Sticky Thread for MilAir

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I just want to take the opportunity to let everyone know that Mike painstakingly put that list together from all the freqs mentioned in the daily logs by me and others that have listed what they've heard. It was a lot of work but you know you've got an up-to-date list due to his efforts. Thanks Mike.



Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
Speaking of the 22 Dave, the designation F/A-22 has been officially changed to F-22A. There are also enough 22s at Langley now that I had to change my description type whenever I hear a Langley fighter in the air to simply "1st FW Langley" from the specific aircraft type I used to list. Three callsigns have performed acitivity that almost surely makes them 22s - BOBCAT, MICRO, BIKER - and no telling how many more of their recent callsigns belong in that category.

Somewhere else, there were some Pilots joking about how much money it will cost to change all the manuals and other paper work back to just say F-22. Not so funny really, because they claim it will take tens of thousands.

I haven't had a chance to hear many of the actual production models, but I do know there's a fairly noticeable audio quality to the 22s in the west. It's hard to describe... It's more a shrill tone then the 16 or 15. There's more modulation, whereas the 16 and 15 have more of a soft tone to the signal.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, that redesignation from F/A-22 to F-22A came about simply because the generals decided that the F/A was something the Navy does and all Air Force planes have been F- so they couldn't possibly do something that looks similar to a Navy thing. The interservice rivalry is alive and well. I also agree that the sound of the F-22A transmitter is a bit different. Your description of "shrill" is probably the word I've been searching for to describe it. It is much easier to hear through any noise than the F-15 transmitters. For instance, when F-15s were on a squadron tac freq and just off from Langley, they were often difficult to hear because the audio pitch was lower and mixed with the noise. The F-22A transmitter is extremely clear and understandable on those same freqs.

Mark, that NORAD exercise news release is about the fourth time they've released it with identical wording - other than the dates. Last time they ran the exercise, I could hear just a little of it because of the low altitudes they were flying. I guess we can look for the DC-ANG F-16s to use that 139.7 freq again though. Other than this exercise and the BRAVE training scramble a few days ago, I've never seen that freq in use. It's one that needs to be in the scan rotation though just because of that.

I haven't had much chance to listen for MilAir today. In passing, I heard an AERO flight of two NJ-ANG F-16s around 1230 using tac 138.125 for their ground attack ops freq which is a bit unusual since that's a SOF freq for them also. Then I heard them on a couple of ZDC freqs including Casino as they headed for home. There were also a couple of Navy planes doing test maneuvers on BayWatch's 363.35 freq but no callsigns were used in the time I had to listen. I also wasted some time listening to what was billed as a live audio feed from the Dublin Ireland Airport but it turned out to be a 10-15 minute long recording. Still, it was interesting to hear airways traffic with measurements in meters and using Q signals for various things like QNH for barometric pressure measured in millibars.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
From the Air Force web site,

12/16/2005 - LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. (AFPN) -- The 94th Fighter Squadron flew its last F-15 Eagle sortie today, marking the squadron’s official evolution to F-22A Raptor operations.

The “Hat-in-the-Ring Gang” is the second squadron at Langley to convert from the F-15C/D -- a strictly air-to-air fighter -- to the Raptor, which has air-to-ground capabilities. Pilots from Eagle and F-16 Fighting Falcon units will move into the 94th to ramp up Raptor operations.

The pilots, 21 F-15Cs and two F-15Ds with the squadron will transfer to Langley’s 71st Fighter Squadron for the time being. The 1st Fighter Wing is moving two Eagles a month to other Air Force installations.

The squadron’s aircraft maintenance, flight management and aircrew performance Airmen will either temporarily assist the 71st with F-15C operations, attend F-22A support training or begin on-the-job training at the 94th, under 27th FS guidance. The 27th was the first squadron to convert to the Raptor.

If history repeats itself, the 94th “Spads” will take the F-22A Raptor to historical levels of air dominance. Two Spads are credited with the first-ever American victory in air-to-air combat in 1918. The squadron has 215 recorded aerial kills.

