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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've tried the using NFM on those low band Martin State A-10 freqs Chuck but they sound clearer/cleaner using FM. It appears they begin using those freqs while still on the ground.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1023: SANDY 1 (A-10 Willow Grove PA) with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» at FL170, heading direct Harrisburg, direct Watertown. (Wonder if this is the SANDY that deployed to Martin State yesterday?)
1025: MD-ANG A-10s from Martin State active on squadron freq «142.3» (Yes, these are the SANDY aircraft...mention here also "direct Watertown."
1030: It gets stranger....SPORT 1 (Martin State callsign for their A-10s when travelling) with ZDC-Linden Va on «319.1» at FL200, looking for higher.
1034: SANDY 1 with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3» requests FL230 and gets it.
1035: SANDY 1 to ZNY-North Mountain PA on «269.1»
SPORT and SANDY flights were sharing tac 142.3 and the SPORTs decided they'd let SANDY have the freq and they'd use "Fox-4" which I believe should refer to their FM freqs.
1038: FURY 01 (F-16, VA-ANG Richmond) with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» mentions going back to Richmond.
1041: FURY 01, single ship, with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» going to FL 10,500.
1041: NJ-ANG (F-16 Atlantic City) active on tac «138.425» and as DEVIL 51 with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» Two ship formation. Going to 16,000.
1045: BRAVE 65 (F-16 DC-ANG Andrews AFB) on GUARD DOG freq «288.35» (This is the travelling call for DC-ANG...everyone is going somewhere today. I believe they were on this freq as a Washington Center function rather than GUARD DOG function.)
1046: DEVIL 51 with ZDC-Modena PA «287.9»at FL16,000.
1050: DEVIL 51 with ZDC-Modena PA «355.6» after being not heard on the above freq, mentions he's going to rendezvous with STEELY 71 (KC-135 PA-ANG Pittsburgh) for refueling.
1052: DEVIL 51 to ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3» to FL200.
1053: DEVIL 51/52 (1/2 on tac) change to «138.2»
1053: SALTY DOG 202 (Strike Aircraft Test Squadron at Pax River NAS) with BayWatch on «344.4»
1055: DEVIL flight to tac «138.875» Trying to determine how much fuel they'll have left when they get "there"...I guess meaning the tanker.
1056: SALTY DOG 213 into BayWatch area on «354.8» wants 20K down to surface for the next 20 minutes.

1100: GOLIATH ALPHA (Unknown) with GIANT KILLER on «238.1» mentions over Langley and testing the sparkle.
1108: Northrup Gruman test flight freq «123.225» active as was «123.2» about 10 minutes earlier.
1111: GOLIATH now with HUNTRESS on «228.9» very weak at this point
1112: HOCUS 91 (F-15 Langley) flight into GK's area on «238.1» mentions working with DRAGON (Unk) and one other that I missed.
1114: Langley tac «233.525» active with HOCUS flight (They call this "16 Prime")
1115: TESTER 15 (US Navy Test Pilot School, Pax River NAS) with BayWatch «354.8» says he'll be supersonic for the next four minutes.
1117: HOCUS 91 says he's established and would like to go tactical «238.1»
1120: RAVEN (A-10 MD-ANG Martin State) flight reports 10 minutes out to Ops on
1121: GOLIATH with GK to say he'll stay separated from the other aircraft in the area. «238.1»
1124: TESTER 15 reports supersonic - mach 1.08 «354.8»
1126: RAVEN flight with Martin Tower on «297.2»
1127: Langley tac «238.825» active
1130: SALTY DOG 322 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1132: BATON 20 (EC-130, 193d Special Operations Group, PA-ANG Harrisburg) with HUNTRESS on «295.8» Reports at 8,000 and wants higher...meeting up with a tanker at 1555Z and wants a 10,000 pound onload of fuel.
1135: Martin State A-10s on tac «142.3» talking about doing acrobatics....wants to know if someone is "an Otis guy." Flight of two, callsign AXEMAN.
1136: HOCUS flight reports RTB to GK on «238.1»
1138: HOCUS flight using tac «233.525» on their way home.
1140: AXEMAN flight reports in to ops on «347.2» that they are both Code 1s.
1141: AXEMAN fligh to tac «142.3» One of them mentions trying to fly (his A-10) once a week...says he averages flying 16 days a month for the airline and 6 days for the (Air National) Guard.
1142: DRAGON 81 to GOLIATH on GK's «292.3» mentions he had no contact on 373.1
1143: DRAGON 81 flight to «373.1» with GOLIATH...wants one of his wingmen to call back to Ops to find out the status of Richmond.
1144: DRAGON goes to IRON Ops to make that inquiry on «357.1» and then reports back to «373.1» that they took off at 1140. (This confirms that the DRAGON callsign belongs to Langley for either F-15 or F-22 usage.)
NOTE: Some of the F-22s deployed from Langley to Hill AFB, Utah on 10/15 according to military source...didn't indicate how many of them....just the total of 170 people from the 27th Fighter Squadron. The deployment is to last two weeks.
1159: DRAGON flight on GK's «391.2» but very weak.

