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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1101: AXEMAN flight of two (MD-ANG) reports in to Raven Ops on «347.2»
1104: COLT 1 & 2 (MD-ANG) with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» one at 9K and the other at 10K flight levels
1105: NJ-ANG flight with ops on «138.425» and chat on «138.875»
1107: COLT flight with Raven Ops on «143.8» Code 1s
1108: Tanker interplane, the C-5 mentioned above is BOLAR 73 from Dover AFB and the present tanker is OPEC 43 (KC-10A from MCGuire AFB) «139.875»
1110: JOSA 905 to Langley Command Post on «251.25» C-21, tail #40080. Wants msg passed to Base Ops who he couldn't reach on Dispatch freq...arriving in 20 minutes, A-1, needs 4K fuel, is picking up 2 pax - one an R-4 and wants to leave as soon as he's refueled and the pax are on board.
1112: AXEMAN 1 with BayWatch on «281.8» (Well, he did say he was heading home - not sure what he's doing now.)
1114: DEVIL flight with GK on «255.0» RTB Atlantic City
1115: AXEMAN 1 reports to Raven Ops on «347.2» that they are 10 minutes out, two Code 1s.
1116: Raven Ops to RAVEN 1 on the ground asking if he's available to fly this afternoon. Didn't hear the reply. «347.2»

[I've been notified the VULCAN 01 (British E3D we heard earlier in the week with backend call MAGIC) is flying and being refueled by FORCE 42, a KC-10A from McGuire. They are apparently not in our area at this time. Further info shows the NJ-ANG flight was also working on 337.225 - probably under the direction of the MAGIC E3. Remember, this freq was used by the F-16s from DC-ANG also a few days ago. I had previously thought this freq was unique to DC-ANG but apparently it's all part of this exercise that has been going on for several days now. I only have that freq in one scanner and didn't have it on at the time the NJ guys were driving around the sky earlier today so completely missed that part of their activity.]

1130: BOLAR 70 calling OPEC 43 on refueling freq «228.0»
1140: OPEC talking about BOLAR with someone wanting to know if he can go higher...apparently the loaded C-5 is having trouble doing that because of weight and OPEC doesn't want to go lower because of weather. A standoff. «139.875»
1147: BATON 20 (C-130, PA-ANG Harrisburg) with OPEC 44 (KC-10A McGuire) talking about meeting up at the CP at 1600Z on HUNTRESS freq «295.8»
1150: OPEC 44 changes that to 1602Z
Very quiet now...nothing but tankers and transports coming and going at Andrews, Dover and McGuire and flying through the airspace.

By the way, people in other areas had copied the British front end call as VOGUE a couple of days ago while Mark from this thread reported it was VULCAN. Now, everyone agrees that Mark was correct and call is indeed VULCAN.

1235: STEEL 61 (KC-135, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) to STEEL Control reporting he's 40 minutes out, is A-1 and will do a touch-and-go before a full stop landing. «311.0»
1255: BOLAR 70 (C-5A, Dover) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» 4-5 minutes from landing, A-2 due to pilot's windshield wiper that bent, completed 75% of their training and report they lost one tanker due to maintenance problems.
1258: OPEC 44 (KC-10A, McGuire) approaching for landing, A-2 «319.4»