The timing and order of the Eagle-to-Raptor transition seems fitting by some aspects. The 94th is the second oldest fighter squadron in the Air Force, preceded only by the 27th.

The 94th would have celebrated its 30-year anniversary of Eagle flying in 2006. The Spads first began flying F-15 in 1976, after relocating to Langley in 1975 with the rest of the wing.

So looks like the 71st FS at Langley are only ones left flying F-15 Eagles.
The 27th and 94th are Raptor only squadrons now.
Now if we can pin down callsigns with the 3 various squadrons you can figure out what type is flying.



Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
So looks like the 71st FS at Langley are only ones left flying F-15 Eagles.
The 27th and 94th are Raptor only squadrons now.
Now if we can pin down callsigns with the 3 various squadrons you can figure out what type is flying.

You guys are the experts on that area obviously... But from what I've seen, the 15 squadrons there kind of remind me of the KC-10 units at Travis. We've tried to match calls to those units for years, but I don't think we've ever got it quite right. Somebody even asked a guy that fly's for one of the units... He cleared up a few calls, but I don't think it will ever be completely clear who's who. Especially since they probably swap aircraft. So I guess it comes down to, what are you logging... The aircraft or the pilot.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Not much MilAir activity over the weekend although I had almost no chance to listen for it - other than to check a couple of times to see if a CAP was up. Apparently not.

Heard a flight of what were probably F-16s using callsign DEMON 01 from the 107th Fighter Squadron, MI-ANG Selfridge ANGB flying through the area twice today. The first time was early in the 1100 hour when I heard this flight of three aircraft with Washington Center (ZDC) checking in on 284.7 with Montebello and on 360.85 at Irons. No idea where they were headed. Then, beginning at 1656 this evening, heard them as they came through the area again, probably heading for home. They checked in at FL240 with ZDC-Montebello at 284.7, then to ZDC-Casanova on 282.2 and to ZDC-Elkins on 387.1 at 1709.

1716: DEUCE 05 (KC-10A tanker from McGuire AFB NJ) checking in with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reporting that he'd arrive McGuire in 25 minutes, is A-1, has no pax or cargo to offload and has about 68K on the fuel. He also requested a parking spot which was returned to him a couple of minutes later as I-2.
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Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
TinEar said:
Not much MilAir activity over the weekend although I had almost no chance to listen for it - other than to check a couple of times to see if a CAP was up. Apparently not.

Heard a flight of what were probably F-16s from the 107th Fighter Squadron, MI-ANG Selfridge ANGB flying through the area twice today. The first time was early in the 1100 hour when I heard this flight of three aircraft with Washington Center (ZDC) checking in on 284.7 with Montebello and on 360.85 at Irons. No idea where they were headed. Then, beginning at 1656 this evening, heard them as they came through the area again, probably heading for home. They checked in at FL240 with ZDC-Montebello at 284.7, then to ZDC-Casanova on 282.2 and to ZDC-Elkins on 387.1 at 1709.

1716: DEUCE 05 (KC-10A tanker from McGuire AFB NJ) checking in with McGuire Command Post on «319.4» reporting that he'd arrive McGuire in 25 minutes, is A-1, has no pax or cargo to offload and has about 68K on the fuel. He also requested a parking spot which was returned to him a couple of minutes later as I-2.

I worked a "Lapse41" today headed for VR1751 at about 1300 from the Roanoke area. Nothing else really exciting though.



Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
TinEar said:
The only listing I have for callsign LAPSE shows F-16s from USAFE.

