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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Extremely great catch J. Wish I had heard that come across this way.

Dave, after I turned off the computers, I heard the UGLY/CADE flight on 338.3 on their way to Duke. I said they'd go to ZOB on 353.85 after Flint Hill but I forgot about the check-in they'd have to do with ZNY on 338.3 first. Anyway, you caught them and got it all. Good job.

1629: Have that BASH/FAST/BASS flight through the area again, apparently going home this time. Suffix 63 again, a two ship flight with ZNY-Philipsburg on «306.2» checking in.
1630: 63 switches to ZNY-North Mountain on «269.1» and reports at FL270
1633: The 63 flight descending from FL270 to 230. He also says they are in a non-standard formation, a 2 mile trail.
1634: the 63 flight goes to ZNY-Sayre on «372.0» at FL230 and again mentions the non-standard formation, 2 mile trail and confirms a flight of two.
61 and 62 were probably in a flight a few minutes ahead of the 63 and 64 flight but I didn't have the radios on to catch them.
1648: PACER 81 (female calling) with SAM Command on «141.55» tail #40125 heading for landing at Andrews, is A-2, no fuel requested, no D/Vs, final leg of the day. Wants her maintenance people called and transportation for the crew.
1650: Evac 33116 calling SAM Command on «378.1»
1654: Evac 33116 makes contact with SAM Command on «378.1» and reports arriving in the blocks at Andrews in 30 minutes, is A-1, has 12 litter patients, 12 ambulatory patients and 10 Space A pax and has 1 baggage pallet. He'll require 50,000 pounds of fuel.
1657: Evac 33116, of course, wasn't heard on 378.1 after the initial reponse and so....he switches to «141.55» and repeats the whole message. He adds that he needs a parking spot. Ground controller copies the message this time and tells him to stand by for parking. A minute later she (ground) gives him 13-C for a parking spot.
1701: Army 10201 (female jockey) calling SAM Command a couple of times on «141.55» with no response.
1720: COBRA 60 (VAQ-209 Andrews) with Reagan TRACON on «270.275» reporting direct Andrews.
1722: Evac 33116 in the landing pattern at Andrews with Approach on «119.3»
1726: COBRA 60 reports about 3 minutes out on squadron freq «280.2»
1732: JOSA 279 to SAM Command on «141.55» reports he's a home station C-21 with tail #40077 and will be mission complete upon landing. He reports A-2 status because of an autopilot problem and has an R-5 plus two others in the party to offload. He'd like transportation arranged for the pax and crew. He reports he'll be in the chocks in 20 minutes.
1735: Heading out the door for dinner. Back later.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Turned the scanners on at 1027 and immediately hear....
«142.3» with MD-ANG A-10s
«138.875» NJ-ANG F-16s just finishing up their work...they go to «285.4» at 11,500 and check in with ZDC-Casino. From there they switch to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» as they approach the runway for landing at Atlantic City Airport. Callsign was BANGER.
«276.675» 1st Fighter Wing fighters from Langley, flight of two.

1034: Bollen Range at the Kiowa MOA is active - probably the MD-ANG A-10s are there «237.2»
1036: Langley 1st Fighter Wing tac freq «228.175» is also active.
1039: Giant Killer's «238.1» and «249.8» active.
1045: The Northrup-Grumman pair is up on their standard «123.225» freq.

1800: Had to shoot out the door in a hurry this morning and couldn't provide anything further for the log. It'll probably stay this way until after the holidays. MilAir will be spotty and very light anyway during the week from Christmas to New Year as usual I would think.
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Nov 3, 2005

It was a busy day in The Duke MOA today. Three flights of Three Willow Grove A-10s (Flyer, Ugly, and Cade) got gas From Steel 11. The Ravens from the MD-ANG got gas from a tanker called Hoser 11 before heading home just before 11:30AM. Any idea who Hoser might be? All freqs were typical, 338.30 NY Center, 353.85 Cleveland Center, 301.60 in The Duke. Everyone seemed quite cheerful on the radio, must be that Christmas Spirit kicking in.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, I show HOSER to be used by KC-135s from McGuire. Good catch again on all the Duke MOA activity. I wonder why that area got so popular all of a sudden?


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I won't be around for Xmas, but it might be interesting to see if NORAD will be flying tracking Santa. They have an online site for this, but you never know - they might have to scramble 2 aircraft just to check out that rather large blip on the radar - a whole bunch of reindeer and a sleigh is going to be hard to miss :.>>> 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Nothing in the way of fighters active this evening but the usual assortment of transports is dropping down at Andrews. Among the flyers have been JOSA, VENUS, Evac and REACH calls. A REACH 921 is just about to land (at 1920L) at Andrews. It's coming from overseas based on their call to have Customs meet the plane. They also have 5 pieces of rolling stock to offload and have the drivers for those vehicles on board. They also have a gaggle (gaggle = 27) of pax to drop off plus a crew of 6 requiring transportation. No indication of aircraft type.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I want to mention a couple of frequencies you may be interested in adding to your scan rotation if you don't already have them. They are Norfolk TRACON freqs 370.925, which I've mentioned several times in logs while hearing Langley and Richmond aircraft, is for the eastern side of Norfolk, while the western side uses 360.6. I've used alpha tags Norfolk TRACON/E and /W if they should show up on the webcast at some point. I just learned of the distinction and of the 360.6 freq tonight so I don't know how reception will be on that one. The Eastern side comes in fairly well from here.

