Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1513 <277.6> MAGIC with Cobra
1555 <297.2> Axeman flight(MD ANG A-10s) landing at Martin State
1558 <373.1> Magic to TOTEM "Knock it off"
1558 <249.8> Magic with GK, confirm new activity in W-109(?) Trap and Mexico will depart shortly

1605 <249.8> MAGIC with GK, off station, work complete...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1530: MAGIC (E3D, Waddington UK, deployed to McGuire AFB NJ) mission is working with GIANT KILLER on «373.1» and is the airborne controller for what appears to be northern F-15s from MA on «277.6» and in the south with Langley F-15s on «288.4» There are also some NJ-ANG F-16s doing ground attack exercise using tac «138.875»
1540: Current Langley flights with MAGIC on «288.40» are TRAP and MEXICO. Langley F-15s are entering/exiting GK's area using «249.8»
There is also a flight of MD-ANG A-10s just returning to Martin State. The NJ-ANG pair continues on «138.875»
1550: NJ-ANG headed home, switched to SOF on «138.125» 1 is Code 2 and 2 is Code 1.
More A-10s, callsign AXEMAN coming home to Martin State on «297.2»
MAGIC seems to only have the Langley TRAP/MEXICO F-15s now on «288.4» and the «277.6» flights appear to be done. That freq has been quiet. MAGIC is still also working the GK «373.1» with other fighters, presumed to be Langley but no callsign heard there to confirm it. These controllers in the backend of the British E3 are very good at what they do.
1600: TRAP/MEXICO given the "knock it off" command by MAGIC and the three-ship TRAP flight told to RTB Langley. They exit GK on «249.8» MEXICO no doubt headed home too although I didn't specifically hear them say that. There was also a TOTEM flight of Langley F-15s that was the group being controlled on «373.1» It all seems to be slowing down now as MAGIC mentions heading back to McGuire - his home away from home. MAGIC asks GK on «249.8» if he has heard from the TOTEM flight for RTB Langley. So, that's the last of them.
There is a ramp freeze in effect at Andrews per Command Post on «141.55»
1605: MAGIC to GIANT KILLER on «249.8» "We're now off station and done with our work for today. Thanks for your help."

And I'm done again also...till later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1907: RAVEN, flight of three (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) about to take off «347.2» The ground station that usually identifies as "Raven Ops" is calling itself Colt Ops" tonight. (15 minutes later and the flight is still not in the air - at least not that I've been able to hear)
1921: JOSA 491, home station C-21, Tail #40125 arriving Andrews in 20 minutes, 5 pax aboard, one an S-4, A-1 maintenance status, needs crew bus for two. «378.1»
1924: Langley tac freq «315.85» active...sounds like a flight of two.
1930: U/I flight into GIANT KILLER area on «238.1» (Langley flight?) And ops on «312.3» This is definitely the two from Langley freq 315.85. They're talking about operating with different light brightnesses. Talking about dropping flares and chaff. Callsign PECOS 21 for one of them. (F-15 Langley)
1934: RAVEN flight reports in the air at 1931 «347.2»
1940: GIANT KILLER's «389.1» active.
1943: RAVEN flight with ZNY-Joliet NJ «239.05»
1944: RAVEN, flight of three, with ZNY-Big Flat PA «322.4»
1946: RAVEN flight with ZNY-Philipsburg PA «338.3»
1947: Bollen A/G Range active «237.2» (RAVENs)
1949: RAVEN flight with Raven Ops on «143.8» talking about waiting for the tanker...will wait around Duke...nighttime tanker harder to get he says. Because of wait he wants an extension of 30 minutes on his landing time. Ops says he'll get back to him.
1952: RAVEN tells NY Center he's got to wait for a tanker coming out of McGuire. «338.3» Believe he called it a "TEAM" tanker (KC-10A from McGuire)
1955: COLT (A-10, MD-ANG, Martin State) flight on tac «142.3» and RAVEN checking in with Bollen Range controller on «237.2»
1957: COLT flight of two with ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» requesting direct Atlantic City and then chatting on tac «142.3» They are talking about landing and what they'll find when they land. Not sure they are talking about Martin State...possibly Atlantic City.
1958: Northrup Gruman flight up...calls himself 22NG «123.225»
1959: GIANT KILLER op freq «292.3» active

