TR-9 is an open-source handheld transceiver. It works on 420..450MHz band. You can use it for both analog FM and M17. DMR should also be possible, but the voice coder is proprietary. Have fun building it.
Reddit entry on TR-9: https://www.reddit.com/r/hamdevs/comments/hwhal8/m17_handheld_tr9/
Our forums: https://m17project.org/forum/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/m17_project/
Gerber files are available at our GitHub:
TR-9 is an open-source handheld transceiver. It works on 420..450MHz band. You can use it for both analog FM and M17. DMR should also be possible, but the voice coder is proprietary. Have fun building it.
Reddit entry on TR-9: https://www.reddit.com/r/hamdevs/comments/hwhal8/m17_handheld_tr9/
Our forums: https://m17project.org/forum/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/m17_project/
Gerber files are available at our GitHub: