Got the rig in today. Took a while to get the basics figured out. I was using a Comet CA-2X4SR mobile antenna on a popcorn tin in my living room as my ground plane (SWR around 1.8 on VHF). I was able to make a contact on the closest repeater to me, about 16 miles away on 25 W. They said they could hear me really well, but their signal was pretty static-y. I tried different locations for the antenna, but it didn't really help. The contact eventually stopped transmitting.
Tried some other area repeaters but wasn't able to make any more contacts. Went back to the original contact frequency but no one would reply. Guess folks aren't real chatty on these repeaters. Not that I'm going to rag chew all night, but it'd be nice if there was some more traffic. Is that common on your repeaters, that is, not a lot of chit chat?