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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Now DEVIL 11 on 264.550 working again tonite for next 2 hours with AXEMAN,BICEP etc..
Sounds like repeat of last night again coming up...


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
OK aircraft ID freq 264.550 as Bay Watch and Wiki Delmarva has it as Echo Advisory monitored ??

Meanwhile on HF radio EVAC 33117 C-17 on HF 11.175 with Puerto Rico Radio estimates landing Andrews at 0045z/7:45 local.Now up on same HF with Shaw metro phone patch for wx at Andrews.


Mar 1, 2003
Here is what I have so far:
138.3- Active
142.3- active
281.8- active
139.875- active
18:08- 264.55 Deuce 52
18:15- 288.0 Tanker Mid air refule Boom Freq
18:21-142.45 not sure who or where they are
19:24- 138.425 Devil flight V-15
Might be an active Friday night enjoy...
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Mark and others who might be interested - 264.55 is normally a Pax River Baywatch freq 138.3 is super busy tonight...73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark...check the logs...the 264.55 freq is the Pax River BayWatch controller that's controlling all the entries and exits from the exercise that's going on around Vienna. It's listed 192 times above and in a couple of recaps of the freqs used for the exercise. You said you were going to get new glasses. I can tell you didn't do it.

The NJ F-16s and MD A-10s are just finishing up an exercise in the Vienna area. Everyone is thanking everyone for the awesome and fabulous work that each did. They once again were using all the standard freqs listed above for the exercise with the addition of the DEVIL/AXEMAN collaboration on the MD tac freq 142.3. Everyone is starting the trip home at 1928.

From the sound of their goodbyes, it appears the exercise will NOT continue over the weekend. Everyone wishing everyone else a good weekend and the hope to get together in the future sometime for more work together. The exercise has continued for the entire day since I logged the start of it earlier today. The work after the sun went down was done with night vision goggles.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
Sorry Tin missed the first 192 times..No offense but sometimes your logs are so long and detailed with routine message traffic that I end up glancing thru too quickly..My fault. So many boards to check and scanners going here...You must have quick typing fingers...

Was a great exercise to listen on though! As about as real life as practice can be.. I'm thinking these units may be deployed overseas soon.. Just a hunch with the intense training we have heard..


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Late 1600 hour had 2 AXEMAN and 1 COLT A-10s arriving back to Martin State.

1840: Again, 2 AXEMAN, 1 COLT Martin State A-10s airborne and heading for Atlantic City. Heard on Raven Ops 347.2 and 143.8, BWI TRACON 290.475, Washington Center/Woodstown 362.3 and a new tac freq 142.0.
1850:Warren Grove Range active on 283.1....might be our AXEMAN/COLT flight. It is...they are arriving at the range at 1900 and coming in from the west.
1853: WARDOG OA-10 from Martin State airborne...with Raven Ops on 347.2
1903: Also have the Bollen Range active on 237.2...sounds like our Martin State A-10s (maybe) just making contact with the range controller but not working there yet.'s WARDOG talking with range controller BALKY...setting up to do laser assisted ground attacks. WARDOG tells BALKY he'll be doing some Forward Air Controller(FAC) work with RAVEN 1 who will be coming in.
So, AXEMAN/COLT flights are at Warren Grove Range and WARDOG/RAVEN at Bollen Range.
1912: WARDOG makes contact with FAC WARCRAFT on the ground and IDs as an OA-10 and tells him about RAVEN 1 coming in on a check ride. Says he'll work the RAVEN first and then work with WARCRAFT. He outlines munitions and mission details and then flies around the range identifying and marking targets for the upcoming work.
1915: Have a pair of Martin State A-10s on tac 142.3. This is RAVEN 1 and 2 heading for Bollen Range for work with WARDOG. They sign in with BALKY at 1924 and ID as a flight of two A-10s that are still 10 minutes from the range and also make contact with WARDOG who tells them to call back when they are 2 minutes out.

