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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
ka3jjz said:
Well then, perhaps it's time to start a page - maybe a Wiki page - with all the correct callsigns, unit names and so forth? Seems to me that if that page is so inaccurate, that something like that needs doing.
I can create the index off the main page, as I'm an admin now 73s Mike

Mike, are you still up for doing this? How about a Mid-atlantic Milair Wiki Page on which we could start keeping track of some of the things going on here? Section for DCANG with Callsign and Freqs, one for Giantkiller, etc.. I'm willing to give a try establishing it and keeping it updated.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Re a wiki page- sure, I can do this. Give me a yell via private mail and let's see what we can set up. It would be a very valuable tool to newcomers, particularly if it's kept up to date.

You need to read the quick guide that's on the main page to see what you can do, to start. The Wiki language is somewhat like HTML, so if you're comfortable with that, the Wiki will be no problem.

73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ref the CAP that Jack mentions above:

The current fighter pair is using callsign HARASS 33 and 34 which are F-15s from Langley AFB VA. Primary CAP freq with HUNTRESS (NORAD) is on «260.9» for this mission. The 360.7 freq that Jack mentioned is Washington Center Swann Sector which is to the east of BWI airport and very unusual for Langley fighters to use, however, it wouldn't be unusual for the supporting tanker aircraft to use if coming from McGuire AFB for instance. The 288.35 freq is also a combination Washinton Center/GUARD DOG freq. GUARD DOG is the name of the Combat Air Patrol mission that is flown over this area. The fighters and tanker used to support them must clear into and out of the area using either the 288.35 or 135.525 frequencies. Normally, the fighters use 288.35 and the tanker 135.525 but that isn't set in stone. And that's the story of the CAP.
NOTE: The reason for spelling this all out is because I've received a couple of emails that complained that we tend to abbreviate everything down to the point that someone new to MilAir couldn't follow what we're talking about. That's often valid.

