Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Second half of the 2000 hour finds the CAP still in place. HARASS 45/46 have the duty and are being assisted by TANKER 07. At 2038, HUNTRESS told HARASS 45 their replacements, HARASS 47/48, were airborne and flying to the area. Primary freq for the CAP is still «228.9» and it's also the primary boom freq for refueling. At 2050 HARASS 47/48 arrive in the CAP and do a boom check as the first order of business. They checked in along the way from Langley to the CAP with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4». HARASS 45 and 46 are given the okay to RTB. 45 reports Code 3 for a left engine afterburner problem and 46 is Code 2. (Broken down old F-15s). HARASS 45/46 use tac «276.675» for chat on their way home. At 2059, HUNTRESS asks HARASS 47 for a PIREP and is told there is a solid cloud deck over D.C. but the rest of the CAP is okay.
2105: HARASS 45 flight with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» on their way home. Report leaving 21,000 for 10,000 and says the flight is 10 miles north of HARKUM (or is it HARCUM? I've seen it spelled both ways on supposedly official documents recently.)
By the way, HUNTRESS is extremely loud and clear today - more so than I've ever heard them.
2110: HARASS 45 with Calvert says they'll be direct Langley after passing HARKUM. «281.4»
2111: Have Langley tac «228.175» active. Not sure which pair of HARASS fighters this is. 45/46 were getting weak on the last freq when they got down to 10,000 feet and this guy is as loud as 47/48. Of course, he gave his ID before I got on the freq.

Is it Christmas yet?

2209: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 47 that RENEGADE is coming over to the freq in a few minutes to get a "time check." «228.9» (RENEGADE is one of the controllers we hear on the Customs freqs when they do a scramble for an ADIZ violator.)
2234: And still no RENEGADE has appeared on the CAP freqs.
2236: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 47 and does a "time check" which doesn't sound like a time check - just a bunch of numbers. He then tells him he can get back in the net with ?NCR? «228.9»
[[After thinking about this, I don't think RENEGADE was expected to do any kind of voice check. I believe all of that meant he was going to sign onto the DATALINK net and synch his time with everyone else.]]
2243: HARASS 47 reports back in the net but is getting no tracks from HUNTRESS. «228.9» HUNTRESS says the only tracks he's pushing right now are the players - the two F-15s and the tanker. 47 says he has nothing...just the same as before he did all the resets. HUNTRESS says he doesn't think he's going to get it fixed tonight and 47 says that's okay because he can see his wingman and the tanker so they're good to go. He adds that maybe Santa will bring HUNTRESS a new terminal. HUNTRESS has nothing to say to that. «228.9»

2303: TANKER 07 calls HUNTRESS to ask if he has any word on his replacement. HUNTRESS, of course, says to stand by. (And goes back to his sandwich.) «228.9» HUNTRESS actually comes back a minute later to say he doesn't see him on his scope but tells 07 he's due to be off station by 0457Z (1157 local) And TANKER 07 seems satisfied to be told he's due to go home when he's due to go home.
2331: HARASS 47 calls TANKER 07 to ask how much gas he has. 07 responds that he has all they need. 47 tells 48 to switch to B.S. (First time I've ever heard them refer to the chat channel for what it is...B.S. channel.)
2331: HARASS 47 and 48 on their tac/chat/B.S. freq «228.175» to talk about refueling and deciding who'll go first to the tanker.
2335: HARASS 48 asks for clearance to the tanker. HUNTRESS tells him to go for it. «228.9» 48 reports his weapons are on "safe."
2336: TANKER 07 clears HARASS 48 to contact the boom. «228.9» 48 tells the tanker he wants about 6,000 (pounds of fuel).
2338: 48 has contact with the boom. «228.9»
Seems all the recent CAPs have used the primary freq as a boom freq. It sure makes it easier than switching back and forth to a secondary freq for refueling.
2341: TANKER 07 tells 48 he has given him 6,000 and asks if he wants more. 48 tells him to give him another 1,000. «228.9» About 20 seconds later the additional 1,000 pounds has been transferred. 48 breaks contact with the boom and tells HUNTRESS he's back on station. HUNTRESS nods and says okay.
2342: HARASS 47 heading for the boom and says he wants 5,000. «228.9» 07 clears him to contact the boom.
[[The F-15s use about 6,000 pounds of fuel per hour of flying. The KC-135 tanker uses 10,000 per hour.]]
2344: 47 tells 07 he sees fuel spilling out of the boom. 07 asks if it's from the nozzle and 47 concurs. 07 tells him to try reconnecting to the boom. He adds that he can't see it real well from his position - he just sees a spray. So 47 reconnects and then says it looks like the gas is going in fine. At 2345, 07 says he has given 5,000 and ask if he wants more. Nope, is the answer and so 47 breaks off the boom and tells HUNTRESS he's back on station. «228.9»
2355: TANKER 07 asks about the status of his replacement. HUNTRESS tells him that TANKER 08 is airborne and is about 200 miles out. «228.9»
[[I wonder what the HARASS numbers will be that replace 47/48. It shouldn't be 49/50. Will it be 51/52 or will they start over at 31/32? I won't know because I should be long gone by the time they show up...I think.]]

