Update on Monroe County and the TACN:
They are testing portable radios in the 9500 TGID range this week and next week for various agencies in Monroe County. Each law enforcement agency, and several county fire departments, have been issued a couple of Motorola portables for testing. Sometime this month Motorola reps will be at the Waucheesi tower in Tellico Plains to check and see if the tower will be sturdy enough to attach their equipment to it. If it is (and I have been told it should pass the test), installation of their equipment will begin shortly thereafter. There are still some dead zones in the county, and hopefully the new site at Waucheesi will take care of those. Once the equipment is installed, another round of testing will occur, then the radios will be programmed. As of right now, I have been told that all law enforcement agencies (even those not switching immediately) will be issued TGIDs (1 dispatch and 1 talk, minimum). I have heard a couple of fire departments testing on these portables, but I'm not sure on the details of how many TGIDs will be programmed for them. There are 10 or 11 different volunteer FDs in the county (not including the city FDs), along with the rescue squad, so I'm not sure how those will be set up. They will not be strapped to just the towers in Monroe County, I am told. And I have not heard about encryption.
Target date for complete switchover has not been determined yet.