1340: HARASS 35/36 are about to take over CAP duties and are heading for the tanker as their first order of business.
1358: NJ-ANG (F-16, Atlantic City) active on tac freq «138.425» flight of three, callsign BICEP
1359: BICEP flight to ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7»
1400: HARASS 33/34 report RTB «260.9»
1401: TANKER 13 leaving the CAP and heading home. «260.9» He's a KC-135 from the PA-ANG Pittsburgh.
1405: HARASS 33 reports into ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4»
1406: TANKER 14 has taken over refueling duties in the CAP «260.9»
1407: HARASS 33 descending from 20 to 10K «281.4»
1408: BICEP flight doing air combat exercises on their tac freq «138.425»
1409: TANKER 13 to STEEL Control on «311.0» STEEL is the callsign for the KC-135 tanker squadron at Pittsburgh. 13 is 25 minutes out from home, is A-2 for an autopilot problem and will be landing with 6,000 pounds of fuel on board.
1427: The BICEP trio is still performing air-air combat exercises with one of the aircraft playing the part of a DARKSTAR E3B aircraft manuevering the other two F-16s toward the target - which is him. They are about to finish their activity and head for home shortly. «138.425»
1432: BICEP flight ends the exercise and gets back in formation to head home. Currently at 17,000 feet. «138.425»
1435: BICEP 11, flight of three, reports in with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8» report leaving 17,000 for 10,000. They go back to tac «138.425» to report they are all Code 1. BICEP 3 (or 13) is cleared to switch to Devil Ops on «261.00» to report mission and maintenance status.
1438: BICEP 11 back to «256.8» to report descent and then switch to ZDC-Sea Isle on «285.4» for further descent as they approach Atlantic City.
1440: BICEP flight clears with ZDC and presumably switches to Atlantic City Approach...they are about 11 minutes from landing at this point.
1514: REACH 550T reports airborne at this time to Andrews Command Post on «141.55»
1518: HARASS 36 heading for the tanker to top off his tanks. «260.9»
1533-35: REACH 1007 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» Female jockey states she's a C-130 heading for Hurlburt Field (Florida) and requests a phone patch to DSN ***-**** (Phone # omitted) to advise them of an updated arrival time of 2300Z. Wants that patched to make sure squadron will have someone there when they arrive.
1545: HARASS 35 does a DATALINK and authentication check with HUNTRESS «260.9»
1548: HARASS 35 with TANKER 14 for refueling. «260.9»
1726: HARASS 36 off to the tanker(TANKER 14) again. Just over two hours between fill ups. «260.9»
1734: HARASS 36 off the tanker...HARASS 35 reports clouds moving into the area with tops up to 24-25,000 feet....he's taking his flight up to 25,000 to stay above them and wants HUNTRESS to get approval to move the CAP higher «260.9»
1740: HARASS 35 tally the tanker to fill his tanks too. «260.9»
1746: HARASS 35 filled up and back on station «260.9»
1747: TANKER 15 coming on station. «260.9»
1756: TANKER 14 clears off station «260.90 then clears out of GUARD DOG area on «135.525»
1809: HARASS 37/38 six miles from coming on station «260.9»
1809: HARASS 37 with ZDC-Patuxent MD «281.4» ascending 21 1 to 25,000
1812: HARASS flights using Langley tac «358.85» for chat
1812: TANKER 15 ascending to 29,000 flight level. «260.9»
1818: HARASS 37/38 reporting onto station and requesting to head to the tanker «260.9»
1822: HARASS 37/38 flight says they're assigned 25-28,000 but but tanker is at 29,000 feet. TANKER 15 decides he can descend to 28.000 to solve the problem «260.9»
1824: HARASS 35/36 switches to tac «358.85» to chat on the way home
1827: HARASS 35 flight from 25,000 down to 21,000 with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4»
1828: HARASS 37/38 with the tanker.
1829: HARASS 35 flight down to 16,000 «281.4» leaving 16 for 10,000 at 1831
1832: FORCE 93 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» Reports 30 minutes out, no pax, no cargo, landing with 80,000 pounds of fuel aboard. Also mentions he'll wait for the MASH (KC-135 Grissom AFB IN) flight to takeoff.
NOTE: Have a report elsewhere of an emergency with a KC-135 talking to Battle Creek MI Approach...has smoke and needs to divert to closest place with an 8,000 foot runway. They have 16 SOB. Apparently will try landing at Battle Creek. Later report says he landed without incident at Battle Creek MI airport.
1839: TANKER 15 volunteers to stay at 28,000 feet rather than ascending back to 29,000.
1840: HARASS 37/38 performing Alpha check of DATALINK system. «260.9»

NOTE: While HARASS 37/38 were just entering on station and 35/36 were setting up to leave, I heard brief transmissions from one of the pairs on «327.0». I don't have an ID for that freq other than for Cleveland Center. I guess that's possible because the Cleveland Center (ZOB) covers a little piece of far western Maryland and our bullseye for the CAP is Thurmont.
Anyone unfamiliar with the areas covered by each of the Centers, can go to the following URL and see the map of their coverage. ZDC=Washington, ZNY=New York (and look at how little of New York it actually covers), ZBW=Boston, ZOB=Cleveland, ZID=Indianapolis
Be careful with the freqs listed there. It hasn't been updated in awhile. Most are still correct but there are errors. It's still a good place to start.

