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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Unication refusing to repair devices older than 5 yrs old

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 5, 2005
Albany County, NY
Who the heck wants more frequency coverage? You buy a Unication because you want rock solid P25 decode and commercial quality which won't succumb to scores of inferior manufacturing defects.
Absolutely! Unication owners don't want or need to fiddle with filter settings just to have a decent listening experience. That, and the G series has benefited from scanner-like improvements such as the addition of block and hold functions, and the RR database importing feature all in just the 4 years I have been a user.


Feb 1, 2004
Not to mention that the supplied stubby antenna is incredible in receiving all the communications. Using this stubby antenna has allowed me full receptions in buildings , home ,beach, car and bike rides ..
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Apr 25, 2005
Why would you want a Unication pager when a scanner does the same thing but much cheaper? and more frequency coverage?

Because I’ve never looked at my Unication and seen a menu screen or held on some random channel and realized that’s why I haven’t heard anything for awhile. Speaking of, I can hear my Unication’ and never go over 85/100 when my Uniden’s can be at 15/15 but just can’t overcome background noise. Of course that’s when the Uniden’s actually pick up a tower or conventional frequency. With a Unication I can clip it on my belt and trust it’ll stay there. Sure, you can fix that with a case, but I don’t like them and don’t need one. Not to sound too much like a fanboy there are numerous things that could be fixed in my opinion. Volume at 0 should be 0, not a sound, and the ability to record in conventional scan would be a good start.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO

I searched thru tons of these cables like your link but I'm also looking for the same thing but with Mini USB as well as Micro and C types.
Any ideas?
Maybe the Mini size is simply to big or heavy to support a magnetic coupling for charging and data transfer.

I did find what appears to be Mini type at Ali Express and Alibaba but I won't purchase from either of them. I also saw a few slim pickings from other sites I'm not familiar with so they are out of the question also.

I guess the main reason the mini version may not exist is the fact these are primarily made for cell phones where the Mini size USB ports were phased out quite some time ago.
It would still be nice to have some for other devices like Uniden's scanners which still make use of the Mini USB jack on most of their current and past models.

If anyone has an Amazon or eBay link to a Mini USB version of the magnetic cables, please post it!
Thanks everyone.
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Jan 25, 2003
Somewhere On Earth
The stubby antenna does well enough around here. I think the quality of the system being monitored has more to do with it than the ability of the antenna.

@texas1313 is satisfied with performance and so am I, we aren't telling tales.
I have to disagree in my case. Different strokes for different folks. I have a G3 and a G5. With the stock antennas, I get some reception depending on where I am. I did a test with Moto brand antennas with both pagers sitting in the same spot. The moto antennas gave me a night and day difference. I live in a heavily RF-saturated area. No issues with basic scanners on any system, and these pagers have much better filtering. On the G5, I completely lost signal on a trunked 700 Mhz. system that has a tower just a few miles from me. Again, switching antennas, I got like 4-5 bars from not getting any on the stock antenna. The G3 was the same on 400 Mhz. I found antennas that worked well, trimmed them, installed them and that's where they are today. No problems with reception anymore..


Apr 13, 2018
Austin, Texas
I just bought 3 sets of these.....buy 2, get one free. Ordered and arrived in just a few days.

540° Rotate Magnetic Phone Charger Charging Cable For Micro USB/Type C/ iPhone | eBay

Programmed my G5 perfectly. The only bad part is the small magnet that stays in the USB port sticks out, and you cannot close the rubber cover. Cell phone uses USB-C, so I can use the same cable to charge and connect.
One more note.....when the small magnet is plugged into the G5, besides not being able to close the rubber cover over the USB port, you cannot drop the G5 into the charger. The magnet sticks out too far. Also it's not easy to pull the magnet out of the USB port. Best to gently use needle-nose pliers to pull it out. I would think too much of that would damage the USB port. So not a great option for everyone, but an option.


Apr 13, 2018
Austin, Texas
The stubby antenna does well enough around here. I think the quality of the system being monitored has more to do with it than the ability of the antenna.

@texas1313 is satisfied with performance and so am I, we aren't telling tales.
Hmmmm.....I don't remember stating anything about the stubby antenna. Only mentioned the small magnetic USB charging cable.

I bought a Motorola 3 inch 700/800 antenna, which improves things a bit on 700/800 systems. The VHF antenna is internal, and while it works OK all things considered, it doesn't work as well as an external antenna would, and is not good out in the boonies. Most of the time I'm within RF line of sight of a trunking site or tower, so life is good.


Sep 16, 2021
They should sell warranty extensions, like HPE does for example.

The warranty is 2yr I think. They sell an extended warranty for $175 to add on 3yrs. But if you don’t buy and have issue in years 3-5, the OOW repair fee is $199. I think. I’m quoting all this from memory. But IMHO was shortsighted to stop repairing after 5yrs. Glad they’ve recently reversed course. Although wonder what the fee will be.