Continued below...if necessary.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1207: WILD flight (DC-ANG, F-16, Andrews AFB MD) active on «127.275» Flight of two.
1210: WILD flight with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3»
1220: Another DC-ANG flight airborne, using «143.15» Flight of two. Callsign SCARY
1222: WILD flight pushing 337.225 «127.275» (But I never hear them there)
1223: SCARY flight to ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ «254.3» FL210...then "switch to scratchpad 360.7"
1228: WILD flight in air combat exercise on tac «127.275»
1232: WILD flight reports seeing a C-130 off to their right «127.275»
1232: SCARY flight to GIANT KILLER «255.0»
1233: SCARY "push 337.225" «143.15»
1234: SCARY flight checks onto freq «337.225» (As many times as the DC-ANG F-16s have used this frequency lately, they have not made it a pushbutton. It's always mentioned as a specific freq to switch to rather than a U button push.)
1244: WILD and SCARY heard on their tac freqs - but weakly on and off until this time. Never have heard either flight on the 337.225 freq other than when SCARY checked in there. Not sure if they fly low when they use that freq or why I seem to have trouble hearing it. It's the only UHF freq I seem to have a problem with so I'll go with the "too low to hear" theory.
1248: OMAHA 1 (Customs) to THOR on «282.425» "Could you all my supervisor, Chris (omit) and tell him I'll be on the ground in 20 minutes?" He does, everyone's happy.
1250: HOCUS 91 to IRON Ops on «357.1» with mission report.

1303: SCARY flight just coming into hearing range again on tac «143.15»
1304: And the WILD flight reappears on their tac «127.275»
1307: WILD 1 & 2 both report Code 1 status...flight leader clears 2 to go to SOF with mission status and to also get the weather. «127.275»
1309: WILD flight with ZDC-Kenton DE on «277.4» at 11,000
1309: WILD 2 back to tac to report he has ATIS Zulu «127.275»
1311: OMAHA 1 repots he's sixth in line for landing and on final «282.425» (His nest is at Reagan National)
1314: SCARY flight with ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4»
1320: WILD to Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing
1326: SCARY flight to ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4» reporting at 11,000
1328: SCARY 1 & 2 both report Code 1...flight leader clears #2 to give mission report to SOF and to ATIS for wx. «143.15»
1330: SCARY 2 to SENATE SOF on «139.9» gives mission report with ordnance expended and Code 1 info for both.
1331: SCARYs both back on tac «143.15» where flight leader says, "push 254.35." ...I'm not sure who that is. Anyway...they come right back to tac within 30 seconds where they agree information Zulu "is kind of screwed up."
1335: SCARY 1 points out to 2 where his house is near the marina on that peninsula off to the right. Near enough to the water to hear it from his house. "Cool," responds his wingman. «143.15»
1337: SCARY flight to Andrews Tower on «349.0» where they report in as "a flight of two Capitol Guardians"....flight levels at 1600 and 2500. They'd like to do an SSO if possible.
1339: SCARY flight reports climbing "right through this gap" «143.15»
1340: SCARY flight reporting "high key" and "low key" (Dunno what that means) «349.0»
1341: Pair of Langley fighters doing air combat on tac «276.675»
1341: SCARYs gear down and landing «349.0»
1343: Last SCARY on the ground. «349.0»
1345: ???? 21 with GIANT KILLER on «233.7» mentions being over Cherry Point.
1358: VOLLEY 21 (Unknown) checking in at 12,000 with ZDC-Patuxent MD on «281.4» cleared to 23,000. Flight of two. (He called several times before receiving a reply and the callsign was very clear.)