0008: TANKER 08 shows up in the CAP and makes contact with HUNTRESS. He's told to hold angels 25 (25,000 feet). TANKER 07 told he can RTB and to go to GUARD DOG to clear out. He says he'll go to VHF and do that and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. «228.9»
0008: TANKER 07 contacts GUARD DOG on «135.525» and says he'll take the Indian Head heading to clear out of the CAP.
0009: HUNTRESS gives the Mode 3 of HARASS 47 as 5342 and 48 as 3612 to TANKER 08 «228.9»
0012: TANKER 07 repeats he's changing to ZDC frequency 134.15 and wishes this controller a Merry Christmas too. «135.525» [Goodbye 07. I'm not chasing you through the VHF Center freqs.]
0014: TANKER 08 with GUARD DOG on «135.525» is given altitude block 22 to 25,000.
0015: TANKER 08 tells HUNTRESS that if 07 is cleared out of the area, he'd like to descend from FL250 to 240. HUNTRESS tells him 07 is cleared out to the north and he's free to descend. «228.9»
0018: HUNTRESS asks HARASS 47 if he'll do a quick boom check with TANKER 08. 47 says of course he will. HUNTRESS gives him the BRA to the tanker. «228.9»
0024: HARASS 47 reaches TANKER 08 and closes in on the boom. The boom operator says with some alarm, "WATCH YOUR CLOSURE, WATCH YOUR CLOSURE." Not sure what 47 did that caused that. Anyway, 47 connects with the boom and takes on 1,000 pounds. He gives his tail number to the tanker as 83-0024. Then he reports off the boom and tells HUNTRESS he's back in the CAP. «228.9»
0027: HARASS 47 and 48 go to the B.S. channel on «228.175» and 47 tells 48, "What a moron that boom operator is." Then 48 makes fun of his "Watch your closure" holler. So they have their fun and that's it for now.
0032: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 47 to tell him their replacements are airborne and that he'll check the weather for home plate (Langley). «228.9» He also tells them to maintain a position in the north part of the CAP.
[Guess I will find out which numbers the replacements will use.]
0034: HUNTRESS asks 47 what altitude he'd like his relief to come in at. 47 says to have them come in at 21,000. «228.9»
0035: HUNTRESS gives the Langley wx and reports the temp is 43 degrees. Nothing out of the ordinary. HARASS 47 and 48 both report being Code 1 maintenance status. «228.9»
0036: HARASS 51/52 with ZDC-Woodstown on «363.0» checking in at FL230 and are given altitude block 21-25,000 in the CAP. (No idea why they used this freq. Maybe ZDC-Calvert closes the 281.4 freq at midnight and combines on 363.0.)
0037: HARASS 47/48 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» to say they'll be leaving in about 5 minutes. They'll go to Nottingham and then direct Langley.
0038: HARASS 51 and 52 check into the CAP with HUNTRESS on «228.9»
0041: HARASS 51 does an Alpha check on the bullseye and his data matches what HUNTRESS sees on his scope. «228.9»
0042: HUNTRESS gives HARASS 51 the BRA to TANKER 08. «228.9»
0043: HARASS 51 and HARASS 47 go to «228.175» and 51 says 47's radar is f***ed...he's right on his nose and doesn't know why he doesn't see him. 47 shows him 5 miles off but 51 again says that's f***ed up, he's right on his nose...look out the window and you'll see me. 47 ends that conversation in a hurry.
0045: HARASS 51 gives the Mode 3 and tail numbers for himself and his wingman to TANKER 08. I was across the room without a pen and didn't write them down so no report on them. Anyway, they're on the way to the tanker for a boom check. «228.9»
Over the next several minutes 51 and 52 hit the boom for fuel. Meanwhile, HARASS 47 and 48 also use ZDC-Woodstown on «363.0» on their flight home to Langley. That brings us to 0055.
0104: HARASS 47/48 call IRON Ops on «357.1» to report both are Code 1 and ar 50 miles out.
Okay...I've had enough. Wanted to stay to see the replacement numbers and have. So that'll be the end of this log for tonight. HARASS 51 and his foul mouth could get interesting though if there's any screwups or pressure during his flight. Till later....