2002: COLT flight to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ «285.4»
2009: COLT flight hanging on with Sea Isle and also chatting about Atlantic City and VEgas on tac «142.3» About to check the range to see if anyone is on the range.
2010: COLT 1 checks into Warren Grove range and confirms no one is on the range at the present time «283.1» The flight then clears off with ZDC and goes to the range freq.
So, it looks like the COLT pair will use the Warren Grove Range and the RAVEN flight is going to eventually be at the Bollen Range. Haven't heard anything from the RAVENs in quite a while...probably chatting on FM freqs while they circle and wait for the tanker as they mentioned earlier. This is the first time for COLT 2 at the range and they are doing some dry runs for pilot familiarization.
2036: U/I flight from Langley checking into GK's area on «238.1» Says he'll be MARSA with MILLER and CAVE...later takes MARSA with PECOS also once he's told PECOS is also in the area...all F-15s from Langley.
2039: GK's ops freq «391.2» active...along with «373.1»
2040: Langley's tac «276.675» active
2042: MILLER flight into GK's area on «238.1» Will be operating at reduced lighting.
2043: PECOS 41 with GK on «238.1»
2045: CAVE 85 into GK's area on «238.1» Per activity on «373.1» CAVE is a flight of four.
2052: One hour since the last heard RAVEN transmission. Wonder where they are? Not hearing them on any of the tanker freqs either. COLT 1 & 2 still at Warren Grove.

2100: COLT flight heading for home. Both report Code 1 status on tac «142.3»
2102: COLT flight to ops freq «143.8»
2106: U/I single ship RTB to Langley on GK's «249.8»
2110: Bollen Range active...must be the RAVEN flight at last. «237.2»
2111: COLT flight cleared to land on Martin Tower freq «297.2»
2111: Single ship RTB on GK's «238.1»...sounded like AIRGUN 1 (F-15 Langley)
2112: COLT 1 telling 2 to check the lights at the end of the runway...guess they were talking about Martin State earlier. COLT 2 must be "real" new at Martin State. «142.3»
2115: All the Langley F-15s are RTBing from the GIANT KILLER area «238.1» and one to Langley from GK on «249.8» Last of them at 2118. more at 2122.
2124: RAVEN flight coming home...1 is Code 2, 2 & 3 are Code 3 «347.2»
2130: RAVEN flight landing on Tower freq «297.2»
And that should account for all the flights heard tonight.

2241: 67038 to Langley Command Post on «251.25» Arriving 2310, A-1, 44 pax, 147,000 pounds of cargo on 25 pallets, needs parking spot and crew bus to base ops.
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Mar 1, 2003
Just heard the A-10's on NYC 239.05
said they were going to Slate Rock. Anyone heard of this place??
19:43--322.4 NYC
21:17-- someone is on 237.2 did not catch callsighn
21:27-- raven coming home 40.15 FM
21:28-- 291.625 Raven
21:29-- 282.275 Raven
21:30-- 297.2 MTN tower

goggles off 40.15FM I have not heard this freq active in a While

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Jan 29, 2003
Baltimore, MD
426 Mosier St. in the City, on TG C1 2512. Report of smoke coming from a dwelling. T16 on location reporting people hanging out of the windows, requesting additional medic units. Four medic units now on location. CMD requesting the working fire dispatch. CMD reports two occupants removed from the dwelling, unsure if any more occupants are still inside the structure. EMS2 assuming medical command.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Wrong "Sticky" Mo...but it was late. Would like to know how it turned out though.

0945: MAPLE 91 (F-16s, VT-ANG Burlington) through the area with ZNY-North Mountain PA on «273.6»...then a few minutes later on ZNY-Elk Mountain PA «298.9»
0956: SALTY DOG 322 (F/A-18, Strike Aircraft Test Squadron, Pax River) with BayWatch on «354.8» Heard earlier without callsign on various Pax River freqs doing vertical maneuvering.
0957: SALTY DOG 322 RTB «354.8»