1853: REACH 3116 off from Dover on «349.4» reporting wx on his way up.
1904: HARASS 37/38 switch to MAN AUX (chat freq) «358.85» to discuss freqs being used. 38 was confused about the tanker freq and thought it was 288.35 rather than on the primary 260.9. HARASS 37 straightened him out.
1932: HARASS 37 reporting sitting right on top of the cloud deck at FL 260 and experiencing a lot of turbulence. «260.9»
I wonder if they'll do the usual and skip 39/40 when the next pair comes in to replace 37/38. They've done that several times for whatever reason.
1938: TANKER 15 is told to go over to 288.35 but gets no reply so returns to primary «260.9»
1939: TANKER 15 then tries calling GUARD DOG on «260.9» without result.
2000-2100: Not much happening...37/38 just flying their track and complain a bit about weather - wanting to change their assigned block from 25-28,000 down to 20-24,000 because of cloud layers where they are. TANKER 15 still on station. Primary mission freq is still «260.9»
2105: HARASS 37 says their replacements are due around 2145. Squadron will call them back in a bit to let them know for sure. «260.9»
2116: HARASS 37 reports replacements are about to take off in 2 minutes.
2117: TANKER 15 going to 240 FL «288.35»
2131: TANKER 16 entering the area to take over refueling duties...says he has 48,000 pounds of fuel to offload and will be on station shortly. «260.9»
2132: HUNTRESS asks HARASS flight if they're okay on fuel and 37 responds they'll be okay as long as the next tanker gets on station as fragged. «260.9»
2133: Langley tac freq «228.175» active...must be the replacements.
2134: TANKER 16's first order of business is to get the latest World Series score «260.9»
2137: HARASS 37 talking with his replacement on «228.175» He reminds him to enter the 23rd as the date (they're on Zulu time) in the data system.
2141: TANKER 15 clears out of his station and starts his return home. «260.9»
2142: TANKER 15 switches to GUARD DOG freq «135.525» to get clearance out of the area. (Yeah Chuck...I got the Morgantown and missed the next point too.) Morgantown is in WV.
2150: HARASS 41/42 flight refueling with TANKER 16 on «320.6» (And, yes, they skipped 39/40 again.)
2152: TANKER 15 tells HUNTRESS he's outside the area «260.9»
2152: HARASS 41/42 using «228.175» for chat.
2156: HARASS 41/42 ID as being from Langley and have tail numbers 83-0013 and 82-0019 as they meet up with TANKER 16 to top off. «260.9»
2202: HARASS 37 flight checks in with ZDC-Patuxent on «281.4» on their way back to Langley.
2204: HARASS 37 flight to 11,000 feet. «281.4»
2208: TANKER 16 wants World Series score again...we know where his head is tonight. «260.9»
2304: TANKER 16 asking World Series updata yet again...first thing said in almost an hour. «260.9» He's adding Auburn-LSU and Baylor-Oklahoma scores to his wish list.
2307: HARASS 41 heading for the tanker. «260.9»
2312: 41 has contact with the boom «260.9»
2317: 41 disconnects from the boom...says his wingman won't need gas for about another 20 minutes. «260.9»
2336: 42's going for gas «260.9»

And since I'm completely out of "go pills" I think I'll quit for the night.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
2143 TANKER 15 on ATC <360.7>(ZDC- Swan/Baltimore) cleared direct Morgantown and then ((Missed it))
2148 TANKER 15 with ATC<134.15> (ZDC- Hagerstown) direct Morgantown
2152 TANKER 15 With ATC <133.975>(ZDC -Falls Church) I'm going to follow this guy as far as I can.... But he seems to have slipped away...
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Tin posted...
>1832: FORCE 93 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» Reports 30 minutes >out, no pax, no cargo, landing with 80,000 pounds of fuel aboard.

Had this KC-10 callsign the other day out of McGuire enroute Nellis AFB.
Seems McGuire KC-10's get a lot of range work out there and FORCE and HOIST seem like main callsigns when they head West.

Also today had VIEW 11 arriving Andrews req 15k fuel gave tail as #87-0140.That was a new one for me and after request by me on Europe milcom message board reply was a C-20E or Gulfstream 4 out of 76th AS Ramstein.
I'll have to add that to the callsign log.
Some of those guys overseas know our aircraft much better than we do! LOL


Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
Had this KC-10 callsign the other day out of McGuire enroute Nellis AFB.
Seems McGuire KC-10's get a lot of range work out there and FORCE and HOIST seem like main callsigns when they head West.

I've never heard those used when they come to Edwards, so I guess just a Nellis mission thing. There was a McGuire 10 sitting on the ramp at ED yesterday... Probably staying over to work with them at the start of the week.

PRIMO is assigned to work on the Reagan COMPTUEX now, but no indication they are McGuire. Probably Travis.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1935 «311.0»TETLONG/HETLONG(Headlong?) passing an EAM type message GG2OSA...
Perhaps an E-6 is out and about...
[edit] Kevin Eiler over on Milcom thinks Headlong as well...
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I did no better than you did Chuck getting that callsign. That's about what I heard also. I sat here and copied the message and then wondered why I did it. He sure was slow and precise reading it.