I forgot to mention that earlier today when HARASS 42 was held on station in the CAP because 44 couldn't find a working aircraft to replace him when due, 42 had a big worry. He was out of "piddle packs." (Yeah, you can figure it out without me explaining it.) I had already turned off the PC so couldn't log that little exchange. Everyone listening to the conversation had a good laugh about it, including me. Even 42 laughed on the air but it's the little things like that you don't think about when listening to those guys fly circles for hours and hours. I've never figured out what female fighter pilots use or how they use it. Guess I'll have to ask one of them..........or maybe not.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No, I don't sleep...

0843: HARASS 31/32 have the CAP along with TANKER 9. Primary freq still «228.9»
[They used 51/52 and then went back to 31/32]
0845: HARASS 34 arrives in the CAP and heads to the tanker. 33 had a problem with his jet and was looking for a replacement so he didn't arrive. 31 stays on station and is stuck there until 33 makes it to the CAP.
0856: HUNTRESS tells 32 he can RTB. «228.9» He tells him to clear out with FAA.
0858: HARASS 32 switches to GUARD DOG freq «288.35» at FL210 and reports direct HARKUM, direct Langley.
0858: HARASS 34 tells 31 to switch to 360.15 for chat...guess this is his programmed B.S. channel. He tells 31 that 33 was taking off about the time he was airborne.
0900: HARASS 32 goes to ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» and checks in at 0905 he starts his descent from 210 to 10,000.
0914: HARASS 33 is just south of the GUARD DOG CAP area so will be arriving on station shortly. HUNTRESS tells him when he arrives he'd like him to go to the tanker for a boom check. Wilco says 33. «228.9»
0915: TANKER 9 asks 33 if they're in the ?FIDDLE? net. 33 says both he and 34 are in the problems.
0918: HARASS 34 tells 33 they'll use 360.15 for AUX. 33 acknowledges and heads for the tanker to top off, reports nose cold and weapons safe. He asks TANKER 9 if the boom freq is 320.6. Everyone jumps in to say it's right here on primary. «228.9»

Okay, so that's what's happening with the GUARD DOG CAP this morning. This will keep on throughout the weekend. Too bad they have to do this over the holiday weekend. It comes with the job though. I sure remember all the Christmas days I worked while in the USAF.


Mar 1, 2003
Bring up the new toys....the F-22's
See how they do in the CAP.

Happy Holidays Everybody,


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Same to you Jack and to everyone else that takes a peek at this thread. Sooner or later they're going to either have to use the F-22A or assign the CAP duties to another unit.

It's 1441 and the CAP is still going. The F-15 fighter pair is currently HARASS 35 and 36 and the gas station is TANKER 10. Nothing out of the ordinary going on. A bit earlier, right about 1400, everyone lost contact with HARASS 36. His wingman tried him on Prime and on AUX several times without success. HUNTRESS tried also and couldn't raise him. Just about the time that HUNTRESS gave 35 a BRA to help find 36 and 35 started chasing him down to see what was wrong, good old 36 came up on AUX. No problem...he was just doing something else and not paying attention to the radios.

About 1445, HUNTRESS calls TANKER 10 and says his replacement is in the air and if he can contact him and find out if he has a green boom he'll let 10 leave for home. TANKER 10 says he'll call him on HF and then mentions frequency 6761 (kHz). Apparently, they go there and all is fine because 10 comes back to primary CAP freq «228.9» and thanks HUNTRESS, wishes him a Merry Christmas and says he's RTBing. 10 then changes to GUARD DOG freq «288.35» to report he's at flight level 240 and is going to RTB to Milwaukee. He is told to go to Washington Center on 134.15 and so off he goes. The 134.15 Center freq is for ZDC-Hagerstown. It's paired with UHF freq 227.125.

