Just ordered some LMR 400 cable for my base antenna setup. Have a few questions for y'all. I have a 19ft metal pipe that I'll be using as my mast, and will be attaching my Diamond X200 antenna to the top of it. We live in a single wide, and the mast is on the back side of the house about 30 ft from the end. The "radio room" will be in our office, on that end of the house.
I'm running the cable from the antenna connection, down the pole about 17-18ft, then under the house to underneath the floor/insulation layer up into the office thru the floor, drilling a hole for it. I figured about a 40-45ft run in total.
1. Should I install an in line surge protector in the run? Does it matter where this protector is located, outside near the pole or inside near the radio?
2. I'm assuming the pole will need to be grounded, but how? I don't want to drive a ground rod near the pole and attach a wire to it because I don't want separate grounding points. I would think it'd be better to run a ground wire from the bottom of the pole to the house's ground rod? This is about 50ft near the service pole in front of the house.
4. Does the coax cable need to tied to earth ground? If so, is this done to dissipate any static electricity away from the equipment?
Is there anything else I probably have missed?
Thank you in advance.