Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
There are a couple of tankers flying around up there. They used McGuire CP «319.4» and were chatting on «228.9» late in the 2100 hour. Didn't hear/catch a callsign.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0927: DC-ANG active «127.275»
0930: DC-ANG also active on «143.15» Callsign WILD
0934: Langley 1st FtrWg tac freqs «257.075/276.675» active
0935: U/I tanker in BayWatch area indicates when finished he wants to be cleared to KHUF which is Terre Haute Intl Airport Indiana. «354.8»
0940: From the "only in the morning" department, GIANT KILLER testing on «135.725». Loud and clear reception. Reception across the entire VHF hi band is excellent this morning. Listening to the FDNY dispatch freqs also loud and clear at the moment.
0945: HUNGRY flight (F-15 Langley) enters GK's area on «249.8» GK tells him to maintain 14K. Good ground station on this freq also.
0946: HUNGRY 84 declares emergency...cabin temperature and something else. «249.8»
0948: A-10 Martin State active passing wx to Raven Ops «143.8»
0949: TESTER 21 (USN Test Pilot School) active BayWatch area «256.5»
0950: HUNGRY 84 with Langley SOF on «383.2» for landing.
0951: Martin State A-10s working FM freq «41.95» Mention they are heading east. Also talking on «347.2»
0952: HUNGRY 84 apparently made it in without further problems...mentioned ILS approach and sounded calm and in control. «383.2»
0958: WILD 1 departing GK's area on «255.0» as a single ship. Breaking away from the others. GK tells him to maintain 14,000 feet and that he's cleared to Sea Isle direct.
0959: AXEMAN 1 calling Dover on approach freq «257.875»

1005: GIANT KILLER talking to TOPCAT 2 (KC-135 McGuire) on «255.0» telling him there's traffic in Delta. TOPCAT 2 answers him on «135.725»
1006: GK asking WILD 2 to ident...asks twice but I never hear the WILD respond. «255.0»
1008: GK clears the WILD flight out of the area on «255.0» and tells them to monitor «135.725». GK clears them to Sea Isle direct at 14K FL. WILD acknowledges.
1010: Martin State A-10s to Warren Grove Range on «283.1» AXEMAN flight. They are also using «142.3» for chat.
1011: GK asks TOPCAT 2 on «255.0» if he is RTBing at 1430Z. TOPCAT responds again on «135.725» that he's in the area until 1500Z. GK acknowledges. I seldom get to hear GIANT KILLER so I don't know if this duplex channel usage is normal or not.
1015: Again using the same freq pair, GK tells TOPCAT 2 to watch for a flight heading south at 19K FL going up to 20K. «255.0/135.725»
1017: WILD 1 to SENATE SOF on «139.9» reports Code 2 for trapped fuel in a wing tank
1019: WILD 1 repeats message on «127.275» about 300 pounds of fuel trapped.
1020: WILD 2 calls SENATE SOF several times with no response on «139.9» so switches to «127.275» and gets him there to let him know WILD 2 and 3 are Code 1. Says they are 15 minutes out.
1024: TESTER 21 tells BayWatch he'll be proceeding along with a Hornet and then starts doing tests from a "card." «256.5» BayWatch acknowledges - also loud and clear.
1027: NJ-ANG F-16s, Atlantic City active «138.875»
1028: Langley tac freq «233.525» active.
1029: SALTY DOG 205 on BayWatch «354.8»
1029: GK gives TOPCAT the Mode 3 for three fighters that are apparently on the way to the area...probably that Langley flight mentioned at 1028. «255.0»
1032: Tanker on «228.0» mentions being at the IP at 1452Z and can push it up a few minutes...says he's heading for Owens and somewhere in the conversation mentions helicopters.
1034: Two ship formation enters GK's area using «238.1» Missed callsign
1037: DRAGNET (E3B Tinker AFB OK) calling GK on «251.6» mentioning someone is 3 minutes out.
1040: Refueling freq «228.0» has been constant chatter but is too far out to be copiable. Perhaps someone closer to the action can get some of it.
1042: TESTER 21 and his wingman announce RTB. «256.5»
1047: NJ-ANG active on «138.425»
1048: DEVIL 11 (NJ-ANG) into GK's area on «255.0». GK asks him if Atlantic City is his final destination when he clears him out. DEVIL confirms.
1050: GK confirms DEVIL flight cleared into R-4006. Calls DEVIL twice with no response. «255.0»
1051: That's because DEVIL 11 flight is talking to base on «138.425»
1052: COLT 2 (MD-ANG A-10) calls BALKY at Bollen Range «237.2»
1053: On «255.0» GK calls DEVIL. DEVIL responds they are at 16,000 feet. GK doesn't hear him. DEVIL starts their ground attack exercise on «138.425»
1055: DEVIL 11 flight with Sea Isle on «285.4» repeats his flight route and announces VFR at 16.5 FL.
1056: DEVIL flight attacking a target near the town of Hebron.
1057: GK's ops freq «312.3» active. No call heard.
1059: REACH 921, tail #40127, C-21 heading for an unscheduled stop at Andrews because of maintenance problem. Will arrive at 1520Z. «378.1» Asks Andrews to notify maintenance and see if they can be standing by.

Continued below if necessary....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1100: COLT flight attacking ground targets at Bollen «237.2»
1102: TOPCAT 2 exiting GIANT KILLER area «135.725» GK, using «255.0» clears him out of the area.
1104: REACH 921 asking if maintenance at Andrews is notified of problem. It is. He's happy. «378.1»
1106: DEVIL 11 with BayWatch on «354.8» asks for separate squawk for his wingman since they are 3 miles apart.
1107: DEVIL 11 mentions flight route is Waterloo, Atlantic City.
1107: Two tankers on «238.9» talking about meeting up over is 7 minutes out, the other 10 minutes out and will push up the speed to try to catch the first one. First one will slow his speed. They are at 22 and 25K flight levels. Chat continues through 1110 to get everything confirmed. No callsigns used but one of them must be TOPCAT 2.
1112: TESTER 11 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1113: I've got GIANT KILLER talking with aircraft almost constantly on «255.0» but don't hear any of the aircraft on this freq. No telling where they are since they seem to be using duplex operation.
1115: One tanker asks the other if he's over Norfolk right now and that he's looking for him. «238.9» Now I only hear the one side of the conversation.
1116: DEVIL flight doing ground attack, buddy lase exercises on their way home on «138.425» and also on «138.875»
1117: One of the tankers on «238.9» is OPEC 33 (KC-10A McGuire)
1119: The two tankers meet up and are flying together out of the area. «238.9»
1120: Two other tankers chatting on «228.0»
1122: The two NJ-ANG F-16s on «138.875» are a different pair than those on «138.425»
1123: DEVIL 11 talking to WILD EAGLE on «138.425» about a target.
1126: BANGER 21 and 22 (NJ-ANG, F-16s, Atlantic City)into BayWatch area on «354.8» This is the NJ pair from «138.875»
1128: BANGER and DEVIL flights in same general area...coordinating altitudes on «354.8»
1130: BANGER flight coordinating with range controller on tac freq «138.875»
1130: GIANT KILLER just starting to fade out from all his freqs
1131: TESTER 11 announces RTB on BayWatch freq «354.8»
1132: DEVIL 11/12 flight whooping it up after good hits on the range with WILD EAGLE. «138.425»
1133: Tanker interplane active «139.875»
1134: And so is «228.0»
1138: A-10s coming home to Martin State «297.2»
1141: Tanker with STEEL Control (147th Air Refueling Squadron, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) on «311.0»
1141-1146: DEVIL flight doing self lase attack activity against a pickup truck in the driveway of a split level home. Lots of pre-checks to make sure no one is in the the car in the driveway, etc. Meanwhile there is a Hornet in the area they're being careful of. All of this has been on «138.425»
1146: Meanwhile the BANGER flight has been doing much of the same type activity while on «138.875»
1147: BANGER flight has had enough and decides to break it off and go home. They clear out of Pax area with BayWatch on «354.8»
1148: BANGER flight says they'll be at 15.5 flt lvl and will be direct Waterloo.
1148: DEVIL flight also clears with BayWatch on «354.8»
1150: DEVIL 11 tells BayWatch his flight will do a 360 and follow BANGER flight out. «354.8»
1151: Both DEVIL and BANGER flights are continuing ground attacks on the way.
1151: COLT flight with Raven Ops on «347.2»
1153: DEVIL flight switches to ZDC Snow Hill on «256.8» Announce clear from R-4006 and direct Atlantic City.
1156: BANGER flight to SOF on «138.125» and announce both are Code 1
1156: DEVIL flight announces both are Code 1 «138.425»
1159: JOSA 445, tail #40099, approaching Andrews for landing at 1625Z, A-1, needs 3500 pounds of fuel, is picking up four S-5s, can take two Space As and will depart Andrews at 1800Z.
1200: END OF REPORT...Time for a break...continued below if necessary.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1220: COSMIC 41 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) active on «138.2»
1222: COSMIC flight doing an air intercept of a Boeing 747...tells ground controller to stand by for tail number. «138.2» HUNTRESS is ground controller...real or exercise??
1223: COSMIC working with ?? Airlines, tail #84137. «138.2» Couldn't pick out the name of the airline through the static.
1227: COSMIC reports everything seems to be normal on the intercepted aircraft...says the pilot gave a thumbs up in response to his thumbs up. Says he'll escort flight to New York. It appears the 747 must have lost radio contact since they were giving hand signals rather than using the radio.
1228: COSMIC flight (41 and 42) told to terminate. This is indeed a real exercise with HUNTRESS. COSMIC 41 will continue to track in the east end of the area and 42 in the west.
1231: COSMIC 42 reports to HUNTRESS he's ready in the west (on station). «138.2»
1236: Langley Command Post freq «251.25» active....fighter reports Code 1 and will arrive in 10 minutes. No callsign heard. Pilot wants that message passed to Ops.
1239: COSMIC flight discontinuing track...says they'll be back on the ground in 15 minutes «138.2»
1242: COSMIC flight talking with their Command Post on «138.2»
1245: COSMIC 41 is Code 1, 42 is Code 2..."push Victor-1" «138.2» Should come up on «138.125»
1247: COSMIC flight clears to runway 31. «138.125»
1248: OPEC 33 with McGuire CP on «319.4» (See item above beginning at 1107)
1257: Langley tac freq «358.85» active