1004: NJ-ANG (F-16s, Atlantic City) active on «138.425» callsign DEVIL, flight of two
1007: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» going from 10 to 16K flight level
1017: DEVIL 11 flight into BayWatch area on «270.8»
1020: BANGER 21 (F-16, NJ-ANG, Atlantic City) with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ «285.4»
1022: BANGER flight working tac «138.875» flight of two aircraft
1022: DEVIL flight in ground attack exercises on «138.425»
1024: JOSA 231 into Atlantic City with ANG Base Ops on «261.0» Will be on the ground from 1500-1615Z, is A-1, has an A-4 plus 2 for pax, needs 300 gallons of fuel.
1028: BANGER 21 with ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» Push 256.8 and come up on ZDC-Snow Hill MD «256.8» FL 16,000
1032: BANGER 21 flight to BayWatch on «281.8»
1032: Boeing test flight freq «321.7» active...reports 5 SOB
1033: BANGER 21 flight to BayWatch «354.8» working in area for 30 minutes.
1038: DEVIL 11 flight to ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» wants direct Waterloo, Sea Isle, Atlantic City.
1040: BANGER 21 flight in ground attack exercises on «138.875»
1041: DEVIL flight with mission report to SOF on «138.425» and then back to ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» wants descent to Atlantic City, gets it and starts down to 12K.
1045: BANGER 21 to BayWatch «354.8» with flight route back to Atlantic City...same as DEVIL flight. Just advising - not leaving yet.
1058: BANGER flight continues ground attack ops on «138.875»

1121: BANGER flight to BayWatch on «354.8» wants to exit the airspace VFR
1122: BANGER with ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» ID as two F-16s, direct Sea Isle, direct Atlantic City, VFR, FL 15.5 and chatting on their tac «138.875» on the way home.
1127: BANGER flight to Ops on «261.0» both are Code 1
1130: BANGERs starting descent to 3,000 «277.4»
1138: DC-ANG (F-16 Andrews AFB MD) active on «127.275» flight of two, callsign WILD
1140: WILD flight to ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3»
1148: SCARY 1 (F-16, DC-ANG) with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ «254.3» FL 210
1150: WILD 1 to GIANT KILLER on «255.0» entering area. He's having trouble communicating with GK.
1152: SCARY flight using tac «143.15» flight of two

1211: FORCE 93 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) to McGuire Command Post «319.4» Say they took off 30 minutes late and want that fact relayed to Nellis.
1218: Refueling activity on «228.0»
1225: STEEL 72 (KC-135, PA-ANG Pittsburgh) calling GIANT KILLER on «135.725»
1240: ROMAN 05 (F/A-18C, VFA-106, Oceana NAS) with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» just checking in at FL240.
1242: JOSA 951 to Andrews Command Post «141.55» C-21, Tail #40142, arriving in 20 minutes, A-1, needs 3,000 pounds of fuel, zero offload, picking up 5 pax, takeoff time 1900Z.
1245: SCARY and WILD flights still in the GK area. «143.15/127.275»
1248: ROMAN 05 leaves Bucks Elbow freq «284.7» and switches to ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «282.2» (That's a high level to low level switch.) Reports leaving 240 for 15,000...then down to 13,000.
1251: ROMAN 05 reports switching to 319.1 «282.2»
1251: ROMAN 05 with ZDC-Linden VA «319.1» reports in at 13,000