Its not just devices over 5 years, the PDF states if they determine its too beat up outside of warranty, they will refuse to fix it.

Which is bizarre. Partly because they market these as rugged. It’s like if CAT equipment wouldn’t fix a motor bc of a paint scratch. There are guys with functioning pagers beat to hell, which 2yr later have a reception issue, and that’s wholly unrelated to a beat up case.

In case you missed it, @bucket772 had a great tutorial on disassembly and USB port fix. Looks like it might come in handy for many of us now. Nothing to lose anymore.


Phenomenal write up! I think all would benefit from seeing. Makes you realize how easy a self-repair is…if only they allowed. Had this bookmarked for a bit, overall one of the best writeups in this forum.

WOW. and I HAD liked unication and was recommending them. I was hoping that they would come out with a slimmer pager (like the Minitor 5 or 6), guess that really is not happening now. WTF...

I don’t think we’ll ever see a slim factor pager from them. They just don’t make “thin” stuff, from their U-line of portables to even coasters and alpha pagers. They’ve just never seemed to obsess around getting things “smaller”. Which was fine because they went after the “rugged” marketing angle. And now feels like they’re abandoning that with increasing odd repair policies.

I use those magnetic cables, …on the pagers, it makes no sense …you still have to sit there and pull out the little metal plug when you want to make any program changes.

Some magnetic plugs will charge + program + stick out maybe a millimeter or two. They fit in the desktop charger base. So you can use both. If you want.

I put all this info on the wiki page under “Accessories” section >> subsection Chargers

This magnetic charger (link) is the one that program and charge, and also fits in desktop cradle (pic) and more pics here.

I feel like the broken programming port or however issue could be solved as the Motorola Minitor programmable pagers have done. Contacts on the bottom of the unit handle both charging and programming. Bluetooth to accommodate programming
The hardware pinout is there. You actually can program from the bottom pins, they just don’t make a cradle to do it. But they are working on a program over Bluetooth feature. Which is pretty cool. But I dunno how far away it is.

Those cables are available in both charge and charge/data versions. With the latter it could be used for programming.

yep! Wish more people knew this!

If anyone has an Amazon or eBay link to a Mini USB version of the magnetic cables, please post it!
see wiki page, under Accessories

The only bad part is the small magnet that stays in the USB port sticks out, and you cannot close the rubber cover.
You can remove the two screws below the rubber flap >> pull off small plastic piece >> rubber flap comes off >> replace plastic piece and screws. No flap in way. Easy to replace it. I just leave magnetic thing in. But if worried about water intrusion, some silicone will solve. That’s what I did. Later removed silicone and was also easy with some tweezers, came out with maybe 2mins of work.

One more note.....when the small magnet is plugged into the G5, besides not being able to close the rubber cover over the USB port, you cannot drop the G5 into the charger. The magnet sticks out too far.

just note depending on the USB cable you buy, it will fit almost flush. Fit in desktop charger. And be fairly trivial to remove when needed, but securely stays in for regular use.
I used this cable from our wiki (here) and here’s how flush it is and here’s it sitting in the desktop charger.

rubber usb flap easy to remove via the two small screws below it. Good luck!


Premium Subscriber
Jul 31, 2009
Lansing, MI
There are enough contacts in the drop in charger, that if the contacts correspond somewhere on the board of the device, you could turn the drop in charger in to a programming charger. I only have one drop in so I don't want to experiment with it a whole lot, but I have 9 g4/g5 on the way with various issues that I would be willing so mess with and see what can be figured out with those repairs. I saw on another thread they are on a flex so trying to source that would be the biggest issue. If the flex is good, the actual port can be removed and a new one put on the flex. We do this all the time with cell phone and computer repairs. Ordered a bunch of broken ones to try and figure these things out to offer an independent repair service.

Anyone have any broken drop in chargers they want to get rid of to help in my experiments? I'd like to figure out a drop in vehicle charger. I would have to partner with someone for 3d printing the actual holder, but shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Keeping it at an affordable price point would be the issue.

RE: Mag USB. I love them. Yes, they make the drop in unusable, and they take away IP ratings. But they make it awesome for charging. I keep one stock that goes in the drop in, that is the most beat up one I have (and the one that is my daily carry), and the other ones are basically desk/car units that don't really need water/dust ratings.


Aug 23, 2010
looks like motorola minitors will have a sales surge coming. the best thing motorola can do next pager built ;

widen the uhf band split to - 403-470 mhz

look at - 700 - 800 band split

digital p25 models

I would thing that someone would - third party take over fixing unications pagers .


New York DB Admin
Database Admin
Mar 2, 2004
Long Island, NY


Public Information Officer
Premium Subscriber
Sep 18, 2003
New London, CT
"Signs of abuse or impact to knob, buttons, or port
Cosmetic damages (any cosmetic imperfection or damage that does not impact the device functionality or performance)"

This apparently went into affect in March

Uhhhh ... aren't these public safety devices? I use my G3 and G5 for the Fire Service. They both have scrapes all over them.
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