At 1500, HARASS 35 and 36 begin chatting on AUX freq «360.15» and much to my surprise they basically introduce themselves to each other. They talk about home towns, shools they attended, where they had their flight training, etc. I would have thought all squadron pilots would know each other.
[I wonder if one of them isn't a volunteer from somewhere else doing some Christmas duty. That was a popular thing to do while I was in. The single guys would offer to work Christmas so the married guys could be with their families...and the married guys volunteered for New Year's Day duty, freeing the singles to hit the celebrations.]

1508: HUNTRESS wishes the HARASS pilots a Merry Christmas. He's going off duty. «228.9» He gives the official change of operator time as 2008Z. The new guy goes through the authentication process with the flight leader.
1511: TANKER 11 lets HUNTRESS know he's about to enter the CAP at FL240. HUNTRESS asks if there's any icing at that altitude and it's negative. 11 says things are fine and he sees HARASS 35/36 (on his scope). «228.9»
1522: After the normal altitude assignment/clearance into the GUARD DOG CAP, etc. on «135.525», TANKER 11 reports to HUNTRESS on «228.9» that he's in the CAP and "under your control." HUNTRESS corrects him by saying that HUNTRESS does not have control...the FAA has control of the GUARD DOG CAP. 11's okay with that.

Makes sense Chuck...I guess. I would imagine all three squadrons have fairly close contact with one another although they wouldn't necessarily know personal details about each other.

1547: HUNTRESS assigns HARASS 35 to check a TOI, a helicopter over Washington Executive Airport (Hyde Field). It's position is 166/59/low (bearing, distance, altitude) from Thurmont. 36 is in the best position to go find it and off he goes. «228.9»
1551: HUNTRESS says hey had a report of this aircraft they're chasing but it's below his radar capabilities. The location is around Andrews. «228.9»
1554: The fighters found it...locked on and HUNTRESS tells them to stay locked on. Altitude is 300 feet. «228.9»
For the next several minutes, the two fighters are chatting about the target on their «360.15» AUX freq. They are trying to get a visual sighting on it.
1601: HARASS 35 tells HUNTRESS they can't get a visual on it and have lost it. HUNTRESS gives the "skip it" command and so they do. «228.9»
1618: HUNTRESS give the HARASS flight the weather for Langley which should indicate they'll be replaced soon by 37/38.
And that's enough reporting on this for now. Till later....
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
At 1500, HARASS 35 and 36 begin chatting on AUX freq «360.15» and much to my surprise they basically introduce themselves to each other. They talk about home towns, shools they attended, where they had their flight training, etc. I would have thought all squadron pilots would know each other.
[I wonder if one of them isn't a volunteer from somewhere else doing some Christmas duty. That was a popular thing to do while I was in. The single guys would offer to work Christmas so the married guys could be with their families...and the married guys volunteered for New Year's Day duty, freeing the singles to hit the celebrations.]

Don't forget, the 94th FS just moved all it's f-15s and pilots over to the 71st FS as they transition to the F-22.. So the Squadron is full of "New" Guys who probably aren't all well acquainted with the 71st ...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
One more quick report before turning this thing off...

1636: HARASS 35 tells HUNTRESS that HARRIER is trying to call him. «228.9» HUNTRESS doesn't hear him and says he has no radar contact for HARRIER. 35 says he'll relay.
1638: HUNTRESS reports he now has radar contact with HARRIER 2. «228.9»
I have no idea what HARRIER's mission is.
1638: HARASS 37/38 check into the CAP with HUNTRESS on «228.9» 37 tells HUNTRESS that these same two jets had no trouble refueling this morning and does he still need to go do a boom check with the tanker. HUNTRESS tells him he must do it. Again, HUNTRESS tells HARASS 37/38 that this flight is under FAA control and that HUNTRESS will provide command and guidance only. They then do the standard Alpha check for the bullseye. HARASS and HUNTRESS agree that bullseye is at 350 degrees, 75 miles away from the fighters.
1640: HARASS 37/38 are working with ZDC-Swann for control to enter the GUARD DOG CAP on «360.7» rather than 281.4 Calvert. Must be combined sectors again at ZDC.
1645: HARASS 37/38 go to TANKER 11, do the customary handshake and decide to take 2,000 pounds of fuel apiece.
1649: HARASS 35/36 ready to RTB and exit the area...they report they've both got 8.0 on the fuel and are both Code 1. «228.9»
1650: HARASS 35/36 with ZDC-Swann on «360.7» confirm flight route as Nottingham, HARKUM, direct Langley. By the way, ZDC is transmitting on «360.7» and the aircraft on GUARD DOG freq «288.35» ZDC is probably simulcasting on 288.35 but I can't hear the ground station on that freq but he's loud and clear on 360.7. (That explanation is clear as mud, I know.)
Okay...I'm done again. Mainly wanted to get that HARRIER aircraft stuff in the log.
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May 6, 2004