2006: Sounds like AXEMAN/COLT flights are on the way home from Warren Grove. They are with Raven Ops on 347.2 now and still working tac 142.0 on their way.
2022: WARDOG off the Bollen Range and on his way home. 237.2 ...RAVENs doing the same. Around 2030 or shortly after, they're all about to land or approaching for landing.

Interesting mission for the RAVENs...there is a Blackhawk helicopter down and on fire...friendlies are well clear of the helo...The WARCRAFT FAC is marking it with IR and the RAVENs are to destroy the helo before three approaching enemy vehicles reach it. They are going to fire 100 rounds of 30mm at the helo and then try to destroy the three enemy vehicles.

(Reply to below) Excellent Bob. From your location, this should all be very clear listening.
By the way, I added a Stridsberg FM notch filter to my antenna line today and it seems to have cleared away all that hash and assorted crap that generally plagues my UHF MilAir band. Seems to be working as advertised.

(Reply to below) Jack, it doesn't seem to affect the VHF band at all. For instance, I'm hearing those AXEMAN/COLT A-10s working the 142.0 freq while down low at the Warren Grove Range which is a good test. I was a tad worried about insertion loss but after checking across all bands - including all my police/fire freqs - I'm not noticing any loss at all. Stridsberg builds excellent equipment. I have the filter between the antenna input and the Stridsberg 8-port multicoupler. And thanks for that U-14 catch.
Jack, I checked out the two lowest air band freqs I monitor from BWI - 118.05 Clearance Delivery and 119.4 Tower - and seem to have the same signal strength I've always had there.
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Jan 20, 2006
Hagerstown, Md
Hearing the RAVENS

Hearing all the action this evening here in Hagerstown Alan.. on 237.2

Sounds like he is gonna work on a tank next...
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Mar 1, 2003
I see you got a Stridesburg FM Notch filter. Does it seem to take some signal away from your VHF Air signal? (118-137 mhz)
I had one of their filters but I returned it because I was losing a considerable amount of signal on VHF air (118-136). I also have the Stridesburg 4 input multicoupler with the filter between the antenna cable and the multicoupler...Infact I have 2 filters 1 for FM the other for 153 pagers.
Just Curious,
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Mar 1, 2003
Axeman just said Push 14... 257.875 Dover
20:13 push 5> 317.425
20:17- push 6 >290.475 potomic
20:18- push 3 >297.2 Martin tower
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
AXEMAN, 1 COLT Martin State A-10s airborne and heading for Atlantic City. Heard on Raven Ops 347.2 and 143.8, BWI TRACON 290.475, Washington Center/Woodstown 362.3 and a new tac freq 142.0.

JackTV said:
Axeman just said Push 14... 257.875 Dover
20:13 push 5> 317.425
20:17- push 6 >290.475 potomic
20:18- push 3 >297.2 Martin tower

Added both 142.0 and U-14 to the 175th Wing Wiki, Marked U-06 as confirmed, and U-5 and U-03 are already there...

(reply to below )Thanks Alan, I stuck it there while I figured out where to put it and then forgot about it when Jack posted the other Buttons... Fixed..
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
In the last part of the 1100 hour, heard three F-22A fighters, callsign STUD using Langley's tac «233.525» and another single F-22A on «228.45» but no callsign heard for that flight.

1238: DEVIL flight - F-16s NJ-ANG Atlantic city - on the exercise freq «141.725». They are working with an airborne controller, callsign KINGPIN, that has a strong enough signal but very weak modulation which the DEVIL flight is having trouble hearing - as am I. They mention being in the Vienna area.
Also have a BANDSAW E3B flight calling BayWatch on «264.55» which they used last week to control entrance/exit to the exercise area.
At 1245, the DEVIL flight switches to calling WARHAWK - still on «141.725» WARHAWK is readable and is probably also an airborne controller.
At 1247, an aircraft came up calling BayWatch on the «264.55» freq. At first, he started to say his callsign as BANDSAW and then changed it to KINGPIN so that probably gives us a firm ID on KINGPIN's aircraft type.
1250: DEVIL flight changes to Blue 18 freq which is «138.3» to talk with WHITE LIGHTNING, one of the ground controllers for the exercise. DEVIL told BayWatch earlier on «264.55» they'd be MARSA with a BICEP flight. Both DEVIL and BICEP are flights of two F-16s each.
1300: BICEP flying toward the exercise area.

