Multisite STAT is a great feature for monitoring large trunking systems however it only seems to work effectively if one limits the number of control channels that one is monitoring. This applies to the "Check all CC on each pass" setting. I found that monitoring six control channels with Multisite STAT check all cc seems to work quite well from a base station. Any more control channels than this and traffic will be missed.
This is only my experience monitoring a large P25 TRS (multicast) with a PSR-600 and PSR-500.
As for Multistite STAT being dropped in the PSR-800 and newer Whistler scanners - I suspect this is due to the fact that Multisite STAT introduces more latency when monitoring a number of control channels. With 32 control channels it becomes unweildy.
I think the Whistler scanners now default to a type of Multisite-ROAM mode when monitoring control channels. I could be wrong about this.
The flexibility of the PSR-500/600 is unmatched. On some systems it is best to scan every site with each scan cycle, on other systems it is best to scan a different control channel (site) with each scan cycle and on other other systems it is best to use any reliable control channel (site) out of a list of control channel (sites). All of these options are possible with the PSR-500/600 type scanners.
The missing option that is causing me issues is STAT with Check all CCs disabled. This feature allows the scanner to check a different control channel with each scan cycle to prevent spending too much time on a single system however still allow all control channels to be checked every 30 seconds or so (depending upon the number of control channels being monitored and amount of traffic).
The TRX-2 is slated to arrive Wednesday. My plans are to try out a ROAM setting of 99/99 to see if there is hope in that direction to enable the scanner to check a different site frequently on a given system.