1301: Customs freq «282.425» active. Sounded like THOR talking to an unnamed aircraft.
1303: THOR calling OMAHA 4...wants him to confirm something, (I couldn't hear what it was.)
1303: "THOR copies all." «282.425»
1304: THOR has radar contact with OMAHA 4. «282.425»
1306: VULCAN 01 (E3D, Waddington UK) with NORTHERN LIGHTS on «364.2»
1307: MAGIC to GIANT KILLER on «249.8» reports into W-386. Calls GK several times with no reply.
1308: CHALICE FOXTROT (E3B, Tinker AFB OK) calling GIANT KILLER on «249.8» Several calls, no reply.
1308: MAGIC calling CHALICE FOXTROT «364.2»
1312: CHALICE FOXTROT to MAGIC for radio check...they compare notes on areas they'll each be controlling. CHALICE seemed to say his activity would begin at 1345 local.
1313: WILD flight with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ «285.4» On the way home.
1315: CHALICE makes contact w/GK and gives three callsigns he'll be working with...none of which I caught.
1315: CHALICE with MAGIC on «364.2»
1317: SCARY flight - same as WILD «285.4»
1319: MAGIC on «288.4»
1319: MAGIC/CHALICE chat on «364.2»
1319: MAGIC to NORTHERN LIGHTS «364.2»
1320: MAGIC with SPEEDO (F-15 Langley) on «288.4» checking DATALINK...SPEEDO is a flight of four aircraft.
1321: MAGIC working another flight on «373.1» Callsign MEXICO
1324: Both RANCHO and HUSKY calls heard on «288.4» Both are F-15 Langley callsigns.
1325: SANDY 1 (not enough info to ID but probably A-10s from PA-ANG Willow Grove) with ZNY-Joliet NJ on «322.5» wants direct Syracuse.
1328: SANDY 1 to ZDC-Big Flat PA «322.4» flight of two, again wants direct Syracuse and wants to go from 155 to 210 flight level...cleared to 170 for now.
1330: MD-ANG (A-10s Martin State) active on tac «142.3»
1331: SANDY 1 flight cleared to FL250 «322.4»
1332: SANDY 1 flight to ZDC-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» passing through 186 for 250
1332: MAGIC backend operators on two scopes simultaneously controlling several flights on «288.4» and «373.1» Has at least four groups of fighters. Callsigns are MEXICO, SPEEDO, RANCHO, HUSKY - and that should account for all four groups.
1335: Meanwhile, yet another operator aboard MAGIC (the female that normally speaks from the front end) is talking with CHALICE FOXTROT on «364.2» (didn't get much of this conversation with all the other radios filled with vectored fighters yapping away. MAGIC did say they'll go back to the normal net when they finish this operation - whatever that means.
1341: GK's «391.2» active with SPEEDO chat
1344: MAGIC tells GK on «249.8» that MEXICO, RANCHO, SPEEDO should be contacting him shortly (That should mean he's done with them)
1345: MEXICO 45 to GK on «249.8» wants RTB
1345: MEXICO from MAGIC...service terminated «373.1» next flight will be entering shortly he says
1346: SPEEDO from MAGIC...cleared to go to GIANT KILLER «288.4»
1347: It appears all four flights have now been cleared over to GK's control for RTB which they do on «249.8»
1348: TORCH (F-15 Langley) flight into GK's area on «249.8» and then to MAGIC on «373.1»
1349: Another MEXICO flight to «373.1» with MAGIC
1350: On GK's «338.1» a U/I acft reports hearing a 7700 squawk...then MAGIC reports to GK that he's hearing an emergency squawk of 7700 in the vicinity of Langley AFB.
1351: All activity seems to halt...apparently until they determine where the 7700 emergency is. Nothing heard here on 121.5 or 243.0.
1352: SALTY DOG 288 on ZDC-Patuxent MD «281.4»
1356: SALTY DOG 288, flight of two, leaving FL260 for 280 with ZDC-Falls Church VA on «327.0»
1358: MAGIC (the female) with CHALICE FOXTROT reports work is done in W-386 and will be back in the net. CHALICE confirms «364.2»
1359: CHALICE reports his next activity will be in W-386. MAGIC confirms. So....looks like they are switching airborne controllers for more of the same. «364.2»

Continued below....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1400: CHALICE wants MAGIC to release all tracks to the southwest. MAGIC says she already did that. CHALICE chalks it up to the equipment just having not released them yet.
1401: SALTY DOG 288, flight of two, checking in at FL 280 with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «351.9» ....then leaving 280 for 320.
1404: CHALICE on «373.1»
1405: SALTY DOG 288 flight of two at FL320 to ZDC-Roanoke VA on «377.2» Not being heard...repeats call on two different radios several times.
1407: Finally the wingman, SD 322 makes the call and is heard. «377.2» looking for higher altitude if possible.
1409: NJ-ANG, flight of two F-16, callsign BICEP with ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4»
1410: BICEP flight working tac «138.425»
1412: CHARGER (Unknown for this context) being called by GRAYHAWK 8 (E2B Norfolk NAS) on Dover Departure freq «323.0»
1413: BICEP flight with ZDC-Snow Hill MD «256.8»
1414: Warren Grove Range active on «283.1»
1415: GK's «373.1» active again.
1416: MAGIC w/CHALICE on «364.2» something not working but MAGIC will work with it.
1419: BICEP flight of two into BayWatch area on «354.8»
1427: MAGIC with u/i fighters on «277.6» very weak as he has apparently moved to an area farther north and east.
1428: GK's «249.8» active with u/i Langley fighters.
1429: CHALICE to GK on «249.8»
1429: Langley fighters with ops on GK's «391.2» "Fight's on" ...believe I heard c/s TORCH in there somewhere.
1430: And another pair of NJ-ANG F-16s on tac «138.875»
Break time...
1444: TONGA 81 into GK's area on «249.8» flight of four
1445: CHALICE with GK mentions TORCH and DEEJAY (both F-15s Langley) flights. «249.8»
1445: MAGIC still vectoring aircraft on «277.6» One callsign there is MAD DOG.
1448: CHALICE says he's done and thanks GK for the work today. Huh? That was fast. «249.8»
1449: Now have MAGIC working tac freq «138.3» in addition to «277.6» Unusual.