1st Mission Recap:
DEVIL 11 (two F-16s) 138.425 tac (NJ-ANG)
BICEP 21 (two F-16s) 138.875 tac (NJ-ANG)
KINGPIN - airborne controller - probably E3B - using all freqs
WARHAWK - airborne controller
BayWatch controller for exercise area entrances/exits on 264.55
138.3 Blue 18 freq for exercise with WHITE LIGHTNING ground controller..DEVIL working here.
141.725 Blue 1 freq for exercise with WARHAWK airborne controller...BICEP working here.
There was apparently refueling scheduled but the DEVIL flight mentioned the tanker was cancelled. So far, there have been no A-10s involved as there were last week.
Participants have an overlayed map grid for the exercise area around Vienna. Steets running in one direction have tree names - Hickory, Elm, Oak - and cross streets have animal names - Mule, Horse, Donkey.

2nd Mission Recap:
ANGRY 41 (two F-16s) 127.275 tac coming, 143.15 tac going. (DC-ANG)
Same freqs and controllers used as during the first mission by the NJ F-16s.

1320: BANDSAW to BayWatch on «264.55» asking if a tanker will be coming into the area for the exercise. Can't hear BayWatch so no idea what the answer was.

1330: Might have a scramble developing out of Andrews and working the «139.7» freq. Heard the HUNTRESS ground controller but no aircraft yet.
1333: HUNTRESS giving a target BRA. «139.7»
1334: BANDSAW to Giant Killer on «338.1» talking about an upcoming mission with MAD DOG and DRAGON aircraft . He wants MAD DOGs to work 288.4 and DRAGONs to work 235.9. This is probably a repeat of the exercise that was cancelled Friday due to weather. Those aircraft should be F-15s from the 102nd. It was scheduled in area W-105 on Friday.
1336: HUNTRESS trying to call someone but I can't pick out the callsign...he gives target info in the blind and then signs off. «139.7»
1339: HUNTRESS still transmitting target info to someone "in the blind." «139.7»
HUNTRESS may be working with a low-flying helicopter (perhaps the OMAHA Customs bird) that I just can't hear. If that's so, this freq might be assigned to NORAD rather than to the F-16s at Andrews as I had been presuming.
The HUNTRESS activity just stopped with that transmission at 1339.

1357: DEVIL and BICEP flights are low on fuel and are heading home due to the lack of a tanker in the exercise area. DEVIL flight pulling out now...BICEP to follow shortly. BICEP switches to WHITE LIGHTNING controller for their final attack on «138.3» after DEVILs leave.
1357: ANGRY 41 (F-16 DC-ANG), flight of two, airborne and heading into the Pax River area with Approach on «305.2» and with with BayWatch on «354.8» Sounds like they may be coming to the exercise....They are.
1359: ANGRY flight on Blue 1 «141.725» with KINGPIN (female controller now) who is also weak and unreadable to them as this airborne controller was with the NJ F-16s. KINGPIN hands the flight off to WARHAWK.

