1220: COSMIC 41 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) active on «138.2»
1222: COSMIC flight doing an air intercept of a Boeing 747...tells ground controller to stand by for tail number. «138.2» HUNTRESS is ground controller...real or exercise??
1223: COSMIC working with HUNTRESS...gives ?? Airlines, tail #84137. «138.2» Couldn't pick out the name of the airline through the static.
1227: COSMIC reports everything seems to be normal on the intercepted aircraft...says the pilot gave a thumbs up in response to his thumbs up. Says he'll escort flight to New York. It appears the 747 must have lost radio contact since they were giving hand signals rather than using the radio.
1228: COSMIC flight (41 and 42) told to terminate. This is indeed a real exercise with HUNTRESS. COSMIC 41 will continue to track in the east end of the area and 42 in the west.
1231: COSMIC 42 reports to HUNTRESS he's ready in the west (on station). «138.2»
1236: Langley Command Post freq «251.25» active....fighter reports Code 1 and will arrive in 10 minutes. No callsign heard. Pilot wants that message passed to Ops.
1239: COSMIC flight discontinuing track...says they'll be back on the ground in 15 minutes «138.2»
1242: COSMIC flight talking with their Command Post on «138.2»
1245: COSMIC 41 is Code 1, 42 is Code 2..."push Victor-1" «138.2» Should come up on «138.125»
1247: COSMIC flight clears to runway 31. «138.125»
1248: OPEC 33 with McGuire CP on «319.4» (See item above beginning at 1107)
1257: Langley tac freq «358.85» active
1300: ICEMAN 71 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «249.8». Says he'll be MARSA with MEXICO (F-15 Langley) and AIRGUN (F-15 Langley)
1301: DC-ANG active, F-16s, Andrews, callsign WILD, flight of three on «127.275»
1302: ICEMAN on «249.8» reports change to 10 AUX
1305: ICEMAN ops on «391.2»
1306: Langley tac «228.175» active.
1307: WILD flight splitting up over range. «127.275» Low level flight and might get difficult to hear. WILD 3 down to 1000 feet.
1310: ICEMAN to AIRGUN on «249.8» and then ops on «391.2»
1311: WILD flight leader says Atlantic City looks pretty good (in relation to what?) «127.275»
1314: AIRGUN 81 to GK reports RTB 5 minutes «249.8»
1315: WILD 1 to GK on «249.8» reports flight of three. Will work W-107.
1317: WILD 1 tries to contact GK on «249.8» and then «255.0»
1319: SALTY DOG 103 into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1322: WILD 1/2 in air intercept mode...3 is playing the target.
1323-1330: WILD 1/2 make their move against WILD 3 and fail in making a good intercept and shoot. «127.275»
1332: They are going to try again.
1333: Langley «357.1» active. This is IRON Ops freq...CP for 1st FW.
1338: WHISKEY 81/82 with IRON Ops on «357.1» Only listing I have for WHISKEY is for F-16s from Hill AFB UT. Deployment perhaps for some real world training.
1347: WILD flight about finished...flight leader tells flight to push GK's freq «255.0» for RTB.
1350: WILD 2 on GK's «255.0» to announce RTB.
1351: WILD flight Sea Isle direct «255.0»
1359: RAVEN Ops active to aircraft on the ground «347.2» Flight up soon?
1359: SALTY DOG 302 in BayWatch area on «350.9»
1402: WILD 2 flight with SOF on «139.9» giving mission report.
1403: SALTY DOG 124 in BayWatch area on «270.8»
1403: WILD flight talking about a "channel 43 and Gate Key 4" on «127.275»
1404: WILD 1 and 3 report both Code 1. «127.275»
1405: WILD clears through Sea Isle «285.4»
1407: WILD 3 reports seeing an aircraft on his scope that's probably a "Tomcat." One of those SALTY DOGS I imagine. WILD 1 reports seeing it...describes as white and blue. «127.275»
1409: WILD 1 "push V-1" and come up on «139.9» SOF to report mission results..report 69 miles out..."push V-5" and go back to «127.275»
1411: WILD changes to «277.4» ZDC-Kenton and back to «127.275»
1412: STEEL 89 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburgh) calling BATON Ops (CP, PA-ANG, Harrisburg) on «395.1»
1415: WILD reports over Easton Airport...mention Martin State is 30 miles to the north of them (well....he's a little off, but...) «127.275»
1420: WILD 3 reports his farm is off their 3 o'clock between the river and Route 4 «127.275» Not sure why that was worth typing. Eventually they switch to «349.0» for landing at Andrews.
1422: STEEL 89 makes contact with BATON Ops on «395.1» and announces he's 15 minutes out, needs airstairs and will offload 37 pax and their baggage. FOLLOW ME truck will meet him on the taxiway.