1500: MAGIC still controlling aircraft - MAD DOG (flight of 4 F-15s), JEEP and one other at least - and still using «138.3/277.6» Very, very rapid transmissions and extremely interesting listening. I thought MAGIC was getting weak when he moved to the northeast but he's very good now.
1507: MAGIC also working with a COBRA flight «277.6»
1510: Add callsign PYTHON to the MAGIC mix. «138.3»
1513: The MAGIC controlled fighters are in two major groups...the southern groups on «277.6» and the northern groups on «138.3»
1516: Everything seems to have halted with the MAGIC flights.
1520: MAGIC restarting a vector on the «138.3» freq
1530: Have A-10s coming home to Martin State on tower freq «297.2»
1533: MAGIC to NORTHERN LIGHTS reporting off station as of 1933Z «364.2»
1533: MAGIC reports closing down on this and all bands. «364.2»
1537: Have the Martin State A-10s chatting on «40.15 FM»
1540: Helicopter at the Aberdeen Range on «248.4» Says he's coming up on Weide and will be there in about 3 minutes. Army Copter 627.
1549: TESTER 17 into BayWatch area on «354.8»
1552: (On the phone and missed) someone entering GK's area on «249.8» Further activity makes it sound like Rocky 51.
1555: The ROCKY (F-15 Langley) flight goes to GK's «391.2» for ops...sounds like a flight of three.

NOTE: Ref the transponder code 7700 that I mentioned above being heard by MAGIC and another aircraft. Further info can be found at the following FAA address which is titled Emergency Services to Pilots: (Scroll to section 6-2-2 to be specific)

