Ok, the way to determine if you have the pad rtl-fm -E parameter is to look at the "rtl-fm.c" that is used.
I'm still new to linux and raspberry pi programming so not sure what the correct path should be. In my case I found it in /home/pi/rtl-sdr/src. Open rtl-fm.c in a text editor and Search for "pad" and there should be a case structure that shows all the working options for -E case. If you can't find "pad" then that is not a working version of rtl-fm for squelch on broadcastify.
That will show you all the other working switches for the -E parameter too.
This is the case structure I have in rtl-fm.c that works for me so far:
case 'E':
if (strcmp("edge", optarg) == 0) {
controller.edge = 1;}
if (strcmp("no-dc", optarg) == 0) {
demod.dc_block = 0;}
if (strcmp("deemp", optarg) == 0) {
demod.deemph = 1;}
if (strcmp("swagc", optarg) == 0) {
demod.agc_mode = agc_normal;}
if (strcmp("swagc-aggressive", optarg) == 0) {
demod.agc_mode = agc_aggressive;}
if (strcmp("direct", optarg) == 0) {
dongle.direct_sampling = 1;}
if (strcmp("no-mod", optarg) == 0) {
dongle.direct_sampling = 3;}
if (strcmp("offset", optarg) == 0) {
dongle.offset_tuning = 1;
dongle.pre_rotate = 0;}
if (strcmp("wav", optarg) == 0) {
output.wav_format = 1;}
if (strcmp("pad", optarg) == 0) {
output.padded = 1;}
if (strcmp("lrmix", optarg) == 0) {
output.lrmix = 1;}
Also I found another version of rtl-fm.c on the same rpi in the folder /home/pi/librtlsdr that had a version of rtl-fm that did not have the -E pad option but apparently that version is not used in my case. If your rpi is using that version then the 0 pad squelch won't work.
PS: I just looked at the osmocom fork on github and I don't think that's the right fork.
It turns out the keenerd fork is the correct one after all. I'm not sure why the original instructions did not work for me the first time but try reinstalling the keenerd rtl-sdr after installing everything else. Just a guess but maybe something after installing rtl-sdr in the original instructions is messing up rtl-fm install for some reason. I re-installed rtl-sdr in different ways so many times that I'm not sure why it wasn't working before.
This has been a learning experience for me regarding working github versions for different functions and there are several for rtl-sdr.