1423: COLT 1 (A-10 Martin State) with BayWatch on «281.8»
1426: PAT 953 25 minutes out from Andrews, IDs as UC-35, tail #30726, dropping off one Space A pax, picking up 7 for trip to Des Moines, no Space A available on the outbound.
1430: And all is quiet once again except for that COLT out there somewhere. He isn't talking anymore. Break time.
1437: SLAM (F-16, VA-ANG, Richmond) trying to enter GK's area on «249.8» Keeps asking GK to repeat...says she's weak, says she's unreadable (I can almost hear him swearing to himself).
1441: SLAM, flight of 3, on tac «141.875»
1443: SLAM cameras on, fight's on «141.875» air combat exercise
1444: SLAM flight ops in GK's area on «292.3»
1444: WARDOG (OA-10, Martin State) reports off the deck at 1442 «347.2»
1449: TESTER 08 with BayWatch on «270.8»
1451: U/I C-38 from the 201st ALS into Andrews in 15 minutes with 36 pax...wants arrangements made for pickup. «314.25»
1451: TESTER 08 reports he'll be working 35-37,000 fl «270.8»
1455: WARDOG into BayWatch area on «270.8» 25K fl for 60 minutes playtime.
1457: NJ-ANG active on «138.425» Callsign BICEP
1458: NJ flight reports "wx doesn't look that good" «138.425»
1502: BICEP flight now working «138.3»
1504: Martin State A-10s working tac «142.3» COLT flight of three. And later becomes a flight of four.
1505: SLAM flight announces RTB Richmond to GK on «238.1» with chat on «141.875» as they return.
1509: BICEP 11 flight checking in with SOF on «138.125»
1509: SLAM flight are all Code 1s «141.875»
1510: BICEP reports overcast over 90% of working area with tops at 5-6000 feet. «138.125» Says there may be a working area in the northeast portion of their zone.
1513: BICEP 11 still trying to determine where to work with SOF «138.125»
1513: Meanwhile BICEP 12 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1514: Have ARROW 21 (F-16, NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Snow Hill on «256.8»
1515: ARROW on «138.125» to V-17 «138.875»
1517: COLT 1 with BayWatch on «354.8» and then on «142.3» telling his flight they're being kicked out of their area and must go to R-6609. Apparently, there is just a little hole with good weather and everyone wants to work it.
1521: COLT flight, WARDOG and WILD EAGLE are all working together. WILD EAGLE asks COLT to make sure he lets all know he's with them. «142.3» I thought WILD EAGLE was a range controller when heard earlier but he's obviously an airborne controller.
1523: ARROW flight of two into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1528: SLAM is home....COLT/WARDOG/WILD EAGLE working «142.3» in ground attacks...BICEP flight (11/12) is staying on V-1 «138.125» for their attacks...ARROW flight (21/22) is using V-17 «138.875» for their ground attacks.
1532: COLT 2 reports joker «142.3»
1533: WARDOG takes his position overhead as the FAC for the attack...orders attack on a ship with 30mm first and then follow with bombs. «142.3»
Have three attacks by three different flights all at the same time so three radios are spitting constant chat...all three flights are very loud and clear due to Pax River area worked by all of them.
1544: Northrup Gruman test flight freq active «123.225»
1545: Wow!!...this has been interesting...all three groups still attacking targets...still on same freqs outlined at 1528 entry. Meanwhile transports and tankers are going to and from Andrews, McGuire and Dover but it's just too busy to try to log all those guys too.
1548: BICEP 12 getting tongue-tied...tried to call BICEP 11 and instead called BRIAR 22 which isn't a good callsign for NJ - as far as I know. BICEP leader -11 - having a problem copying SOF on this freq but stays on it for his next attack. «138.125»
1550: Meanwhile...ARROW 21/22 getting testy with each other over a problem 22 is having with his scope..."If I knew how to do that, I would have done it."...in response to a suggestion how to fix the problem. «138.875»
1552: COLT/WARDOG calls terminate and gets back into a wedge formation for their next attack. «142.3»
1553: BICEP wants DATALINK check with SOF on «138.125»
1554: ARROW has a problem with its next attack...21 didn't have 22 selected for the laser. «138.875»
1554: COLT/WARDOG leaving area with BayWatch on «270.8»
1555: BICEP attacking a building at a marina wherever they are «138.125»
1556: Various COLT and WARDOG with BayWatch on «281.8» report flt lvl 5k and that they'll be in a non-standard formation.
1558: Cancel what I said at 1548 about BRIAR 22....BRIAR 22 is a ground controller at the range being used by BICEP flight «138.125» Problem was mine, not theirs.
1600: BICEP flight reports they are RTB at this time to BRIAR 22. «138.125»
So...only ARROW flight is still attacking targets...everyone else on the way home.
1602: COLT flight on «142.3» COLT 1/3/4 are Code 1, 2 is Code 2...heading home now and switching to «347.2».
END OF REPORT...this has been one busy day.