1300: ICEMAN 71 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «249.8». Says he'll be MARSA with MEXICO (F-15 Langley) and AIRGUN (F-15 Langley)
1301: DC-ANG active, F-16s, Andrews, callsign WILD, flight of three on «127.275»
1302: ICEMAN on «249.8» reports change to 10 AUX
1305: ICEMAN ops on «391.2»
1306: Langley tac «228.175» active.
1307: WILD flight splitting up over range. «127.275» Low level flight and might get difficult to hear. WILD 3 down to 1000 feet.
1310: ICEMAN to AIRGUN on «249.8» and then ops on «391.2»
1311: WILD flight leader says Atlantic City looks pretty good (in relation to what?) «127.275»
1314: AIRGUN 81 to GK reports RTB 5 minutes «249.8»
1315: WILD 1 to GK on «249.8» reports flight of three. Will work W-107.
1317: WILD 1 tries to contact GK on «249.8» and then «255.0»
1319: SALTY DOG 103 into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1322: WILD 1/2 in air intercept mode...3 is playing the target.
1323-1330: WILD 1/2 make their move against WILD 3 and fail in making a good intercept and shoot. «127.275»
1332: They are going to try again.
1333: Langley «357.1» active. This is IRON Ops freq...CP for 1st FW.
1338: WHISKEY 81/82 with IRON Ops on «357.1» Only listing I have for WHISKEY is for F-16s from Hill AFB UT. Deployment perhaps for some real world training.
1347: WILD flight about finished...flight leader tells flight to push GK's freq «255.0» for RTB.
1350: WILD 2 on GK's «255.0» to announce RTB.
1351: WILD flight Sea Isle direct «255.0»
1359: RAVEN Ops active to aircraft on the ground «347.2» Flight up soon?
1359: SALTY DOG 302 in BayWatch area on «350.9»

1402: WILD 2 flight with SOF on «139.9» giving mission report.
1403: SALTY DOG 124 in BayWatch area on «270.8»
1403: WILD flight talking about a "channel 43 and Gate Key 4" on «127.275»
1404: WILD 1 and 3 report both Code 1. «127.275»
1405: WILD clears through Sea Isle «285.4»
1407: WILD 3 reports seeing an aircraft on his scope that's probably a "Tomcat." One of those SALTY DOGS I imagine. WILD 1 reports seeing it...describes as white and blue. «127.275»
1409: WILD 1 "push V-1" and come up on «139.9» SOF to report mission 69 miles out..."push V-5" and go back to «127.275»
1411: WILD changes to «277.4» ZDC-Kenton and back to «127.275»
1412: STEEL 89 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburgh) calling BATON Ops (CP, PA-ANG, Harrisburg) on «395.1»
1415: WILD reports over Easton Airport...mention Martin State is 30 miles to the north of them (well....he's a little off, but...) «127.275»
1420: WILD 3 reports his farm is off their 3 o'clock between the river and Route 4 «127.275» Not sure why that was worth typing. Eventually they switch to «349.0» for landing at Andrews.
1422: STEEL 89 makes contact with BATON Ops on «395.1» and announces he's 15 minutes out, needs airstairs and will offload 37 pax and their baggage. FOLLOW ME truck will meet him on the taxiway.
1423: COLT 1 (A-10 Martin State) with BayWatch on «281.8»
1426: PAT 953 25 minutes out from Andrews, IDs as UC-35, tail #30726, dropping off one Space A pax, picking up 7 for trip to Des Moines, no Space A available on the outbound.
1430: And all is quiet once again except for that COLT out there somewhere. He isn't talking anymore. Break time.
1437: SLAM (F-16, VA-ANG, Richmond) trying to enter GK's area on «249.8» Keeps asking GK to repeat...says she's weak, says she's unreadable (I can almost hear him swearing to himself).
1441: SLAM, flight of 3, on tac «141.875»
1443: SLAM cameras on, fight's on «141.875» air combat exercise
1444: SLAM flight ops in GK's area on «292.3»
1444: WARDOG (OA-10, Martin State) reports off the deck at 1442 «347.2»
1449: TESTER 08 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1451: U/I C-38 from the 201st ALS into Andrews in 15 minutes with 36 pax...wants arrangements made for pickup. «314.25»
1451: TESTER 08 reports he'll be working 35-37,000 fl «270.8»
1455: WARDOG into BayWatch area on «270.8» 25K fl for 60 minutes playtime.
1457: NJ-ANG active on «138.425» Callsign BICEP
1458: NJ flight reports "wx doesn't look that good" «138.425»

1502: BICEP flight now working «138.3»
1504: Martin State A-10s working tac «142.3» COLT flight of three. And later becomes a flight of four.
1505: SLAM flight announces RTB Richmond to GK on «238.1» with chat on «141.875» as they return.
1509: BICEP 11 flight checking in with SOF on «138.125»
1509: SLAM flight are all Code 1s «141.875»
1510: BICEP reports overcast over 90% of working area with tops at 5-6000 feet. «138.125» Says there may be a working area in the northeast portion of their zone.
1513: BICEP 11 still trying to determine where to work with SOF «138.125»
1513: Meanwhile BICEP 12 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1514: Have ARROW 21 (F-16, NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8»
1515: ARROW on «138.125» to V-17 «138.875»
1517: COLT 1 with BayWatch on «354.8» and then on «142.3» telling his flight they're being kicked out of their area and must go to R-6609. Apparently, there is just a little hole with good weather and everyone wants to work it.
1521: COLT flight, WARDOG and WILD EAGLE are all working together. WILD EAGLE asks COLT to make sure he lets all know he's with them. «142.3» I thought WILD EAGLE was a range controller when heard earlier but he's obviously an airborne controller.
1523: ARROW flight of two into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1528: SLAM is home....COLT/WARDOG/WILD EAGLE working «142.3» in ground attacks...BICEP flight (11/12) is staying on V-1 «138.125» for their attacks...ARROW flight (21/22) is using V-17 «138.875» for their ground attacks.
1532: COLT 2 reports joker «142.3»
1533: WARDOG takes his position overhead as the FAC for the attack...orders attack on a ship with 30mm first and then follow with bombs. «142.3»
Have three attacks by three different flights all at the same time so three radios are spitting constant chat...all three flights are very loud and clear due to Pax River area worked by all of them.
1544: Northrup Gruman test flight freq active «123.225»
1545: Wow!!...this has been interesting...all three groups still attacking targets...still on same freqs outlined at 1528 entry. Meanwhile transports and tankers are going to and from Andrews, McGuire and Dover but it's just too busy to try to log all those guys too.
1548: BICEP 12 getting tongue-tied...tried to call BICEP 11 and instead called BRIAR 22 which isn't a good callsign for NJ - as far as I know. BICEP leader -11 - having a problem copying SOF on this freq but stays on it for his next attack. «138.125»
1550: Meanwhile...ARROW 21/22 getting testy with each other over a problem 22 is having with his scope..."If I knew how to do that, I would have done it." response to a suggestion how to fix the problem. «138.875»
1552: COLT/WARDOG calls terminate and gets back into a wedge formation for their next attack. «142.3»
1553: BICEP wants DATALINK check with SOF on «138.125»
1554: ARROW has a problem with its next attack...21 didn't have 22 selected for the laser. «138.875»
1554: COLT/WARDOG leaving area with BayWatch on «270.8»
1555: BICEP attacking a building at a marina wherever they are «138.125»
1556: Various COLT and WARDOG with BayWatch on «281.8» report flt lvl 5k and that they'll be in a non-standard formation.
1558: Cancel what I said at 1548 about BRIAR 22....BRIAR 22 is a ground controller at the range being used by BICEP flight «138.125» Problem was mine, not theirs.

