If that's the case, that's awesome to know! It's weird that the LCNs don't begin with 1, they start with 7 so that's why I figured there were 6 LCNs for just dataAnd i don't think that dedicated data channels have LCNs.
If that's the case, that's awesome to know! It's weird that the LCNs don't begin with 1, they start with 7 so that's why I figured there were 6 LCNs for just dataAnd i don't think that dedicated data channels have LCNs.
The (reserved) R2,1,0 bits are in the payload data for various DataTypes that have BPTC applied.
These bits are normally ignored after the deinterleave/BPTC process.
When used, RAS utilizes these bit(s). Not sure if only the R2 bit is the flag or if more bits are utilized.
When I've come across RAS, these 3 bits always seem to equate to 4.
This is an interesting sample for sure, however been RAS and having both slots active is a little bit of a hindrance in this case.
I hope a non-RAS and single active slot sample can be provided sometime.
The PDUs seem to work this way: (does not just relate to this sample)
FLCO: 4 FID:16: Group call grant (that comes from the Voice LC Header)
FLCO: 7 FID:16: Private call grant (that comes from the Voice LC Header)
FLCO: 0 FID:16: Call maintainance PDU for group call (from the EMB) - I almost expected this to be a FLCO: 3x FID:16.
FLCO: 35 FID:16: Call maintainance PDU for private call (from the EMB)
FLCO: 0 FID:16: Call maintainance PDU for group call (from the TermLC)
FLCO: 3 FID:16: Call maintainance PDU for private call (from the TermLC)
Other PDUs seen in sample: (since the CRC failed on these, not sure if real)
FLCO:15 Unk_15 FID:16: from the Voice LC Header
CSBKO:42 P_MAINT_? FID:16: from the CSBK
So to summarize a private call setup:
- Target MS and Source MS are on rest CH (and anyone else who is not part of an ongoing call)
- FLCO:7 is sent and an MS that is not the Target MS and Source MS moves to the new rest CH. (This PDU indicates who is calling who)
- FLCO:35 (EMB) indicates MS that is talking
- FLCO:35 (TermLC) indicates the talking MS has stopped
- Call activity (channel allocation) will end after hang time (varies) and both MS will return to rest CH
Your TG=0 for slot activity probably confirms my earlier assumption that private calls are not announced with the Cap+_CH_Status (CSBKO:62 FID:0) PDU. If you wish to update a CH activity list, you will need to do it from using one or more of the above mentioned PDUs.
Your image only references standard FLCOs when the FID=0.Hello thewraith2008, sorry for my question, I would be interested to know how this information that you indicate in the thread is obtained since the FLCO values do not match what I thought, it is possible that I am wrong, the information on which I based the I took from table 5.4 of ETSI TS 102 361-2 V2.3.1 (2016-02)
Entonces, como dije, tengo al menos una frecuencia de datos confirmada para este sistema, lo más probable es que no necesite programar eso en un escáner o DSD + para que funcionen correctamente.
Gracias jake_braker por tu respuesta. ¿Hay algún documento del tipo Systen Planner en el que aparezcan estos datos y poder verlos así en los diferentes fabricantes?
16:03:43 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=03 | VLC
SLOT 1 TGT=21001 SRC=21002 FLCO=0x07 FID=0x10 SVC=0x00 Cap+ Private Call Cap+ R-Ch 4
DMR PDU Payload [07][10][00][00][52][09][04][52][0A][50][ED][7F]
16:03:43 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 4
Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Idle Ch4: Rest
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E4][00][00][80][20][52][09][00][99][03]
08:52:07 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3
Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
When you provided your sample, this proved this was the case.My guess is that the Cap+_CH_Status does not announce private calls that are occurring on the CAP+ system channels is because it can't.
The fields it uses for channel activity only allows for 8 bits which are used to indicate the TG that is active on the channel.
A private call would require 16 bits to indicate target/called MS.
Your TG=0 for slot activity probably confirms my earlier assumption that private calls are not announced with the Cap+_CH_Status (CSBKO:62 FID:0) PDU. If you wish to update a CH activity list, you will need to do it from using one or more of the above mentioned PDUs.
When you provided your sample, this proved this was the case.