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Roger that Paul...he's also working JEEP at the moment from same location. No doubt these are Otis F-15s he's working with but, coincidentally, both MAD DOG and JEEP have also been used by F-15s at Langley.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1859: PANAMA 51 (F-15 Langley) enters GIANT KILLER area on «238.1» Says he'll be working MARSA with CRATE (F-15 Langley)....will be working at reduced lighting and with red/orange flares. He seems to be having trouble establishing comms with GK and has asked for several radio checks with no reply.
1904: PANAMA 53 receives GK and tells him/her that he thinks it's a weak receiver on 51's aircraft since he hears him loud and clear. «238.1» With 53 talking, that should make the PANAMA group at least a flight of three aircraft.
1906: PANAMA flight switches to GK's «292.3» for ops.
1907: Langley tac freq «315.85» active
1907: Primary air refueling freq «238.9» callsigns used so far.
1909: CRATE 41 with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» wants FL230. (Don't normally hear the Langley fighters using ZDC.)
1911: CRATE 41 reports at FL230 and going up to 250. «256.8» Push 7 Prime
1912: CRATE 41 flight with GK on «238.1» (This identifies "7 Prime") Reports in as a flight of four F-15s. GK not responding. Will be working for the next 45 minutes in the area.
1915: GK telling CRATE 41 flight there are multiple civilian aircraft from 24-26,000. CRATE says he thought they had an exclusive in the area. They'll be working in Echo at 20,000 and below. Wants GK to give him a call on "common" when traffic is clear. "Push 15 over 2 AUX"
1916: CRATE flight up on GK's operations freq «312.3» which is the "15 over 2 AUX" freq.
1926: COLT 1 (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State) with ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» at 6500 and climbing
1930: COLT 1 to ZNY-Joliet NJ on «322.5»
1931: Raven Ops active on «347.2» Flight of two RAVENs (MD-ANG)
1931: Aircraft working with Philips AAF on «126.15» They've been talking about the lights at the runway and their intensity along with the deer problem around the runway. This aircraft is going to land at Philips after great precautions are being taken.
1932: RAVENs on tac «142.3»
1934: COLT 1 with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» leaving 15.5 for 16 (flight level) Would like higher altitude
1937: RAVEN 1, flight of two, with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» Checking in
1938: COLT 1 with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» COLT is a flight of three A-10s. Wants to go down to 14,000. Wants descent immediately. Leaving 180 for 15000.
1942: COLT wants to go back toward Martin State and get a lower altitude because of wx. «306.2» Leaving 15 for 10,000
1943: RAVEN flight direct Atlantic City «277.4»
1944: COLT flight to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «270.3»
1945: RAVEN flight mentions going to the range. Wants handoff to Atlantic City «277.4» Guess this means they're going to Warren Grove Range...if so, it'll be on 283.1
2000: COLT flight returning to base because of wx...they have notified range of this situation. COLT 1 is Code 2, 2 is 1, 3 is 2. «347.2»
2002: CRATE/PANAMA flights RTBing...leaving GK's area on «238.1»
2002: Langley tac freq «252.775» active and so is «315.85»
2012: COLT flight straight in, overflying runway 33 «297.2»
2017: DC-ANG active on «143.15» Flight of two at 10,000, one at 11,000, callsign SCARY
2023: Another DC-ANG F-16 flight up on «127.275» Flight of two. Callsing WILD
2027: SANDY 1 flight on ZDC-Patuxent MD «281.4» then to ZNY-North Mountain PA on «273.6» then to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» and then ZNY-Flint Hill PA on «339.8»
2030: WILD 1 with ZDC-Ships Bottom NJ «254.3»
2032: SANDY 2 flight to ZNY-Joliet NJ «239.05» then to ZNY-Modena NY on «335.6» checking in at 12000...then changes to «291.65»
2033: SCARY flight with ops on «143.15» working a simulated DARKSTAR airborne controller.
2115: SCARY flight coming home...switches to SOF on «139.9» with mission results and reports both are Code 1
2116: WILD flight just finished on «337.225» and is back on tac «127.275»...and back to «337.225» they go
2117: MD-ANG A-10 flight coming home on «347.2»
2125: WILD flight "degoggles" «127.275»
2132: OPEC 49 (KC-10A McGuire AFB NJ) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» OPEC 48 calls MCGuire to let him know 49 is calling. 49 then reports he's 30 minutes out and will be in the pattern for 30 minutes, landing about 0230Z. A-1.
2137: WILD F-16s both report Code 1 while on «127.275»
2138: WILD flight to V-1 «139.9» with mission report to SENATE SOF. Then back to V-5 on «127.275»
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1930 <247.7> Raven-1 "off at 30"
1930 <290.475> (Potomac TRACON) Raven-1 with ATC
1931 <317.425> (Potomac TRACON) Raven-1 direct "agars" A/A 142.3 Agars is a guess, any ideas??
1936 <277.4>(ZDC-SMRNA,DE) Ravens-1 flight of 2
1943 <277.4> Ravens now Direct Atlantic City, --To ATC, Range is below mininums need handoff to Atlantic City to descend... Looks like there going to Warren Grove...

Someone else up on <281.4> (ZDC-PATUXENT RIVER) missed callsign
Thanks Alan, I'm off to watch Survivor, back in an hour...

2118 I'm back and so is Raven-1 flight, now with Potomac TRACON <317.425>
2120 <270.275> Scary with ADW Approach
2121 Raven flight has field in Sight... switch to tower Push 3
2122 <247.7> Raven flight inbound full stop

Did you hear Wild flight's reference to "Push Airkey 5" ????

2321 <319.4> Jedi-52 inbound Mcguire for "Combat download"

The avatar is an RC-12K.

I found "Agars" it's actually "Agard" a fix just southeast of swann
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nope on the "agars"....and NAVY 04C on 281.4 if that was the one going to Gordonsville. There is also a Tango 104.