He was headed south out of the LYH area(south-east bound)...he was a VFR popup with a canned flight plan on file. He climbed VFR to 155 and I handed him off to South Boston...Maybe I'll get something more exciting tomorrow. The end of the month is approaching and everyone will be taking leave so they gotta get their flight time in now.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1821: PACER 20 to SAM Command on «378.1» IDs as a C-21, tail # (40)073, is A-1, 20 minutes out from Andrews, no pax and will park on 9 row.
1823: PACER 29 to SAM Command on «378.1» IDs as a C-21, tail # (40)074, is A-1, 20 minutes out, wants his maintenance people notified of his arrival and crew transportation.
1823: TROOPER 1 (MD State Police Helo) 6 miles west of Martin State, will arrive and set down at Strawberry Point. He's with Martin Tower on «121.3»
1824: TROOPER 2 with Andrews Tower on «118.4»
1838: JOSA 201 to Langley PTD on «376.2» will takeoff approximately 1 hour after arrival.

1933: Evac 282 to Andrews on «378.1» arriving in 10 minutes, is A-1, and needs transportation for 7 Aeromed crew.
2014: SAM 9683 landing at Andrews with Tower on «118.4»
2028: REACH 2112 to Dover Command Post on «349.4» IDs as a C-17, arriving Dover in 20 minutes, is A-1, needs parking and upload information.
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Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
TinEar said:
1821: PACER 20 to SAM Command on «378.1» IDs as a C-21, tail # (40)073, is A-1, 20 minutes out from Andrews, no pax and will park on 9 row.
1823: PACER 29 to SAM Command on «378.1» IDs as a C-21, tail # (40)074, is A-1, 20 minutes out, wants his maintenance people notified of his arrive and crew transportation.
1823: TROOPER 1 (MD State Police Helo) 6 miles west of Martin State, will arrive and set down at Strawberry Point. He's with Martin Tower on «121.3»
1824: TROOPER 2 with Andrews Tower on «118.4»

Check 133.02 (Marlinton) or 133.2 (Casanova) and see if he goes to PCT on 118.67 (Luray) for PACER20/29. If he's from the west, this is how he would come in.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I miss some MilAir traffic because I don't monitor the VHF Center freqs J. I don't have them programmed because the scanner would constantly be stopping on them for all the commercial traffic. That's why I only program the UHF versions of the Center freqs. Same for PTC although I do have the BWI TRACON VHF freqs in a BWI bank for the webcast scanner.


Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
TinEar said:
I miss some MilAir traffic because I don't monitor the VHF Center freqs J. I don't have them programmed because the scanner would constantly be stopping on them for all the commercial traffic. That's why I only program the UHF versions of the Center freqs. Same for PTC although I do have the BWI TRACON VHF freqs in a BWI bank for the webcast scanner.

OIC, I doubt these guys would talking to ZDC on the UHF's. Usually just the fighters.

Don't dial up the PCT freq's, they DON'T stop talking.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland're right. I catch that type aircraft when they check in with Andrews and then hear them again on the Andy Approach and Tower freqs 119.3/118.4.

Yeah, the BWI PCT freqs are non-stop and I also hear the ground controllers so they become especially busy. As I've mentioned, I also hear ZDC Swann's ground controller so I even lock them out of my UHF coverage because they never shut up either due to the VHF/UHF simulcast of the ground-to-air traffic. That a busy sector.
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Jul 24, 2005
TinEar said:
I miss some MilAir traffic because I don't monitor the VHF Center freqs J. I don't have them programmed because the scanner would constantly be stopping on them for all the commercial traffic. That's why I only program the UHF versions of the Center freqs. Same for PTC although I do have the BWI TRACON VHF freqs in a BWI bank for the webcast scanner.

I do the same thing... Your ears would become numb trying to listen to all that stuff on VHF. After a while, you probably wouldn't even notice anything anymore anyway. But I have been surprised the few times I have listened. I was listening for AF1 one day, and while I waited, there were about 3 other mil flights on VHF in about an hour. All real basic stuff though, like Army and Navy C-12s. A good compromise is to use the UHF FSS, PTD, Base Ops. and Metro. That way at least some of the cargo type stuff comes in. Seems like barely anybody uses metro anymore though.

-DPD Productions - Custom Scanner, MURS, & Ham Antennas-


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000 hour: 28 degrees and partly cloudy at BWI airport
Will only have limited time today to monitor MilAir activity.

