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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
2335: BRAVE 61 and 62 (F-16s DC-ANG Andrews AFB MD) up in a scramble - probably as part of an exercise. «139.7»
2337: OMAHA 3 (Customs) up with HUNTRESS on «260.9»
2337: BRAVE flight talking with CAPITOL on «139.7» CAPITOL is back at their HQ. They've been given a target by HUNTRESS.
2340: HUNTRESS gives a "skip it" command and gives a BRAA for a new TOI to the BRAVE flight. «139.7»
2342: BRAVE changes to callsign ALERT 1 and is sent to TRACON «269.5» where he explains he's got a "real world target but it's an exercise."
2344: OMAHA 03 repeats he was given a "bug out" command. «260.9»
2344: BRAVE describes the target as a Citation business jet. «139.7» He then changes back to ALERT 1 (putting on his magic cape) and reports he has no luck in head butting the TOI away.
2347: ALERT 1 tells Reagan TRACON he's sticking with the target for a few more miles. «269.5» He had to go out of the CAP area to chase this target is why he has to check in with TRACON.
The BRAVE pair is flying the GUARD DOG CAP track for this exercise.
2348: HUNTRESS gives the "bug out" command to ALERT 1/BRAVE 61 to the south. «139.7»
2348: ALERT 1 tells TRACON he's going back to the CAP in one minute. «269.5»
2351: OMAHA 3 with HUNTRESS on «260.9» He doesn't seem to be doing much.
2352: BRAVE 61/ALERT 1 to GUARD DOG on «288.35» to report going back into the CAP.
2355: HUNTRESS tells the BRAVE flight to come up on the JADOC Gateway and BRAVE reports going to GAT KEY 5, channel 54....and other stuff I don't have a clue about. «139.7» BRAVE 61 tells 62 to come up on the 72X air to air ???.
2357: BRAVE 61 and 62 both report timber sour...recycling the DATALINK. «139.7» They then do a new alpha check on the system and get the bullseye (bearing/range.)
2359: HUNTRESS tells BRAVE flight to expect OMAHA 3 to come up with them. «139.7» All these GAT KEYS and channel numbers are apparently on the DATALINK.

0000: OMAHA 3 comes up with HUNTRESS on «139.7» after being told on «260.9» to switch to VHF.
0000: BRAVE flight is going to try GAT KEY 6 on their DATALINK since they are again "sour" «139.7» The new key worked and they are again "sweet" on the system.
0005: HUNTRESS asks OMAHA 3 his flight time remaining and 3 tells him he has about 3 hours of gas left. «139.7» (I'm not staying up until 3 a.m. Are you? I've got a DirecTV guy due here at 8 a.m. to install my HD equipment.)
0009: Not much happening at the moment...HUNTRESS/BRAVE just BSing.
0010: OMAHA 3 wants to know when the next scenario will start. HUNTRESS says NOW! «139.7» Sure enough, BRAVE reports they have a target on the DATALINK. OMAHA 3 is given the BRAA to the TOI.
0015: BRAVE 61 turns into ALERT 1 again and gets cleared to chase the target on GUARD DOG freq «288.35»
0016: OMAHA 3 reports sighting the target «139.7»
0017: OMAHA 3 gets cleared by Reagan TRACON «269.5» to chase the target and ALERT 1 does the same with BWI TRACON. OMAHA reports on the wing of the target «139.7» ALERT 1 reports TOI is a low winged, 2 engine jet....HUNTRESS tells him to head butt him north. «139.7» OMHA 3 is on a different target...he IDs as a Cessna 172 or 180 hi wing single engine.....ALERT 1 requests use of flares on his target due to non response. OMAHA 3 told to bug out north. ALERT 1 eventually given the bug out command too.
Both the BRAVE F-16s and the OMAHA 3 are back and forth to TRACON freqs each time they chase a target.
0022: OMAHA 3 wants to RTB because he doesn't have a decent aircraft...wants to know if there's another scenario....HUNTRESS sends him away and OMAHA 3 thanks him. He changes to Reagan TRACON on «269.5» to report going back to his nest at Reagan National (DCA).
0038: After a long silence, HUNTRESS asks BRAVE61 if he has any targets showing. 61 has one of his own. «139.7» Almost immediately, BRAVE 61 reports the track is gone.
0044: BRAVE 61 sees a new target on his datalink...HUNTRESS agrees «139.7» and he has a second suspect aircraft...HUNTRESS shows the same on that one too.
0048: HUNTRESS tells BRAVEs to "skip it" on this latest target. 62 reports he sees 2 suspects. HUNTRES gives the authentication for his "skip it" command. New mission coming up....wants a head butt to the west.
0052: ALERT 2 requests use of flares «139.7» After a couple of requests he's told by HUNTRESS to bug out. He does at 0056.
0057: BRAVEs/ALERTs aircraft sent back to the CAP for a new mission by HUNTRESS «139.7»
0101: BRAVEs report 15 and 30 minutes respectively of playtime left (running low on gas) «139.7»
0108: BRAVE 62 headed home...61 is going to stay up another 20 minutes. 61 asks CAPITOL back at Andrews if they're going to get new jets or stay with what they've got for the next mission. They should be up again in about 3 hours...but I'm not staying with them. I've had enough for tonight. «139.7»
0112: BRAVE 62 with TRACOn on «269.5» and then with Andrews Tower on «349.0» and has gear down for landing.
Goodnight everyone.