1411: BICEP flight announces RTB «138.3», then to BayWatch to clear out «264.55» and switch to tac «138.875» and ZDC freqs to head home.
1412: The ANGRY flight has been coordinating with WARHAWK for target coordinates, ordnance to be used, etc. They were also told by KINGPIN to expect a text message with instructions from CHARIOT but don't seem to have received it. (No idea who CHARIOT might be. There's another mention of him below at 1529.)
1420: The BANDSAW E3B has been working the MA F-15s on «235.9» Currently working a flight of DRAGON F-15s.
1426: ANGRY 41 flight changes to Blue 18 «138.3» to work with WHITE LIGHTNING. Two F-16s with playtime of 20 minutes.
The range itself around Vienna has been referred to by the ANGRY flight on both exercise freqs by the name of RAMROD...or that could also be the name of the exercise itself. One time they mentioned the RAMROD RC. (RC=Range Controller???)
1448: The ANGRY flight finished work with WHITE LIGHTNING and is talking about BDAs with WARHAWK who is having trouble hearing them. «141.725»
During this back and forth, the ANGRY flight leader asked if WARHAWK was around Atlantic City. If this is right, it would maybe explain why both WARHAWK and KINGPIN are so weak and having trouble hearing the fighters although the exercise itself is right in my back yard around Vienna. I've been suspecting that the airborne controllers are in position away from the battle area - standing off at a distance. That would be their M.O. during the "real deal" in the desert.
1453: The ANGRY flight switched to V-7 - «143.15» for tac after going through the BDAs with WARHAWK. They briefly checked in with BayWatch to announce their impending RTB.

1506: By this time, the ANGRY flight has checked in with TRACON on «270.275», lined up for a landing on runway 19L (as usual) and heading for the deck with Tower on «349.0» for a full stop landing.
1507: The BANDSAW controller is now a female directing the mission in W-105 with the Otis MA F-15s. «235.9»
1509: Boeing test flight freq «321.7» is active...he mentions changing to Wilmington Tower.
1515: Also have the BANDSAW female controller directing another air combat mission on «288.4» which was the freq mentioned earlier for the MAD DOG F-15s.
1518: Have an aircraft landing at Andrews that sounds like RAMA 01. He used TRACON freq «322.3» and then to Andrews GCA on «335.5» and should have switched to 349.0 for final but I never heard him there - or on 118.4. . The RAMA callsign is listed for various aircraft types from Reese AFB TX - a flight training facility that no longer exists so I'm not sure where he's really from. (Maybe someone reading from another area can help with this??)
1529: BANDSAW calling GIANT KILLER on «338.1» to say the rest of the aircraft have left the area and the mission is complete (The MAD DOG/DRAGON mission to W-105). Just prior to that, I heard BANDSAW calling CHARIOT on the radio I had set up to scan the 138.3/141.725 freqs. There was just the one call and I'm not sure which of the two freqs it was on. (See item at 1412 for another mention of CHARIOT)
1542: HORNET 72 (F/A-18) with ZDC-Woodstown on «362.3» heading down to FL120. Mentions switching to a Philadelphia freq....then repeats 369.25 but that doesn't appear to be Philly according to the database.

1604: WARDOG (A-10 PA-ANG) on tac «142.75»
1605-16: Have what sounds like KILO 13 (C-130 Little Rock AFB AR) with HUNTRESS changing from freq to freq. Base freq is 271.0...then to Guard 243.0, to 364.2, 228.9, 234.6, 260.9, 277.6, 324.0. He goes back to 271.0 after checking each freq and finally signs off after that last check on 324.0.

That's all for now.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1830-1900: A RAVAGE flight of two F-16s from the DC-ANG at Andrews is taking a turn at the Pax River Range exercise. They are working with the Forward Air Controller on the ground WHITE LIGHTNING on Blue 1 «138.3». Area control provided by BayWatch on «264.55» and the fighters are using their tac «139.15/127.275».
1909: The RAVAGE flight says they only have about 10 minutes of playtime left as they finish working with WHITE LIGHTNING.
1914: RAVAGE 1 and AXEMAN (A-10 Martin State) start working together on «139.15» for the last few minutes RAVAGE 1 has left. Meanwhile, RAVAGE 2 moved to the southern part of the area and will change his callsign to ANGRY.
1916: Don't know where he came from but I have BULLY 1 (F-16 DC-ANG) with BayWatch on «264.55» clearing out of the area and heading back to Andrews. Not sure but this might be the RAVAGE 2 that said he was going to change to the ANGRY callsign. He might have settled for BULLY instead.