1402: VOLLEY 21 flight cleared from FL230 to 260. «281.4»
1404: VOLLEY 21 flight cleared to FL280. «281.4»
1404: U/I with GK on «233.7» mentions wanting Mode 3 for three flights that he'll be working with - the only one I caught was SPEEDO (F-15 Langley)
1406: VOLLEY 21 changes to ZDC-Whaleyville VA on «327.8» checking in at FL280.
1412: Raven Ops on «347.2» talking to aircraft on the ground...mentions flight of four.
1414: FURY 11 (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) with ZDC-Green Bay Va on «269.4» checking in at FL210
1415: FURY 11 cleared to 230 and cycling Mode C. «269.4»
1417: FURY 11 level 230 «269.4» (We had Fury 01 this morning on ARTCC freqs)
1419: A-10s from Martin State off the ground and operating on tac «142.3»
1421: A-10 pilots chatting on «142.3» sounds like one pilot is a visitor...he's asked if he ever gets to fly over water and the answer is no. This might be one of the SANDY pilots that came in from Willow Grove yesterday. The visitor also wants to know if they can talk to Dover "from here"...the home towner says in about 5 minutes. Also warns him about big towers in the the one ahead with the light on it. Still no callsigns heard since they took off.
1423: The Martin A-10s fade out on tac «142.3»
1428: COLT 1 (MD-ANG A-10) calling Dover on «257.875» (Must be our guys from above)
1430: DRAGON (Langley) flight into GK's area on «238.1»
1433: MAPLE 11 (F-16 VT-ANG Burlington) with ZNY-North Mountain PA on «273.6» FL270
1435: MAPLE 11 to ZNY-Elk Mountain PA on «298.9»
1437: U/I callsign, IDs as C-17, British speaker...arriving Andrews 1850Z, A-1, no pax or cargo, needs 30,000 pounds of fuel, needs crew transportation and parking spot.
1440: SANDY 1 (A-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove) with ZNY-Philipsburg PA on «338.3» (Transmission blocked by a loud mouthed C-12 going into Andrews)
1441: SANDY 1 direct Lancaster, then ?TRYST?, then MTN (Martin State) «338.3» (More Willow Grove A-10s to Martin State)
1443: SANDY 1 to ZNY-Joliet NJ on «239.05» reporting at 14,000
1442: SANDY 1 leaving 15K for 14K «239.05»
1446: SANDY 1 leaving 14 for 13,000 «239.05»...leaving 13 for 12,000 at 1447....slowing to speed 250 at 1449..."push 7" at 1450.
1451: SANDY 1 and 2 come up with Raven Ops on «347.2» where SANDY 1 reports as Code 2 and SANDY 2 as Code 1.
1453: WARHOG 1 (OA-10 PA-ANG Willow Grove), flight of two, with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» at 18,000 ...leaving 18 for FL220 a minute later...
1454: WARHOG 1 with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «263.1» at 22,000
1456: SANDY 1 & 2 with Martin Tower on «297.2»
1458: SANDYs setting up over Hart-Miller, runway 33 for initial «297.2»

1501: SANDYs over the numbers...full stop on 33. «297.2» (Slightly different terminology from these Willow Grove A-10s upon landing than our home station guys. Meanwhile, it sounds like the COLT flight that left earlier went to Dover. It's getting difficult to keep up with this bunch at Martin State.)
1503: JOSA 584 to SAM Command on «378.1» landing Andrews in 15 minutes, tail #40090, is A-1, has 1 D/V on board-an R-4, releasing 4 seats on the outbound estimated for 2100Z.
1505: TESTER 04 with BayWatch on «354.8»
1505: Northrup Gruman flight 61 reports airborne «123.225»
1524: CHALICE (E3B Tinker AFB OK) reports he's going home and thanks GIANT KILLER for the work. «233.7» This is the one from earlier that mentioned he'd be working with three different Langley flights including SPEEDO.
END OF REPORT...think I'll follow CHALICE.