(Reply to below): Russ, that's the BWI TRACON.
And, yeah, he was unhappy with that helo...didn't like it at all. Bet when he gets back to National he's going to ***** to everyone in sight.
Good catch Russ on that Civil Air Patrol flight. That's probably the target that OMAHA 3 was describing as the Cessna 172 or 180 "or something like that." I haven't heard the VENUS (or whomever) flight that the BRAVEs went after.
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Sep 3, 2004
upstate South Carolina
ADD 282.275 to the list of freqs for this exercise
It sounded like OMAHA 3 said he had no about being cold!
Yeah Alan, I can't imagine the cockpit being too warm this late AND flying...

CAP2536 checking in at IP4 <148.125 fm>
0100 CAP2536 heading back to Manassas(sp?) <148.125>
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Didn't expect to hear much this morning but here they come...

0945: BANGER 21 & 22 (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-Casino «285.4», ZDC-Salisbury «257.7», ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» and on their tac freq «138.875» They couldn't make contact with Salisbury and are having trouble with Cape Charles.
0950: BANGER 21 flight with Pax River Approach on «305.2» They say they'll be MARSA with HOSER (KC-135 McGuire AFB) when the time comes and with AERO/DEVIL (or whoever else shows up from Atlantic City).
0953: BANGER 21 flight handed off to Pax BayWatch on «354.8» to enter the work area...they'll stay in the northern area.
0954: BANGER 21 flight contacts GREEN GIANT (did he mean GREEN EAGLE?) on tac «138.875» where they'll do their work. No joy on this freq so they change to V-1 «138.125» where he calls the correct GREEN EAGLE.
0956: BANGER 21 tells GREEN EAGLE they have 45 minutes of playtime but will have to yo-yo to the tanker in 10 minutes. «138.125»

1002: BANGERs now talking with WARHAWK on «138.125» as they set up for ground attack.
1002: Langley tac freq «233.525» is active. Callsign MILLER (F-22A Langley)
1003: HOSER 11 (KC-135 McGuire) checking in with Pax River Approach on «305.2» Says he's 10 minutes out and that his AR freq will be 288.0. He geets handed off to BayWatch on 354.8
1005: BANGER 21 departing work area to head for the tanker. He leaves 22 in the work zone. «138.125» Check in is with BayWatch on «354.8» to get permission to snap to the tanker. BayWatch tells him the tanker is not quite set up yet. Meanwhile, the tanker, with approach on «305.2» states he's just entering the work area.
1007: BANGER 21 reports "tally" (on radar) with the tanker and is changing to 288.0 «354.8» He does make contact on «288.0» with HOSER 11 who asks if the DEVIL flight is with him and is told they'll be along later.
1009: That Navy refueling freq is active again today. Haven't heard callsigns yet. «339.6»
1012: The DEVIL 11 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) coming into the area...currently on tac «138.425»
1012: BANGER 21 cleared onto the refueling boom. «288.0»...and cleared off less than a minute later with his topoff. (Didn't take wasn't reported how much.) 21 tells BayWatch he's done refueling «354.8» and is heading back to the work area at Vienna.
1015: Again HOSER 11 is asking Pax Approach where the DEVIL flight is...guess he wants to get it over with and get out of here. «305.2»
1017: BANGER 21 reports back on station to GREEN EAGLE «138.125»
1017: TESTER 12 reports out of area to BayWatch on «354.8»
1018: DEVIL 11, flight of two, with ZDC-Cape Charles on «256.8» getting close to Pax.
1020: BANGER 22 cleared off the work freq «138.125» to head for the tanker.
Meanwhile, HOSER 11 is refueling some other aircraft. He's talking to them on 288.0 but they must be on a different freq since I can't hear them at all.
1022: DEVIL 11 flight checks in with Pax Approach on «305.2» to get permission to enter the restricted area. They also make contact with HOSER 11 on this freq. DEVIL 11 flight is going directly to the tanker before beginning work.
1026: DEVIL 11 makes contact with the tanker on «288.0» and starts his approach to the boom. He gives the normal "nose is cold" report and HOSER 11 asks if his weapons are "safe."
1028: Flight of four F-16s off from Andrews on tac «139.15» Callsign BULLY
1030: Tanker interplane freq «139.875» of them is the HOSER 11 tanker.
1030: One of the F-16s out of Andrews thinks he has some kind of problem...he wants one of the wingmen to come take a look at his aircraft. «139.15» The wingman tells him everything looks normal.
1032: BANGER 22 asks BayWatch for permission to go to the tanker. «354.8»
1032: BULLY flight with ZDC-Calvert «281.4»
1035: HOSER 11 has been working with Pax Approach on «305.2» to get positions of all the aircraft in the area and reports when each flight has finished their refueling ops. There has been mention of a second tanker...think he said HOSER 12.
1037: BANGER 22 asks HOSER 11 which tanker he should go to. 11 tells him to go to HOSER 12 which he begins to do. «288.0»
1038: HOSER 11 to Pax Approach on «305.2» explains that BANGER 22 is going to HOSER 12 and that he - 11 - wants to head out for recovery and go direct Snow Hill.
1041: The DEVIL 11 flight begins their work on tac «138.425»
1042: BANGER 22 completes his refueling with HOSER 12 «288.0» He tells that to BayWatch on «354.8» and heads back to his work area on «138.125»
1043: Langley tac freq «228.45» active...Callsign RECAP (F-22A Langley)
Add RECAP to the F-22A callsign list.
1045: BANGER 21 tells BayWatch his flight will RTB in 15 minutes at 17,000 feet «354.8»
1048: BANGER 21 reports RTB «354.8» and change to V-17 «138.875» to work their way home.
1051: HOSER 11 handed off to ZDC by Pax Approach «305.2»
1053: The RECAP F-22A flight is working with DARKSTAR (E3C Tanker AFB OK) «228.45»
1053: BANGER 21 flight handed off to ZDC-Kenton «354.15» by BayWatch
1053: DEVIL 11 tells BayWatch they'll be RTBing in about 5 minutes «354.8»

And with that, I've got to leave it for awhile in all your capable hands. My DirecTV guy is heading down the street now.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Just in here long enough to report a CAP has started...