1300: OPEC 43 30 minutes out from McGuire, A-1, need parking spot. «319.4»
1300: OPEC 44 questions McGuire's message that the maintenance team from OPEC 48 will meet them when they park to address their A-2 problems. Whatever he was told by McGuire seemed to satisfy him. «319.4»
1308: JOSA 958 to andrews CP on «378.1» A C-21, Tail #40142, 20 minutes out, A-1, needs 3K fuel, has 6 Space A pax, no duty pax...picking up 5 pax, will depart 1 hour 15 minutes after landing
1314: GIANT KILLER being called by MAGIC on «255.0»
1315: MAGIC mentions he'll be working with WILD (F-16, DC-ANG, Andrews AFB MD) and FURY (F-16, VA-ANG, Richmond) flights. He's very weak and is trying to confirm whether those flights will be up or have cancelled due to wx but I couldn't hear all of the message. During a subsequent transmission a female speaker used front end VULCAN 01 as the callsign but the rest was too weak to copy.
1316: TEAM 51 (KC-10A, McGuire) 25 minutes out, no pax or cargo, A-1, needs parking spot and crew bus. «319.4»
1318: REACH 3127 to Andrews CP approaching for landing, A-1, no pax or cargo, needs 85,000 pounds of fuel, a parking spot and wants to know his uploading time. «378.1»
1320: HAGAR 99 (C-5, Dover) calling HAGAR Ops on «319.4»
1329: COLT maintenance talking to Raven Ops on «347.2» Looks like they'll be up soon.
1336: MAGIC to GK on «249.8» asking about Andrews and Richmond flight...then says all he knows is there is callsign WILD from Andrews and FURY from Richond. Mentions times of both 1800 and 1900Z as flight times. Don't know which is which.
1339: MAGIC tells GK he's expecting the flights at 1850Z and still wants to know the status of those flights. Says he's in W-712 at FL310. Also says he'll call back when he gets closer to the area.
1340: HOCUS 71, flight of two F-15s up on Langley SOF «383.2» then to tac «228.175»
1342: MAGIC says he's 54 miles northeast of W-386 and proceeding southwest. «249.8»
1343: HOCUS flight into GK on «391.2» for ops...there is also another F-15 two ship flight on «228.175» to meet up with the HOCUS flight.
1343: HOCUS 71 remembers to check in with GK on «249.8»
1348: MD-ANG A-10s up on «34.40» ...FM mode...callsign AXEMAN...the pilots use nicknames and first names while on these low band FM freqs.
1349: Langley tac «276.625» active
1350: MAGIC back with GK «249.8» reports on station establishing AW712.
1351: WILD (F-16 DC-ANG) entering GK's area on «238.1» single ship I believe.
This is going to turn into a 20 scanner afternoon I think. Unfortunately, I only have a fraction of that number.
1353: MAGIC doing the Alpha check of his DATALINK system with GK «249.8»
1354: WILD flight of four F-16s up on «127.275»
1356: VA-ANG flight of F-16s up on «141.875» and enter GK on «238.1» callsign FURY
1358: WILD mentioned they'll use GK's «292.3» and also mention they were about 10 minutes late getting out of Andrews. «127.275»
1358: MAGIC telling GK something about not being able to control both the WILD and FURY flights at the same time if they do ??? «249.8»
1359: AXEMAN flight to BayWatch «354.8»

Continued below...
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ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
TinEar said:
Further info shows the NJ-ANG flight was also working on 337.225 - probably under the direction of the MAGIC E3. Remember, this freq was used by the F-16s from DC-ANG also a few days ago. I had previously thought this freq was unique to DC-ANG but apparently it's all part of this exercise that has been going on for several days now. I only have that freq in one scanner and didn't have it on at the time the NJ guys were driving around the sky earlier today so completely missed that part of their activity

337.225 is a Giant Killer "deconflict" frequency for the Northern and Mid-Atlantic Warning Areas. Basically, it's a special use freq for whatever they need it for but it's not in the normal frequency use rotation.


ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
It's transmitted out of Riverhead, NY (Long Island) and gets used more up around here I imagine. I have heard DARKSTAR and BANDSAW on it many times in the past when the Otis ANGB F15s are up doing ACMI stuff.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1400: WILD flight with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3»
1401: FURY flight on «141.875» announce they are a flight of four
1401: HOCUS 71 reports RTB Langley to GK on «238.1»
1403: One of the AXEMAN A-10s returning to Martin State with some kind of a problem. Says AXEMAN 1 will chase him back to Martin and then proceed to the south. «347.2»
1405: WILD flight of four checks into GK's area on «249.8»
1406: COLT (A-10, Martin State) checks into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1406: WILD flight remains on «127.275» for tac chat
1407: MAGIC to WILD tells him they are not going to work their flight due to weather. WILD flight leader says (smugly) they'll miss him and will see him next week. MAGIC says they'll be here (meaning next week). «249.8» I think MAGIC also mentioned the FURY flight was not participating due to weather. Not sure if he said FURY was RTBing or just meant their work was cancelled also.
1410: FURY flight still chatting on their tac «141.875»
1411: WILD changes to «292.3» as promised
1412: AXEMAN flight with the problem is gear down for full stop with Martin Tower on «297.2»
1413: WILD climbing to FL310 to start an orbit. «127.275»
1414: VULCAN 01 (front end callsign) to McGuire Command Post...approaching for eventual landing «319.4»
Well, the departure of the MAGIC/VULCAN E3 from the action sure puts a damper on all the activity I thought we were going to see.
1418: COLT 1 to BayWatch on «270.8» requesting separate clearances for himself and his wingman. Clearance for what, he didn't say.
1420: JOSA 958 reports he departed Andrews at 1813Z «378.1»
1421: FURY flight doing air combat missions and staying on their tac freq «141.875»
1424: JOSA 829 to Langley Command Post on «251.25» 20 minutes out, no pax, needs 4K fuel, is A-1.
1426: FURY flight leader trying to call MAGIC on GK's «292.3»
1427: FURY flight to «292.3» for air combat work.
1428: FURY flight is reporting targets to MAGIC but I think they're just simulating the MAGIC work and not really talking to him. «292.3»
1429: Meanwhile, WILD is doing the same thing on their tac freq - but not with MAGIC «127.275»
1431: COLT flight to ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8» and then with Dover Approach on «257.875»
1432: FURY flight back to tac «141.875»
1440: WILD flight leader tells GK it's 5 minutes till RTB «249.8»
1441: WILD flight is leaving in two groups under callsigns WILD 1 and WILD 3. «143.15»
1442: FURY flight announces RTB to GK on «238.1»
1443: TARA 91 calling Andrews on «141.55» No reply. TARA is unknown but have been noticed many times going into Andrews to drop off or pickup pax.
1445: WILD flight splits up...two stay on «143.15» and two go to «127.275»
1446: FURY has changed to tac freq «141.825»
1448: Langley tac freq «358.85» active
1448: NJ-ANG (F-16 Atlantic City) active on tac «138.425»
1449: TARA 91 makes contact with Andrews on «378.1» says he's 15 minutes out, wants parking, no pax to download but is picking up pax. He's not sure when the pax will arrive but will let Andrews knows when he knows.
1450: WILD 1 with WATERGATE SOF on «139.9» "simulated secure" gives mission results
1451: HOCUS 71 (F-15 Langley) on GK «238.1»
1451: The other part of the original WILD flight is still with GK on «249.8»

1500: The NJ-ANG flight has switched to GK's «312.3» freq and is working tac «138.875». the callsign is ARROW 21/22
1507: COLT flight Code 1 and 10 minutes out from Martin State «347.2»
1508: HOCUS 71 flight up on «358.85» and switches to SOF freq «383.2» to say the flight is RTBing.
1510: Looks like the NJ guys are a flight of four with 2 working tac «138.425» and 2 working tac «138.875» and still performing ops on GK's «312.3»
1518: By now, the WILD and FURY flights have gone home...the HOCUS flight from Langley is home and all that is left are the F-16s from Joisey. (That's for your benefit Mike A.)
1522: ARROW 21 reports RTB Atlantic City to GK on «255.0» Says they're going to make a big 360 before going in.
1523: Have F-18s from VFA-106 at Oceana NAS active on «237.8»
1529: VFA-106 into BayWatch area on «354.8» callsign not heard
1535: COLT 2 reports gear down, full stop to tower on «297.2»
1552: END OF REPORT...nothing happening.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Think i caught this C-5 departing as REACH 7033 C-5 departing Dover late this afternoon went A/A on AMC Common 319.400 with 6019 Dover C-5 #86-0019 telling him to enjoy the warm weather and bring us back a present.

The News Journal
DOVER — One of Dover Air Force Base’s mammoth C-5 Galaxy Cargo jets has been enlisted in Pakistani earthquake relief efforts.

The jet, staffed with personnel from the base’s active and reserve units will leave today for Robert Grey Army Airfield, Texas, to pick up a load of two CH-47 Chinook helicopters that will be used in relief efforts.

The CH-47, best known for its fore and aft rotor arrangement, is one of the military’s principal helicopters for heavy lift and transport missions. The chopper can carry 33 people or 24 stretchers, and some versions can cary up to 20,000 pounds of cargo.

