This info may be of interest to folks who want to broadcast multiple feeds from one PC. I purchased very inexpensive USB sound cards off of eBay, and they work great. Each one you add to your machine allows another feed to be broadcast using that machine. The USB cards are about the size of a thumb drive, and I had no problems with them auto-installing in Windows XP in a few seconds.
I am using eBay item #140350775860, which cost $4.99 for each sound card device, with free shipping. My Arlington County (VA) police dispatch feed is using one of these, on the same machine (an old XP laptop) that I'm running my Virginia State Police (Arlington/Fairfax) feed through a built-in soundcard.
This info may be of interest to folks who want to broadcast multiple feeds from one PC. I purchased very inexpensive USB sound cards off of eBay, and they work great. Each one you add to your machine allows another feed to be broadcast using that machine. The USB cards are about the size of a thumb drive, and I had no problems with them auto-installing in Windows XP in a few seconds.
I am using eBay item #140350775860, which cost $4.99 for each sound card device, with free shipping. My Arlington County (VA) police dispatch feed is using one of these, on the same machine (an old XP laptop) that I'm running my Virginia State Police (Arlington/Fairfax) feed through a built-in soundcard.