1047: Langley fighters (x2) on tac freq «228.45»
1047: NJ-ANG F-16s (x2) with SOF on «138.125» giving mission report
1049: NJ F-16s chat as they approach runway 31 at Atlantic City for landing
1057: JOSA 871 reports takeoff time from Andrews as 1553Z to SAM Command on «378.1»

1102: Have «138.3» tac freq active -- probably A-10s from the PA-ANG at Willow Grove. They mention coming up on KIPT which is Williamsport Regional Airport in PA. They sound more like F-16s than A-10s now.
1105: Yes...the aircraft on «138.3» are F-16s from the NJ-ANG at Atlantic City.
1105: They 138.3 pair say to switch to V-15 and come up on «138.425» which should confirm NJ-ANG. Callsign is DEVIL.
1106: DC-ANG at Andrews has F-16s airborne on tac «127.275»
1107: DC-ANG is an ANGRY flight...they are just coming home to Andrews and switch to Andrews GCA on «335.5» and are descending.
1107: ANGRY 1 reports at 4,000 feet «335.5»
1107: Northrup-Grumman flight up on «123.225» and say they are heading for home (to BWI).
1111: ANGRY flight with Andrews Tower on «349.0» Landing on 1R and have runway in sight.
1112: BASH 61 flight (F-16s VA-ANG Richmond) with ZNY-Millville on «323.3» and reported direct Nottingham. It looks like a flight of three aircraft.
1115: Navy 375 landing at Andrews on «118.4»
1116: BASH 61 from FL260 to 230 and switching to ZDC-Swann on «360.7» where they check in and are told to descend to FL210
1120: BASH 61 flight to ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» down to FL210 and going to 200.
As this flight comes through the area, the callsign sounds like it may be FAST rather than BASH. If so, they're F-16s from the NY-ANG at Syracuse.
1124: FAST/BASH 61 flight expediting down to 15,000 and looking for traffic.
1125: Have a FAST/BASH 63 flight behind the first group and now going from the ZDC-Millville «323.3» freq to ZDC-Swann on «360.7»
1126: FAST/BASH 61 leaving FL150 for 10,000 «281.4»
1127: DEVIL 11 flight of two F-16s sound like they're in the BayWatch area. Still working tac freq «138.425»
1129: FAST/BASH 63 while on «360.7» is sent to ZDC-Calvert on «281.4» where he checks in at FL230. Leaving 230 for 190.
1133: FAST/BASH 63 reports 10 miles north of HARKUM. «281.4»
I've had a radio searching through the 138-144 range looking for a tac freq for the FAST/BASH flight but have found nothing. Either they aren't chatting or they have a tac freq outside that range as many units do - like DC with their 127.275 tac freq. In any case, that transmission at 1133 was the last I heard from the flight. They were sent down to 10,000 feet so they are probably out of listening range. Color them gone. That callsign could even have been BASS which would make them A-10s from the CT-ANG at Bradley.
1135: Have the RAVEN flight coming home and in contact with Raven Ops on «347.2» where they report being Code 1. (Thanks Dave for the heads-up)
1145: NJ-ANG F-16 DEVIL flight still working down this way attacking targets of interest they find in the area. Currently, they are searching for a car to attack. One is below 10,000 feet and the other is staying above 15,000. DEVIL low picks a white car getting off the highway onto a cloverleaf intersection. They have him in their pods and are ready to blow him all to hell (simulated of course). They messed something up in their targetting pods so the white car gets a pass and they're looking for another target opportunity. Still all on tac freq «138.425»
1148: RAVEN flight headed into Martin State with Tower on «297.2»
1151: Have another flight of NJ-ANG F-16s in the area using tac freq «138.875» and also in ground attack activity. Callsign BANGER

