Storing freqs in the wiki

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I'm almost done - a few more things to do (one more state - Wisconsin- remains, plus a few odds/ends to clean up) and Phase 1 is a wrap. Another week or two, and we should be good to go

Time to start thinking about some consolidation - there are a few places where this would clean up some redundancies and simpliify things.

A. Create a new 'Aviation' Super category, and under that, use Air Shows (Air Show Frequencies may well be redundant and unnecessary), Airports, Civil Aviation, Military Aviation and Air National Guard. We'd clean out Air Traffic Control, Aircraft Monitoring, and Milcom (along with their children). It's certainly cleaner, grammatical and KISS. There will be overlap, but that's the nature of the beast.

B. Make a new super category of 'Military Information' (or something similar) to house the various branches of the military.

C. There is a great deal of overlap between Recreation and Attractions. I would suggest combining them into one called 'Recreation OR Attractions' - since or includes a logical AND, we'd condense this topic and remove the redundancy. There will undoubtedly be some overlap into the Sports Events and Organizations category, but it too is the nature of the beast. Some Attractions are themselves organizations (and don't forget to include Businesses and Business Frequencies)

D. I think we have 2 mis-named categories - I'm pretty sure 'US Land Management' should be 'US Bureau of Land Management' - similarly, 'US Reclamation' should be 'US Bureau of Reclamation'

E. This is very much off in the distance, and not quite related, but very much needs to be done. Both the FTO and RID/UID Lists categories have gotten rather large and unwieldy. If these were to be broken out by state, then those links can be posted in the state pages. Once I'm done with my first sweep, each state is going to have both a conventional and trunked topic that will be moved to the top (see the Alabama article for an example)

Thoughts? Mike
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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
OK, except for one article which I'll handle tonight, the initial sweep is done. All the state pages have been reorganized so that the frequency and trunked information is right up at the top and easy to see. The trunked systems pages have also been fixed to isolate the military trunks from the federal (they were mixed together, and for our purposes that isn't going to work well).

Now comes the part where I need to populate the 'frequencies' categories by walking through the parents. The Business stuff is already done, but I wasn't too good about doing all the other categories. I'm going to start with Utilities first then work my way up.

There might be another super-category we could use to house the trunking stuff. 'Trunked Radio Systems' could become this, with Trunking Information, RID/UID lists (since they're generally associated with trunk systems) and Statewide Public Safety Systems (since these too are generally trunked in nature). That will require a little work, but it's probably worthwhile in the long run - particularly if someone decides to map out the RID/UID lists by state, as well as going through the Trunking Information and pulling the articles (by state) that have unidentified talkgroups.
(I'm thinking about these tasks for 2014, not now...)

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Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
I've constructed a first cut as to how the categories could be presented. Text needs to be added to explain each page, and not all the links work yet, but it's a good start. Anything that's in bold is a new category, as discussed earlier...everything starts here

Collaboration Categories - The RadioReference Wiki

Comments are solicited...



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
The hardest push for mapping is completed. I have 2 tasks that remain to be done;

a. Map the Airports category to Businesses

b. Map the Forests, National Parks and Fish and Wildlife stuff to Recreation or Attractions

Clearly those 2 go together very easily.

Once these 2 tasks are completed, the initial mapping is done. We can start fixing the trunking stuff next year - I have to start something else much more important, like finding a new job....



Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
See the bottom of this page...

Collaboration Categories Page 1 - The RadioReference Wiki

Many forms of transportation are themselves businesses, whether they're a taxi, ambo service or a commercial bus like Greyhound.

If you want it mapped another way, knock yourself out...I'm in the midst of getting the Recreation or Attractions category attached to the National Parks, Forests and the like, since they very much belong in either theme...

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Feb 8, 2012
Do you think "Category:Railroad Frequencies" should be added to the Railroad page's category-list? It does not list a bunch of freq's, but seems like it might belong just because of its narrative about frequencies.

...just a thought.

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