Helicopters are needed to reach mountainous regions that have been rendered inaccessible as a result of Saturday’s 7.6-magnitude earthquake.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1930: Ramp freeze in effect for at least the next 5-10 minutes per Andrews Command Post
1932: There are several aircraft in the pattern waiting to land or approaching for landing including JOSA 166 and EVAC33118 who is in a Code 3 situation. He also has 19 litter patients, 25 ambulatory patients, 4 attendants and 7 medical crew on board. He also needs customs to meet the plane.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
[/b]1315: MAGIC mentions he'll be working with WILD (F-16, DC-ANG, Andrews AFB MD) and FURY (F-16, VA-ANG, Richmond) flights. He's very weak and is trying to confirm whether those flights will be up or have cancelled due to wx but I couldn't hear all of the message. During a subsequent transmission a female speaker used front end VULCAN 01 as the callsign but the rest was too weak to copy.

The NATO E-3 have done a similar ex out here in the west, a few times in the past. They seem to stay for about a week, taking on various units each day... Think we've had NATO 10, Magic 53, and Magic 60.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Jul 24, 2005
Here's one for you guys to listen for... Just had GHOST 89 check Edwards Metro for weather at McGuire. Tankers from various units visit for the week at ED and do tank duty for the various testing, using the ED support call... This guy just finished AR with one of the Raptors testing and checked himself out of the complex to head home for the weekend.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'll listen for him Dave - if I'm still up and awake by the time he gets here which I doubt since it'll be around 2 a.m. or later before he shows up on the east coast if he's just leaving that area.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2030: BOLAR 71 (C-5, Dover AFB) to Dover Command Post reporting he's got a problem with the pilot's windshield wiper and wondering whether he should just land rather than continue with touch and goes. Didn't he report earlier this afternoon that he had a bent wiper? «349.4» Yeah, he's going to call it a night and land...says in about 15 minutes.
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Jul 24, 2005
Forgot about that darn time difference... At least you'll know what Ghost xx out of McGuire means next time. Those guys are going to have a long day... They probably started at 6 this morning.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Have a couple of u/i pilots chatting. Picked them up on 283.75 and then they switched to 123.45. That last freq sure makes them look like commercial pilots. Now, at 2142 they go back to 283.75 and mention that UHF is so much clearer. One of them just said his plane is Alpha-2 which is not something a commercial pilot would say. No idea who these guys are. They did mention weather at some location which they didn't name and mentioned a runway 23 in the conversation. Still listening...
2146: Still chatting away but one of them is just fading out and the other is starting to get weak. Talking about women and partying...yeah, they're military. <g> By 2147 they're gone. I wonder if that 283.75 is just a UHF version of the 123.45 freq - unofficial but known to everyone as a yakking channel.
NOTE: That 283.75 freq was once on an old list for Andrews but I have no reference to a unit that might have used it.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0006: Our GHOST 89 just showed up on «319.4» calling McGuire Command Post. He's 20 minutes out from McGuire, is A-2 for an autopilot throttle that won't disengage, has 6 crew members on board and has tail number 87-0121.

He made that flight in record time Dave. Guess an 18 hour mission will make you scoot. That's only three hours, 40 minutes from the time of your posting to go from the Edwards AFB aea to McGuire. I was just about to shut off the radio when I heard him.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0953: WARDOG (OA-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) «270.8»
0955: WARDOG with Raven Ops «143.8»
0955: DRAGO 51/52 (F-16, DC-ANG, Andrews) «127.275»
0955: COSMIC 41 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) with HUNTRESS «260.9»
0958: DRAGO with BayWatch «354.8»
0958: AXEMAN (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) with BayWatch «354.8»

