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Jul 24, 2005
n3bxv said:
The REACH callsigns are also used by military aircraft flying Air Mobility Command (AMC) Missions, in this case Reach 7033, is probably C-5B 87-0033 'Spirit of Tuskegee Airmen' with 436th AW based at Dover AFB... From my prior listening the number after "Reach" can either be a mission number(usually with both numbers and letters) or as in this case a shortened form of the tail number...

Figuring out REACH calls can be a hobby unto itself. :) You've got the 4 digit serial type, then the 3 digit type... The 3 digit 'T', three digit 'Y', three digit 'X'... On and on. Two to look for are 8216 and 8213. Those are modified C-5s used for transporting space payloads.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1035: Have some fighters up but not sure yet who they are. Transmissions being heard on «138.00» and «138.625»
Never expected to hear anything today because of the rainy weather blanketing this area.
1047: It appears this may be a deployment passing through our area. Last transmission heard on «138.00» at 1040 and the «138.625» freq is getting weak.
1049: PACK 11 (KC-135, Pease AFB NH) is flying along with the flight. I couldn't hear the callsign of the group he's accompanying. «138.00»
1050: Pilots chatting about McDill (AFB FL) and one asking the other if they are to start flying on Tuesday. «138.625»
1055: Mention of going to the tanker «138.625»
1057: Chat on refueling boom freq «387.8» Mention of being somewhere in 25 minutes.
Unfortunately, these guys weren't very talkative during the 20+ minutes they were overhead our area. They now seem to be gone from listening range at 1109.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Caught some of those fighters with PACK 11 on tape and they were MAPLE 83 flight of 4 mentioning headed to Shaw AFB.
Vermont ANG is sometimes the alert squadron out of there.

Too bad it is raining out.Was hoping to maybe catch a flyby at the Air Force at Navy game today at 1:30pm local.I'm sure Navy would have had some f-18's for that.Who knows maybe they still get something airborne.All weather F-18's? LOL


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1155 <281.4><288.35> Spider 45 with ATC then with Guarddog, working Huntress then push with Huntress to <260.9> and Guarddog <135.525>. (edit) My bad, they're Langley Fighters...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
SPIDER is the North Dakota ANG which regularly deploys to Langley - in fact, even has a detachment there. They've often taken CAP duties in the past.

SPIDER flight leader has been trying to get a phone patch back to his SOF at Langley through HUNTRESS but doesn't seem to be having much luck.
The 2005 BRAC report calls for the 119th Fighter Wing at Fargo ND to be phased out and for their F-16s to be retired rather then sent elsewhere. If it happens that way, that'll be the end of SPIDER missions to Langley.
Both SPIDER 45 & 46 are reporting Code 3 for various problems.
1240: The SPIDER flight is going to RTB in 5 minutes.
1245: SPIDER flight clearing out of GUARD DOG sector on 135.525 at 220FL for return trip to Langley.
1246: They switch to ZDC-Patuxent on 281.4 to clear out
1247: The are using tac 138.0 for chat on the way home.
1251: They report being 40 miles out from Langley and tell SOF they are both Code 3. One also had trapped fuel in his wing tank but managed to get it flowing by rocking the plane. Same freq - 138.0
This thing didn't look like a real CAP - perhaps just CAP training since they were here from Fargo and needed to get some work in.

That transmission at 1251 was the last I heard from them. I cheated on finding that 138.0 tac freq because I already had it programmed from past deployments of that unit to Langley.

