got it right
for once.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
Slow soggy Sunday locally so listening to the HF USB freq 13.927.1 MARS pp to various aircraft.
1238 local ORCA 70 reports over Canada enroute Travis with a couple PP's
Euro board had ORCA 70 KC10A 82-0192 depart out of Ramstein this morning.

1248 MACE 99 prob C-130 from South Carolina,could not hear aircraft but ground side.
1302 REACH 3285 with Gander Radio 8864 USB,prob Dover C-5 #83-1285 coming back home.
1440 REACH 4131 C-17 arriving McGuire on CP 319.400
1510 REACH 9008 C-5 Stewart 100 miles North req wx at Dover 342.000 and with Dover CP arriving there but doesn't like the weather report.
getting wx reports for other bases.
1521 REACH 9008 getting wx for Martinsburg WV on metro 342.000
1522 REACH 9008 going to try and shoot for Dover anyway.

BTW nice Nascar flyover of single Barksdale B-52 at Texas race.Looks like FOX TV actually got it right
for once.


That REACH 3285 is just getting to Dover. He must have made another stop somewhere unless he was still on the other side of the pond when you had him with Gander. He reports 15-20 minutes out at 1810. He's got 55,000 pounds of cargo on 15 pallets...9 pax to download...4 rolling stock and needs them to be winched off....needs Customs/Ag...349.4

And, yeah, Fox did okay on the race this time until the last two laps when they thought watching someone's wife in the pit box was more important than the finish of the race. What's wrong with those people?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
TinEar said:
That REACH 3285 is just getting to Dover. He must have made another stop somewhere unless he was still on the other side of the pond when you had him with Gander. He reports 15-20 minutes out at 1810. He's got 55,000 pounds of cargo on 15 pallets...9 pax to download...4 rolling stock and needs them to be winched off....needs Customs/Ag...349.4

And, yeah, Fox did okay on the race this time until the last two laps when they thought watching someone's wife in the pit box was more important than the finish of the race. What's wrong with those people?

Yeah Tin that REACH 3285 maybe made a stop at Gander or somewhere up that
way for fuel or really took his time..though I figure he still needed customs at Dover so maybe he did stop
in Canada.
Course I wonder if they can make fuel only stop like say Bangor but stay on aircraft and
not clear Customs as long as nothing or nobody gets off? hmmmm.I wonder.

Yes FOX blew finish of race though I was ticked anyhow as office Pool this week
I had drew Kyle Busch who was running well all day till he ran right into back of Earnhardt on Stewart spinout.
He must have been sleeping behind Dale when wreck occured.
Glad he went back to garage...

ps: Various local airlines tonite reporting real bumpy rides on VHF.Not a good night for flying..
One pilot ride report heard was "Strap everything down"

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Certainly not much happening today due to the high winds. Heard a BACKY KC-135R from Seymour Johnson overflying the area, a C-40B (Executive 1F) at Andrews and a German Air Force 848 (A-310, tail 10+21) taking off from Dulles and crossing just south of BWI heading across the Bay as I type this. Other than that, it's dead.

At 1145, add a Royal Air Force 3690 (L-1011 Tristar, tail ZD953, RAF 216 Squadron) descending into Dulles.

Commercial aircraft in the area reporting lots of turbulence at most altitudes (but some have found a hole at about 14,000 feet where it gets relatively smooth -- for now). Some are reporting winds are not within their limits for landing at area airports. I'd bet there are lots of passengers with green faces aboard some of those planes today.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
I see the first C-5M arrived Dover today but I heard nothing on CP freq so must have
come in on just VHF appch freqs.
JUst a 420 day checkup but article says Dover won't get it till late this year or early


Mark, I had 86-0013 coming into Dover on Friday evening. That's probably the one they're talking about - at least I assume it is. Perhaps he left Saturday and came back today.

Still a very quiet day in the MilAir world due to the winds. Executive 1F just came back to Andrews. That German Air Force 848 that left Dulles this morning also came back through the area but I have no idea where he was heading or where he went since this morning. I heard him when he was just west of the Philadelphia area at 1500. I believe he was on jet route J75 which I understand is a major northeast to southwest route. It runs through our area through Cecil County, just west of Martin State, west of BWI and west of D.C. and down into Virginia on about a 230 degree course. He was just over 20,000 feet in the Philly area and up to 36,000 by the time he got to the D.C. area so he wasn't coming back to this area. There was also a RHODY 32 (C-130J, 99-1432, 143rd AS RI-ANG) that contacted Andrews on 378.1 (after trying ADW Dispatch on 372.2) for a phone call to be placed to 401-639-xxxx to let "Life Support know we'll have weapons turn in upon arrival." Other than those few, there were a couple of transports to Dover and a couple of KC-135s flying through the area. The fighters all seem to be tied down on the ground.
And there's a C-5B (85-0002) arriving at Dover as I type that's arriving from overseas.

I admit though I haven't listened very closely to the scanners today. Like everyone else, I'm glued to the TV following the senseless tragedy at Virginia Tech - and also listening to a scanner feed from that area. (There is a link posted on the Virgina forum for the live feed.)

As I reported a couple of days ago, the Willow Grove A-10 three ship flight (MAD HOG) flew to Mcdill AFB FL. Today, my old buddy BMT down in Florida is telling me they're working at the Avon Park Range getting in some work. I hope they realize what kind of weather they're missing by being down that way in the warmth and sunny skies. They couldn't have picked a better time to go.

And, apparently, a FLYER flight slipped by us and also went to Florida. They're also working the Avon Park Range this evening. No telling how long they'll be gone. This is getting to be a habit for the Willow Grove guys.
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