Yeah I do love those markings too, funny stuff !
Yes DMR would be great, perfectly doable with this type of radio, but I guess the whole RF board would have to be re-designed, so would cost them too much money to bother doing I think. P25, probably forget about that, I have never seen any cheap Chinese P25 radios, think they don't readily make these due to a licensing thing probably ?
Those other band coverages you mention I don't care too much about personally, 6m FM is a pretty useless ham band here in Australia, hardly any use.
I also have the TCA PRC-148 radio too, the newest version, is very well made also, fully CNC machined case & anodised too, not painted. Looks fantastic. A shame it does not have any air band coverage though. One big thing I notice between the 148 & 152 - the 152 has way better RX front end filtering, as the 148 readily suffers from adjacent channel intermod on RX in higher RF environments, gets pretty bad in certain areas in the city here. Don't think the 148 has much RX front end filtering at all actually. So my PRC-152A does have several advantages over the 148 now, but still like the 148 due to its great appearance & overall build quality.
I am all for the realism with these replica radios, the more they mimic the real ones, the better, including the LCD display appearances.
I will let you know when I hear any further info about the handbook & PC software being released, hopefully soon !