1135: ?SPIDER? 51/52 (F-16 ND-ANG Fargo) with HUNTRESS on «260.9» Refueling with TANKER 05 and working tac «138.0» (Haven't heard the callsign yet, just the suffix and presuming it's SPIDER because of the 138.0 freq usage.)
Yes, it's SPIDER.
1424: Another check on the CAP shows SPIDER 51 and 52 still have the duty and primary freq is still «260.9» with HUNTRESS as the NORAD controller.
1425: Also hear the Northrup-Grumman test flight aircraft active on «123.225»
1443: HUNTRESS gives an RTB command to SPIDER 51 and 52 «260.9» They go to tac «138.0» for chat as they head to their temporary home at Langley.
1444: SPIDER 51/52 with ZDC-Calvert «281.4»
1446: SPIDER 51/52 with Spider Ops on tac «138.0» Both report Code 1 status.
1450: SPIDER 51/52 cleared down to 6,000 feet by ZDC-Calvert «281.4»

1540: CHECK 63 (F/A-18 Beaufort MCAS - Merritt Field) with ZDC-Calvert «281.4» at FL250. Mentions direct Beaufort - KNBC - , direct Richmond...cleared to 14,000 feet and reports 1 plus 30 fuel on board (1 hour, 30 minutes)
1546: CHECK 63 handed off to ZDC-Blackstone «380.3»
1549: CHECK 63 reports direct NBC «380.3»
1555: Just turned on another radio and hear a NJ-ANG F-16 calling BLUE GIANT on «138.425» The BLUE GIANT part is another of the F-16s playing the part. From signal strength, they sound like they're at the Pax Range. Callsign is BICEP.
1557: More fighters on tac «139.625» I'd pick A-10s from the PA-ANG at Willow Grove for this one.

1600: Yet more fighters on «142.3» This'll be A-10s from Martin State.
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Mar 1, 2003

Heard what sounded like a couple of fighters
on 120.925.I believe this is a range down in Virginia somewhere.
A long time ago I heard the Andrews fighters doing some work down there.



Mar 1, 2003
Even though snow is on the way
237.2 was active a short time ago.
10:08-237.2 still active
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
0952: Langley F-22As active on their tac freq «233.525» Callsign SPAD
Add SPAD to F-22A Langley callsign list.
0958: SPADs also operating on Giant Killer's ops freq «391.2»

1008: CRATE 91 (1st FW Langley) into Giant Killer's area on «249.8»
1022: Langley tac freq «228.175» active. No callsign heard yet.
1024: LYNX 21 (1st FW Langley) calling Giant Killer on «238.1» No reply so he tries «249.8» with the same initial result.
1027: Northrup-Grumman test flight freq from BWI active «123.225»

1116 & 1120: Two different flights entered GK's area using «249.8» but high noise levels prevented hearing callsigns. Overall, there is very little military activity being heard today after a promising start with the Langley F-22A flight.
1130-50: Been listening to a pair of Langley fighters on tac freq «228.175» but no callsign has been used (that I've heard).

(Reply to below) Interesting Jack that they used that glaringly obvious RAPTOR callsign down there also. The Langley guys did the same but only when pressed into unscheduled CAP duty. It strikes me as sort of a - "Hey, look at me. I'm the newest and greatest." - kind of statement. Can't say I blame them since it is.

Continued below...if anything flies.
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Ref that 136.725 frequency I mentioned last week for air-to-air chat for aircraft in the Presidential fleet. Starting about 1230 and continuing for the next 15 minutes, I've heard VENUS 93 calling EAGLE 1 on that freq without ever making contact. I don't believe the EAGLE 1 callsign refers to the U.S. Park Police helicopter that uses that same callsign in this area. Hopefully, if they ever make contact and actually talk to each other, we'll be able to further identify who/what uses this freq.

1356: And here comes New Jersey...tac freq «138.875» active with a pair of F-16s from the NJ-ANG at Atlantic City. Callsign BANGER
1400: BANGER 21 flight of two with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» heading this way.
1404: BANGER 21 flight handed off to Pax Approach on «305.2» at 16,000 feet and then to BayWatch on «270.8»
1405: BANGERs back to their tac «138.875» to do ground attack exercises at the Pax River Range.
1435: Langley tac freq «233.525» active. Callsign COWBOY...F-22A.
1436: Navy JS914 with Andrews CP on «378.1»
1452: HAGAR 70 (C-5 Dover) with Dover CP on «349.4» Arriving Dover 20-25 minutes, A-2, 75% training completed.
1459: BANGER 21 flight on a new freq (for me) «239.0» Message was about leaving an area. (Pax?)
That freq sounds familiar but I just can't place it. (Added: No wonder it sounds familiar - it's the Atlantic City Tower freq.)
NOTE: Before the BANGER NJ-ANG flight departed the area, they switched to U-20 for ATIS which should be 316.15. For Wiki addition.