P.S. COLT flight of two coming home...chatting on tac «142.3» and reporting both Code 1 to Ops on «347.2» around 1530. This is still the visitor (newbie as he describes himself) with the vet teaching him procedures as they approach Martin State. Talking about people they know and places they've been. Newbie also wants to know if Approach into MTN is Patuxent and is told it's Potomac. So much to little time. This new guy is just too funny. Swears they are going too slow on their approach. They are doing 250 but he swears it feels like 150 (knots). Apparently, they make their approach much faster and not so protracted as here at Martin State. He says he's afraid of heights and they're going too slow...feels like he should have his gear down. This is all said with a "smile" in his voice. This makes me wonder what these Guard pilots have to do when their unit is moved such as the promised move from Willow Grove to Martin State. Commute? Move and give up civilian job? Or give up their Air National Guard position? All those choices are difficult.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
There are a couple of references on the web to 337.225 being a Giant Killer freq
1740 <317.425> (Potomac Tracon) Angry1 flight on U-08 on approach to KADW, joined by Wild-1 Flight, both waiting for ramp freeze to end. A/A on 127.275

(2110) Scary1 Flight went to «317.425» (Potomac TRACON-BWI) then «269.0» (Potomac TRACON-DCA/ADW)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Roger that Chuck. In fact, Paul from Cape Cod posted the following on 10/ 13:

337.225 is a Giant Killer "deconflict" frequency for the Northern and Mid-Atlantic Warning Areas. Basically, it's a special use freq for whatever they need it for but it's not in the normal frequency use rotation.

The odd thing about it though is that the DC-ANG F- 16s usually go directly to that freq without first checking into the gatekeeper's (GIANT KILLER's) area and then hopping onto the operational freq.

1920: Have NJ-ANG F- 16s on «138.05» Haven't heard them on that freq for a long time.
1923: PECOS flight (F- 15 Langley) on GK's «389. 1» and another flight using «391.2» PECOS is a flight of four and still active at 1945.
1948: GK's «292.3» and «373.1» also callsigns heard yet on those two.
1953: DC-ANG F-16s active on « 143.15» Callsign SCARY, flight of two.
1954: ROCCO 62 (KC-135 McGuire AFB) with Andews Command Post on «378.1»
1959: SCARY flight with ZDC-Sea Isle «285.4» checking in.

2001: SCARY with ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3»
2007: SCARY flight to GIANT KILLER's area on «255.0» for 30 minutes....He gets a bit testy with GK saying they have a filed flight plan for 0000-0200Z. Can't hear the GK side of the conversation but I gather he questioned why the SCARY flight was there. The flight then goes right back to their tac freq «143.15»
2014: Last transmissions heard from the SCARY flight...they got weaker and weaker and finally were gone while still using tac «143.15» The flight may be on the 337.225 freq but, if so, I sure can't hear them. They followed the same flight path the other two flights from Andrews did this afternoon which is why I suspect they are on that freq.
2036: JUDGE 1 (F-16 WI-ANG Madison) calling ZNY-Colts Neck NJ on «307.8» No reply.
2040: Freq «138.05» active again. Not sure this is NJ-ANG...never heard a callsign when this freq was active earlier either.
2043: JUDGE and another callsign both active with ZNY on «307.8» but I keep missing the callsign. The other one is _____ 2 but not JUDGE.
2051: SCARY flight with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4»
2052: Have another DC-ANG F-16 flight active on «127.275»....nope, it's the SCARY flight coming home...they just changed from 143.15 to this one.....over to V-1 «139.9» with SOF for mission results and then back to tac «127.275»

2104: SCARY flight still moving toward home with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» getting several flight level changes. Finally leaves that freq at 2105.
2109: SCARY 1 slowing to 250 «127.275»
2115: SCARY flight to Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing.
2118: MOVER 45 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ)(Female driver) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» passing overhead Dover and wants Dover to contact Charleston Ops to see if GRITS 22 is "in the green"...if they've taken off. (GRITS is a C-17 from the 437th Airlift Wing at Charleston AFB NC)
2122: MOVER 45 gets confirmation that GRITS 22 has taken off. «349.4»
1922: REACH 223 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» wants info on their upload so they'll know how to arrange the aircraft.
2131: BOLAR 59 (or 51) to Dover Command Post on «349.4» couple of calls, no reply,
2136: CRAB 58 (C-130J, MD-ANG, Martin State...maybe) trying to contact Phillips AAF on «126.15»...he's told by a local helo that Phillips often closes down at 7 pm. The helo asks if he's going to do flare drops and is told no. Says he was going to stay out of the way if 58 was planning to do that. Earlier CRAB 58 was trying to contact Phillips on «229.6»