1937: it turns out that AXEMAN wasn't really an AXEMAN A-10. It was RAVAGE 2 playing the part of AXEMAN. And I still don't know where the BULLY aircraft came from but he went back to Andrews when I mentioned above he cleared out of BayWatch's area. Now the RAVAGE pair is clearing out on «264.55» and heading home to Andrews too. They continue to use «139.15» for tac as they fly home. They'll do the TRACON thing on «270.275» and then Tower on «349.0»
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Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
Just as I switched to the milair bank to hear range exercises I had NIGHTHAWK-15 calling Bluegrass Ops on 241.0. I was actually expecting to hear some NIGHTHAWKS tomorrow night because of the State of the Union address. Great, now Bluegrass has an open mic. Fixed it, last time it was open for a long time and the MUSSELL flight requested that Bluegrass be called via landline to let them know.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
With 40 knot wind gusts predicted for tomorrow, it might not be too productive to fly in that weather, even with the State of the Union.....but I hope I'm wrong....stay dry everyone 73s Mike


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1300: The exercise is back on at the Patuxent River Range in the Vienna MD area. Participants are currently DEVIL 11 & 12 and BICEP 21 and 22 - all F-16s from the NJ-ANG at Atlantic city. KINGPIN is an airborne controller overseeing all the activity. WARHAWK seems to be another airborne controller acting as a Forward Air Controller for attacks at the range. WHITE LIGHTNING is a ground based Special Forces controller. Frequencies used at the range are 138.3 and 141.725. BayWatch controlls access to the area on 264.55. Too early to know if there will be refueling activities today but, if they do, it can be expected to take place on 288.0. Tac freq used by the DEVIL flight is 138.425 and BICEP is using 138.875. It appears they will not work with WHITE LIGHTNING because of low clouds obscuring the area. At least for now, the 138.3 freq will not be used. The aircraft are all moving to the southern part of the range where the weather is better.

1324: DEVIL 12 going to refuel. He clears it with BayWatch on 264.55 and then goes to refueling boom freq 288.0 where he contacts the KC-135, callsign STEEL 71 (PA-ANG Pittsburgh). The tanker, rather than using his real callsign STEEL, is using STEELER today for obvious reasons.
1329: DC 22 (KC-135 Andrews) with Dover Command Post on 349.4 to say he was trying to get the wx report from 342.0 but is getting nothing there. They are due into Andrews and have heard the weather there is bad and need to get a report for the area.
1332: BICEP 21 flight heading for the STEEL 71 is DEVIL 11. Again, the tanker is using STEELER as his callsign to contact these aircraft. Refueling is taking place at 24,000 feet.
1338: BICEPs say they will stay in the southern part of the Pax Range area and will not go up to the Duke MOA as planned. However, they mention there is an Andrews flight due in to the area.
1338: Sure enough, RAVAGE 51 flight of two (F-16s) is airborne on tac 139.15 from Andrews and with TRACON on 348.725 and climbing out. Handed off to ZDC-Calvert on 281.4 climbing to 15,000. Next handoff is to Pax River Approach on 305.2.
1345: The RAVAGE flight is calling WARHAWK on 138.125 (unusual since this is NJ-ANG SOF freq). No contact but transmit in the blind that they're going to work with WHITE LIGHTNING on 138.3. Still no contact but he continues to call on this freq rather than 138.3. He then says they should switch to 138.425 but he continues to call on 138.125. He then says "push 138.87(5). The RAVAGE flight also tries calling WHITE LIGHTNING or JSTARS.
1349: JSTARS calls BayWatch on 264.55 and says he's done in the area and will RTB.
This appears to me to that the KINGPIN aircraft we've been calling an E3B has been the JSTARS aircraft but this is not confirmed yet. JSTARS is an E8C aircraft.
Over the past week, I've heard a couple of references to a WIZARD but they have been brief and not in any context that I understood. However, that is a callsign used by the JSTARS aircraft and suddenly makes sense.
1351: STEEL 71 clears out of BayWatch area on 264.55 and gives his route back to Pittsuburgh and climbing to 28,000.
1351: Meanwhile, the NJ flights have been talking to their SOF on various freqs trying to explain that because of the weather, they're going to stay in the Pax area and try to get in some work.
1351: And the RAVAGE flight is still trying to make contact with anybody, anywhere. They also go back to SOF on 139.9 to report this and want to know freqs. RAVAGE makes contact with DEVIL on 264.55 and finds out the controllers will not be working because of the weather. Finally, RAVAGE flight makes contact with WARHAWK on 141.725 and seem to be ready to do some ground attack work. KINGPIN is also in the area talking to the RAVAGE flight so I'm suddenly not so sure that KINGPIN and the JSTARS aircraft are one and the same.
At the end of the hour, the BICEP and DEVIL flights seem to be working on their own in the Pax River area and the RAVAGE flight is now working the exercise freqs.
While all that was going on, I happened to hear an ORCA 70 (KC-10A, Travis AFB CA) working his way into McGuire AFB with the CP on 319.4.