1432-37: DUKE 82 (F-16, 178th Fighter Squadron, ND-ANG, Fargo) with ZDC-Patuxent on 281.4. Changes to 387.0 (Wonder if they are sending the broken F-16 we heard earlier back home.)
1446: DUKE 82 with ZDC-Elkins WV at FL280, heading 275 degrees. Just before that heard him on 284.7 ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA also reporting FL280
1604: REACH 5030 calling RAYMOND 16 (1st Fighter Wing, Langley) on 311.0
1607: REACH 5030 reaches RAYMOND 16 and says he's 35 minutes out and asks about a "one hour early go" and asks if they have flight meal capabilities.
NOTE: The RAYMOND callsigns are used for Air Combat Command command posts. There is a whole string of them with numbered suffixes.
1612-20: EVAC 3113 to Andrews on 378.1 several times, gives message and then repeats it on 141.55 because, of course, Andrews didn't copy it...arriving at Andrews at 2033, has one pallet to offload, 22 litter patients, 15 ambulatory patients, 6 medical attendants, needs full fleet service, wants customs and refueling. Needs 30,000 pounds of fuel.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1026: OMAHA (Customs) with THOR announcing he's on approach to DCA. «282.425» THOR acknowledges.
1134-38: ETHAN 05 (F-16, VA-ANG Burlington) with ZDC-Linden on «319.1»
NOTE: Some confusion over whether Linden is 319.1 or 319.2. It's difficult to prove one or the other since the aircraft usually just call Washington Center when on the freq. The only way to be certain would be to get a reference on another freq sending the aircraft to Linden specifically with a frequency assignment.
1146: CAPE 11 (F-15, 101st Fighter Squadron, Otis ANGB, MA) with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ) «254.3»
1150: CAPE 11 reports to Washington Center he's proceeding towards Otis..FMH and his alternate will be KCEF...Westover Air Reserve Base. «254.3»
1232: Flight of two aircraft at FL 270, standard formation, with ZDC-Grantsville on «285.6» (missed callsign)
1247: JECKYL or JOKER 13, flight of three with ZDC-Linden on «319.1» Direct to Flat Rock. (Flat Rock is FAK-VORTAC in Flat Rock VA)

Only activity today is on the Center frequencies. Weather is a solid overcast with low cloud base over the entire area.

1255: Above flight told to change to «284.7» ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA which he does and reports FL 270, descending to 250...a minute later to FL 230. Let's make the callsign JOKER 13 which are F/A-18s from VFA-34 at Oceana NAS. At 1302 the flight mentions going to Oceana which should confirm the callsign.

1456: DIAMOND 41 (poss. F-14 Oceana NAS), single ship, with ZNY-Elk Mountain on «298.9» (Need more info for firm ID on callsign - several outfits use that call.)
1504: DIAMOND 41 reports single ship, FL 340 to ZNY-Millville NJ on «323.3»
1505: DIAMOND 41 wants direct Birmingham and gets it from ZNY-Millville NJ «323.3»
1519: DIAMOND 41 at FL 340 with ZDC-Falls Church VA «381.5»
1529: SWITCH 12 (F-18, VFA-151, North Island NAS CA) with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» wanting FL 280 from 240 and gets it.
1537: MUSSEL 12 copter on «292.2» w/MUSSEL Control trying to get back to Andrews before a ramp freeze that goes into effect at 1545. (He better hurry.)
1555: Ramp freeze at Andews looks like 1615 is the effective time. This from the Andrews Command Post on «141.55»
1600: END OF (a very weather related, abbreviated) REPORT
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0940: DC-ANG (F-16, Andrews AFB MD) active on «143.15» Callsign SCARY
0943: SCARY, flight of two, with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ «254.3» reports standard formation and little else. Back to tac freq «143.15»
0950: NJ-ANG (F-16, Atlantic City) active with HUNTRESS (NORAD) on «260.9» Callsign COSMIC, flight of two.
0951: SCARY flight into the GIANT KILLER area on «255.0»
0958: SCARY flight with HUNTRESS on their tac «143.15»
0959: COSMIC flight wants BRAA to do their Alpha check. «260.9»
0959: SCARY flight mentions seeing friendly flight - meaning COSMIC - to HUNTRESS «143.15»

