Curious about your grounding block.
Snap some pics some time and post.
That may be a path forward.
Not recognizing what you describe with W-M speaker. There’s trade-off using an amplified speaker with an amplified lead from radio. Balancing volume of one with other. Lowest radio volume then using speaker to control the total is “generally” what works for me, but really needs an
L-pad (attenuator) between the devices.
Digital radios (like the U-980) are “noisy”. Hash. Static.
Feature of their design. It’s an entry level model and you’d find that something better, even same type, will be easier to which to listen. (Better circuits, better more controls).
As to this new job, can’t say it’s my smartest decision to have chosen reefer again, but the company, routes, and customers made it look good. Equipment is top notch. Texas to Canada from Rockies to Mississippi.
Anytone Quad 5 N2 on my short list (see dimensions).
.View attachment 133645
I can retire the DSP speaker to the home station, also leave the KL203 at home and not need 12V distribution block any longer if I stay with single antenna (7’ Skipshooter).
And just run 10-AWG to fuse panel.
That said, I haven’t investigated access to a metal ground point for the overhead (windshield header). Have you located a place to drill to set a DC ground up there?
Ground is ideally only inches from radio.