1952: PAT 111 to Andrews Command Post on «378.1» 10 minutes out, dropoff pax, no services needed. (military air shuttle)
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
On this otherwise slow evening, I'm poking around with the FAA's Special Use Airspace website , it has a cool interface that shows active and projected to be active restricted airspace within the US.

If it's to be trusted, R-5802A/5802B, aka Kiowa MOA, aka Bollen Range should be active tommorrow from 1200-2030. It'll be interesting to see if we see anything...

2227 «319.4» Reach 6008 with Mcguire Command Post inbound, needs Customs and Ag
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
That SUA/FAA site has always puzzled me Chuck. It's a great site but I can never match what I find there with what's happening in real world MilAir listening. Of course, that could very well be a result of my limited listening range and lack of 50 or so receivers to listen to it all. For instance, if you go to the interactive map now, it shows current activity in W-386 but I sure can't prove that. And if you add the parameter to overlay the map with what's happening in the "over eight to less that 24 hour" timeframe, it shows nothing for tomorrow in the Kiowa MOA in spite of showing it on the list. It does show the Aberdeen Range though for tomorrow. There's one other explanation....I don't know what the hell I'm doing with the manipulations I'm attempting.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
For whatever reason it seems to default to showing FL180 and above, you have to check Surf - 10000 msl to get it to show the Kiowa.. I think that Aberdeen is always "hot" surface to FL59

The activity in W387 is interesting, it's "start date is 1/1/2000 and the end is 12/31/2010! Surface to unlimited!
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1335: DC-ANG (F-16, Andrews AFB MD) active on ZDC-Ships Bottom NJ «254.3» callsign WILD 1 requesting FL250 for wx reasons.
1340: WILD flight using tac freq «127.275» This is a flight of four shortly after takeoff with the normal chat for a climbout. (And that was the last I heard them.)
1407: CRAB 56 (C-130J, MD-ANG Martin State) with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» IDs as a C-130, arriving McGuire in 15 minutes, has D/V pax on board, requests parking spot and gets B-2. (This is the first observance of the Martin State C-130J aircraft in several weeks.)
1420: No ID on aircraft but just to confirm freq «355.3» as Quantico Base Ops. Talking about wx at Quantico.
1425-37: TEAM 86 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» No reply.
1438: TEAM 86 finally makes contact...arriving MCGuire 1849Z, A-1, requests parking spot.
1448: TESTER 25 (US Navy Test Pilot School, Pax River NAS) with BayWatch on «270.8» requesting FL 250
1450: TROOPER 1 (MD State Police Helo) to Phillips AAF on «126.15» Says that if he's required to stay at his present position fuel will become an issue. He wants to know if Phillips has Jet-A fuel.
1451: TESTER 25 wants to know if he's cleared into BayWatch's area and again requests FL 250. «270.8»
1533: WILD flight back in the area on their tac «127.275»
1536: WILD flight descending to 11,000 «127.275» one of them diverting to get the latest wx from ATIS. Reports back with wx and say runway 1R is closed.
1538: WILD switches to V-1 «139.9» and calls SOF to give mission result. They were at a range somewhere. All four aircraft are Code 1 and they are presently 69 miles out. Back to V-5 on 127.275.
1541: WILD flight leader has them push approach freq 317.42(5).
1546: WILD flight gets in a one-mile trail for landing approach. «127.275»
1551: WILD flight to Andrews Tower on «349.0» to report 6 mile initial....they decide to do a two-plus-two formation on initial.
1554: WILD flight starts reporting gear down, full stop, runway left (1L) «349.0»
Sure was a quiet the factor...END OF REPORT.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
From another source....two flights of NJ-ANG F-16s from Atlantic City, using callsigns DEVIL 11 and DEVIL 21 deployed to Selfridge MI today, the home of the MI-ANG F-16s. The first flight was at least three aircraft and the second was an unknown number. I didn't hear the flight during listening hours today and no time was appended to the report so I have no idea when they made the trip.