2039: OPEC 39 (KC-10A, McGuire) with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» mentions he's going to the primary AR freq.
2040: OPEC 39 on primary AR freq «238.9» talking to a U/I aircraft which I can't hear...39 says he got a very late start due to a bunch of problems getting out of McGuire. He wants to set up the IP time with the receiver and wants to know if the receiver needs the full 30 (30,000 pounds) because he's not sure how much he'll have when they reach the IP. He decides he can get to the IP by 0210Z but it seems his receiver wants him to try to be there by 0155 and they finally settle on 0157 to meet up.
2052: Army 177 landing at Andrews with Tower on «118.4»
2207: REACH 927 arriving Andrews on «378.1» Reports A-1, has 54 pax and needs Customs/Ag to meet the plane. Will refuel tomorrow and plans to depart Andrews in approximately 22 hours at 0100Z (2000 local tomorrow evening).
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Spot check of activity in the last half of the 1100 hour finds a DEVIL flight of F-16s from the NJ-ANG on their tac freq «138.425» in ground attack activity. Another pair of NJ-ANG F-16s is working tac «138.875» There is also a flight of A-10s from the MD-ANG at Martin State active on their tac «142.3» and they appear to be just coming home from a mission and ready to land.

1155: Evac 135 with Andrews on «141.55» arriving in 25 minutes, is a C-21 with tail #40135, no pax but is picking up one patient and a medical attendant. He needs about 2500 pounds of gas and plans to take off one hour after arrival at Andrews.

1222: I'm hearing the same guy that declared the emergency a day or two ago that all I could copy was his suffix - 1. It was the one that reported he lost his #1 engine. The callsign sounds very much like MULLER 1. He just went through TRACON on «270.275» and then to «349.0» with Andrews Tower for landing at 1224. Now I have a MULLER 7 following the same path...currently on «270.275». I can't find a record of that callsign in any of my database lists which always makes me wonder if I'm hearing it right. MULLER 7 still with TRACON as of 1231 and is just switching to the tower on «349.0» He mentions landing on 19L and is last heard at 1234...MULLER 1 landed on 1L. Aircraft arriving from the east using the DEALE navigational fix point use the 270.275 Reagan TRACON frequency for approach to Andrews - or to Reagan National.

And that reminds me...I started calling these TRACON freqs by their proper name such as Potomac TRACON and added the airport they were associated with so the name became Potomac TRACON (Reagan National). The navigational fix that's used to determine the proper freq for approach should actually be part of the name also - as should the approach area control name such as Mount Vernon for Andrews/Reagan. BUT...that's a whole lot of typing so I shortened them to the associated airport and the ID as a TRACON freq. And so were born names like Reagan TRACON, BWI TRACON, etc.

1249: VENUS 31 to SAM Command on «378.1» reports he's arriving at Andrews from Dover on the hour...needs a parking spot and is given 6-A. Oh, and that came after he *****ed to the controller that he had been calling for the past 20 minutes without receiving a reply.

ALERT for Dave...
1305: UGLY 1 (A-10, PA-ANG Willow Grove) with ZNY-Flint Hill on «278.3» at FL130
1306: UGLY 1 leaving 130 for FL160. «278.3» requests direct Slate Run (meaning he's no doubt going to the Duke MOA)
1310: UGLY 1 requests flight level 14,000 for weather...says he can also take 12,000 if that works for the controller...leaving 16 for 14,000 and turning direct Slate Run
1310: CRAB 51 (C-130J, MD-ANG Martin State) landing at Martin State with tower on «121.3»
1312: UGLY 1 level at 14,000 and switching to 338.3 «278.3»
1313: UGLY 1 with ZNY-North Mountain on «338.3» going to FL 12,000 (This is the point they start becoming weak from my location and I don't seem to catch them on the switch to Cleveland Center on 353.85 unless they are at a much higher altitude than this flight.)

Gone shopping...back later.

But before I go, I just heard...
1324: BANDSAW (E3B Tinker AFB OK) calling GIANT KILLER on «255.0»
1325: BANDSAW tells GK he's going to be controlling the airspace in W-107 from 1830-1930Z (1330-1430 local). The fighters he'll control will be ANGRY and SCARY from Andrews. (F-16s from the DC-ANG)
(Watch for 127.275 and 139.15/143.15 tac freqs to become active. Gotta go....)
ANGRY/SCARY flights just taking off from Andrews at 1335 and with TRACON on «348.725» as they lift off. ANGRY is a flight of four. (Really really going now...)
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Nov 3, 2005
Thanks for the heads up. I caught them entering and leaving the Duke and they did say they were switching to 301.6 while in the Duke. However, I did not hear them at all when they had the airspace. Either they were operating quite low or it's a bad radio signal day. They headed out at about 2:16PM Local.



Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD


Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
n3bxv said:
I was tipped off to this on the MILCOM list - NGA has posted PDFs of the AP1b - Military Training Route Charts in color at

The one covering our area is (Dialup warning! 11MB)

Might be worth printing out... I wonder if Staples or Kinkos could make a large print of this?

Nice can also find them in the Area Terminal Charts...



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Thanks Chuck....nice map. I couldn't get the second URL in your message to work but got to it from the first one. I agree...would make a great map blown up to about 200% or maybe even 300% of the PDF size.

That earlier flight I mentioned with the F-16s from Andrews that took off about 1335 had some trouble with the Reagan TRACON controller while the flight was heading out. The flight leader (ANGRY 1) kept telling him he was taking the flight too far north. After several attempts to get them heading toward PALEO where they wanted to go, the TRACON controller realized he had the ANGRY/SCARY flight mixed up with someone else. It was probably an AXEMAN flight of A-10s that took off from Martin State at 1340. Anyway, once ANGRY made it clear who they were and where they were going, TRACON woke up and got them headed in the right direction. The TRACON controller was the one I mentioned working 348.725. ANGRY flight leader said that other flight could come along with them if they wanted (said with a laugh but he was clearly frustrated). That ANGRY/SCARY flight was made up of three ANGRYs and one SCARY. I had to leave and couldn't listen to hear where the AXEMAN flight was going.

Turning the scanners back on, I'm hearing two flights of F-16s from the NJ-ANG. One is a BICEP flight of two using 138.425 for tac and the other is a two ship flight using 138.875 tac (no callsign heard yet). Those were heard at 1550/1551. They are doing ground attack at the Pax River Range around Vienna MD. There is also a flight of A-10s from Martin State up again and using tac freq 142.3. All of that is still active into the first quarter of the 1600 hour.

1620: REACH 902 arriving at McGuire AFB NJ with Command Post on «319.4»
1623: REACH 9016 arriving at Dover AFB DE with Command Post on «349.4»
1624: BRAVE 65 and 66 (F-16s DC-ANG Andrews) up with GUARD DOG on «288.35» 65 is going to RTB and he said he doubts there will be a replacement.
1627: The BRAVE flight is working tac «139.7» as expected which seems to be a new home for scrambled aircraft working with HUNTRESS (real or exercise scrambles)
1628: BRAVE 65 explains his problem causing the RTB to CAPITOL on «139.7» He says that post refueling he has full wingtanks that are not feeding fuel.
1630: the NJ F-16s are headed home...they are with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» preparing to land at Atlantic City.
1630: BRAVE 65 says he is Code 3 because of the trapped fuel problem. «139.7»
1632: BRAVE 65 tells HUNTRESS he's going to try to fix the problem before RTBing. He's going to TANKER 1 and try taking on a bit more fuel and see if that starts the wing tanks feeding. «139.7» TANKER 1 is working this freq for the boom. BRAVE 65 is going to try taking 1000 pounds and says 66 will follow him and take 2000.
1638: BRAVE 65 doesn't say directly if the problem has been fixed but does tell 66 that he's going to take over the south part of the CAP.
It's fairly clear that the DC-ANG is using the BRAVE callsign for both scrambles and CAP duty and that they'll use the 139.7 freq with HUNTRESS rather than a UHF freq like most of the others during a CAP.
1640: BRAVE 65 still has the trapped fuel problem and repeats that he's Code 3 as a result. «139.7»
1643: BRAVE 65 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» to say he's leaving the CAP. He switches to Reagan TRACON on «348.725» to reports he's leaving FL195 for 150 and then switches to «139.7» to report Code 3 to CAPITOL. Back to TRACON to report descent to 3000. BRAVE 66 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» to report FL210.
1646: BRAVE 65 has the field in sight «348.725» He's heading for runway 19L.
1647: BRAVE 65 to Andrews Tower on «349.0» 4 mile final, straight in.
1647: BRAVE 66 with GUARD DOG to relay info for TANKER 01 and then goes back to «139.7» to tell TANKER 1 to go to the GUARD DOG freq «288.35» to get new receiver info. (Wish I could hear that part.) TANKER 1 acknowledges the info but doesn't repeat it.
1649: He does repeat it on «139.7» HARASS 31 and 32 are coming to take over the CAP. I presume it will be on a different freq.
1650 HARASS 31 (F-15 Langley AFB) contacts HUNTRESS on «228.9» HUNTRESS tells HARASS this will be a GUARD DOG CAP under FAA control and that GUARD DOG will be on «288.35» He also tells him they'll use this freq as a boom freq.
1651: HARASS does his datalink check with HUNTRESS. «228.9»
1653: TANKER 1 goes to «139.7» to ask HUNTRESS which freq to use. HUNTRESS tells him to use 288.35 for GUARD DOG and 228.9 for comms with HUNTRESS. And off TANKER 1 goes.
1654: HARASS 31 and 32 make contact with TANKER 1 on «228.9» and decide 32 will hit the tanker first for fuel.
1655: BRAVE 66 still with HUNTRESS on «139.7» as he finishes up his portion of the CAP duties. He'll have to wait until HARASS 31/32 refuel and get re-established back in the CAP. The HUNTRESS controller during all of this is the one we presume to be at Andrews and can be heard at my location.
1657: HARASS 32 on the tail of TANKER 1 (also using 01). He gives the tail numbers as HARASS 31=FF 81-042 and HARASS 32=FF 84-043. «228.9»
1659: BRAVE 66 tells HUNTRESS that GUARD DOG knows he's ready to RTB. «139.7» He then switchs to the GD «288.35» freq to say he'll be ready to RTB in about 1 minute.

