Sticking a radio into those housings does NOT allow many of the accessories to function. This section is for TCA users - the real products are serviced by other forum areas. Why is this even a problem? The people who have bought these quite expensive radios are happy with them. The meet their needs. I have no idea why TDR is on some kind of Don Quixote crusade? All the people here get it, bar TDR. People don't want to change their favourite radios. It's like joining a golf club and trying to promote tennis as far better. It is so clear that TDR has no understanding of what people are actually doing with them, or he'd stop making suggestions that won't fly, or telling people to buy second hand end of life expensive kit. I don't make any more money selling one than I do selling a cheap radio. Business wise, it's daft selling them for what I make (like taking my grandkids to McDonalds - that is more than the profit - BUT - my customers asked me to keep selling them. They know that the expense is worth it, and they'd rather have a new one from somebody who will look after them, than a random unknown condition second hand one.
I knew very little about airsoft, but discovered it's very different from paintball, and people take the whole thing very seriously.