1504: COWBOY 11, reports as a two ship RTB to Giant Killer on «249.8»
1516-18: PACK or PAT (believe it was PAT) 27 to Flight Service Station on «255.4» asking if they had VFR for him from NGU to PHF. (NGU=Norfolk Naval Air Station, PHF=Newport News/Williamsburg Intl Airport.
1538: REACH 8222 with Dover CP on «349.4» arriving Dover 1600L...tail #80222, etc.
1547-52: ROMAN 41 (F/A-18, VFA-106 Oceana NAS) with ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» and then Casino «285.4» requesting high penetration approach into Atlantic City. Handed off to ACY Approach.
1555: ROMAN 41 to Atlantic City Approach on «327.125» says he wants to work on his approach to ACY and his approach into Willow Grove too. (I guess Willow Grove is his final destination.)
1600: END OF LOG...until later.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
TinEar said:
0952: Langley F-22As active on their tac freq «233.525» Callsign SPAD
Add SPAD to F-22A Langley callsign list.
0958: SPADs also operating on Giant Killer's ops freq «391.2»

Well, drats. This throws a wrench into the plan to ID all the 27 FS Callsigns. This is almost certainly a 94th FS Callsign, since their ops callsign is "Spad Ops", at least we know that they also have begun to get F-22s assigned. (They're the Squadron that recently transfered all their F-15s and F-15 Drivers out....)

TinEar said:
1459: BANGER 21 flight on a new freq (for me) «239.0» Message was about leaving an area. (Pax?)
That freq sounds familiar but I just can't place it. (Added: No wonder it sounds familiar - it's the Atlantic City Tower freq.)
NOTE: Before the BANGER NJ-ANG flight departed the area, they switched to U-20 for ATIS which should be 316.15. For Wiki addition.

Done, 177th FW Wiki updated
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Jul 10, 2004
Bloomingdale, NJ

The frequency <<239.0>> is their "Button 4" <<Tower>> or "Uniform 4". I had U-20 as 243.0 <<Air Guard>. Maybe their channel line-up has been changed.


Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
Hey Steve, Thanks for the info!...
I've used your webpage for a couple of years as a reference, I didn't know if it was still being updated. Welcome to the MD Milair Sticky, I don't think anyone would mind if you posted NJ stuff here too...



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Yeah, that NJ-ANG U-button-20 also matches what other units are doing, e.g., the DC-ANG which also use 20 for ATIS...same for U-4 being a Tower freq. I've run into those at other F-16 units too so, perhaps, there is some standardization of necessary freqs. That also makes sense just from an "ease of flying" aspect so certain functions are second nature to the pilot.

Good to have you aboard "The Good Ship MilAir" Steve. I'll look forward to your input from up your way. It ties in nicely with our area.

Same for you BMT Jack. I'm sure there are things from down your way in Florida that will provide insight for us - such as that tip you gave us today that the Tyndall Raptors are using an identical tac freq and callsign as the Langley F-22As. It's good to see some new names show up.



Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
I'll plug that one in Jack to see if they show up there. I've had them from Langley on squadron tac freqs 257.075, 228.175 and 228.45 in addition to the freqs we heard today. Perhaps those might be helpful down your way.