2112: REACH 3118 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» 20 minutes out, A-1, parking in B-2 spot.
2113: JOSA 392 reports departed Andrews at 0109Z «378.1»
2114: REACH 4131 to SAM Command on «141.55» 25 minutes out, offloading 2 rolling stock, 5 pallets, 17 pax...needs bus for the pax and a crew bus along with 20,000 pounds of fuel, wants a parking spot, needs lav service...will release 54 seats for Space A pax on the outbound.
2131: REACH 360 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» reporting his takeoff time was 2103.
2135: REACH 360 calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» no reply.
2145: REACH 360 tries again at 2145 and makes contact...says he'll arrive at 2210, is A-2 for radar, needs 80,000 pounds of fuel and transportation for the pax while the plane is being repaired. «319.4»...he has 7 pax, 5 pallets and 4 rolling stock to download.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
At least one flight is airborne in spite of the rainy, windy weather....
1335: DC 21 (KC-135, 756 ARS Andrews AFB MD) to LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» Reports he's 20 minutes out, is A-2 for TCAS and will land with 35,000 pounds of fuel. He also is requesting airstairs when he lands.
1342: PAT 461 (US Army Priority Air Transport) landing at Phillips AAF on runway 4. «126.15»
1348: REACH 1191 approaching Andrews for landing. «378.1»

1400: BICEP 11 (F-16, NJ-ANG Atlantic City) active on tac freq «138.425» and with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» It's a flight of two heading to Pax River area.
1402: BICEP 11 flight with ZDC-Cape Charles VA on «257.7» level at 11,000
1404: After losing contact with Cape Charles, BICEP 11 switches to ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8»
1407: BICEP 11 flight into the BayWatch area on «354.8» and again makes contact with ZDC-Cape Charles
1408: MD-ANG A-10s from Martin State active on squadron tac freq «142.3» Initially flying toward the southeast after takeoff. This is a flight of two. Callsign AXEMAN.
1413: Martin State A-10s report above the clouds at 8,000 feet but say they'll be in it again shortly as they climb and need another 2,000 feet to see the sun. Report atop the clouds again at 9,500 feet.
1415: BICEP 11 flight in air combat manuevers on their tac freq «138.425»
1417: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops on «143.8» reports they were off the deck at 1407....then switch back to tac «142.3»
1420: U/I aircraft with Langley's IRON Ops on «357.1» Reports he'll "be there" in 10 minutes.
1422: AXEMAN flight to ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» and then to BayWatch on «270.8»
1424: AXEMAN 1 giving targetting pod instructions to the number 2 man. «142.3»
1426: JOSA 607 reports airborne at 1825Z with Andrews Command Post on «378.1»
1435: Both the AXEMAN and BICEP flights are doing basically the same thing...teaching the #2 man how to use a targetting pod...still using «142.3» for AXEMAN and «138.425» for the BICEP flight.
1442: BICEP 11 finishes exercise...changes to ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» with no contact so then to ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» where he reports the flight is descending from 190 to 175 and that they are direct Atlantic City...then back to «138.425» for chat.
1445: ZDC-Sea Isle clears the BICEP flight down to 8,000 feet. «285.4»
1448: BICEP 11 reports to Sea Isle that he's now leaving 17,000 for 8,000 and then calls for them to switch to U-6 on «261.0» but instead comes up on V-1 «138.125» where he reports 1 is Code 3 for radar and 2 is Code 1...then again back to «138.425» where they fade out at 1450.
1455: AXEMAN flight still doing the targetting pod instructions...excellent presentation and the #2 man is a quick learner. Mentions doing one more little test before RTBing. «142.3»
1459: AXEMAN flight gets to the "Do you have any questions?" stage and there are none so now they'll start their RTB. «142.3»