NOTE: I've been making noise about the CRAB C-130 aircraft not being heard on the CRAB Ops freq of 385.9 in recent weeks. I'm beginning to think they've simply changed freqs and that would make sense since the 385 freq is in the middle of the new 380 trunked systems frequency range that are active throughout this area. The search begins.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
A new freq would make sense, however a new DOD IFR Supplement went effective today and it still lists the old freq...
On another subject, trying to figure out the F-22 vs F-15 Callsigns -- Since only one Squadron (27FS) has changed over so far, we can probably rule out any callsigns reporting back to "Spad" or "Iron" Ops since these are the two Squadrons (71st & 94th FS) that still have F-15s, right?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Well, it does make sense that SPAD and IRON would be ruled out - IF - the 27th is the only squadron with the F-22s. We know the 27th has them but I (for one) don't know that the other squadrons don't have any. All the F-15s are supposed to be replaced so they might be trickling them into all three for familiarization purposes. That's just a wild guess on my part though. After I made an earlier post to the MilAir group about grabbing callsigns for possible F-22s returning from Hill AFB, Utah, I got a personal note from someone living near Langley that told me both F-15s and F-22s made the deployment according to local news sources - not just F-22s as the story from indicated. So grabbing callsigns as they return won't tell us a thing.

By the way, the story about the F-22s going to Hill, mentioned the new ground attack role that the F-22 pilots are having to learn since the F-15s didn't have that capability. That'll be a good tipoff for our callsign recovery if/when we hear anything from Langley performing that function.

Re the CRAB C- 130s: Either they've changed freqs for CRAB Ops or they simply are no longer stationed at Martin State. We're hearing them still working with Phillips and Weide but never landing/taking off from Martin. I know the BRAC had them going to Rhode Island and California but I heard nothing about that move taking place. This MilAir game is like a giant puzzle trying to put all the pieces together.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
An interesting Tidbit, from what I gather off the USAF Air Combat Command Demonstration schedule There's going to by a B-52 flyby tommorrow for a UsAF General Officer's Funeral at Arlington..
Be on the lookout for "Drago" since they seem to use that callsign for demos/flybys USAF-wide..
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1157: ROCKET 11 (F-15 Seymour-Johnson AFB NC) passing through the area with ZDC-Falls Church VA on «327.0»
1200: ROCKET 11 checking in with ZDC-Green Bay VA on «380.3» at FL240.
1204: DC-ANG active on tac «127.275» in an air combat role. Callsign WILD, flight of four on their way home.
1206: WILD flight to SENATE SOF to report mission results, all players are Code 1 «139.9»
1206: ROCKET 11 flight descends to 21,000 from 24. «380.3»
1210: WILD 1 with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» level 20K. Believe there is a ramp freeze at Andrews and so the WILD flight is having to circle until it's done. Flight switching to 317.425 with Approach at 1214.
1215: WILD flight leader is splitting the flight into a 2x2 formation as they approach «127.275»
1217: DRAGO 61 (B-52 for flyby at Arlington National Cemetary) with ZDC-Bucks Elbow VA on «284.7» One caveat here...I'm calling this a B-52 because that's what was scheduled for the flyby but I have no other indications it actually is as advertized.
1224: DRAGO 61 heading for Andrews to land in 10-15 minutes. He's using «351.2» for comms which is the squadron freq for the 756th ARS there at Andrews.
1226: "Navy 9," is all DRAGO 61 said but I take that to mean his parking spot at Andrews is to be on the Navy side of the field in row 9. «351.2»
1227: WILD flight still landing with Andrews Tower on «349.0»
1229: BOBCAT 20 (several choices for this callsign with one being a USAF VIP ferry aircraft) with ZNY-Big Flat PA on «322.4» at 19,000 FL
1232: BOBCAT 20 heading for MDT and told to switch to 124.1 while still on «322.4» MDT is Harrisburg International Airport in PA.
1241: CARBON 21 (A-10, 172d FS, MI-ANG, Battle Creek) with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» says he's a JDC direct for Snow Hill. ...reports at FL230 at 1246.
1250: CARBON 21 switches to ZDC-Ship Bottom NJ on «254.3» at FL 210
1256: CARBON 21 still with ZDC on «254.3» reports direct ??? (fading)