1600: BICEP flight reports they are RTB at this time to BRIAR 22. «138.125»
So...only ARROW flight is still attacking targets...everyone else on the way home.
1602: COLT flight on «142.3» COLT 1/3/4 are Code 1, 2 is Code 2...heading home now and switching to «347.2».
END OF REPORT...this has been one busy day.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1936: VA-ANG active on «141.825» Callsign FURY
1940: FURY 51 to GIANT KILLER on «249.8» Working in W-386
1941: FURY tells GK there will be a BASH flight also. «249.8»They want to use altitudes G through J.
1942: BASH checks into GK's area and says his flights will be MARSA with FURY. «249.8»
1946: FURY on 141.825 and BASH on 141.875
1948: They are going to GK's 292.3 for ops

2000: MASH 82 (KC-135 Grissom AFB IN) active on primary refueling 238.9
2004: JEDI 42 (F-15 Langley) and FORCE 37 (KC-10A McGuire) working with MASH 82
2012: RTB Richmond is the call from the VA-ANG with GK on 249.8
2016: Have someone working with HUNTRESS on of the tankers I believe.
2017: BASH with SOF on 142.175
2017: Tankers chatting on 228.0
2025: GEMINI 7924 to Dover -- arrival at 2050 local...He's a DC-10 Heavy cargo plane that has IDed as that several times into McGuire and Dover in the past. 134.10
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
MARSA = Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft, meaning they're going to do formation or other close flying and are absolving ATC from responsibility for separation

2000 <238.9> Force 37 calling Bash, arranging link-up (Bash could have been Mash, but I heard Force....)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
For Thursday, look for a flight of six A-10s that will be flying through our area. They are leaving Lajes in the Azores and deploying to Pope AFB NC. Callsigns will be TREND 21-26. We should start picking them up around noon to 1 p.m. - perhaps a little later - if all goes according to plan. They may just use the same tac freqs that we heard the Tuesday flight using...138.225/138.825/140.4/138.75/148.05/141.7. Some of those were heard before reaching our area. In other words, I'll be running an AM search from 138-149 mHz.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1010: BANGER and DEVIL F-16 flights from NJ-ANG Atlantic City active on tac freq «138.425» Buddy lase ground attack exercises taking place. Signal strength indicates they are around the Pax River Range at Vienna MD. Activity continuing at 1026.
1020: Langley F-15s into GIANT KILLER area on «238.1»
1035: Langley tac freq «233.525» active
1047: BANGER 2 ship reached bingo and is cleared to RTB as a single ship. «138.425»
1053: DEVIL 11 with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8»
1054: DEVIL 11 with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»

1102: DEVIL flight announces RTB Atlantic City to BatWatch on «354.8»
1102: BANGER flight leader says they have to be on the ground by 15 after the hour for the turnaround (whatever that is). «138.425»
1106: NJ flights on «138.125» with SOF. They are talking about going to an unspecified range and mention last they heard the ceiling was only 3800 feet.
1107: BANGER calls Maintenance Ops on «138.125» Says the conditions at the range will not permit him to use it...will be on the ground in 6-9 minutes. Meanwhile, part of the flight is on «285.4» with ZDC-Sea Isle for clearances along the route to Atlantic City.
1110: Flight to DEVIL SOF to say they'll land on runway 13 «138.125»
1111: Maintenance from DEVIL 12 announcing Code 1 inbound «138.125»
1144: DEECEE 41 (KC-135, 756th ARS, Andrews) reports to LIBERATOR that he's off the deck at 39 past the hour. «351.2» (Add LIBERATOR to callsign list)
1153: DC-ANG active on tac «127.275» Callsign BULLY, flight of three