1405: RAVAGE 1 calling WARHAWK or CHARIOT on «141.725» to give BDA after their last attack on a ground target. The DEVIL/BICEP flights still working strictly on their tac freqs.
I think the WARHAWK and KINGPIN callsigns are actually associated with the NJ-ANG. I remember in the past hearing those callsigns being called by NJ F-16s on their SOF freq. It might also make sense why the RAVAGE flight came into the area using all NJ tac freqs to try to make contact. The part I'm not clear on is why those two callsigns are on an airborne platform and whose platform they are using. The JSTARS? We also had the reference yesterday to those controllers being in the Atlantic City area by another flight out of Andrews. CHARIOT? Who knows...but maybe that's the JSTARS aircraft rather than the controllers aboard it.
1421: The RAVAGE flight is still working with WARHAWK to attack ground targets and is receiving some targeting info via text messages. «141.725»
1437: All the fighters are preparing to leave the Pax River Range area. RAVAGE just reported back to SOF before heading back to Andrews and both DEVIL and BICEP flights are clearing out with BayWatch on 264.55 to start their trips home.

1520: Tanker refueling SALTY DOG aircraft on the Navy's 123.525 refueling freq.
1524: That same tanker asking someone to pass a message to Otis about refueling a target of opportunity and so he will be late getting there. Says he's going to go into Pax to refuel and then to Cherry Point but I don't know what the Cherry Point is in reference to. «123.525»

That's it for the daytime log today.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I've noticed the past couple of days there is a new Washington Center VHF freq operating on 127.275 which I don't have on any of my lists. I've tried tuning it to make sure it's right on 127.275 and not an adjacent freq and it seems to be centered right there. This, of course, is exactly the DC-ANG V-5 freq used by the F-16s at Andrews. I wonder if we'll hear them there anymore or if they'll pick a new freq for the V-5 button.


Mar 1, 2003

Tin, I have just noticed that within the past 10 minutes that commercial
aircraft are on this freq.



Jan 5, 2004
Lo Co VA/ FM19
About 1705 there was some chatter on the Bluegrass Ops freq. It sounded like someone was debating whether they should fly.

Checking the Bluegrass ATIS, winds are at 14knots from 320.

Sure enough as I'm typing this I thought I heard a helo. Looked out the window to see two CH-46s heading west to Mt. Weather.

It's NIGHTHAWK-22 flight of two.

Something has to be wrong with Bluegrass' radio. I can barely hear them. NIGHTHAWK was asking for a weather report at 2 miles out and even he had to ask for the report to be repeated several times before getting a good copy.

I can hear NIGHTHAWK on the ground no problem.
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