1000: SCARY flight also asking for BRAA from HUNTRESS. «143.15»
1001: COSMIC flight going to the tanker for refueling. «260.9»
1001: Another DC-ANG flight in the air. «127.275» Flight of two F-16s. (This might have been the SCARY flight that just changed to this freq temporarily.)
1003: COSMIC flight identifies as 45 and 46 with HUNTRESS... 1 and 2 for tac work....COSMIC 46 going to the tanker first. «260.9»
1005: TANKER 33 on freq with COSMICs. «260.9»
1007: COSMIC having trouble finding the target on his scope because HUNTRESS hasn't filtered out all the FAA traffic. «260.9»
1011: COSMIC 45 to the tanker. «260.9» Refueling is on another freq that I haven't found yet.
1013: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG) with GK on «255.0» Mention going to «288.0»
1013: DEVIL flight comes up on «288.0»
1017: SCARY flight tells HUNTRESS that weather at Andrews is below minimums and they might have to divert to alternate. «143.15»
1018: COSMIC flight also talking about conserving gas because they might have to go to an alternate airfield for landing due to weather. «260.9»
1025: Both COSMIC and SCARY flights have been vectored by HUNTRESS toward various targets over the past several minutes. «260.9/143.15»
1028: SCARY to SENATE SOF on «139.9» Checking on the wx at Andrews.
1030: COSMIC flight told to push 364.8 for a radio check. «260.9» COSMIC tells HUNTRESS "no joy" on 364.8 but I never heard the COSMIC flight there...perhaps he meant he didn't hear HUNTRESS calling him.
1031: SCARY flight on SOF...sounds like they're coming home. «139.9»
1037: SCARY flight still heading for Andrews...wx is lousy, runways wet. «139.9»
1038: COSMIC flight also heading for home. «260.9» Or talking about it.
1043: One of the NJ-ANG flights, DEVIL, heading home on «138.425»
1044: COSMIC flight still with HUNTRESS on «260.9» but talking about the gas they'll need to make it home.
1049: SCARY flight over to Andrews Tower on «349.0» gear down and ready to do it.
1051: COSMIC flight setting up for runway 31 back in Atlantic City. Done with HUNTRESS. «260.9»
1053: COSMIC tells HUNTRESS he's going to do a big 360 to burn off some gas. «260.9»
1056: DEVIL flight still doing air combat training while on the way home. «138.425»
1057: COSMIC flight to Base Ops on «261.0» saying they'll be RTB in 3 minutes from the HUNTRESS area...both 45 and 46 are Code 1.
1058: COSMIC reports they have an hour's worth of fuel left «260.9»
1059: DEVIL flight leader tells GK on «255.0» that they got a one hour extension until 1600Z so they are not ready to RTB.

1100: COSMIC flight changes to «363.0» ZDC-Millville NJ and reports RTB Atlantic City. Current FL250.
1100: COSMIC flight thanks HUNTRESS for all the help and clears off his freq «260.9»
1105: COSMIC flight on «138.2» for tac on way home. They are reporting a lot of noise on "Victor."
1106: COSMIC push V-15 while on «138.2» and come up on «138.425»...oops, DEVIL is here...push V-17 to «138.875»
1108: COSMIC flight from FL250 to 240...then to 220 about 30 seconds later. «363.0» A Minute later to 18, then 16 and leveling at 16,000,
1109: Tanker chat on interplane «139.875» One of them will take primary and the other to secondary refueling freq. No callsigns used.
1134: DUKE 81 (F-16, ND-ANG, Fargo) with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «282.2» reporting flight level. (We know the ND-ANG is deployed to Langley.)

Continued below if necessary....
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
On Fox news this morning they reported that there will be intercept training exercises late tonight and early tomorrow morning in the DC area.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1233: JOSA 015, a C-21, tail #40129 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports arriving at McGuire in A-1 status, no DVs, no pax and will need 3K fuel upon landing.
1246: DRAGNET Uniform (E3B, Tinker AFB OK) calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» No reply.
1251: DRAGNET to GIANT KILLER for radio check on «249.8» Apparently, no reply.
1256-1300: NORTHEN LIGHTS (NorthEast Air Defense Sector-NEADS in Rome NY) from ??? on «364.2» wanting to know if something has changed. Speaker is a female with a British accent. Wants to know if something is Red Seven. I can't pick out her callsign..something like MUSKET but that isn't quite correct. Wants HUNTRESS to come up on this freq.
[See note after the entry at 1346 below for correction on the callsign. Wish I could erase everything between here and there to prevent embarrassment.]

1304: A male British speaker on GIANT KILLER freq «338.1» says will go back to «364.2» That female speaker then comes up there and wants to know if there are other players today. The signal is loud enough but I just can't seem to understand what she's saying. I'm ashamed to say I lived in Britain and still don't have a clue what she's talking about.
1309-15: Both the female and male speakers are on «364.2» just yakking away with NORTHERN LIGHTS. That callsign is about the only thing that's clear. The aircraft callsign sounds like MUGGET (those Gs sound like Js) which I know is a valid word but I find no reference to it anywhere. By the way, MUGGET means "the small entrails of a calf or a hog."
1317: MUGGET, while on «364.2» says she's switching to RED-6...apparently «364.2» is RED-7. However she calls NORTHERN LIGHTS on the same freq and now says she's on RED-6. This chick is screwing with my head. <g>
1319: MUGGET confirms a good Alpha check with NORTHERN LIGHTS on «364.2» which probably refers to a DATALINK system onboard. I think she asked if they could just remain in W-106 for now.
1322: DC-ANG active on «127.275» Flight of two. Callsign WILD
1326: MUGGET tells NORTHERN LIGHTS that she can't do something with them today but should be able to do it by the end of the week....sigh...does this mean she's going to be talking for the next 3-4 days? «364.2»
1327: MUGGET (the male) with GK on «249.8» wanting W-386.
1327: WILD flight with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3»
1328: WILD says he breaks out above the clouds at 20K FL. «127.275»
1331: MUGGET (the male) with GK on «249.8» enters coordinates and wants an Alpha check and wants exact coordinates for some point that I can't understand. This is torture. Anyway, he's working with his DATALINK which is about all I know. The male speaker sounds more Australian than from the U.K.
1332: WILD flight on «254.3» and says he'll change to «257.7» ZDC-Cape Charles and does and then goes back to «127.275»
1337: MUGGET (male) reports just entering W-386 to GK on «249.8» Says he'll be happy to go to «288.4» and I let him go...happily.
1338: WILD to «277.6» but I never hear them on that freq «127.275»
1341: OHHHH NOOOO! MUGGET is now calling WILD 1 on «277.6» and gets a reply but I don't hear the WILD flight on this freq...strange because the flight is still loud and clear on other freqs.
1342: MUGGET (yet another male) on GK «249.8»
1342: Now the WILD flight is loud and clear on «277.6» with MUGGET...WILD 1 in south and WILD 2 in the north...getting ready to do something with MUGGET....meanwhile, back on «127.275» the WILD flight comments that "all these guys sound alike" referring to the British accented speakers on and with MUGGET. Glad I'm not the only one.
MUGGET is obviously something like an E3B airborne controller with a couple of male speakers in the back end of the plane and the female in the front end. They are going to use two scopes to control both WILD aircraft simultaneously.
1346: MUGGET asks WILDs playtime and is told 30 minutes I believe. «277.6» The WILD flight is not sounding good on the radio. MUGGET just tells WILD his transmission is broken and unreadable at 1348 on «277.6» Anyway, they are going to be doing air combat training with MUGGET.

NOTE: Ohhhh crud....the callsign for the British plane is MAGIC. I only had to hear it 150 times to come to that conclusion. And, voila!...MAGIC is valid for an E3D AWACS aircraft from Waddington in the U.K. A Royal Air Force aircraft assigned to NATO.

1350-52 WILD/MAGIC vectoring toward a target. «277.6»
1354: HAGAR 70 (C-5 Dover AFB DE) to Dover Command Post talking about not getting in enough time at aerial refueling training. «349.4»
1358: MAGIC (2nd male) with GK on «249.8»
1359: MAGIC vectoring WILD toward another target on «277.6» I'm actually starting to understand this guy - he's the Australian sounding one and not awfully bad.

