Unication *New* G4 And G5 Pagers/Somewhat Limited Scanner
This might be a better question emailed directly to Unication Dave, but I will try it here first. Are there currently plans to offer talkgroup lockout for the Unication G4/G5? For my purposes, having the ability to use the Monitor Mode On, with the ability to lockout talkgroups, would be a huge benefit.
What about encryption? I would love the ability to mute encrypted talkgroups. Could I get the encryption option and then enter any random encryption code? Would that mute the encrypted talkgroups? Unication Dave, how do we get the encryption option? Is it available currently?
What about a dedicated Unication Sub-forum? I know that I have asked before, but I think that the time is right. Unication Dave has even stated that it would be better for him. And, selfishly, what is better for him may be better for us as Unication owners/users.
I tried another bluetooth speaker. The Altec Lansing Mini Lifejacket is a great speaker, BUT it, too, beeps at the beginning of each and every radio transmission! I am still looking for a more suitable bluetooth speaker. Perhaps I will find a better one yet.