Thanks for the posts Tinear, I live in Thurmont, actually .5 mile from the bullseye. I don't always catch everything on my scanner but I know I can come here for the recap.

It can get real interesting here when a craft enters P40. Two Black Hawks always come out of Emmitsburg (National Fire Academy) along with the fighters.

Just prior to everyone leaving DC to Thurmont I always have a small black two seater helo running patterns. Probably Secret Service. Do they and the black hawks operate on 228.9?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Okay...just got back home and turned on the scanners and hear HARASS 37 refueling on «228.9» I also hear HARASS 41 going home. Did he have a problem? He must have because he was due to arrive as a replacement about now.
I hear 41 with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» saying he's going to dump fuel for the next 5-6 minutes. He then confirms he's supposed to switch to «353.7» and he indeed goes there. Not sure yet who that freq belongs to but this is the second instance of HARASS jets going to that freq today on the way home. Anyway, while on «353.7» 41 says he's at 11,000 feet and dumping fuel and is declaring an emergency at this time. By this point he's nearing Langley and getting weak down at that altitude. He tells the controller on «353.7» there is just one SOB.
If anyone heard his problem when he arrived at the CAP or just before getting to the CAP, please explain. He should have replaced 37 but since 37 is taking on a full fuel load, he's obviously planning to be here for a bit. Not a good night to have to pull a double.
NOTE: Frequency 353.7 is a Norfolk Approach freq which would be normal for them to use going into Langley.

Hello Vschlitz. Welcome to the forum and to the MilAir thread. Good to have you with us. To answer your question, no, the Secret Service and other helos will not be involved with the activity on the primary CAP frequency - which happens to be «228.9» this time. The only helos mixed in with the CAP aircraft in the past have been an occasional appearance by the Customs helicopter during an intercept of an intruder in the no-fly areas. But they normally operate on their own set of frequencies. The most common is «282.425» and, at times, that traffic is patched onto «165.2375». That freq stays in FM mode even though you would expect aircraft transmission to be AM.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Sorry was going to post that but got busy.. Harass 41 had problems on the tanker, spewing fuel while on the Boom and aborted... Didn't hear the emergency part...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ahhh...thanks Chuck. I was getting really curious why he had to abort - which he was obviously doing since he was heading for Langley and his CAP duty schedule had him just starting the mission. I think Norfolk Approach talked him into declaring the emergency. I couldn't hear the ground controller obviously but 41's response saying he was declaring the emergency sounded that way - like he was just following the suggestion.

And here come the Santa Claus sighting reports on the scanner. Charles County Fire Dispatch on «158.775» just put out (at 2200) a Department of Homeland Security lookout for the sleigh being pulled by eight reindeer. The "BOLO" will get passed around various departments now. Usually the smaller cities and towns participate. The big cities are much too important to play games (or so they think).