1208: DEVIL flight still on tac «138.425» and still having trouble attacking moving targets. The problem rests with the altitudes they're using for acquiring and tracking a small, fast-moving target.
1209: The DEVIL flight is getting low on fuel so are joining up for a flight back to Atlantic City.
1210: The other NJ pair on «138.875» is also calling it a day. Callsign BANGER
1211: DEVIL 11 flight with ZDC-Kenton on «277.4» 30 miles west of Waterloo at 11,500 requesting direct Atlantic City and mentions flight following.
1212: DEVIL 11/12 both Code 1...12 is cleared off freq for ATIS info and to report status to Devil Ops «138.425»
1212: BANGER flight reports both are Code 1 «138.875»

1215: Have a U/I flight....???? 1 reports losing #1 engine, declaring emergency and returning to Andrews «257.2» Reagan TRACON
1217: ???? 1 leaving 3,000 for 2,000...has field in sight «257.2» They report they have five hours of fuel on board and will stay on Uniform freq.
1218: ???? 1 will use runway 1R at Andrews «349.0»
1219: BANGER flight with Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» A couple of minutes earlier while I was listening to the emergency, the DEVIL flight reported in on the same freq heading for runway 31 at Atlantic City.
1220: ???? 1 reports gear down and locked for right side (right side meaning runway 1 Right) «349.0»
He only used his callsign one time while on 257.2 which is why I can't fill it in. All I caught was the suffix 1. It wasn't one of the normal JOSA/VENUS/PACER/REACH callsigns. He apparently made it in safely and I heard nothing further after the gear down and locked transmission.
1231: Now have a U/I aircraft with Dover Tower on «279.625» reporting a brake malfunction indication. He says procedures call for a runway sweep (runway 32) for this problem and he says it should be done. He was apparently asked if he's declaring an emergency and says, "No. We're pressing on." (Nothing further heard from him)
1239: SALTY DOG 423 with Norfolk TRACON on «370.925»
1254: Have had an aircraft on Pax River freq «350.9» for about the past hour doing flight testing maneuvers. He has not used a callsign in all that time - just a suffix 05 - which makes him look like a TESTER callsign.
1255: REACH 320 calling HUNTRESS on «364.2» reporting FL290.
1257: REACH 320 to HUNTRESS reporting again at FL290 and just east of New Jersey requesting a Mode 4 and parrot check. «364.2»
1259: ?TESTER? 05 reports his activity is done and he sees the field «350.9» And now as he finishes he confirms his callsign as TESTER 05.

1300: Break time...will be back later with more if MilAir is active.
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Nov 3, 2005

A Raven flight of two was up at the Duke MOA and wrapped up at about 10:50 and were heading out. They were working on 259.40 and stupid me didn't have that alternate freq (301.60 being the primary) on the bank of my scanner that I had on. I picked them up when I was doing a freq search. I didn't hear them on the typical 353.85 Cleveland Center which struck me as odd. Anyway, you might want to listen for them coming home.

Thanks Tin, Duke is supposed to go active again at 1:30. I'll try to find out who my visitors will be.

It's Sluff 62 refuelling Ugly 1 & 2 as well as Cade 1 & 2 on 301.60. I believe Ugly 2 was tail number 80-0273. Ugly 1 & 2 are headed back. Uglies Push 17 and come up on 338.30 and contact New York Center. They are heading direct to the East Texas (ETX) VOR. Coordination in and out of the Duke was on 353.85 with Cleveland Center. Cade flight is done at 2:25PM and are heading south. Cade's also push 17 and come up on 338.30.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Dave, have some U/I fighter aircraft probably heading your way for the Duke MOA. At 1304 I picked them up on ZNY-Flint Hill on «278.3» where they went from 11 to 13 to 16,000 feet and by 1309 reported heading direct for Slate Run. Next check-in should be with Cleveland Center on 353.85.
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Nov 15, 2005
Odenton, MD
TinEar said:
Dave, have some U/I fighter aircraft probably heading your way for the Duke MOA. At 1304 I picked them up on ZNY-Flint Hill on «278.3» where they went from 11 to 13 to 16,000 feet and by 1309 reported heading direct for Slate Run. Next check-in should be with Cleveland Center on 353.85.


Check your IM, I worked something really cool today.

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