NEW PHILADELPHIA There have been several delays, but officials are hopeful that Tuscarawas County’s new radio system for law enforcement and first responders will go into operation this year.
“We’ve had many delays,” said Sheriff Orvis Campbell. “We’re a year over. It was supposed to be the end of 2018. It had nothing to do with the county.”
He said the delays were caused by Motorola, the company the county is purchasing the radios from. “They fell behind,” he said.
Money for the project came from a 0.5-percent, two-year sales tax increase approved by voters in 2018. It will expire on Sept. 30. The money allowed for the purchase of 1,200 new radios for the sheriff’s office and police and fire departments throughout the county — at no cost to local governments.
The radios from Motorola represent the biggest part of the cost of the project.
The radio system will be operated by the state MARCS (Multi-Agency Radio Communications System).
Tuscarawas County had to meet certain requirements of MARCS, which included replacing some generators and installing new antennas on towers that transmit radio traffic.
“We do have to build a new tower,” Campbell said. “One of our towers did not pass the inspection. When our tower was built in 1993, the one in Gilmore, it was built to a certain set of specifications. It still passes those specifications. The problem is they’ve changed what they want.”
MARCS will accept the old tower on a temporary basis. A new one will be built beside it, he said.
Few of the 1,200 radios purchased by the county have been distributed yet to area police and fire agencies. The radios have to be programmed by Staley Technologies of New Philadelphia before they can be used.
“We have had to give out a few of the radios, only to agencies that had expansions,” Campbell said. “For example, Dover Fire and New Philadelphia Fire hired some new guys. They didn’t have enough radios. They got just enough for their new guys. We’re trying not to give out the radios because then you have to program them twice.”
Tuscarawas County has already paid off the cost of the radios from Motorola.
The original purchase price was $7,770,921, according to Tuscarawas County Auditor Larry Lindberg. The agreement required six annual payments of $1,492,906.37 with the first payment being due Jan. 1, 2020. Interest on this financing was 3.240%.
The first opportunity Tuscarawas County had to retire the obligation was Jan. 1.
The county issued the full payment Dec. 20 — $7,770,921 for equipment, plus $512,458.72 interest for a total of $8,283,379.72, Lindberg said. Commissioners loaned $2.2 million to the project in December to allow the county to completely pay off early. Lindberg anticipates repaying the commissioners by April or May through the temporary sales tax receipts.
“By retiring this now, I calculate we will save $674,058.50 in interest over the remaining five years,” he said. “This savings will remain in the 911 sales tax equipment fund.”