2011: The Boeing Test Flight freq «321.7» is active.
2058: ROCCO 61 (KC-135 McGuire AFB) and OPEC 18 (KC-10A McGuire AFB) on tanker interplane freq «139.875» Flying at 26,000. ROCCO 61 expects to be over Norfolk at 0208Z (2108 local).
2054: Both tankers are now at 24,000 and OPEC 18 is pedalling as fast as he can to get to Norfolk to meet up with ROCCO. «139.875»
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1128: REACH 758T with ZDC-Azalea «263.1» and then ZDC-Montebello «284.7» at FL220. He's requesting UHF freqs only.
1141: Tac freq «138.0». Sounds like the same strange voice we had from one of the SPIDER F-16s from the ND-ANG in that 3 hour CAP the other day. It's a flight of two.
1142: Same guys say "Push U-7" and come up on Giant Killer's «249.8» They are using callsign VANDAL which is new for the ND-ANG (new to me anyway).
1145: VANDAL flight switches to GK's ops freq «312.3» and maintain their tac freq «138.0» for chat.
1151: VANDAL starts to call HUNTRESS on «312.3» and then stops....searching HUNTRESS' freqs.
1152: BANGER 21 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG Atlantic City) with ZDC-DuPont on «307.25»
1154: BANGER 21 flight handed off to ZNY-Westminister «323.3» where they check in at FL240...then mention going to VR-705, just south of Harrisburg about 18 miles.
1156: VANDAL 1 back to GK's «312.3» (Never did catch him on a HUNTRESS freq if he actually went there.)
1157: BANGER 21 flight to ZNY-Modena on «335.6» report FL240.
1159: BANGER asks to get below 18,000 and cancel IFR so they can get on their VR route. «335.6»

1200: BANGER 21 flight cleared to 17,000 and then to 15,500...says they'll be around Ravine (which will put them near the Duke MOA). «335.6» and they say they'll monitor 338.3 (ZNY-Williamsport)....but are handed off to 322.4. BANGERs tac freq is «138.875»
1202: BANGER 21 flight checks in with ZNY-Middletown on «322.4» at 15,500 and again mention VR-705 just south of Harrisburg. Couple of minutes later they are handed off to 273.52(5). (Can't come up with an ID for that quickly and can't get to it right now.) (ID below when DEVIL flight takes the same route.)
1205: Found the VANDAL flight again...they've changed to tac «140.4» This guy has such an unmistakable voice you can't miss him. He sounds like he's about 109 years old...and has a sore throat.
1207: VANDAL talking with HUNTRESS (NORAD) on this «140.4» freq. Doing an air combat intercept exercise.
1213: DEVIL 11 flight (F-16 NJ-ANG) with ZDC-DuPont on «307.25» at 16,000 feet. (This flight must be following the BANGER flight up to the Duke.) DEVILs tac freq is «138.425» where they are ascending to FL240.
1218: DEVIL 11 to ZNY-Westminister «323.3» at FL230 on the way to 240.
1219: VANDAL 2 reports he's Code 2, possibly Code 3 for fuel indicators. «140.4» (Sounds like they're going home.)
1219: VANDAL 1 back to tac «138.0» where they are say they're 15 minutes out and then it's push 256.8
1220: VANDAL 1 to ZDC-Cape Charles «256.8» to check in....back to «138.00» for all their approach to Langley talk.
1225: DEVIL 11 flight continues its flight to ZNY-Harrisburg on «270.3» and then to ZNY-Middletown «322.4» where they start a descent to 14,000.
1228: DEVIL 11 flight handed off to 273.525 «322.4»
1228: DEVIL 11 calls Harrisburg Approach on «273.525» (and I should have remembered that's who belongs to this freq) DEVIL 11 mentions heading for the range around Indiantown Gap.
1230: DEVIL 11 calls "Any Radio, Any Radio, DEVIL 11, a flight of two F-16s entering VR-705." «255.4» (FSS freq) A female voice replies but I can't understand a word she's saying. Sounds like she just woke up.)
1235: Air combat mission going on with HUNTRESS on «234.6» No ID on the aircraft yet.
1236: The 234.6 freq sounds like a flight of four aircraft.
1238: BANGER 21 now with ZNY-Modena again on «335.6»...seem to be headed for Bollen Range. From here, they're handed off to 307.25.
1239: BANGER 21 flight with ZDC-DuPont on «307.25» for check in....over on tac «138.875» they're talking about a ground attack mission.
1241: BANGER 21's next stop is with ZDC-Woodstown on «363.0» where they check in at 15,000 feet....cleared down to 13,500...cleared into restricted area 5802.
1244: The HUNTRESS «234.6» freq has YODA fighters working there. YODA (1st FW Langley)
1245: WAMO 51 into Andrews with Approach on «119.3»
1250: YODA flight still with HUNTRESS on «234.6» No terminology or tactics heard yet that would indicate these are F-22As - as opposed to F-15s.
1257: DEVIL 11 flight with ZNY-Williamsport on «338.3» and then to ZNY-Lancaster on «239.05» where they report at 17,500 both places. Still on tac «138.425» where one of them mentions 307.25 is a Washington Center freq. (DuPont)