23:17:22 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=04 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 2 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Initial Block
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][83][00][00][80][45][00][01][02][AF][71]
23:17:22 Sync: +DMR slot1 [SLOT2] | Color Code=04 | VC6
SLOT 2 TGT=647 SRC=669 FLCO=0x23 FID=0x10 SVC=0x20 Cap+ Private TXI Call (FEC OK) (CRC ERR)
DMR PDU Payload [23][10][20][00][02][87][00][02][9D]
23:17:22 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=04 | CSBK
Private: CH:2 TGT=1; CH:6 TGT=647; CH:8 TGT=655; <== these values are found in the CSBK, but not where you expect;
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 1 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Appended Block
Ch1: Idle Ch2: Priv Ch3: Rest Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Priv Ch7: Idle Ch8: Priv
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][83][00][00][80][45][00][01][02][87][02][8F][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][43][87][02][8F][00][00][00][00][39][8E]
00:14:51 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=03 | VLC
SLOT 2 TGT=21001 SRC=21002 FLCO=0x07 FID=0x10 SVC=0x00 Cap+ Private Call Cap+ R-Ch 3
DMR PDU Payload [07][10][00][00][52][09][03][52][0A][ED][FD][71]
00:14:51 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=03 | CSBK
Private: CH:4 TGT=21001;
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 3 - Single Block
Ch1: Idle Ch2: Idle Ch3: Rest Ch4: Priv
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C3][00][00][80][10][52][09][00][09][9A]
[00000000] FLAGS_1-8_GRP (FL:2 - First block)
[00000000] FLAGS_9-16_GRP
[10000000] FLAGS_appended features - MSB indicates private call flags/lcn/RID to follow (RIDs are 16 bit)
[11111111] FLAGS_1-8_PRIV
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_1_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_2_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^ (FL:0 - Continuation block)
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_3_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_4_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_5_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_6_RID (FL:0 - Continuation block)
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_7_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_8_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[11111111] FLAGS_9-16_PRIV
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_9_RID (FL:0 - Continuation block)
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_10_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_11_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_12_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^ (FL:0 - Continuation block)
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_13_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_14_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_15_RID
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[xxxxxxxx] LCN_16_RID (FL:1 - Final)
[xxxxxxxx] ^^^
[00000000] N/A
[00000000] N/A
[00000000] N/A
[00000000] N/A
[00000000] N/A
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | CSBK <--target is 1
Preamble CSBK - Individual Data - Target [1] - Source [131725] (FEC OK) -RAS 4 (CRC ERR)
DMR PDU Payload [BD][10][80][02][00][00][01][02][02][8D][F0][92]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 1 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][10][85][D0]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch1: TGT 1;
Ch1: P||D Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E2][00][00][80][80][00][01][00][4A][B9]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | DATA
Unconfirmed Data Header: DPF 2 - SAP 09 - Block Count 04 - Padding Octets 01
Proprietary Packet Data - Source: [653] Destination: [1] <==target of the packet data
Proprietary Packet Data Incoming (FEC OK) -RAS 4 (CRC ERR)
DMR PDU Payload [02][91][00][00][01][00][02][8D][84][00][68][B4]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch1: TGT 1; <--target 1
Ch1: P||D Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E2][00][00][80][80][00][01][00][4A][B9] <---check bytes here
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | DATA
Proprietary Data Header: SAP 4 - Format F - MFID 10 (FEC OK) -RAS 4 (CRC ERR)
DMR PDU Payload [4F][10][11][01][00][00][F0][74][CD][DC][31][C2]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 2 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][20][86][20]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch1: TGT 1;
Ch1: P||D Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E2][00][00][80][80][00][01][00][4A][B9]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | R12U
DMR PDU Payload [41][1D][DB][4B][77][B3][D4][D4][15][73][D8][A3]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch1: TGT 1;
Ch1: P||D Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E2][00][00][80][80][00][01][00][4A][B9]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | R12U
DMR PDU Payload [DF][26][DB][BE][F8][1A][36][8E][42][4F][78][72]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 2 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][20][86][20]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch1: TGT 1;
Ch1: P||D Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E2][00][00][80][80][00][01][00][4A][B9]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | R12U
Slot 1 - Multi Block PDU Message CRC32 ERR
Slot 1 - Multi Block PDU Message
DMR PDU Payload [B0][BE][81][49][2D][A1][17][00][C7][71][85][9D]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR slot1 [slot2] | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 1 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch1: TGT 1;
Ch1: P||D Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][E2][00][00][80][80][00][01][00][4A][B9]
00:17:03 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 3 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 2 - Single Block
Ch1: Idle Ch2: Rest Ch3: Idle Ch4: Idle
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][C2][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][FD][08] <--no more data call
00:28:12 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 2 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 4 - Initial Block
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][84][40][01][00][80][20][00][DE][62][12]
SLCO Capacity Plus Site: 1 - Rest Channel 3 - RS: 08
SLCO Completed Block [F1][00][30][87][70]
00:28:12 Sync: +DMR slot1 [SLOT2] | Color Code=01 | VC6
SLOT 2 TGT=1 SRC=109 FLCO=0x20 FID=0x10 SVC=0x60 Group Encrypted TXI Call (FEC OK) (CRC ERR)
DMR PDU Payload [20][10][60][00][00][01][00][00][6D]
00:28:12 Sync: +DMR [slot1] slot2 | Color Code=01 | CSBK
Capacity Plus Channel Status - FL: 1 TS: 0 RS: 0 - Rest Channel 4 - Appended Block
F80 Private or Data Call Ch3: TGT 222;
Ch1: Idle Ch2: 001 Ch3: P||D Ch4: Rest
Ch5: Idle Ch6: Idle Ch7: Idle Ch8: Idle
CAP+ Multi Block PDU [BE][10][84][40][01][00][80][20][00][DE][00][00][00][00][00][00][00]
DMR PDU Payload [BE][10][44][00][00][00][00][00][00][00][80][42]
I can see if you do this you are going to get the data announcements triggering a call following procedure without a way to distinguish between private and data calls. I wonder if there are group data 'calls' this would have the same problem. For now, only using FLCO:4/7 to setup a call is the way around this. Pity the appended flags doesn't help here.
This is it flashing away.