1700: BRAVE 66 again asks HUNTRESS if he can RTB yet. «139.7» HUNTRESS mumbles something that's blocked by static here and 66 says he'll just hang out on this freq to await word that he can split for home.
1702: HARASS 31 at the tanker's tail awaiting contact with the boom. «228.9» Makes contact a few seconds later and the fuel is flowing.
1705: BRAVE 66 is cleared to RTB by GUARD DOG on «288.35» He goes back to «139.7» to tell HUNTRESS he's been cleared to RTB and then calls CAPITOL on the same freq to say he's coming home.
1706: HARASS 31 off the tanker «228.9»
1706: BRAVE 66 is sent to 348.72(5) by GUARD DOG on «288.35»
1707: BRAVE 66 with Reagan TRACON on «348.725» to say field is in sight and he wants the left side (19L). He eventually switches to tower on «349.0» and goes into runway 19L. As previously noted, the F-16s at Andrews always want 1R/19L for landing.
1708: TANKER 1 being called by HUNTRESS on «228.9» and answers on «139.7» and the conversation stays on those two freqs as they talk about how much fuel TANKER 1 can offload - which is 38,000 pounds. Apparently, TANKER 1 is being kept over for another hour and tells HUNTRESS the total will be 10,000 less in 1 hour. TANKER 1 was supposed to go home now (at 2200Z) but is being held in the CAP.
1709: HARASS 31 tells 32 to check his engine heat level anytime he goes into the clouds. «228.9»
1713: HUNTRESS asks HARASS 31 for a PIREP and about his timbre. HARASS 31 tells HUNTRESS he's timbre sweet and 32 can't get it and then proceeds to give the weather conditions within the CAP track. «228.9» HUNTRESS' signal readability is very good on 228.9 - better than when heard on the 139.7 freq.
1723: HARASS 31 to GUARD DOG on «288.35» to ask if he should maintain his current discrete Mode 3 and apparently he is.
1724: HUNTRESS tells HARASS 31 he was monitoring that conversation and wants to know what it's all about. HARASS 31 tells him that when you change callsigns in the middle of a CAP it screws things up for GUARD DOG and that's why he was checking. «228.9» HUNTRESS is okay with that - at least he doesn't put up a fuss.
1726: REACH 300 calling SAM Command on «378.1» to tell him he'll arrive at Andrews in 15 minutes, is A-1, and has 6 pallets and 3 pax to download along with 1 rolling stock. Sounds like Andrews didn't copy usual. He asks for an answer a couple of times and then goes to «141.55» where he repeats his entire message.
1728: TANKER 1 calls HUNTRESS on «139.7» and is answered on «228.9» again. He's trying to get a confirmation on his VOL time. HUNTRESS tells him it'll be as fragged. TANKER 1 tells him the latest he has is 2256Z to head out and that currently he has 34K fuel to offload if necessary. HUNTRESS confirms that the replacement tanker should be on station by that time. HUNTRESS hasn't bothered to correct the frequency TANKER 1 is using and so they remain on split freqs which, of course, ties up two scanners.
1730: HUNTRESS gives HARASS 31 a track to follow on the DATALINK. «228.9»
1731: HARASS 31 reports timbre sweet on that track - that they match up perfectly. «228.9»
1743: SAM 9618 landing at Andrews on tower freq «118.4»
1747: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 31 to tell him that TANKER 1 is going to RTB in 10 minutes and the replacement wont be here until 2320Z so he wants to know if the fighter pair has enough fuel until then or do they need to refuel now. Now is the answer for HARASS 32 and 31 will hang on for the replacement. TANKER 1 finally joins everyone else on this freq and says he'll RTB after refueling 32. TANKER 1 then goes to GUARD DOG freq «288.35» to say he'll be RTBing in about 5 minutes when he tops off the fighter.
1751: CRAB 51 (C-130J MD-ANG) to Phillips AAF on «126.15» to say he's approaching and will make an actual drop (on the range).
(We could use everyone going into search mode here and finding the new CRAB Ops freq. I'll take 340-400.)
1753: HARASS 32 makes contact with the refueling boom of TANKER 1 «228.9»
This CAP mission might just extend all the way until Monday morning whether it's here over Camp David or later in the weekend moves to Crawford TX. Several pilots are going to have a chunk of their Christmas holiday taken.
1757: HARASS 32 breaks off the boom and heads back to the CAP «228.9» TANKER 1 switches to GUARD DOG on «288.35» and announces he done and going to RTB. He gets a course of 360 degrees and will ascend to 25,000 feet.
1759: TANKER 1 says he's direct Monroe «288.35»