1503: AXEMAN descending to 11,000...clears out of Pax River area «142.3»
1504: AXEMAN flight to Raven Ops on «347.2» where 1 reports Code 1 and 2 is Code 2 for UHF radio that's "trashed."
1509: AXEMAN with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» to report at 11,000 feet.
1509: AXEMAN 1 tells 2..."I'll see you on the deck." «142.3»
1511: AXEMAN 1 to ZDC-Patuxent MD «281.4» descending to 6(000)
1517: AXEMAN with Ops on «347.2» as they approach Martin State.
1518: JOSA 609 tries calling Andrews Dispatch several times without success on «372.2»
1520: Couple of weak transmissions on Blue Angels frequency «275.35» but not strong enough to confirm who it might be.
1524: TESTER 26 (USN Test Pilot School) with BayWatch on «256.5» reports something's stuck (I think he's talking about his wingman's plane here) and he needs to RTB. He's got a wingman who refers to TESTER 26 and 443 on Pax River's «264.15» and then back to «256.5» Not sure who that 443 is.
1529: Now he's calling himself TESTER 443 while with Pax on «256.5» and says he's going for a full stop. He's going to be IFR all the way down. TESTER 26 and TESTER 443 both to RTB. The two sound so much alike it's difficult to separate the conversations. (I've never heard a 3-digit suffix on a TESTER aircraft before. This is a "first" for me.)
1535: PAT 599 to Andrews Command Post on «141.55» has 4 pax to drop off and wants transportation for them. Andrews asks if he needs any other services but the aircraft doesn't reply.
1538: JOSA 905 approaching Andrews on «141.55»...landing at 2000Z, is A-1, needs 3500 pounds of fuel, dropping off 4 Space A pax, pickup up an A-4 and A-5, proposed takeoff time is 2140Z and will be parking on 3 Row while on the ground at Andrews.

1600: END OF REPORT...a rather quiet day but more activity than I expected considering the miserable weather over the entire listening area.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1015: MD-ANG (A-10 Martin State Airport MD) active on various squadron freqs as they make their way to Pax River BayWatch area - entering on «354.8». Say they'll be there for 45 minutes...callsign RAVEN, flight of two.
1015: DC-ANG (F-16 Andrews AFB MD) active on squadron tac freq «127.275» Flight of two. Callsign WILD.
1042: OMAHA 4 (Customs) from THOR..."negative radar contact." «282.425»
1043: THOR has radar contact of OMAHA 4 «282.425»
1045: Have a pair of aircraft working in the Pax River area on «299.4» One of them is TESTER 15 and the other is identified as "320"....TESTER 15 goes to Pax freq «262.95» to say they'll be working as a pair.
1049: OMAHA 4 and THOR working on «282.45» THOR is loud and clear but I can't hear the aircraft.

1105: HAGAR 70 (C-5, Dover AFB DE) reports takeoff time as 1100 and will be back in a few hours. «349.4»
1111: Tankers chatting on «228.0» talking about meeting up at 1535(Z).
1111: KILLER 1 (either F-16 from Shaw AFB SC or A-10 from CT-ANG) with ZNY-Colts Neck NJ on «307.8»
1113: THOR vectoring OMAHA 4 toward a target «282.425» Target flying at 1600 feet altitude.
1114: Warren Grove Range active «283.1»
1117: OMAHA 4 (calls himself "04") has target at 6 270 degrees, 4.5 miles off OMAHA 4's nose 3.5 miles...slow moving target....2.5 miles fighter scramble so this may be practice. (At 1120, everything just stops and nothing more heard.) «282.45»
1126: STEEL 71 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburh) to BATON Ops on «395.1» with a message he wants passed to BATON 20 (EC-130 PA-ANG Harrisburg) that he's supposed to refuel him and will be in place on time.
1130: SPAR 29 (unknown) aircraft calling RENEGADE on HUNTRESS freq «260.9»
1130: THOR and OMAHA 4 doing more tracking of "violators." «282.45»
1135: Martin State A-10s coming back to the area using tac «142.3»
1137: RAVEN flight to Ops on «347.2» report they are both Code 1.
1138: SPAR 29 calling RENEGADE for radio check on «139.15» and then over to «260.9» for the same thing. Sounds like we've perhaps got an exercise setting up. The SPAR callsign is used for Special Air Mission VIP flights.
1142: SPAR 29 makes contact with RENEGADE on «139.15» and says he should be over Belvoir at 1553(Z)...currently at 12,500 feet 50 miles west of ARMEL...he says he's trying to get hold of JADOC (he spelled it out)...then says he has them on the phone.
1144: DRAGNET VICTOR (E3B, Tinker AFB OK) with HUNTRESS on «364.2»
1147: SPAR 29 to SPAR Control on «260.9»
1149: SPAR minute warning «260.9»
1151: SPAR 29 standing by to sparkle «260.9»..."sparkle" (He's no doubt in a test of the red/green laser warning system around D.C.)...."negative contact with the sparkle" at 1153. (Nothing heard from SPAR 29 for at least the next 10 minutes)
1157: ???? 21 (flight of at least three) heading for Langley on Command Post freq «251.25»
1159: TESTER 21 with a wingman on Pax freq «264.55» His wingman later gave ID as 443.

