I was in Jackson Tn today and the county (Madison County) is still having trouble with their 5 site tait DMR system using tait radios. They are still having LSM problems and the radio shop is still getting help from factory techs.
Are there any scanners that do simulcast good? Current or future? I've tried pro 652, hp1 and now 396xt and no luck with simulcast.
How can I tell what settings to tweak? Are there specific settings for each simulcast?
NO, there are no "simulcast" settings in any hardware scanner, they don't support simulcast at all (hence this thread). Anyone who tells you a certain scanner "supports" simulcast is deceiving themselves. No scanner manufacturer has ever claimed to support simulcast, and for good reason.
Aside from OP-25 (which, while difficult/time consuming to install, is free and fully supports simulcast), you're best bet is probably a Yagi directional antenna. Or, of course, the unmentionable XTS option.
Would this radio shack antenna work? https://www.radioshack.com/products...canner-ham-discone-antenna?variant=5717063813
I hate to say it, but the only way you will ever fully solve the problem, is by getting lucky enough to be an actual user of the system you want to hear, and having an actual system radio.
Or buy a Unication G4. Receive only (no worrysome programming), yet works fine in simulcast environments.
There is a long thread about them in the other receivers forum.
So these scanners don't use IMBE and AMBE vocoders? What do posters mean when they write "wrong" vocoders?And these are scanners with the "wrong" vocoders. The BCDX36HP's handle it just as good with the "right" vocoder, AND still usually need end user adjustments to settings. As far as I know the new P2's also have the "wrong" vocoder
Right?So these scanners don't use IMBE and AMBE vocoders? What do posters mean when they write "wrong" vocoders?