2210: HARASS 37 calls HUNTRESS to ask if he has any news on 41. HUNTRESS tells him 41 should be departing (Langley) in about 5 mikes (minutes). «228.9» I don't think I mentioned that HARASS 42 did replace 38 and is doing his duty in the CAP. Right now he's taking the southern end.
2219: HARASS 37 is heading for the tanker. HUNTRESS tells him tha HARASS 41 is airborne. «228.9»
2223: HARASS 41 calls 37 and tells him he'll be in the CAP in 6 minutes. 37 doesn't sound like a happy camper. «228.9»
2223: HUNTRESS wants 41 to confirm he's NV capable. He is. «228.9»
2224: HARASS 37 to GUARD DOG on «288.35» to tell him he'll RTB in five minutes and will take altitude 23,000 and will be a single ship.
2231: HARASS 41 is on station and is going to the tanker for a boom check. «228.9» HUNTRESS clears him to contact the tanker.
2232: HARASS 41 calls TANKER 12 on «320.6» He's really out of the loop.
2232: 41 goes back to «228.9» to confirm boom is 320.6 and is told it's here. TANKER 12 has radio contact with him and 41 reports his tail # as 80-0013, his nose cold and his weapons safe.
2234: HUNTRESS asks HARASS 37 for fuel and code status. 37 says fuel is 10.4 (10,400 pounds) and he's Code 1 «228.9»
2235: TANKER 12 asks HARASS 41 for his Mode 3 and is told it's 5536. 41 says he's looks for about 6500 pounds of fuel. «228.9»
2236: HARASS 37 to GUARD DOG on «288.35» to say he's ready to RTB. Flight level will be 22,000. He goes back to primary «228.9» where he and HUNTRESS exchange Merry Christmas wishes.
2240: HARASS 41 back in the CAP after refueling. He does an Alpha check on the bullseye and his data is confirmed by HUNTRESS. «228.9»
2243: HARASS 42 heading for the tanker for a fillup. 12 asks him to confirm his weapons are on safe which he does. «228.9»
2247: HARASS 37 with Norfolk Approach on «353.7» reporting at 11,000 feet.
And unless something unusual happens, that'll be it for now.

As of 2200, Langley F-15s have had the CAP for the past 53 hours. They are cycling nine pairs of aircraft. ...31/32-33/34-35/36-37/38-41/42-43/44-45/46-47/48-51/52. They are taking about four hour shifts. They are now on the fifth pair of the second cycle. When this pair (it'll be 41/42 once 41 gets back to work) completes its shift, they will have had the CAP for 56 hours spread across 14 pairs of aircraft. (Let's see...14 X 4 = 56) Funny how that works out.

And did I mention TANKER 12 is now playing gas station? It started with 1. So their shifts are longer than the fighters. (56/12 = 4 hours, 40 minutes per shift)

Think I'm going to call it a night.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1935 -- DC CAP still up there. Harass 53/54 and Skater 07 as the Tanker (that's different!).........<228.9>


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I remember logging that SKATER 07 on another CAP Chuck. He's a KC-135 from up in Bangor, Maine. I kept wondering why he wasn't keeping with the program and real curious why he could use a squadron callsign rather than the mission callsign.
You must have turned your scanners on just before I did. It was the end of a long, festive day with family and seemed time to relax and listen to what's happening in our part of the world.

Around 2030, replacements for HARASS 53/54 took off from Langley. They are currently 25 miles northwest of Langley and working with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» and using «360.15» for tac. The current pair, 53/54, is using tac «276.675» The replacements are HARASS 55/56.
2036: HARASS 55 flight leader contacts HUNTRESS on primary CAP freq «228.9» to check in and HUNTRESS tells him he has him on radar and hears him LC (loud and clear).
2040: SKATER 7 asks HUNTRESS for the Mode 3 for HARASS 55 and 56. HUNTRESS tells him he only has it for 55 which is 4602. «228.9»
2044: HARASS 55 and 56 heading for the tanker as they arrive in the CAP. 55 to take 2,000 pounds and 56 will topoff. 55's tail # is 83-048 and 56's tail # is 82-0017. «228.9»
Now that they've used 53/54 and 55/56 in the rotation, it makes a mess of my doodlings last night when I was talking about their cycling of mission callsign numbers. Oh well, I was just bored and killing time during those doodles and it was nothing important anyway.
2048: HARASS 56 going to the right wing of SKATER 7 to refuel. «228.9» 56 does some grumbling about the bright lights on the tanker and asks that they be dimmed. He winds up taking 1600 pounds.
2051: HARASS 55 going to the left wing for his gas. «228.9» 53 asks HUNTRESS to check wx for their flight back to Langley to find the best route to avoid the thunderstorms in the area.
2054: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 53 the best route home is to stay on a line for Richmond to avoid the current line of thunderstorms that's to the east of that area. «228.9»
2056: HUNTRESS gives the permission for HARASS 53/54 to RTB at 0156Z. 56 minutes after the hour seems to be a standard time for releasing the pair that's just finishing. He also gives an authentication at the same time. «228.9»
2058: HARASS 55/56 do an Alpha check to the bullseye and it's just dandy and both report NVG equipped. «228.9»
2059: HARASS 53 clears out through GUARD DOG on «288.35» and then switches to ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» to tell the controller he's going via Richmond to miss the thunderstorms and that it's a flight plan change. They are at FL210.
2100: HARASS 55/56 continue to use the «360.15» for tac/chat, or as they called it last night, the B.S. channel.
HARASS 55 is the foul mouthed guy we had last night. He's back to shooting off his mouth about the tanker crew and still foul mouthed.
2105: TANKER 17 is 100 miles out. HUNTRESS checked to make sure his boom was in the green so he could release SKATER 7 and send him home. SKATER 7/07 gives TANKER 17 his PIREP for the area. «228.9»
2106: HUNTRESS tells SKATER 07 to RTB and clear out with GUARD DOG. «228.9» And he does on «135.525» SKATER 07 wants to go direct Sea Isle or McGuire. Everyone is trying to avoid severe turbulence in the northeast corner of the CAP area.
And that brings the CAP activity up to date. Will only report significant activity should it happen.