1402: MAGIC to GK on «249.8» to tell him WILD will be finished in 10-15 minutes and will be returning home at 14 and 16000 feet. How nice of him.
1406: WILD 1 reports he's at "bingo" «127.275» so I guess they'll be heading out.
1407: WILD 1 asks the speaker on MAGIC if he was "in the desert" in March/April (I guess that refers to Iraq). MAGIC says he was and WILD 1 says he recognizes the voice. MAGIC speaker says "You've got me." «277.6»
1408: WILD flight is done and MAGIC says he'll see them later in the week. WILD says he'll be there. [Sigh...guess this confirms the earlier transmission that MAGIC will be working this area all week.] «277.6»
1409: WILD back to tac «127.275» and to various ZDC freqs like Snow Hill on «256.8»
1411: MAGIC tells GK he's going over to New York Center and will be with GK for the next nine minutes before heading back to wherever he's stationing. «249.8»
1413: WILD flight to SOF on V-1 «139.9» with mission results and reports both aircraft are Code 1. They are 69 miles to the east of Andrews and inbound. Switch back to V-5 on «127.275»
1413: MAGIC tells GK he'll maintain the «277.6» freq. Think he meant they'll be using that freq for exercises all week while here. «249.8»
1418: MAGIC clears out of GK's area «249.8»
1420: MAGIC again clears off GK's freq, thanks him for the help, says he'll talk to him again tomorrow (confirming my fears), and also says he's going to loiter in the present area for about 10 minutes before heading out. «249.8»
1420: Meanwhile the female part of the MAGIC gang reports to NORTHERN LIGHTS that they're done. «364.2»
1430: WILD flight reports gear down with Andrews Tower on «349.0»
1450: Have what I believe is VA-ANG active on «139.625» working with DARKSTAR.
1452: Have GK's «312.3» active with BICEP 11 (NJ-ANG, Atlantic City).
1513: END OF REPORT...gotta run.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Yeah caught some of that MAGIC also myself weak but sometimes readable on AICC 364.200 working W-386 area with NORTHERN Lights.Also states we will be around all week.
Req some landing wx forecasts for Andrews and Wright Pat also on 344.600 Andrewsmetro.MAGIC enroute as callsign VULCON 01 to McGuire. Notify RAF Detachment at dsn 650-####
Going off station at 1820z.


Mar 9, 2005
Have any out there had the chance to catch the activity on 138.3 Mhz? Was hearing some garble on our pager freq on base at times (FM) and decided to investigate at home. When mode was changed to AM found what sounded like practice bomb runs by couple of jets. The coordinates placed them near Easton on the other side of the Bay. "Contact" anyone?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark, thanks for that info. So, McGuire is their temporary home which is good to know. You got VULCAN for their front end call and a couple of others got VOGUE. Are you fairly confident of VULCAN?

Ralph: I didn't catch the 138.3 activity but that freq is used by both the NJ and PA-ANG so it could have been either.

1919: DEECEE 21 (KC-135, 756 ARS, Andrews AFB) calling Dover Command Post on «349.4» to inquire if BOLAR 71 (C-5A, Dover AFB DE) is still going to be up because he is scheduled to refuel him.

2004: DEECEE 21 and BOLAR 71 meet up on Dover's «349.4» and agree to go to refueling freq «228.0» for further conversation/work. And so they meet on «228.0» and start yakking.
2005-09: U/I tankers talking on interplane freq «143.825» (Which we found when TEAM tankers were using it last week.)
2010: The tankers ID as simply 28 and 29 on «143.825». (Let's call them TEAM 28/29 which are KC-10A tankers from McGuire AFB NJ.)
2020: BOLAR 71 calls Dover Command Post to tell him they couldn't continue their refueling activity with DEECEE 21 so they are just going to be doing navigational work. «349.4»
2052: Have u/i aircraft with HUNTRESS on «364.2». It sounded like just a check-in rather than a mission of some type.
2054: MUSSEL copters coptering around the area on «292.2»
2056: DEECEE 21 on squadron freq «351.2» calling LIBERATOR and saying he'll be up for another hour or so.

NOTE: During my struggles with the MAGIC E3 airborne controller earlier today, I mentioned he gave «288.4» along with «277.6» as working freqs. I copied the latter with the WILD flight out of Andrews. From another source, I learned he was controlling other aircraft on the «288.4» freq. Apparently, a bit earlier he was working with fighters from the New York and Massachusetts Air National Guard on that «288.4» freq. Guess I'll have to put that one up too next time - like tomorrow according to Chatty Charlie on the E3.