Continued below...exceeding character count limits.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1800: HUNTRESS asks TANKER 1 if he'll monitor 364.2 on his way home to do some radio checks. «139.7/228.9» TANKER 1 confirms he'll do that. HUNTRESS thanks him for his work today.
1801: TANKER 01 to HUNTRESS for radio check on «364.2»
1803: TANKER 01 tells HUNTRESS he has him loud and clear «364.2»
1810: LIFTER 31 (C-17 Charleston AFB) to McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reports arriving in 30 minutes, is A-1, has 41 pax on board of which 25 will offload, he has two pallets with one being a baggage pallet that is half for the download pax and the rest going on with the flight. He wants the pax center to be aware of the baggage pallet and the work that will be needed. Apparently, he gets an answer he doesn't like and says they'll break down the pallet themselves. When asked about the pax, he says they are Duty pax and Space A pax that are going home for Chirstmas.
1813: HUNTRESS gives HARASS a track to check out. «228.9»
1813: JEDI 52 (but it really sounded like JEDA) calling for radio check on «138.2» This has become a de facto HUNTRESS freq on other days so that must be whom he's calling.
1820: CRAB 51 with Phillips AAF again on «126.15» announcing an approach for an actual drop at the range and then he wants to come around and do a full stop landing and then taxi over to the pad for a combat offload.
1821: HUNTRESS asks HARASS 31 if he sees TANKER 02 and gives him a BRA to the tanker. «228.9»
1821: TANKER 02 (female speaker) checks in with GUARD DOG on «135.525» at FL230.
1823: TANKER 02 leaving FL230 for 240. «135.525»
1824: HARASS 31 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» getting the TANKER 02 info.
1824: HUNTRESS has made several calls to TANKER 02 on «228.9» without reply from the tanker.
1824: HUNTRESS give BRA of the tanker to HARASS 32. «228.9»
1825: TANKER 02 is given altitude block 21 to 25,000 «135.525» The female speaker aboard TANKER 02 has one of those whiny, teenage girl type voices and is a bit difficult to copy as a result.
1826: TANKER 02 makes contact with HUNTRESS on the primary «228.9» and is told the boom freq will be here and also tells her about the receivers and their Mode 3 settings.
1827: HARASS 31 reports radar contact with the TANKER «228.9» and is heading for the boom. HUNTRESS tells him to report when visual with the tanker.
1830: TANKER 02 calls HARASS 31 to tell him she's in the clouds at FL240 and is picking up ice and wants to know if the fighter wants to drop down lower. 31 tells her he's fine with the ice and will be out of the clouds in a couple of miles. He reports a visual sighting of the tanker shortly thereafter. «228.9»
1832: HARASS 31 is cleard to the boom...the tanker's boom operator is a male...they go through the tail number routine again (it hasn't changed since last reported). 31 asks the boom operator to turn up the boom light and they agree the light is a bit weak. Contact with the boom made at 1833. «228.9»
1835: 31 winds up taking about 10,000 pounds. «228.9»
1840: The HARASS fighters are using Langley's tac freq «276.675» for chat.
1842: TANKER 02 tells HUNTRESS, while on «228.9»she's picking up ice at FL250. HUNTRESS tells her to tell it to GUARD DOG. She goes to «135.525» and does. Sounds like she got a "So what?" reply.
1843: HARASS 31 asks HUNTRESS for a track so he can check out his DATALINK. HUNTRESS gives it to him. «228.9»
1850: Air 3 (Baltimore County Police helo) landing at Strawberry Point with Martin State Tower on «121.3»

1900: HARASS 31 to IRON Ops at Langley on «357.1»
1902: HUNTRESS calling TANKER 02 for radio check on «228.9» No reply.
1903: HARASS 31 checks in with HUNTRESS and reports he's loud and clear. HUNTRESS says he's the same but has no contact with the tanker and calls him again. «228.9»
1905: REACH 214 reports he's airborne and wishes the controller a Merry Christmas «349.4»
1914: CRAB 51 back in the air from Phillips AAF and flying away from the airfield. «126.15»
1915-17: CRAB 51 calls Crab Ops on «385.9» several times with no reply. Hmmm.
1919: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 31 to check if his DATALINK is timbre sweet. 31 says it was the last time he checked. «228.9»
1920: HUNTRESS gives HARASS the BRA of a track to check the DATALINK again. «228.9»
1959: HARASS 31 meeting up with TANKER 02 for refueling again. «228.9» They've become very quiet over the past 40 minutes or so.