1001: COSMIC 41 asks if he's cleared to RTB with HUNTRESS «260.9»
1002: RAVEN (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State), flight of two with BayWatch «270.8»
1008: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) with ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4»
1009: COSMIC 41 says he's ready to RTB from HUNTRESS «260.9»
1009: COSMIC 41 sasy he's switching to 138.2 «260.9»
1010: SALTY DOG 121 (F/A-18, Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River) calls GIANT KILLER on «238.1»
1011: DEVIL 11 with ZDC-Millville NJ on «363.0»
1012: Tanker interplane active «139.875»
1013: DRAGO 51/52 use 1/2 on tac freq and are doing air combat missions «127.275» They mention the WARDOG OA-10 from Martin State and may be working against the A-10s.
1014: DEVIL 11 flight on their tac «138.425»
1015: COSMIC 41 with ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4»
1017: DRAGO 52 calls SENATE SOF on «139.9» gets no reply
1018: DEVIL 11 with ZNY-Joliet NJ on «239.05»
1019: SALTY DOG 121 with Pax River on «250.7»
1021: AXEMAN 1, single ship with BayWatch on «254.8» Mentions flight of two COLTs will be following him and that RAVEN 1 will be the other one.
1023: DRAGO 51 announces his flight is ready to RTB to BayWatch «354.8»
1025: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Philipsburg PA «306.2»
1026: COLT flight airborne «347.2»
1027: DRAGOs are both Code 1, switch to V-1 «127.275»
1028: DRAGOs to SOF on V-1 «139.9» Push V-5
1029: DRAGOs back to V-5 «127.275»
1030: DRAGO flight get wx...vis 7 miles, runways at Andrews wet «127.275»
1032: COLT flight checks into BayWatch on «281.8»
1035: DRAGO 51 to Andrews Tower on «349.0» gear down, full stop runway 1R.
1037: DRAGO 52..same message «349.0»
1040: DRAGO flight home, DEVIL flight home, COSMIC flight home...RAVEN/COLT/WARDOG flight from Martin State somewhere out there in the Pax River BayWatch zone in area R-6609 but must be working very low level since their signals disappeared. I wonder if they ever use the low band FM freqs during an exercise. I'd never hear them from here if they did but they seem fond of using that range during takeoff and on the way to the various ranges.
1047: COLT 1 with BayWatch on «256.5» Says he wants to limit the boundary to one mile.
1058: The A-10s are coming home to Martin State on «347.2» with Raven Ops and Martin Tower on «297.2»...they're all about 10 miles out at this time.

1107: NJ-ANG active on «138.425» Callsign DEVIL, flight of two F-16s
1109: ??? 296 with GIANT KILLER on «125.375» Missed the call before the 296 suffix.
1110: U/I aircraft enters GK's area on «233.7»
1118: AXEMAN single ship and COLT two ship with BayWatch on «281.8»
1120: DEVIL 11 with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6»
1124: DEVIL flight with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» FL140
1124: AXEMAN 1 clearing with BayWatch on «281.8»
1128: DEVIL 11 from FL140 to 110 direct to Atlantic City «277.4» DEVIL push 385.5
1128: COLT 1 Code 2, COLT 2 Code 1 with Raven Ops «347.2»
1130: DEVIL flight to Approach on «385.5» (Atlantic City Approach?)
1133: Martin State A-10s landing runway 33 «297.2»
1135: JOSA 872 to Andrews Command Post on «378.1» Reports he's a C-21, Tail #40078, arriving Andrews at 1550Z, is A-1, needs 4,000 pounds of fuel, has an A-4 and an A-5 on board, will depart at 1630Z and will park in 3 row since he's in transit.
1137: Chat on refueling primary freq «238.9» No callsigns but a suffix of 52 by one of them.
1141: 51 and 52 chatting on refueling freq «238.9»
1156: FORCE 50 (KC-10A McGuire) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» arriving McGuire with 20 pax to offload, needs stairs and bus for the pax. They will take to the sky after offloading so no crew bus needed.

NOTE: I believe twice in the past week I've had a THUG 10 refueling and labeled it as a B-1B from Elsworth AFB. I just found out there is also a THUG callsign used by C-17s stationed at McGuire and that makes more sense for the refueling I've been hearing using THUG.

Continued below if necessary....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1202: Nighthawk 7 (One of the President's helo fleet. The President is not aboard or it would become Marine One.) with Pax River on «344.4» landing at Pax...mentions meeting someone at the end of the runway 6/24.
1205: SALTY DOG 206 wants wx for Oceana from BayWatch on «270.8»
1206: Have an unidentified aircraft on Pax River freq «250.7» saying he's got to declare an emergency if he can't land at that runway that's presently closed -- meaning he can't make it anywhere else. (Never heard another word from him after that transmission. Presumably, he was allowed to land.)
1226: Pair of Army National Guard helicopters on NG Interplane freq «246.8». One says he's over the Key Bridge and starting his turn now and speed will be 80 knots.
1228: Copters repositioning due to winds...they are apparently on a photo mission. «246.8» They talk about staying near "the Fort." (McHenry?) Altitude 400 feet.
1232: They confirm moving closer to Fort passing behind the other. «246.8»
1233: JOSA 163 to Andrews CP on «141.55» arriving 20 minutes, is a C-21, tail #40123, will go to Navy side and wants that relayed because they're closed, has a CR-2 plus 3 other pax to offload, no fuel or services needed
1242: The copters made another pass at 350 feet and said that was the best. One more pass and then they are going to land and sit at the table to discuss the mission. «246.8» Apparently, they are having some trouble because of winds. One of the copters is taking the pictures and are being relayed to and seen by the other by some means not described.
1245: The NG copters announce they're is going to do a little recon to the west and then return to base. «246.8»
1259: The NG copters announce landing at Weide AAF on «126.2» One of them is Copter 927.