2124: TEAM 28 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) calls McGuire Command Post on «319.4» and reports he's 25 minutes out from landing, is A-2 for depleted oxygen [never good], has 9,000 pounds of fuel on board, wants parking and crew bus to meet him upon landing.
2147: DEECEE 21 to LIBERATOR on «351.2» to say he's about 10 minutes out and is still A-1.
2153: REACH 3116 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» reports A-1, is a C-17, has 3 Space A pax to offload, no cargo, needs fuel and wants to know about his upload.
2156: Dover wants to know how much fuel he'll need and 3116 tells him between 100 and 120,000 pounds. «349.4» Pilot wants to know if they'll have assistance for the refueling or will his loadmasters have to do it. (That's what? 15-20,000 gallons? Hope his credit card is full.)
2331: FORCE 27 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» to report he's 30 minutes out and is A-2 maintenance status. He's going to be in the pattern for 40 minutes once he arrives and will land on time.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0943: MD-ANG active «347.2» and «41.95»FM
0945: VA-ANG active «141.825»
0946: Langley tac active «257.075»
0946: Someone in GIANT KILLER area on «350.0»
0947: NJ-ANG active on «138.125» and «138.2»
0948: VA-ANG using callsign TBOLT on «141.825»
0950: NJ-ANG callsign COSMIC 41 & 42.
0956-58: SANDY 1 with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» reports at 16,000 FL and wants to get up to 25K eventually. Reports he's in a scattered formation. (Not positive of ID yet but could be A-10s from the MI-ANG in Battle Creek.)

1000: MD-ANG now on «142.3»
1001: NJ-ANG now on «138.425»
1002: VA-ANG now in GK's area on «391.2»
1006: SANDY 1 reports he'll be going into Watertown (NY?) «322.4»
1007: Primary air-air refueling freq «238.9» active.
1010: TBOLT 23 on GK «238.1» entering area
1010: COLT (MD-ANG) with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» reports direct Harrisburg.
1021: COLT to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3»
1022: CONGA (F-15 Langley), flt of 3 acft on tac «276.625»
1030: WILD 1/2 (DC-ANG) just coming home, reporting to SOF on «139.9»
1030: COSMIC 41 reporting to ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» Reports his flight is two F-16s and heading for Atlantic City.
1031: A DEVIL flight (NJ-ANG) active
1033: OMAHA 3 (Customs) active with THOR on «282.425»
1033: WILD flight on tac «127.275» Flight of three F-16s
1035: COSMIC 41 in the soup and wants IFR back to Atlantic City «277.4»
1049: "OMAHA 3 this is THOR. Thanks." «282.425»
I turned on the scanners and there were aircraft all over the place. Now it is absolutely quiet. At approximately 1030 the fighters all went home.

1108: Guess the COLT flight from Martin State is still out there. They report they're 15 minutes out to Raven Ops on «347.2» Not sure if this is the whole flight or a single ship.
1110: AXEMAN (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) flight reports leaving FL11 for 9 to ZNY-Joliet NJ on «322.5»
1121: COLT leaving FL20 for 11...reported to ZNY-Joliet NJ on «322.5»
1123: COLT leaving FL11 for 9 «322.5»
1124: COLT 1 Code 2, COLT 2 Code 1 reported to Raven Ops on «347.2» flight is 10 minutes out.
1125: AXEMAN 1 reports gear down, full stop to Martin State Tower on «297.2»
1128: Activity on Langley tac «233.525»

Continued below...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1245-48: GUITAR 20 (Unknown) from STEEL 71 (KC-135, PA-ANG, Pittsburgh) on «295.8» No reply to several calls but 71 mentions heading for Langley. This is a HUNTRESS freq.
1252: PASH 69 (KC-135 Selfridge ANGB, MI) on VA-ANG freq «139.625» mentions he's about 10 minutes out...commenting on the wx - solid overcast deck. Tops at 270.
They are setting up for something this afternoon.