[Edit] Yes, I heard the Airkey 5 reference Chuck and was puzzled. They obviously went somewhere after they said that but I sure couldn't find them. However, it made me decide to program the low band freqs they used to use - just in case. It wasn't too long ago the conventional wisdom was that no one used that band anymore and then we started hearing the A-10s use them on almost every flight. I wonder. Of course, it could be a reference to the secure comms we've heard about and have heard them mention occasionally.

What's that on your new avatar? I can't enlarge it without destroying it.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Yesterday had an ETHYL tanker A/A with a REACH flight headed to AR -20 south of Boston.
Theye were on 341.750 which is known AR-20 freq but then both switched to 349.700 confirmed so that was a new one for me.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
AGARD? Good catch there Chuck.

The reason I asked about your avatar was that I had just been reading about the new Special Ops plane, the U28A - which is a military version of the Swiss made PC-12. It looked somewhat like that and I guess the RC-12K would be from the same family stock as is the C-12. Major difference is one engine on the U28A versus two on most of the family tree.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1111: NJ-ANG active on tac «138.875» (Couple of weak transmissions and then silence...must have just been going home.)
Rain over the area today and am not expecting much in the way of MilAir activity.
So...I say that and then...
1115: DC-ANG (F-16, Andrews AFB MD) active on «143.15» Callsign SCARY..Push 255.0
1121: Hear them on «255.0» briefly...mention 285.4
1122: SCARY with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» requesting 2 NM trail, flight of two...leaving 12,000 for 14,000 FL.
1128: SCARY 1 request direct Nottingham «285.4»
1129: Another DC-ANG flight on «127.275» Callsign WILD, flight of two F-16s in air-air combat exercise.
1148: WILD 1 with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ «285.4» wants direct Nottingham and a non-standard two mile trail.
1156: WILD flight to SENATE SOF on «139.9» with mission results and report both Code 1...they are 69 miles east of Andrews. "See you in 12 minutes. WILD push V-5." (Back to 127.275)
(I lost the SCARY flight...guess they landed...last heard them switching to SOF)

1209: WILD flight still in the pattern...switched to Approach freq «270.275» and then back to «127.275» as they slowly make their way home. Mentioned once they slowed because of the rain.
1211: WILD flight gear down, slowing to 180. «127.275»
1212: WILD flight to Andrews Tower on «349.0» They report "flight of two Capitol Guardians, 8 DME." Confirm gear down.
And the MilAir bands grow quiet.
1228: JOSA 275 to Andrews Dispatch on «372.2» Wants message passed to TACC that his takeoff time was 1617(Z).

1302: Activity on «138.0» This is normally tac freq for the ND-ANG F-16 unit (SPIDER) that deploys to Langley. No IDs heard yet. Flight of two
1303: SPIDER 45 to HUNTRESS on «288.4» radio check (Quick confirmation of the ND unit)
1307: MD-ANG (A-10, Martin State) taking off on «41.95» climbing through 2,000 feet. By 1314 I still have not heard the A-10s anywhere but on this low band FM freq.
1316: The ND F-16 pair still chatting on «138.0» They are talking about buying property and boats in this area. Wonder if they know their Fargo unit is going to be closed and them transferred to this area. As they fly, they are constantly becoming louder which makes me wonder if they're coming this way to do CAP duties.
1326: JOSA 514 to Langley Command Post on «251.25» Arriving in 20 minutes, is A-1, no pax to offload but picking up two.
NOTE: The A-10s from Martin State were last heard at 1314 and not heard on any tac or squadron freq, nor on any of the Center freqs - strictly on that one FM low band freq.
1340: The SPIDERs...They just got the weather and mentioned landing on runway 8. «138.0» That's a good runway for Langley. So they may be going home.
1341: SPIDER 45 and 46 with HUNTRESS on «260.9» clearing out of area and announce both are Code 1.
1341: 46 asks 45 if they've been cleared out yet...45 says no. «138.00» Appears to have been a dry run to the HUNTRESS CAP area and then back home.