Continued below....
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Jul 13, 2004
Burlington County, NJ
Database Choices

ka3jjz said:
This brings me to a question; you can't keep this stuff scribbled down on a piece of paper somewhere; it has to be scanned and updated from time to time. What program(s) are folks using? I know Scanstar is pretty popular for this - I know more than a few folks that use it - and of course I use Radiomax. But surely there are others?
73s Mike

Custom or vertical applications drive me crazy as they are written in the mind of the developer who may or may not agree with me. A generic database program, in my opinion, is preferable and one of the better ones is Filemaker Pro for Mac and Windows. One of the nice features is its ability to read spreadsheets. If I'm not sure of what the dataset is to look like, or I have a ton of info to put in, I'll use a spreadsheet to simultaneously define the data elements and enter the data itself.

FWIW, Filemaker prints to the PDF for the amateur radio repeater listings (NJ, ePA, eNY, VT, DE, eMD, DC) available on the home page of Someone asked for a report organized differently than the two already designed; it took me less than two minutes to roll up another script to knock it out. (A new edition will be posted by the weekend once I enter some recently collected info).

73, Tom W2XQ


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1306: Have German Air Force 491 calling Dulles Signature several times on «138.875» with no reply. (This is a NJ-ANG tac freq) He calls both Dulles Signature and just Signature during his many attempts. Calling continues at 1311. He's probably tried 15 times.
1311: DRAGO 51 in the air calling ZNY-North Mountain PA on «319.9» FL260 (I guess this is the same guy that was using DRAGO 61 going into Andrews earlier.)
1317: DRAGO 51 at FL260 with ZNY-Elkins WV on «371.9» (This was the last transmission heard from him. No mention of switching to another ARTCC freq.)
1320: DC-ANG F-16s airborne on tac «127.275» Flight of four. Callsign WILD
1320: Langley tac freq «252.775» active
1321: GIANT KILLER ops freq «373.1» active
1322: WILD flight reports "off time" was (13)17. «127.275» The flight has very little chat over the next 10 minutes on this freq and they are not heard at all on any of the Center freqs.
1324: GK's ops freq «292.3» active
1334: NJ-ANG F-16s active on «138.2» They mentioned "HAVE-QUICK" just as I came on the freq...they then mention it sounds like secure voice on V-16.
1335: The NJ flight is COSMIC 45/46 and they are calling HUNTRESS on «138.2» Start of a weekend CAP???
1341: RISKY 51, flight of four, (F-15 Langley) into GK's area on «238.1» Flight leader mentions there is a RISKY 55 in one of the areas but is not with his flight.
1347: WILD flight with GK on «255.0» they are confirming they are cleared into W-107, levels A thru E
1347: WILD push 312.3 «255.0»
1349: REACH 1188 to Andrews on «378.1» says he is returning to base because of a cargo leak.
1349: WILD flight working «312.3» air combat exercises
1351: WILD flight changes tac freq to «143.15»
1356: COSMIC flight still with HUNTRESS on «138.2» but very little traffic being heard.