2001: HARASS 31 reports contact with the boom. «228.9» The tanker wants to know if the lighting is any better this time since he played with the switch. 31 says, "No, not really." He's going to take 14,000 pounds.
2003: 31 has filled his tanks and is breaking off the boom. «228.9» (14,000 pounds gives him about 2.3 hours of flying time - around 6,000 pounds per hour for the F-15 without using afterburners.)
2016: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 31 to say he has the 0100Z wx for Langley and gives it to him. 31 acknowledges. «228.9» 31 says he's going to leave the freq for a minute.
2017: HARASS 31 and 32 for chat on tac freq «276.675» They talk about the weather. This is not a talkative pair. They've spoken about 10 words to each other over the past 3 hours.
2033: HUNTRESS asks HARASS 31 about the cloud cover around and over the bullseye (Thurmont). 31 reports that right over the bullseye there's a solid cloud cover from 21 to 24,000 and mostly the same around the entire CAP. He can't see the ground when over the bullseye at his assigned altitude. HUNTRESS then asks TANKER 02 about icing at 25,000. She reports it's not too bad at her altitude. They agree that's a good altitude for the tanker but she can go higher if necessary should that altitude become a problem. «228.9»
2043: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 31 to tell him his replacement flight is airborne. «228.9»
2044: HUNTRESS gives HARASS a target track at 197/34, low, squawking 1200. «228.9»
2045: HARASS 31 reports seeing nothing before passing over Leesburg. «228.9»
2047: HARASS 33/34 replacements with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» at FL230
2048: HARASS 31/32 go to FL200 and 210 while HARASS 33/34 come into the area at FL230. «228.9»
2051: HARASS 33/34 will head for TANKER 02 to top off their tanks before relieving 31/32. «228.9»
2054: HARASS 33 does the check in thing with GUARD DOG oon «288.35»

2102: HARASS 33 calls 31 to ask about the status of the timbre. 31 says it worked fine until midnight Z time and then he lost it. (We've heard this problem on every CAP flight. When the date rolls over at midnight, the DATALINK loses synch.)
2106: HARASS 33 tells 31 that he and 34 have refueled, are on station and 31/32 can RTB. 31 says he and 32 are at FL210 and heading south. 31 tells 33 that he'll see him on Christmas Eve if he's working. He is so he'll see him then. I guess this means the CAP willl extend through the weekend and these guys will be flying four hour chunks until the end of the week.
2107: DC 44 (KC-135, 756th Air Refueling Squadron, Andrews) with Andrews Approach on «119.3» Heard the end of a transmission from him on squadron freq «351.2» just before that.
2108: HUNTRESS calls HARASS 34 with a target BRA so he can check his DATALINK. «228.9» He then asks 34 if he's at FL220 and 34 says he's established at FL210. 31 jumps into the conversation and tells him to go to 220 since his flight is at 210.
2110: HARASS 31 reports that he and 32 are at the south end of the track and are leaving the freq. «228.9»
2113: Evac 71462 to SAM Command on «378.1» (partially blocked) but needs transportation for 7 tanker crew...has 4 Space A pax (one of which is PFC ******), he has no patients to offload and reports this is the end of his mission.
2117: HUNTRESS doing another datalink track test with HARASS 33 and 34. 34 is timbre sweet. HUNTRESS wants to know if they see TANKER 02 in the net. 33 reports he has no tracks. «228.9»
2118: HARASS 31/32 with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» FL210 as they fly their way home to Langley.
2122: HARASS 34 with GUARD DOG on «288.35» reporting FL230.
2123: HUNTRESS tells HARASS flight he wants to check the LINK again and gives a BRA to a track. HARASS 34 reports he sees no tracks at all. «228.9»
2126: DATALINK testing continues between HUNTRESS and HARASS flight. «228.9» There is a problem and HUNTRESS is going to call someone to check it out and the HARASS flight is going to check their equipment to see if the problem is on their end.
2135: DATALINK testing is still continuing and neither of the aircraft see anything within the net. They don't see TANKER 02 either after being asked.
(Meanwhile activity from Customs on 165.2375 is mentioned in a separate message below.)
2139: Have a U/I helo with Andrews Tower on «118.4» saying the State Police had an emergency transmission on the radio but don't know who it was from. He says all on-duty officers have been accounted for but not the off-duty officers. The helo is searching the general area where they think the signal came from.
2141: HARASS aircraft can see each other in the net but no other players. «228.9»
2144: That helo searching for the MSP officer that sent the distress signal is around the Andrews area and he mentions searching around the base area. He also mentioned Route 95 and Branch Avenue. The helo turns out to be EAGLE 1 which is a U.S. Park Police helicopter. Still on «118.4»
2159: HARASS 33 calling HUNTRESS for radio check. «228.9» No reply from HUNTRESS but 34 has him loud and clear. 33 has 34 the same way.

Continued below...message character limit reached again.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just saw that report on CBS freqhopping. I wouldn't watch CBS (See BS) news for any reason other than something like this. They did a good report, although too short, on the plane. Of course, they just had to get the dig in that the plane is useless in the current war in Iraq and that it costs $350-million per copy. They didn't bother to say that cost includes all the years of R&D done and that the actual manufacturing cost is more than $200-million cheaper than that per plane. That's still mighty expensive though. The next generation F-35 will cost about 1/4 of that. The F-22A sure is a beautiful plane though. I wouldn't want to go up against it in anything currently flying.

