So in 1963 my uncle gave me my first shortwave radio, it was the guts of a stand-up zenith shortwave. I just had the chassis with the tubes exposed but had the round dial.
He was a ham operator and he hooked me up with a grounded 200-foot copper wire insulated antenna. What a great radio that was with terrific reception. Big speaker just sitting on my desk.
I was 10 years old but needless to say that started it all and it was the start of a terrific Hobby.
That swl experience led to tunable police monitors, then to Crystal scanners and I ended up becoming a newspaper man. I'm 66 now and retired.
I wish I had that Zenith shortwave radio. Of course I wish I still had my uncle too, he passed in 1974.
I don't know what model your uncle blessed you with but I've seen vintage Zenith and other makes of console, floor model and stand alone shortwave receivers and looked like they belonged in your home. Back then the wives didn't complain. I pulled this off a sales site (Not Ebay) and this is selling for $5,800.00 and $450.00 shipping. And here I thought Mcintosh AM/FM tuners were expensive.