1416: NJ-ANG (F-16, Atlantic City) active on «138.875» Flight of at least two. Air combat exercise. BICEP and ARROW
1420: U/I flight in GIANT KILLER area on «312.3» turns out to be BICEP and ARROW flights from the NJ-ANG.
1428: COLT flight from Martin State on «142.3» flight of four A-10s.
1431: COLT flight reports 21 miles from AGARD. «142.3»
1435: ARROW 21/22 still with air combat exercises on GK's «312.3» they become 1/2 on tac. Believe the BICEP is playing the target.
1437: COLT flight reporting various distances from AGARD. «142.3» AGARD sounds so clear once you know what it's supposed to be.
1438: BICEP 12 reports as single ship on GK's «255.0»
1439: COLT 1 reports in as "now a two ship" on ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4»
1439: ARROW flight push V-1 «138.875»
1439: ARROW to «138.125» for SOF and report a lot of static on that freq...they go back to «138.875» as they head for home.
1440: COLT 1 requests entry to restricted area 5002 - direct Atlantic City «277.4»
1442: COLT 2 to ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» also a two ship flight...wants 11,000
1443: COLT 1 flight out of 11 for 8(000) flight level «277.4»
1443: COLT 2 wants to be 11 miles behind the other flight (COLT 1) «277.4»
1443: COLT 1 push 285.4, good day ma'am. «277.4»
1444: COLT 1 to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ «285.4» descending to 8,000. He'll let Center know about altitude when he gets to Atlantic City.
1446: COLT 2 leaving «277.4» and switch to ZDC-Sea Isl
1449: COLT 2 to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» where he reports in as a flight of two just leaving 8500.
1449: COLT 2 leaving 8 for 7 «285.4»
At this point, both COLT flights "Push button 15." I can't find them after that. Sounds like they're going to the Warren Grove Range but can't hear them there if that's what they switched to.
1453: COLT 1 flight back to Sea Isle on «285.4» leaves 9 for 8 and requests handoff to Atlantic City.
1454: COLT 1 flight "Push 15" while on «285.4» and disappear again...this might be an Atlantic City Approach freq which I don't scan (but maybe should)...all I program are the Center freqs.

1508-12: REACH 522T calling Andrews on «378.1» finally makes contact and says he has rolling stock to offload along with 13 pax, is A-1, needs crew bus for 5 and wants parking...which comes back as Row 12B for his parking spot.
1527: Martin State A-10s on «142.3» mentioning recovering to runway 33. Not heard on any of the Center freqs if this is the COLT flight.
1531: A-10 flight leader mentions they're flying direct Swann now «142.3» flight of four...must be COLT flight. Flight leader tells one of them he can break off now.
1532: COLT flight to Ops freq «143.8» to give maintenance status
1534: COLT 3 with Dover Approach on «257.875»
1541: COLTs landing with Martin Tower on «297.2»
1545: EVAC 3118 to Andrews on «378.1» and then «141.55» arriving Andrews with 20 litter patients, 23 ambulatory patients, 10 medical attendants, needs Customs and Ag to meet the plane...needs crew bus. Andrews asks if any other services are needed...flight reponds they'll let them know fuel needs once on the ground. Andrews gives them parking spot 13A. Flight is releasing 50 seats for the outbound flight. A minute or so later the aircraft requests they be met by five ambulances.(Damn...I always hate to hear this flight coming into Andrews. You know where those patients are coming from.)
1548: COLT flight (single ship), now COLT 1 leaving Dover area «257.875»
1554: COLT flight to «347.2» with Ops and then with tower on «297.2»...gear down for runway 33 at 1556.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Alan, The RC-12s are based on the Beech King Air, while the U28A is a Pilatus PC-12
Here are a few pics of "my" Aircraft....

Here's the Pilatus --

The fuselage and tail look a lot alike, don't they? Where did you see the article on the PC-12???
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
The PC-12 - really the U28A - discussion was in an email from a friend a few days ago. Then I got the most recent weekly email from and there was a link to the discussion board (in the Air Force sections about Special Ops) about the same thing. It's primarily about the pros and cons of a single engine aircraft for SpecOps. Here's the link but I don't remember if you've got to be registered to read it or not:
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2147 <349.4> Reach 6024 with Dover Command Post, just departed NAS Oceana, wanted taketime passed to ?? Calls back with destination of EDDS, Stuttgart....
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