And I shouldn't forget to say thank you for the tip that the F-22A report would be upcoming.
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Jun 28, 2003
QTH: Montgomery County, MD / Washington, DC
21:20 - 2122hours - We have Carlie100 trying to contact Lemma950 on the 165.24 PL100.0 Customs. "We have L950 on the fairfax repeater… Fairfax is the best out of all 3 of my options”

[EDIT] Just want to note this. There are 3 repeaters they are keep talking about for this area; Baltimore, Fairfax, & "Net 2" Front Royal VA
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've been listening to a lot of keying up on the Customs 165.2375 freq but have not heard any voice. Strange.

2131: I hear a 01 saying "go ahead" and then he mentions something about Charlie 100 and Lima 950 but not sure what those are since they were not in any context. The speaker is airborne and sounds very much like a helicopter. I can't hear the other end of the conversations. He says he has someone on UHF but not here. This is on «165.2375» He also says he'll give someone a landline when he gets on the ground. The 01 is more than likely OMAHA 01.
He says he's trying to light up both Baltimore and Fairfax and the system is getting confused. The transmissions mentioned above by ScanManQSL were probably coming off the Fairfax transmitter site which is why I wasn't hearing that traffic. Once he keyed up the Baltimore transmitter, I could hear him.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Harass 33/34 were Air to Air on 360.15 for a few minutes, complaining about the Tanker crew..... Switched back to 228.9 calling it "16 Prime"

They were complaining about the tanker turning while they were trying to join up, and apparently the Tanker also took one of the pair outside of the "area" while they were on the Boom... called the tanker "clowns"....
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2200: HUNTRESS give the BRA for TANKER 02 to the HARASS flight leader. «228.9»
2207: TANKER 02 calls HUNTRESS for radio check. Loud and clear says HUNTRESS «228.9»
2208: HARASS 34 reports joker and wants to head out to the tanker. HUNTRESS gives the BRA and off he goes to find TANKER 02. «228.9»
2209: HARASS 34 reports visual sighting of the tanker when two miles away. «228.9» TANKER has a visual on the fighter also and gives him clearance to approach the boom.
2211: HUNTRESS tells 33 to work the northern part of the CAP while 34 is on the tanker. «228.9»
2211: 34 cleared to contact the boom «228.9»...15 seconds later reports he's made contact.
2215: HARASS 34 tops off and breaks contact with the boom. 33 tells him to take the southern part of the CAP. «228.9»
2222: HARASS 33/34 go to chat «360.15» where 34 mentions an AB anomaly (afterburner) while he was rejoining the CAP. Nothing serious. They then talk about assignments. Guess all these F-15 pilots will either retrain on the F-22A or ship out to another F-15 equipped base.
Thanks for the chat freq Chuck. I missed that one.
2230: TANKER 02 calls HUNTRESS to confirm they' ll be on track for another 25 minutes or so. (She wants to go home.) HUNTRESS confirms.
2231: TANKER 02 calls HARASS 33 on «228.9» to ask if they want fuel before the tanker leaves. 33 says he will in about 10 minutes. 33 then goes to chat channel and says, "Can I have your number?" He means for the female and 34 tells him to, "Watch out!" Can't even say things like that in this day and age. She sounds like she's about 12 years old. Jailbait too!
2233: HUNTRESS calls TANKER 02 and gives her the wx for home plate. «228.9»
2237: HARASS 33 says he's going to the tanker and tells 34 he has the North CAP. «360.15»
2237: HARASS 33 calls TANKER 02 to let him know he's on the way and tells HUNTRESS he has the BRA to the tanker. «228.9» A minute later 33 says he has visual with 34 and the tanker.
2240: HARASS 33 tells GUARD DOG he's joining with the tanker at FL250. «288.35»
2240: 33 tells the tanker he's 1 mile his 6 (o'clock position). TANKER 02 clears him in. «228.9»
2242: HARASS 33 tells 34 the tanker is taking them out of the airspace again «360.15»
2242: 33 then tells the tanker they're right on the edge of the track. «228.9» 33 makes contact with the boom at 2243.
2246: 33 finishes filling his tanks and breaks off the boom. «228.9»
2247: HARASS 33 tells HUNTRESS he's off the tanker and back down to FL210. HUNTRESS acknowledges. 33 tells 34 to take the south again and he'll stay in the north. «228.9» 34 replies on the chat freq «360.15»
2249: HUNTRESS tells 33 his Mode 2 is sour. «228.9» 33 had just finished telling 34 over on the chat channel that his scope was way off - about 15 miles off. He was tracking a target that was not where 34 was supposed to be but knew it was him because they were turning at the same time.
I wonder if there will come a point where they use the F-22A for the CAP. That's overkill but why not?
2251: HUNTRESS asks 34 if he needs to refuel before the tanker departs. 34 says he will not. «228.9» 33 asks HUNTRESS about the replacement tanker and is told he's between 33 and 40 minutes out.
2253: HUNTRESS asks TANKER 02 to provide him with a 5 minute warning for ??? (probably prior to departing). «228.9» The tanker doesn't reply.
2254: (Typed a line from their chat channel but erased it. You don't want to know.)
2254: TANKER 02 to GUARD DOG on «135.525» and then back to «228.9» where he tells HUNTRESS that GUARD DOG wants to know the callsign of his replacement. HUNTRESS says the obvious - TANKER 3. TANKER 02 goes back to «135.525» and dutifully reports that amazing news. HUNTRESS also said TANKER 3 was 25 minutes out at this time.
2258: HUNTRESS calls TANKER 03 on «228.9» and although he gets no reply he tells 02 she can RTB. 02 goes to GUARD DOG on «135.525» to report they will RTB.
2259: Washington Center (ZDC) calls and talks to TANKER 3 on «134.5» (Swann). ZDC-Swann then calls TANKER 2 on the same freq and clears her direct Pittsburgh. (So now we know where that tanker is from.) TANKER 2 replies on GUARD DOG freq «135.525»
I hear the ZDC-Swann controller loud and clear on 134.5 but don't hear her at all when she's on the GUARD DOG 135.525 freq. That's no doubt because when she transmits on 134.5, the transmitter site is at BWI and when on 135.525 the transmitting site is Falls Church. Makes a big difference from my location anyway.

