Ok, I wanted to post this yesterday...but avoid posting anything of importance on April 1.
I have released the firmware updates to go to QA for both the BCD996T and the BCD396T. The QA process typically takes 5-10 days. We are currently scheduled to release these to the public on 4/10, but if QA finds any issues, this could be pushed back. I really apologize for the delay, but there was an odd "pop" noise we found on one site on one system for one beta tester under rare circumstances and that took extra time to debug and resolve. It was the kind of problem that wouldn't affect a lot of people...but that would be no consolation to those people. Kind of like having a rare disease, it doesn't make you feel any better that the odds are 1:1,000,000 to get it if you are one of the ones that have it.
The tentative release date of 4/10 is just two days before I leave for Asia for a week, where my access to email might be very limited. I spent time with our customer service staff today, and will spend some more time with them as the release gets closer. I'll also ask the folks who participated in the beta testing to take a bit more active role in helping to resolve questions the week I am out.
Except for "dire circumstances" the best place to post questions / problems about the update process will be the forums here or in the scanners' respective Yahoo! group.
One last thing, sadly we lost one of our main scanner support staff to complications from cancer on Monday. Paul Nern was a great asset to Uniden and the scanner community, but more importantly he was a great guy all round. Please keep his family in your thoughts. We miss him a lot.