To below: Chuck, that's a HUNTRESS freq that has been used up in the NY/MA area and from the signal strength on that freq, that's probably who/where they are - somewhere around the W-105 area.

Continued below....if my fingers hold out.
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1246 <254.2> Air Intercept Mission with UI players..., I have this listed as a Huntress Freq, any ideas?
1354 <348.725><317.425><360.7> Wild-1 Depart ADW with Potomac TRACON then ZDC Swann, A/A <143.6> Hand off to 254.3
1359<254.3> Wild-1 flight with ZDC-Coyle, Hand off to 257.7
1401<257.7> Wild-1 Flight with ZDC-Salisbury, Flight of 3
1405<249.8> Wild-1 check in with Giant Killer
1408<249.8> Wild-1 with Giant Killer, push <234.6>

1442<> Axeman-1 with Potomac TRACON (missed freq)

1457<290.475> Raven-1 with Potomac TRACON, departing Martin State. then to Philly Approach
1533 <121.3> Crab-53 Landing Martin State
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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1304: DEVIL 11 to ZDC-Woodstown «363.0» where they announce they're going to RTB at Atlantic City.
1306: DEVIL "push 7" (U-7) and come up as expected on ZDC-Casino «285.4»
1319: IRON Ops «357.1» active at Langley.
1320: And so is Langley tac «228.175»
1326:Have what sounds like an emergency locator beacon sounding off on HUNTRESS freq «324.0»
1331-43: POWER 21 (KC-135R from NY-ANG or WI-ANG...callsign listed at both places) calling McGuire Command Post on «319.4» No reply to many calls.
1340: Northrup-Grumman test flight guys are up «123.225»
1345: POWER 21 finally makes contact with McGuire CP and reports 10 minutes out. «319.4»
1346: U/I fighters on tac freq «139.025»
1350: One of the DC KC-135 tankers (didn't hear suffix) with LIBERATOR on squadron freq «351.2» approaching Andrews in A-2 status with about 25,000 pounds of fuel on board.
1350: Sounds like F-16s off the deck at Andrews with TRACON on «348.725»...callsign WILD PALEO.
1354: WILD 1 with BWI TRACON on «317.425» ...told to climb to 14,000 and handed off to ZDC-Swann «360.7» where he's told to climb to FL210.
1355: Have a new fighter tac freq active «143.6» and this might just be our WILD flight. (I'd sure like to hear this called V-5 to replace the old 127.275 freq).... Confirm it's the WILD flight. Air combat exercise taking place. Flight of at least 3 aircraft.
1358: Swann hands off the WILD flight to ZDC-Coyle on «254.3» (but never hear them there)