1406: COSMICs with HUNTRESS talking about a filter for the DATALINK where just the TOI can be seen. COSMIC says all he currently sees are unknowns on his scope. «138.2»
1418: U/I flight working Bollen Range on «237.2»
1418: COSMICs still chatting with HUNTRESS on «138.2»
1420: COSMIC flight given a target by HUNTRESS «138.2»
1421: COSMIC 46 goes for wx from ATIS and reports back on «138.2» Sounds like they'll be going home soon.
That was the last heard from the COSMIC flight - at least until this time (1440) I wonder if the BICEP flight that comes up immediately after this transmission is the same flight that just changes to squadron callsign when HUNTRESS mission is completed.
1423: BICEP flight (NJ-ANG F-16 Atlantic City) on ZDC-Sea Isle NJ «285.4» leaving 7 for 10,000
1424: BICEP flight working tac «138.425» inquiring whether they can land late...wingman comes back and says they can land 20 minutes late. Flight of two.
1426: ZDC clears BICEP flight to 14,000 «285.4»
1427: BICEP 11 flight level at 14,000 as reported on ZDC-Snow Hill MD «256.8»
1435: WILD 1 with ZDC-Sea Isle NJ on «285.4» heading for Andrews.
1436: BICEP flight performing buddy lase exercise on tac «138.425»
1437: WILD 1 level 14,000 with ZDC-Kenton DE «277.4»
1437: BICEP flight reports when done they'll proceed direct Waterloo, Sea Isle, Atlantic City.
1440: U/I flight still working Bollen on «237.2» no callsigns being used so can't identify
1441: COLT 1 (A-10, MD-ANG Martin State) with Dover Approach on «257.875» This might just be the flight working Bollen Range.
1443: COLT mentions taking pictures of the C-5s on the runway at Dover on tac freq «142.3»
1448: HARASS 21/22 with HUNTRESS on «260.9» and clearing into the GUARD DOG area on «288.35» He is given block 210-250. Here's the real CAP.
1453: HARASS 21 inquiring about the status of TANKER 10. «260.9»
1453: HARASS 21 tells HUNTRESS his transmitter is bad on this freq...requests he change transmitter or give alternate freq....they get 228.9 «260.9»
1455: HARASS flight now on «228.9» and say this is they stay here.
1456: DEUCE 22 (KC-10A, McGuire AFB NJ) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» Reports that he's A-2 for #1 engine throttle sticking.
1456: HARASS 21 says both aircraft are NVG capable «228.9» (Bit early for that, no?)
1459: HARASS flight doing the normal Alpha check of the DATALINK as they take up their timber sweet.

1501: SHARK 1 (too many choices for this call to pin it down) calling ZNY-Colts Neck on «381.6»
1502: HARASS reports clear above 10,000 feet, scattered clouds below that flight level. «228.9»
1505: BICEP 11/12 (1/2 on tac) still with ground attack exercise...flying at 10K and 11K altitudes. Excellent reception indicates they are on the Pax River range in southern MD.
1511: TANKER 10 reports in to the CAP on «228.9»
1514: HARASS 22 heading for the tanker...looks like they're going to use this freq for refueling. «228.9»
1515: BICEP flight reports they're going to do one more strafing mission...against a boat they see in an inlet...and then "we'll get out of here." «138.425»
1521: BICEP flight "tapes off" «138.425»
1522: BICEP flight leader says, "We've gotta beat feet home." and #2 says that was a good workout for him. «138.425»
1523: BICEP 11 reports in to ZDC-Kenton De on «277.4» reports flight of two at FL 17...requests direct Sea Isle, direct Atlantic City...reports IFR....given direct Atlantic City.
1525: BICEP 1 (11) clears 2 (12) to give mission results to SOF...says he's Code 1. «138.425»
1526: BICEP 11 reports out of 17 for 10,000 to ZDC on «277.4»
1526: BICEP 2 (12) comes back with the wx, 1 tells him to maintain fighting wing formation and says they are cleared down to 10,000 «138.425»
1528: BICEP 11 cleared down to 8,000....then out of 8 for 6,000...still w/ZDC on «277.4»
1529: BICEP leader says Push 6 (which should be 261.0 but I don't hear them there probably due to altitude getting too low) «138.425»
1531: RAVEN 1 with Martin State Tower on «297.2» for landing.
1542: Langley tac freq «233.525» active with a flight of four.
1543: Two A-10s report in to Raven Ops on «347.2» that they are both Code 1
1544: The two A-10s report in to Dover Approach on «257.875»
1544: The A-10s also using low band «40.15» but too weak to copy yet.
1548: Navy jet Victor 2834 calling GIANT KILLER on VHF «125.375» reporting at FL270.
1549: U/I on Pax River freq «250.7» saying he'll orbit and do pod checks...then asks when the chase will be launching.
1551: A-10s report they'll be doing a full stop landing with Martin Tower on «297.2»
1559: HARASS 21 & 22 along with TANKER 10 are still in the CAP although remaining fairly quiet...they check in about every 10 minutes. «228.9»
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Jul 24, 2005
trsundstrom said:
Custom or vertical applications drive me crazy as they are written in the mind of the developer who may or may not agree with me. A generic database program, in my opinion, is preferable and one of the better ones is Filemaker Pro for Mac and Windows. One of the nice features is its ability to read spreadsheets. If I'm not sure of what the dataset is to look like, or I have a ton of info to put in, I'll use a spreadsheet to simultaneously define the data elements and enter the data itself.

Plain old word processing here... I just follow the same format like this for each entry...