1300: JOSA 795 calling Langley Dispatch on «376.2»
1313: STEEL 71 to STEEL Control on «311.0» reports he's 20-30 minutes out, is A-2, has 30K fuel aboard, needs parking and transportation for crew. (Meanwhile, _____31 is also talking on the freq - I guess to a command post other than STEEL since this is a popular freq at many bases.)
1319: TEAM 30 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) to McGuire Command Post reports 30 minutes out, A-1, looking for parking. «319.4»
1321: JOSA 747 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» home station C-21, Tail #40074, 25 minutes out, A-1, no pax, needs 3K fuel, will be parking on 3 row to pick up pax, has 2 Space A seats available and wants to leave in about an hour.
1330: Refueling chat on primary «238.9»
1345: ROCCO 62 (KC-135, NJ-ANG, McGuire AFB NJ) from THUG 10 (B-1B, 28th Bomb Wing, Elsworth AFB SD) on primary refueling freq «238.9» THUG says he'll meet ROCCO at the IP at 1823Z.
1348: WILD flight (F-16, DC-ANG, Andrews) up on ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ «254.3» and change to ZDC-Baltimore (Swann) on «360.7» They then go back to tac «127.275» where they are getting ready for the mission with the E3 again. They say they'd prefer to work with HUNTRESS rather than someone else that I couldn't catch - not MAGIC. They also report getting freqs rather than their own. They then appear on a VA-ANG freq of «141.625» This could get confusing.
1352: GIANT KILLER freq «238.1» active but not sure who the fighters are.
1354: Langley tac «228.175» active.
1355: GK from WILD 1 reports FL 210 and entering airspace on «238.1» WILD 1 having trouble copying GK...imagine that! WILD 1 wants to switch over to HUNTRESS.
1356: One of the WILD flight says...."This is going to be painful." on «141.625»
1357: WILD flight comes up on «277.6»
1359: BICEP 11 (NJ-ANG) with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»
1359: Sounds like KILLER 91 (F-16, Shaw AFB SC) on GK's «238.1»

1400: WILD calls HUNTRESS on «277.6» and reports as a 3-ship formation
1404: BICEP 11 to ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» at FL 160
1408: BICEP 11 with BayWatch on «270.8» reports heading for Atlantic City IFR
1408: The WILD flight in air combat exercises using «277.6»
1410: Another VA-ANG freq -- «139.625» is active but no idea who it is
1411: TREND 21 (flight of F-16s deploying from Europe) on ZDC-Cape Charles Va «257.7» reports FL220.
1412: WILD flight on «141.625» whining about that last attack and what their target did.
1419: TREND 31 reports in to ZDC on «257.7» and reports a problem with one of the F-16s in the flight...rapid depressurization in the aircraft...wants immediate descent to 12K....and 2 minutes later to 10K. (Believe he just made a mistake when reporting in as 21 earlier...he uses 31 from that point on.)
1424: TREND 31 reports flight route takes him to Franklin and then RDU (Raleigh-Durham) «257.7»
1424: MD-ANG active on «142.3» "The whole world is overcast."
1425: WILD flight begins another exercise...still on «277.6»
1430: And again, WILD reports "fight's on, fight's on" «277.6»
1432: Other u/i fighteres being vectored on HUNTRESS freq «234.6»
1434: A-10s from MD-ANG doing ground attack and explaining the difficulty since they can't see the target when they begin the attack because of the cloud layer. «142.3» Callsign COLT...flight of three.
1438: Fighters tell HUNTRESS they've got to knock it off because of fuel and have just enough to stay together (huh?) «234.6» This is a flight of two. Callsign WILD. (So WILD is working both this freq and «277.6»
1440: WILD flight back on their own «127.275»
1441: BICEP 11 flight to ZDC-Kenton «277.4» and then ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4»
1453: U/I aircraft to Harrisburg ANG Ops about 15 minutes out...his radar is inoperable and he has thunderstorms around him «395.1»
1456: COLT flight is in GK's area on «238.1» Flight leader says to push 256.8 and so there they are on «256.8» ZDC-Snow Hill.
1457: WILD flight back on tac «127.275» Sounds like they're finished...cleared out of GK's area on «238.1»

1500: Wild flight reports they'll be landing on 1L and 1R and runways are wet. «127.275»
1501: Langley tac «257.075» active.
1502: COLT flight on BayWatch «281.8» freq
1503: PINE (I think) 46 in BayWatch area on «281.8» If it was really PINE, he's a KC-135 from the NY-ANG Plattsburg
1504: WILD flight to SOF on «139.9» WILD 1/3 Code 1, WILD 2 Code 2...69 miles out
1505: COLT flight (looks like flight of four) with Raven Ops on «347.2»
1520: ANVIL 12 (C-130, WV-ANG, Charleston) into McGuire on «139.4»
1522: There's a SALTY DOG (believe it's 228) in the BayWatch area on «354.8»
1523: Yes, it's 228
1525: END OF REPORT...for now...unless something major happens...worn out and tired...have work to, this isn't my job...although it seems that way some days.
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ARTCC DB Manager
Database Admin
Aug 30, 2003
Highland, IL
TinEar said:
1013: DEVIL 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG) with GK on «255.0» Mention going to «288.0»
1013: DEVIL flight comes up on «288.0»

288.0 is the alternate AAR freq for AR777 out in the northern Warning Areas (W-105/W-106). 228.0 is the primary channel.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Many thanks Paul...I didn't have an ID for that freq. Now I do.