2302: TANKER 02 asks for a course correction to go direct Pittsburgh «135.525»
2306: REACH 4131 arriving from overseas to McGuire. «319.4»
2311: TANKER 02 with Base Ops on «311.0» This aircraft is probably a STEEL aircraft for other missions. Since we know our TANKER 02 is from Pittsburgh, he no doubt is a KC-135R of the 147th Air Refueling Squadron, PA-ANG.

And with that, I'm going to call it quits. See y'all tomorrow.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
No logs today but a quick radio check in the 1100 hour finds NJ-ANG F-16s in ground attack exercises at the Pax River Range. There are two pairs - one on tac «138.425» and another on tac «138.875». One pair is using the callsign DEVIL 11/12. They were also heard on Base Ops freq «138.125», with ZDC-Casino on «285.4» and with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125». The second flight used callsign BANGER 21/22 and used ZDC-Kenton Freq «277.4» on their way home among the other usual freqs.
There is also a flight of RAVEN A-10s from the MD-ANG Martin State active. They were heard on their tac «142.3», with Raven Ops on «347.2» and with Martin State Tower on «297.2».
Needless to say, the Thurmont CAP is still active and being manned by two Langley AFB F-15s using callsign HARASS 41 and 42, along with a KC-135 tanker from an unknown location using callsign TANKER 05. They are still working under the control of HUNTRESS on primary freq «228.9».
The three local Command Post freqs - «378.1» for Andrews AFB, «319.4» for McGuire AFB and «349.4» for Dover AFB - are all active with transports coming and going.

The CAP: Around 1220 there began a search and tracking over the next several minutes of three different targets-of-interest (TOI). None was judged to be a violator of the ADIZ in the final analysis so nothing but radar tracking was done. One TOI was followed until he appeared to be landing at Hagerstown Airport. At 1240 the HUNTRESS operator changed from a male to a female. At 1249, a replacement F-15, HARASS 43, reported being 80 miles to the south of the CAP and on the way in. However, HARASS 44 was reported to be about 30 minutes behind 43 so it was decided 41 would go home and 42 would stay until 44 shows up. At 1256, HARASS 43 arrives in the CAP and heads for the tanker based on the BRA given by HUNTRESS to get him there. HUNTRESS clears 41 to RTB. 43 and 41 go to Man AUX freq «276.675» to get all their altitudes and turns at the tanker arranged. HARASS 42 is going to the tanker first to top off with 5,000 pounds of fuel since he is low on fuel and has to wait for 44 to show up. HARASS 42 makes contact with TANKER 05 at 1300 and at the same time 41 reports he's exiting the CAP. 43 will take the south end of the CAP until 42 finishes his refueling mission. All of this activity, including comms with the boom operator, remain on «228.9» 42 mentions he's finished tanking and is over Dulles by that time while 43 reports at the far southern tip of the CAP track. [One of these days I'll scan a portion of the area map that has the GUARD DOG CAP area outlined and post it.] At 1304, 43 reports he's heading for the tanker and HUNTRESS asks if he needs a BRA to get there. Nope, he has him on his own. Once all the refueling is done, all three aircraft maintain their normal CAP altitudes. One F-15 at 22,000, the other at 23,000 and the tanker at 24,000. At 1317, HARASS 42 and 43 get together on «276.675» and decide they've programmed their radios differently. One has AUX as 276.675 and PRIME as HUNTRESS. The other has them just the opposite. HARASS 43 mentions that 44 had a bad radar and is having it changed out as the reason he couldn't take off with 43. They then get into a chat about pre-marital counseling and the model aircraft they're flying.

1307: WARDOG (OA-10) and RAVEN (A-10) flights are up from Martin State and operating on tac «142.3»

It's time to get serious about Christmas shopping so off I go to fight the angry hordes in the parking lots and malls. Till later...
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