Hot-fix #4 for TTT v1.0.8 Public Release - Only updates TETRA Demodulator plug-in to v1.0.10
This hot-fix #4 is only for the full release version of TTT v1.0.8 and no other version.
TTT v1.0.8 (or the previous hot-fix #3) Must be installed first.
Only these two files have been updated:
- libtetradec.dll
- SDRSharp.Tetra.dll
Copy them to the usual places.
This plug-in version changes/adds and fixes some items:
UPDATE: Implemented TSSDR code that improves demodulator. [Thank you TSSDR]
UPDATE: Implemented TSSDR code that adds - AFC.
UPDATE: Implemented TSSDR code that better handles PDUs in the MAC layer.
- Gets remaining PDUs that where in MAC_resource.
- MAC_resource fragmentation.
MOVED: DMO mode enable checkbox is now on main SDR# side panel, When ON, label text shows green.
CHANGED: Unallocated channel detection threshold. TESING: Increased from 3 to 5 timeslot.
Some calls just abruptly end. I think this may just mean call has left LA.?
I can't see any indication of why this occurs or is to about to occur.
ADDED: More elements to D_TX_Interrupt PDU (Testing)
CHANGED: More tweaking with handling of frame stealing and audio.
FIXED: DMO mode crash when DM-GATE or DM-REP/DM-GATE (i.e. unsupported) signals where seen.
CHANGED: DMO code tweaking.
CHANGED: Side panel UI - Slightly moved ISSI value to the left. Large values where crossing the panel
MD5 HASH: b9f3173cb6e7dbecd35eecb831325b26 for "libtetradec.dll"
MD5 HASH: 1203363b450088ada5063da752da2b59 for "SDRSharp.Tetra.dll"
This updates some of the good stuff TSSDR has recently included.
A little more tweaking to the DMO workings here. Hopefully usable.
Still the DMO code is in it's early stage, it's implementation may not be 100% as expected.
NOTE: This will probably be the last release of the plug-in by me (Barring some major bug).
I wish to let TSSDR move forward with developing HIS plug-in the way he wants too.
Download link
MD5 HASH 8d6c2bce59b044dd74ec4f926cd22198