10/16/05 5:35 PM PT: 277.4 NIGHTMARE 11 (AV-8B VMA-513 “Flying Nightmares” Yuma MCAS, AZ) on ZLA Pleasants Peak/Laguna - Direct Hector. >351.9 to ZLA Barstow - Flight of 4 with you. >382.925 on Nightmare Tac. - AA. >279.6 to ZLA Barstow - Callsign. (RTB Yuma)

I can go back and search on freqs, calls, whatever. I'm sure there's more complicated stuff out there, but simple is good for me in this instance. Just hit page 500 today... Who boy, that's a lot of typing.

-DPD Productions - Featuring the MilTenna LP Gain Scanner Antenna-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1805: The Combat Air Patrol is still active over the area with the bullseye at Thurmont. The two fighters are F- 15s from Langley AFB - HARASS 21 and 22. The supporting refueler is TANKER 10. Primary frequency is «228.9».
1810: HARASS 21 meeting up with TANKER 10 to take a topoff of 3,000 pounds of fuel. «228.9» with the boom at 1812. (21/22 should be relieved by 23/24 close to 1900 which will be approximately four hours on station for them which is the normal "shift" on the CAP.)
1814: HARASS 21 breaks off the boom and heads back to his station within the CAP. «228.9»
1835: HARASS 21 wants HUNTRESS to check if their replacements have taken off as fragged. «228.9»
1843: HARASS 21 reports maintenance status as Code 1 and 22 reports as Code 3 for DTM reciprocal...this in preparation of going home. «228.9»
1845: HARASS 23 reports to GUARD DOG controller on «288.35» at FL230 as he approaches the area.
1848: HARASS 23 and 24 arrive on station and meet up with TANKER 10 to fill their tanks. 23 is tail #79-0064 and 24 is tail #78-0548. They also confirm to the tanker they're from the First Fighter Wing.
1848: GHOST 89 (ID unclear without more info) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4»
1853: HARASS 21/22 clearing out of CAP area on «288.35»
1853: GHOST 88 calling McGuire Command Post on «385.9» (Obviously he hit the wrong button...this is CRAB Ops freq of the MD-ANG at Martin State Airport.)
1855: HARASS 21/22 with ZDC-Patuxent MD «281.4» at FL210 for the trip home.
1856: GHOST 88 still calling McGuire Command Post on «385.9» (The fact that this GHOST has this freq in his radio might just make him an AC-130H from Hurlburt Field in Florida...just a guess on my part.) And, yes, this is 88 and the other was 89.

1900: HARASS 21/22 using tac freq «358.85» as they fly home...they report Langley is at 180 degrees, 63 miles at this point.
1901: TANKER 11 reporting on station to replace 10. «228.9»
1902: GHOST 88 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports he'll arrive there at 2325Z, has tail #85-0030, is A-2 for APU inoperative, needs a power cart when he lands.
1915: TANKER 10 with STEEL Ops at Pittsburgh on «311.0» going home.

Dinner time....continued below later if necessary.

[Edit] That's a double-wide, sumo-wrestler-sized finger that punched an eight instead of a one Chuck...but an excellent catch by you on the frequency mixup.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
1306: Have German Air Force 491 calling Dulles Signature several times on «138.875» with no reply. (This is a NJ-ANG tac freq) He calls both Dulles Signature and just Signature during his many attempts. Calling continues at 1311. He's probably tried 15 times.
He fat fingered that freq! Dulles Signature is 131.875 according to

TinEar said:
1902: GHOST 88 to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports he'll arrive there at 2325Z, has tail #85-0030, is A-2 for APU inoperative, needs a power cart when he lands.
Tail Number 85-0030 is a KC-10A of the 305th AMW Based at Mcguire AFB..
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Copied GHOST 88 myself.That tail 85-0030 is a KC-10 McGuire number.Not often used as callsign but have heard them use that for KC-10's before..



Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Just had a TANKER 10 calling base ops on 311.000,parking on spot 23.
I rarely hear that around here,must be atmospherics.Is this Langley? or Seymour Johnson?


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
By the way from another mil board McGuire has 4 C-17's callsign CLAW,4 KC-10's OPEC and TEAM and at least 5 NJ ANG F-16 DEVILS working this past week up at Alpena Michigan off Lake Huron.Must be a 2 week drill or exercise.Jersey road trip....
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