1315-17: Aircraft 121 (Probably SALTY DOG) into GIANT KILLER area on «238.1»
1323: Langley tac freq «228.175» active
1324: Guard Copter 20452 reports off Weide and approaching Phillips AAF...looking for Compass Rose «126.15»
1333: Raven Ops ground talking on «347.2» Flight coming?
1336: HARASS 31/32 (F-15s Langley AFB VA) entering GUARD DOG area on «288.35» CAP coming. This is the flight that was on 228.175 at Langley. They mention they'll be going to the tanker whenever it arrives on station.
1340: DC-ANG, flight of two F-16s active «127.275» Callsign WILD
1342: HARASS flight with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
1345: WILD flight into BayWatch area to R-6609 for 20-25 minutes on «354.8» then back to tac freq «127.275» for their operational work.
1347: COLT 1 (A-10 MD-ANG) with BayWatch on «314.0»
1348: HARASS flight giving wx report to HUNTRESS...lots of broken cloud decks in their assigned altitudes. «260.9»
1349: COLT 1 says to "push 10" and comes up on «354.8» mentions a wingman, says they'll be in the area for 35 minutes...says there'll be a WARDOG 1 in the area in a few minutes and says they'll be working in R-6609 (which is where the WILD flight is)
1354: Another DC-ANG flight is airborne on «143.15» two F-16s, callsign SCARY
1356: TANKER 60 shows up "as fragged" on HUNTRESS freq «260.9» to join the the CAP. And now all the players are in place.

1400: SCARY 1 with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4»
1403: SCARY reports as two ship at 17,000 with ZNY «322.4»
1404: SCARY 1 calling NY Center on ZNY-Philipsburg PA freq «338.3» reports as two "fox 16s" at 17,000 feet
1406: TANKER 60 reports at FL240. «260.9»
1407: WILD ops continue on «127.275» and SCARY air combat missions on «143.15»
1409: Martin State A-10s using tac «142.3»
1411: TANKER 60 with GUARD DOG on «135.525» Female driver
1411: WILD 2 reports joker «127.275»
1413: ICEMAN 71 (F-15 Langley) with Langley on «357.1»
1415: TANKER 60 tells HUNTRESS that HARASS 31 is weak and garbled and wants HUNTRESS to relay any info from him. «260.9» So 32 does a radio check with the tanker who reports 32 is weak but readable. I have the two F-15s with a very strong signal but with weak modulation levels in comparison to signal strength.
1425: WILD flight to SOF on «139.9» 1 is Code 2 for RWR and 2 is Code 1..then back to «127.275»
Haven't heard the SCARY flight in almost 20 telling where they are
1426: AXEMAN (A-10 MD-ANG) to BayWatch on «354.8»
1428: COLT asks AXEMAN where he is..responds he's at R4009 and heading for R-6609. COLT says he and WARDOG will be no factor for AXEMAN and RAVEN flights and they can proceed on in.
1429: BICEP 11 (NJ-ANG, F-16, Atlantic City) active on tac «138.425»
1430: WILD flight heading for a landing on wet runways at Andrews. «127.275»
SCARY? Where are you SCARY?
1433: BICEP 11 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»
1435: BICEP 11 says to switch to «307.25»(Unknown) which they do and then from there go to ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6»
1439: BICEP 11 flight reports at FL160 and says they're going to need a handoff to Harrisburg Approach. Still on ZDC-Modena Ny «335.6» Flight is still working tac «138.425» and begin air combat mission.
1441: BICEP 11 on ZNY-Joliet NJ «239.05» says they need a penetration of Harrisburg Approach. Says they need to stay IFR. Out of 16 for 11,000 FL.
1444: For better than 30 minutes, the COLT flight leader has been giving very detailed instructions to a rookie pilot how to use his target acquisition scope and tools. Wish I had had time to listen to it all but there is just too much noise coming from lots of other aircraft. It would have been a great learning experience. «142.3»
1450: SCARY flight just checked in on their tac «143.15» No telling where they've been or how they've been communicating.
1451: A-10 instrux continuing on «142.3» This is good stuff.
1452: Northrup Gruman test flight freq active with flight of two aircraft. «123.225» BWI ground station with aircraft getting wx report for mission area.
1452: SCARY flight coming home to wet runways at Andrews «143.15»
1454: SCARY flight to SOF on «139.9» both Code 1, 15 minutes out.
1458: BICEP 11 flight with ZNY-Joliet NJ on «239.05» reports radar contact.