1204: JOSA 169 reports off from Andrews at 1601Z «378.1»
1206: BULLY flight with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3» asking for handoff to GIANT KILLER
1206: BULLY flight leader says, "Push 255.0" while on «127.275»
1207: BULLY to GK announces work in area W-107 for 45 minutes. «255.0»
1210: BULLY flight using tac «127.275» for their ops
1212: BULLY flight leader tells flight to change to «337.225». "Push 3-3-7decimal2-2-5" They did this a couple of days ago and I never heard anything on that freq. They immediately start talking on «127.275» as they did the other day. I just don't understand what that 337 freq is all about.
1214: BULLY to Victor-7 or «143.15»
1217: BULLY to DARKSTAR on «143.15» Air combat exercises. DARKSTAR is just an exercise callsign in this case - he's not really there but it allows the pilots to use the actual terminology they would in combat.
1223: TARA 21 (female in the seat) to GIANT KILLER on «305.0»
1225: The BULLY flight finally did it....they are using «337.225» as an operational/tactical freq. And that forces me to add it to the scan rotation and to the freq list for this unit.
1228: TARA 21 to GK on «255.0» TARA is unknown callsign but has been noted flying into and out of Andrews. Had a TARA 31 into KADW on 9/7/05. TARA 21 is something other than a fighter aircraft....kind of pins it down, eh? Not.
1236: Langley tac «228.175» active with a flight of two.
1238: Langley fighter to GK's area on «238.1» Missed callsign of entering aircraft but mentioned will be MARSA with several callsigns including HUNGRY, SABER/SABRE, TONGA - all Langley F-15s.
1243: Langley tac freq «358.85» is active.
1246: BULLY flight back to «127.275» One of them has a problem with fuel indicator - he's showing zero fuel...he's going to RTB....BULLY 2 is the one...he's going to proceed toward Sea Isle. Flight leader going to GK on «255.0» to clear flight out and head for home.
1252: Clearance back to Andrews with no delays for the BULLY aircraft is going to follow the problem aircraft to make sure there is no fuel leak. The other aircraft will follow closely in protective mode as they head home. Already cleared for direct in landing at KADW. «127.275»
1254: BULLY aircraft with the problem estimates he has 4K pounds of fuel based on what he started with if there is no leak and it's just a bad indicataor.
1257: Langley tac freq «276.675» active. IRON 1/2 working it (F-15s)
1258: BULLY clearing through ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»...descending from 19K to 16K fl.
1258: BULLY to «277.4» ZDC-Kenton

1301: BULLYs push V-1 and come up on «139.9» with SOF. BULLY leader runs through the problem with SOF. States nothing on the checklist covers the problem.
1305: Push V-5 and BULLY flight is on «127.275» again.
1306: BULLY flight changes to «317.425» Potomac TRACON for BWI and totally confuse the poor gal running the show there because she doesn't understand why they are flying a 1-2 formation rather than together and she also thought it was a four ship formation so she's giving squawk codes for an aircraft that isn't there. All fixed in a minute or so. Actually, she's a good controller. She sends the flight off to «270.275» - a Reagan National TRACON approach freq where they report descending down to 2000 feet.
1314: BULLY flight reports gear down and slowing to 180 «127.275»
1314: Contact with Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing.
1317: The BULLY flight is safely on the ground «349.0» A little drama for a rather slow day.
1318: U/I Langley fighters on GK's «391.2» for ops.
1320: DEMON 52 (Many listings for this callsign but it doesn't sound like a fighter) landing at Andrews on «349.0» Female in the driver's seat.
1323: VAPOR 81 calling IRON Ops on Langley's «357.1» Heard them earlier entering GK's area on «238.1» and reporting as a two ship F-15 flight (and forgot to log it). They were part of that large gaggle of fighters that all entered with HUNGRY and the others.

1406: Northrup Gruman test flight freq active -- aircraft giving wx report to ground station at BWI «123.225»
1408: WOLF flight (F-15s Langley) into GK's area on «249.8»
1410: Langley tac freq «233.525» active with WOLF flight of two
1410: Northrup Gruman flight IDs as 64Whiskey and calls "Harrisburg Movers, are you up?" a couple of times. «123.225»
1413: Navy 296 calling Langley Command Post a couple of times with no reply «251.25»
1414: Navy 296 then tries «311.0»
1424: DEECEE 41 calling TIGER Ops on «351.2» Someone else answers up and 41 explains that he was calling Tiger Ops just to see what the weather was like (at Andrews) «351.2»
1427: Once again 64W calls "Harrisburg Movers" and asks if they're still moving. «123.225»
1428: VA-ANG F-16s Richmond active on tac «141.825» Callsign SLAM, flight of three
1433: "OMAHA 2, THOR copies all." was the message heard on «282.45»
1435: "OMAHA, OMAHA, this is THOR. Say current position. Over" «282.45»
1436: "OMAHA 2, this is THOR. We have a positive position for you now." «282.45» OMAHA 2 weakly heard in response.
1437: SLAM flight leader says to "push 141.65" «141.825»
1437: Sure enough, SLAM flight is heard on «141.65» (Add freq to tac list for VA-ANG)

NOTE: A scan of the VHF AM air freqs over the past hour or so has discovered no TREND deployment aircraft as expected. Didn't get confirmation that they flew either.