P.S. Or perhaps I didn't pay close enough attention to info already sent to me earlier. :(
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Correction to an item I posted this afternoon beginning with the entry at 1411...

The TREND 21 and 31 were indeed different flights. TREND 21 was a flight of six A-10s and 31 was a flight of two A-10s - all returning to Pope AFB NC from overseas. They left Lajes Air Base early this morning between 0500 and 0530 EDT.

2000: MASH 83 (KC-135, Grisson AFB IN) being called by FORCE 27 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) on primary refueling freq «238.9»

NOTE: If that Project Falcon Virgo exercise goes off tonight I'll switch the webcast to cover it. It was supposed to happen late last night but didn't - as far as I can tell. The memo on it mentions that in the event of inclement weather, it will roll over to tonight. It's supposed to include two F-16s from Andrews, two Cessna aircraft and a C-21 flying at low altitudes along the Potomac River and around Washington D.C.

2054: BATON 55 (C-130, 193rd Special Ops Group, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to GIANT KILLER on «255.0» Reports 5 minutes to exiting area and wants FL 180. Says his route will be FISST, Sea Isle, Dupont, Lancaster and MDT. (MDT is Harrisburg International Airport) He spelled out FISST but I can't find it on the air charts.
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Mar 1, 2003
Hey All,
I am getting some weak coms on
sounds like it might be F-15's



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late start today but turning on the radios shows in the early 1000 hour...

141.6/141.825 with VA-ANG F-16s in air combat
138.425/138.875 with NJ-ANG F-16s doing the same thing
292.3 in GK's area active

1010: DEVIL 11 (NJ-ANG) on GK's 255.0
1011: COLT flight (MD-ANG A-10s) entering BayWatch area on 270.8
1013: AXEMAN (MD-ANG) flight also active in BW's area on 270.8....143.8 active
1020: AXEMAN 1 & 2 with Dover Approach on «257.875» for full stop landing at Dover.
1022: NJ-ANG flight heading for tanker to refuel «138.875»
1025: VA-ANG clears from GK's area on «238.1» for two-ship RTB Richmond.
1027: There was a ramp freeze at Andrews that has now been lifted per message from REACH 540T as he takes off and ascribes his late takeoff to that reason «378.1»
1028: VA-ANG flight leaving GK's area to RTB Richmond, callsign SLAM «238.1»
1029: GK's «391.2» freq active
1030: Langley tac freq «228.175» active
1031: SLAM flight is four mission results to Richmond SOF...all Code 1 except #3 which is Code 2 for a malfunctioning A-9 «141.625»
1031: BASH flight from VA-ANG also in GK's area on «238.1»
1035: BASH flight RTB Richmond «141.6»
1047: U/I tanker (just suffix 60) reports arriving on station...primary refueling freq «238.9»..later says he's at FL240
1050: U/I acft tells BayWatch he's going to MTN (Martin State) «270.8»
1051: AXEMAN 1 with ZDC-Kenton «277.4» says he had to cancel with BayWatch and is returning home (Must've been same acft as 1050 entry) Wx is reason for return home.
1054: DEVIL 1/2 air combat exercise on «138.425»
AXEMAN flight did full stop landing at Dover...must have taken off again from there to head to going home to MTN.
1057: Tanker interplane active on «139.875» says he's near Philipsburg. They are talking about refueling a C-5 but the C-5 couldn't go that high because of weight. They also mention there is some confusion over refueling either a STEEL 71 or 72 because the tanker was an hour late getting to the IP. (STEEL is a KC-135 from Pittsburgh and, yes, tankers refuel tankers.)
1058: AXEMAN flight now on ZDC-Patuxent «281.4»...talking about splitting the flight up before going into MTN.

Continued below if necessary....
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