There was a story in my latest AF news email from about the new Sniper XR pod on the active duty F-16s in Korea. Our local ANG F-16s may see this equipment in the future.,15240,82993,00.html?
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Interesting coversation concerning the Guard Dog Freq. The Potomac Controller gave the Harass flight the option of staying on 360.7 "and listening to all the other airplanes" or switching to 288.55 and being in the "Cone of silence". So it would appear that the same controller handles 360.7/134.5 and 288.55/135.525.
This pretty much explains why I can hear the Controller responses to the CAP transmisisons on 288.55/135.525 also coming from the 360.7/134.5 transmitters at BWI.

{edit to add} Alan, I've heard it during the daytime as well. I'm leaning towards thinking that the ZDC SWANN(Baltimore) Sector Controller IS the GUARDDOG controller, just on a discrete freq so the CAP doesn't have to listen the controller deal with all the civil traffic(sound familiar to you?)
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Chuck, have you noticed if that's applicable during the daytime also? I'm wondering if it's just at night when they combine freqs at the Center or throughout the day.

[Edit] Sounds very familiar and I think it's mighty considerate of them. The GUARD DOG transmitting site itself is in Falls Church which is why we don't hear the ground controller on the 288.35 freq from here. Good to know it's a full-time simulcast. Thanks.
Here's the strange thing though...we know because we hear it that the Swann controller is working the 288.35 GUARD DOG freq. However, the 288.35 freq is assigned to the Moorefield sector and in a completely different area - area 4 for Moorefield (Sector 3) and area 8 for Swann (Sector 17). I wish I knew all I don't know about this stuff.
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May 6, 2004
End of CAP

As the end of the P40 CAP draws near (tommorrow). Can we hear Marine 1 when they go wheels up? What freq. or are they encrypted?


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Assuming he comes back on Marine 1, you'll hear the normal airways comms - probably with BWI and Reagan National TRACON freqs. Whether it's Marine 1 or Air Force 1, they usually aren't very talkative and comms are kept to a bare minimum. They say what's necessary and nothing more. The Secret Service may be talking while aboard the flight but they are certainly encrypted so there's really nothing to listen to from them.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Harass 57/58 take over around 0100 AM local, switch to using «228.175» as the chat freq...

Alan, do you have a list of 1st FW Tac freqs?

G'night all...


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
This is what I have Chuck....

383.2 (SOF)
364.125 (SPAD Ops)
357.1 (IRON Ops)
I'm not sure if one of the above is the Ops freq for the third squadron.

This is the first time I've had the scanners on today and am hearing nothing from the CAP. It must have ended sometime this morning.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1958: Have a REACH 990 calling Andrews Command Post on «349.4» a few times with no reply. (Considering the freq he used, it's no wonder. )
2005: REACH 990 calls Andrews Command Post on the correct freq - «378.1» - to report he's arriving Andrews at 25 after the hour, is A-1, has 1 pax to drop off, needs parking and a crew bus for 12. He is given parking spot 13-A.

Did anyone catch the ramp freeze and Air Force 1 leaving for Texas today?


Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
TinEar said:
Did anyone catch the ramp freeze and Air Force 1 leaving for Texas today?

Nope, but at some time this morning I did hear "Airforce-1" come from my scanner. I was busy with something else and didn't see which freq that was on. At the time I was still wondering why I hadn't been hearing any CAP comms for a while. I didn't know Bush would be heading to Texas. Even so I figured I would've heard something out of Marine-1 once he left Camp D.
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