Continued below.....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1440: NJ-ANG active on «138.425»
1442: Have fighters in GK's area with ops on «312.3»
1443: More GK ops on «389.1» It's a flight of three WOLF F-15s from Langley.
1445: More VA-ANG F-16s active on tac «141.625» Flight of two.
1447: WOLF 12 announces RTB to GK on «249.8»
1451: Refueling boom freq «387.8» is active.
1456: NJ-ANG flight vectoring toward an airborne target «138.425»
1458: Tankers asking if they are going to fly around a weather cell. «387.8» No callsign but one of them is IDed as 56.
1459: VA-ANG pair on «141.875» This is the pair from «141.625»

1500: Tanker and fighter in refueling activity in Pax River area on «350.9» They are using hose and drogue method so we can call this a Navy fighter.
1503: Langley tac freq «233.525» active and mention changing to «312.3» prime
1506: SLAM flight using «141.875» for chat and doing air combat exercises on «141.65»
1510: SLAM flight going home to Richmond using «141.875»
1511: The VA-ANG pair originally heard on «141.825» is back on that freq approaching Richmond
1514: Northrup Gruman flight tells Harrisburg Movers they are complete and he's cleared to return. «123.225» Sure wish I knew what Harrisburg Movers is.
1515: Tanker back on Pax «350.9» freq and mentions dropping to 4000 feet.
1517: Our Northrup flight tells someone he can stay on the west side of the mountains because of the weather. Well, okay. «123.225»
1521: Northrup flight now talks to "Hancock Movers" and tells them they can start moving because 64W is 6 minutes from IP. «123.225»
1521: MD-ANG A-10s active on «347.2»
1523: Langley fighters on «233.525» with one mentioning a gun failure which he says he's never seen before.
1525: MD-ANG with Raven Ops on «143.8»
1526: Someone - maybe MD-ANG - keying up on «40.15 FM» but no voice heard.
1528: MD-ANG A-10s are talking on «41.95FM» "Let's go to 142.3 Sandy," says one of them. And so they do.
1539: U/I fighters enter GK's area on «233.7»
1549-1553: TOPCAT 03 (KC-135 McGuire AFB NJ) being called (several times) by THUG 10 (B-1B, Elsworth AFB SD) on refueling primary freq «238.9»
1554: THUG 10 says he had trouble getting out of McGuire and is about 7 minutes late. Wants to know if that'll cause a problem. TOPCAT says it's not...he'll just do a couple of 360s and be there at the IP when THUG arrives. «238.9»
1554: 64W calls Hancock Movers on «123.225»
1555: 64W to Hancock Movers...says to go as far east as possible and at that point they'll be done. 64W wants Hancock Movers to "drive as slowly as possible." Are Hancock Movers and Harrisburg Movers aircraft or trucks? «123.225»
1600: END OF REPORT...for now...WOW..can't believe we blew right through 20,000 page views already of this thread.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1913: Have OPEC 48 (KC-10A McGuire) talking to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» asking if they could check "down there" because they were scheduled to refuel a YODA 92 flight (F-15s Langley) later but the weather is not so good down there.
1916: OPEC 48 says they're "heading down that way." «319.4»

NOTE: The TREND flight I was expecting to hear today as they passed through our area never took off from Lajes. Apparently, they are rescheduled for Saturday.