1400: COBRA 51 with ZDC-Calvert on «281.4»
1401: WILD 1 to ZDC-Salisbury on «257.7» check in at FL210
1404: Fighter tac freq «141.875» active..probably F-16s from the VA-ANG at Richmond.
1405: WILD 1 flight checks in with Giant Killer at FL210 on «249.8»
1405: VA-ANG flight on «141.875» is callsign SLAM confirming ID.
1409: WILD flight leader says to "Push 234.6" «249.8» (This is where the YODA flight from Langley operated earlier with HUNTRESS. Sounds like this might be the "Exercise of the Week."
1411: WILD at FL210 with HUNTRESS on «234.6» setting up for air combat.
1412: SLAM flight with ZDC-Franklin on «269.4»
1417: Andrews F-16s on tac «139.15» Not sure if this is a different flight or the WILD bunch. (Yes, it's the WILDs)
1421: Have the «254.2» freq active again with air combat exercise. No callsigns heard yet.
1425: The «254.2» freq has callsign T-BOLT (F-16 VA-ANG Richmond) working there.
1431: Have the T-BOLT flight on their tac «141.875» (not sure where the SLAM flight went)
T-BOLT 21 is ATC callsign as is WILD 31.
1433: DC KC-135 tanker coming in for full stop landing due to a maintenance problem «351.2»...changing to A-3 maintenance status for equipment cabinet overheat light.
1434: U/I fighter tac freq «138.75» active.
1434: T-BOLT is asking for the split between themselves and the WILD flight «254.2» (This confirms they're in some kind of combined exercise in the same area.)
1448: WILD tells HUNTRESS they will RTB due to "bingo" fuel. «234.6» WILD wants HUNTRESS to coordinate with Giant Killer that they'll RTB to the west.
1449: T-BOLT points out two WILD aircraft climbing through their area «254.2» WILD pushes to GK's «249.8» to clear out. Heading for Nottingham and descending to 14,000.
1451: T-BOLT checks in with GK on «249.8» to announce a two ship RTB to Richmond.
1451: U/I fighter tac freq «138.55» active.

Chuck, I think my ID of that 254.2 freq was wrong that I posted above when you asked. It is indeed used up north but considering the 234.6/254.2 are tied together today and since we had YODA from Langley working 234.6 earlier, I would suspect the 254.2 users were also from down this way that worked at the same time.

NOTE: The 143.6 freq is V-10 for the Andrews DC-ANG guys. Finally we have a replacement for one of those old low band freqs. Submitted to database. Wiki change needed.

1502: T-BOLT flight with Norfolk TRACON (West) «360.6» for approach to Richmond
1502: WILD flight to SOF freq «139.9» with mission results and Codes and back to V-10 «143.6»
1504: WILD flight with ZDC-Kenton «354.15» and then to BWI TRACON on «317.425»
1510: _____ 91 (KC-135 Seymour Johnson AFB) arriving Andrews on «378.1» 7 crew, transportation already arranged. Report coming in for some kind of KC-135 training. (This flight has arrived at Andrews previously on several occasions for the same reason and damned if I can remember the callsign. Same female speaker too)
1512: WILD flight to U-19 on «335.5» (Andrews Approach) where they report the field in sight, flight of 3 in standard formation and descending to 3,000. Switch to U-4 tower freq «349.0» at 1515 to report 8 miles to the east for initial to runway 19L.
1521: CRAB 52 (or 53) (C-130J MD-ANG) with Martin State Tower on «121.3» (Chuck says it's 53 so that's what it is.)
1522: U/I DC-ANG flight off from Andrews...with SOF on «139.9» Says he'll be out for about 30 minutes and will stand by here on V-1 if needed. Sounds like a single ship flight. (Turns out to be CAPITOL 91)
1526: Bollen Range active on «237.2» Martin State A-10s??? (Yes, at least a RAVEN call heard)
1527: TESTER 08 with BayWatch on «270.8» to do vertical maneuvering. And then to «250.3»
1531: TESTER 34 with Pax river on «264.15»
1539: CAPITOL 91 (F-16 Andrews) with BayWatch on «354.8» heading for Andrews.
1540: Martin State A-10s using low band «34.6 FM» approaching MTN.
1548: CAPITOL 91 to SENATE (SOF) on «139.9» to report RTB, Code 1...and then to TRACON on «270.275» for approach to Andrews.
1552: CAPITOL 91 to Andrews Tower on «349.0» for landing...reports as a single F-16.
1554: CAPITOL 91, gear down, approach runway 19L. «349.0» (Wonder what he went down to Pax to check out?)
1556: CAPITOL 91 reads out...gear (down), left (runway), (full) stop...and that should be all from him. «349.0»
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Oct 18, 2003
Severn, MD
1612 Raven A-10 Aircraft having Malfunction. Currently orbiting over Hart-Miller Island, working with Martin State Tower <297.2> , Potomac TRACON< 282.275> and RAVEN SOF <143.8>

1615 Situation Fixed, Raven Flight now inbout Martin State, VFR....
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