1500: COLT flight leader tells rookie they'll do a "Polish" wheel (meaning counter-clockwise) «142.3» [[Hey, fighter pilots can say those things.]]
1502: BICEP flight "hook 11" with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» and then back to tac «138.425»
NOTE: Haven't heard a sound from the HARASS CAP flight since 1415.
1503: BICEP 11 flight to Washington Center on ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» reports two aircraft at FL140 and on «138.425» they report both are Code 1.
1506: BICEP 11 reports flight going to FL11 from 14. «277.4»
1508: BICEP reports direct Sea Isle «277.4»
1509-18: HARASS 31 calling IRON Ops on Langley's «357.1» Many reply
1512: BICEP 11 with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»
1513: BICEP 11 down to FL 8000 «285.4»
1520: HARASS 31 finally makes contact with IRON Ops on «357.1» Apparently, they lost their tanker and so 31 wants to send one the two F-15s home to get a new aircraft and return and then the same for the other. Wants that passed to HUNTRESS to see if he concurs. Don't know why he didn't give that directly to HUNTRESS but it's what it is. Seems like it would be easier to go into Andrews to refuel than all the way back to Langley....but what do I know?
1524: URN 79 Heavy calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» Wants a Mode 4 check, his Mode 3 is 6257. Says he's at 15,000 east of Salisbury. Then reports leaving 15 for 23,000 and signs off.
I do not have callsing URN identified on any of my callsign lists. I'm confident of that callsign since he was close, loud and clear and enunciated clearly.
1527: AXEMAN flight with BayWatch on «354.8»
1529: WARDOG clears out of BayWatch area on «354.8»
1531: Langley F-15 chat on «228.175» sounds like HARASS 33 is replacing 31...31 is going to run home and change clothes while he's back at Langley (Thought you'd want to know that.)
1534: A-10s about to land with Martin Tower on «297.2»
1538: Apparently the whole HARASS game plan has changed. Hard to decipher what they were talking about but it now sounds like they are due to run out of fuel about 45-50 minutes before they were about to be relieved. They mentioned doing something around Atlantic City (perhaps meeting a tanker there), refueling and have enough gas to run their full least that's what I think they meant.
1541: HARASS 31 to Langley Tower on «253.5» wants to know what the wx is there at Langley and at their alternate. Back on AUX «228.175» he tells his wingman that there is no alternate but they should plan enough fuel for one anyway.
1547: HARASS 31 tells his wingman he'll be on 288.35 «228.175» and he is. Apparently they were trying to reach him there and he tells GUARD DOG he'll tell them next time he leaves the freq. This seems to be the primary freq now rather than the 260.9 HUNTRESS freq. This entire CAP is different than any I've run into in the past.
1555: TESTER 13 (USN Test Flight School) with BayWatch on «270.8» says he wants descent into Pax.
1600: END OF REPORT...I'm outta here!
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
0006: Our GHOST 89 just showed up on «319.4» calling McGuire Command Post. He's 20 minutes out from McGuire, is A-2 for an autopilot throttle that won't disengage, has 6 crew members on board and has tail number 87-0121.

He made that flight in record time Dave. Guess an 18 hour mission will make you scoot. That's only three hours, 40 minutes from the time of your posting to go from the Edwards AFB aea to McGuire. I was just about to shut off the radio when I heard him.

Maybe they caught a tail wind. :) On the same subject... Have you guys ever heard those guys use PRIMO for a call? Numerous times I have heard KC10s check in at the begining of the week to work Edwards using Primo. I always assumed they were from Travis, but now I wonder.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-
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