Anyone notice tulsa's ladder 18 is now engine 18 and the chiefs car is now at station 18 with it??? Wonder if tulsas quints are all going to end up being engine companies?
No idea Phil, I bet it will probably replace an older engine like 5's or something because E18 is a 2004 model and E5 is an old 4 door fartliner. Don't quote me on that. More importantly I was thinking that this could be a testing program with 18's to see if the quint can fill both purposes Engine/Ladder (so they can get ambulances). I'm also curious to see how the quint is staffed. I have emailed Capt. Bowles the PIO asking him why this change was made and how the quint is staffed. Time will tell if he will return the email.
I always wondered why 26's didnt have a ladder and an engine when 18's and 23's both do and they're so close, and 29's is just down the road with the bronto. Makes more sense spreading the "ladder companies" out a bit more. Guess it was taking too long for the first ladder company on runs where 26's was first due and didnt have staffing to fulfill both ladder and engine company assignments.