1206: BATON 20 to STEEL 71 on freq «295.8» saying he's late "and pedaling as fast as we can." They plan to meet up at LINUS at 40 past the hour.
1207: BATON 20 calling New York for higher altitude...still on «295.8» (Suspect this was just on the wrong freq and should have been on a ZNY freq.)

NOTE: Dept. of Defense approved the sale of 40 F-16s to Greece. They'll be Block 52 C/D models. Cost...$3.1 billion.

1217: TESTER 848 with Pax River on «121.0» landing
1219" TESTER 21 and 443 still flying around the area with 21 calling off altitude and course headings. «264.55»
1239: TESTER 21 and 443 announce RTB «264.55»

1309: DC-ANG active on «127.275» Callsign SCARY...they then switch to V-1 «139.9» and say "Woody and Chevy are airborne...we'll be called SCARY 1 and 2 for this flight." (Woody and Chevy I believe are nicknames of the pilots - not callsigns.)
1318: SCARY 2 to SENATE SOF on «139.9» checking on the status of the other two airplanes. He then goes back to tac «127.275» and reports both aircraft will takeoff in 18 minutes.
1323: TACO 70 (Unknown-too many choices) into GIANT KILLER area on «233.7»
1324: TACO 70 says he's going to meet up with GRIZZLY 59 (KC-135, March AFB CA) to refuel. «233.7»
1326: SCARY flight with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2» at 19,000 feet.
1341: LION 51 (F-15 Langley AFB VA) into GK's area on «238.1» Flight of three...they then switch to GK's «391.2» and then to «373.1» for ops at 1345.
1347: DC-ANG flight airborne on «143.15» (This must be the second two ship flight that SCARY mentioned) Callsigns are SCARY 3 & 4
1348: SANDY flight of two A-10s of the PA-ANG Willow Grove working Bollen Range on «237.2»
1351: More Langley fighters into GK's area on «249.8» and then to «292.3» missed callsign.
1358: SCARY 3/4 with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «306.2»

NOTE: Looks like some realignment of the DC-ANG tac freqs...SCARY 3/4 called the 143.15 freq V-7 and then switched to V-8 on 139.15. V-9 is now unknown which was confused to begin with.

1400: The second Langley F-15 group is callsign TOTEM that is working on «292.3» There is also what sounds like an E3B as airborne controller with the Langley fighters. The controller is a very shaky female op. This might be the DRAGNET VICTOR flight we heard earlier.
1404: SCARY 1/2 in air combat exercise on «127.275»
1411: SCARY 1/2 flight to ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» and from there to ZNY-Joliet NJ on «322.5» Reporting at 17,000 FL.
1414: SCARY 1/2 to SOF on «139.9» report 69 miles out, both Code 1. Then back to tac «127.275» and then to «307.9» for wx and back yet again to tac «127.275»
1418: SANDY 1 and 2 approach Martin State for landing with Tower on «297.2» These are Willow Grove A-10s (Unless, of course, there has been a callsign change at Martin State.) They came from the Bollen Range. Didn't the BRAC report have A-10s from Willow Grove moving to Martin State? Perhaps this is familiarization.
1420: LION flight leader wants all LION aircraft to move 10 miles east of the ADIZ. «373.1»
1425: The Langley fighters all seem to depart GK's ops freqs and head back to Langley.
1430: WARDOG (OA-10 Martin State) with ZDC-Snow Hill MD on «256.8»
1437: Bollen Range active on «237.2»
1441: SCARY 3/4 flight with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» They are sent to 285.65 but come back and say "Your controller can't hear me there." They report at 12,000 FL. SCARY flight going to 307.9 for wx I presume.
1443: A-10s from Martin State on tac «142.3»
1446: SCARY 3/4 flight to SOF on «139.9» report 3 is Code 3 for multiple problems and 4 is Code 1...they go back to V-8.
1452: SCARY 3 to Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing.
1453: SCARY flight of two for formation landing with tower on «349.0» six miles out.
1456: DRAGNET VICTOR to HUNTRESS on «364.2» reports simply..."AICT" (no idea).
END OF REPORT...gotta leave early today.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
JADOC = Joint Air Defense Operation Center

1900 Hearing some activity on «312.3» Giantkiller, -51, -41 "Knock it off"
1932 «141.55» JOSA 008 with SAM Command reporting takeoff time from Harrisburg
1934 «364.125» -51 with Spad Ops "in the blind" giving Mission Report.
2006 «228.175» Tang-1, with Tang-2, ?going through checklist to setup radio?
2043 «238.1» Sonic Flight RTB

Question- Which Mode do you have selected for the A-10 lowband freqs, AM, FM, WFM??
Thanks for the answer, Mike, that what I had them as..
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Add «389.1» to the active freqs at 1905
1910: MCGRUFF 01 (A-10, 1104th Fighter Wing, Barnes ANGB CT) with ZNY-Colts Neck NJ on «307.8», two ship, standard formation.
1916: MCGRUFF flight at Warren Grove Range on «283.1» Calling range controller RITALIN.
(Apparently RITALIN is another A-10 from Barnes and not the range controller at Warren Grove.)
1920: GIANT KILLER's «391.2» also active.
1930: GK's «292.3» and «373.1» also active.
1934: Langley's «364.125» active with ???? 51 who I also heard on ZDC-Snow Hill MD freq just before that.
1950: Langley's tac «358.85» active
1954: VODKA 73 (F-15 Langley) with IRON Ops on «357.1»
1954: VODKA 71 entering GK's area on «238.1»
1956: TANG 81 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1» (NOTE: The master callsign list shows a "KANG" at Langley but I believe TANG is the correct call.)
1957: MILLER 91 (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.11»
1959: VODKA 3 (who was 73 earlier) reporting 100 miles out to IRON Ops on Langley's «357.1»

2006: MCGRUFF and RITALIN A-10s leave Warren Grove Range and change to ZNY-Colts Neck NJ «307.8» to report direct Barnes.
2007: TANG flight working Langley's tac «228.175»
2011: RITALIN 1, flight of two, with ZNY-Matawan NJ «282.3» for direct Barnes.
2012: FLASH (F-15 Langley) flight of two enters GK's area on «238.1» working MARSA with SONIC (F-15 Langley).
2020: More activity at Warren Grove Range «283.1» Unknown aircraft.
2022: Langley's tac «276.675» active. Callsign FLASH (F-15 Langley)
2025: CRAB 58 (C-130J, MD-ANG Martin State) with Phillips AAF on «126.15» I have no idea where the CRAB aircraft are currently stationed but the Martin State freqs for them have not been active in a very long time. But...I've said that before.)
2026: MCGRUFF flight again with ZNY-Colts Neck NJ on «307.8»
2034: REACH 5009 calling HUNTRESS on «364.2»
2037: FLASH and SONIC "fight's on" on GK's «391.2»
2039: JOSA 915, home based C-21, tail #40109, one A-4 aboard with 3 of his flunkies, no Space As, needs parking with Andrews on «378.1»
2045: FLASH 71 with GK on «238.1» SONIC also there.
2100: Looks like the activity from Langley is done...all is quiet in the skies and on my radio.
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Chuck I keep all those lo band VHF freqs in FM mode - but I am using older scanners over here. WFM is usually good for FM broadcast, not for scanning.

73s Mike
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