It was probably around '71 and I was taking a basic electronics shop class in school. I also joined the Radio Club, which was run by the same instructor. One of the privileges was that we had a pass to leave study hall & go to the shop to work on projects OR access the shortwave radio that was in a side room.
It took me awhile to track it down, but I found it. It was a Regency World Traveler and believe me, I traveled the world with it! I still remember my first station, All India Radio.
This was the start of something big for me. This old radio allowed me to open doors I never knew existed. I did receive a Realistic Patrolman-6 and then a Pro-7a scanner for Christmas, but shortwave? I shoveled a lot of driveways & mowed my share of lawns to save up & buy a DX160. The rest is history.
The World Traveler, while not ever "mine" per se, still occupies a place in my heart. And the cool thing is that this thread not only helped bring back good memories but has inspired me to search for one for sale.