Second NOTE: It was brought to my attention that I typed 282.45 rather than 282.425 for the OMAHA Customs freq a couple of times. My should be 282.425.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Earlier this evening had CACTI 91 followed later by CACTI 81 arrive McGuire.Both were KC-10's and sounded beat up as both were alpha 2 for maint and not much fuel.
They sounded tired like they just completed a long flight and that callsign is usally a trans-Atlantic or cross country callsign.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, I'm not sure how they number the flights but I know CACTI 83 and 93 just flew a trans-Atlantic flight escorting deploying F-16s from Spangdahlen to Wright-Patterson. I wonder if they were part of that tanker escort fleet. That would explain the "beat up" sound.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1953: REACH 7033 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» due at Dover at 0015Z...A-2 maint status -- air refueling door indicator shows closed when door is still open, pilot's air speed gauge not working, #4 engine starting button pax or cargo to offload. Parking on Q row once they land. (REACH=contract aircraft on transport mission)

2005: Copters buzzing around Phillips AAF on «126.15» and MUSSEL Ops active on «292.2»
2031: ?PANTHER? 41 to McGuire on «319.4» 30 minutes out, A-2, 3 pax, no cargo
2031: Tanker interplane freq «139.875» active

2210: OPEC 49 calling OPEC 48 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) on tanker interplane «139.875» No reply after a couple of calls.
2215: OPEC 49 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports 30 minutes from landing, A-1 maintenance status, 9700 pounds of fuel on board.
2245: Airevac 33127 approaching Andrews to land on the hour, parking 13 row, 5 medics and their litter equipment to download along with 11 Space A pax, need crew bus, no fuel needed. «378.1» Wants to do a quick turnaround.
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
At 2026 Mussell-03 is ten minutes out from Mt. Weather on 241.0. Status Alpha4.

This is just 1 minute after flying directly over my house.

The "tower" mic is left open and you can hear chatter in the background.

2033-Sounds like they're trying to call the tower, but the tower can't hear them.

At 2037 Mussell-03 contacted Mussell Control and asked them to landline their 2nd destination and advise them they have a hot mic and Mussell-03 can not contact them. The Alpha4 pad is obscured and they will not be landing.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
1953: REACH 7033 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» due at Dover at 0015Z...A-2 maint status -- air refueling door indicator shows closed when door is still open, pilot's air speed gauge not working, #4 engine starting button pax or cargo to offload. Parking on Q row once they land. (REACH=contract aircraft on transport mission).
The REACH callsigns are also used by military aircraft flying Air Mobility Command (AMC) Missions, in this case Reach 7033, is probably C-5B 87-0033 'Spirit of Tuskegee Airmen' with 436th AW based at Dover AFB... From my prior listening the number after "Reach" can either be a mission number(usually with both numbers and letters) or as in this case a shortened form of the tail number...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No opportunity today for a full log ... perhaps someone else can step in today. At the moment I'm hearing....

1045: MD-ANG is up and active on 142.3, callsign AXEMAN
1046: NJ-ANG active on 138.425
1049: MD-ANG also using 143.80 w/Raven Ops
1050: MD-ANG flight using R-6609 area in Pax River area...still on 142.3 for ops
1115: RAVEN 1 to Raven Ops on 347.2 at 10 minutes out
1117: AXEMAN clears out of BayWatch area on 281.8
1126-29: Israeli Air Force 089 calling Dover Command Post several times on 134.1 without a reply.
1149: JOSA 817 into Andrews on 141.55...25 minutes out, A-1, needs 2K fuel, parking on 3 row, an S-3 DV pax...will have 7 Space A seats available on the outbound.

Not much flying other than the transports due to rainy weather covering the area today.

1209: ROCCO 80 (KC-135 McGuire) to Andrews Command Post on 141.55 asking for a message to be passed to TORCH Control at McGuire that their arrival time there will be 1645Z. He gives Andrews a telephone number to accomplish that. The only strange thing here is that TORCH Control is not a listed facility at McGuire within the info package I have for a reference. I guess it is now however.
1326: VOLT 29 (C-17, Charleston AFB SC) to SAM Command on 141.55...reports he'll be landing 1745Z, is A-1, has 139 pax and 2 baggage pallets to offload, needs a crew bus and lav service and requests parking. Andrews wants him to break down the baggage pallets on the plane which the pilot questions. I didn't understand the reason given in the reply. Parking on 13 row - changed to 12 row. His tail # is 97-0046.
1339: VOLT 29 asks Andrews to tell transportation to have the buses pull up to the back of the plane and the pax will unload from the rear ramp. "Okay," says the CP. «141.55»
1353: REACH 9023, a C-5 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports 30 miles out, 2 pax to drop off, no cargo, A-1, needs refueling...reports just a gas-and-go stop is reuested
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1404: Warren Grove Range active «283.1»
1404: A-10 chat on «41.4 FM»
I can find no tac freq with fighter chat however.
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