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I will posit that as has come up in other threads related to the ARRL and related, that the "good ol boys" are still clinging on to their nostalgia and "heritage". IMO ARES had a greater impact in a bygone era that those same 80yo's rolling in on their whale skin hub capped Cadillac refuse to let go of. REACT even had its purpose too in its day. Eons ago when every agency was orphaned on their own AM, and eventually FM VHF frequency, and repeaters were countywide if you were lucky, then there was some validity to the local ARES team rolling up with their boat anchor to relay communications to neighboring areas. Some.
The new generation of hams isn't interested, leaving those old guys at the local McDonald's on Saturday mornings to keep talking about how they are ready and waiting. Any day now. Just need a big disaster. We'll be there. Right boys? Wait, isn't Jim's funeral next Saturday? Do we really only have 3 guys showing up to Field Day this year? Oh, it's alright. Just gotta wait another month for Chuck's new hip to heal up so he can climb the repeater tower and we're set for another 5 years.
The new generation of hams isn't interested, leaving those old guys at the local McDonald's on Saturday mornings to keep talking about how they are ready and waiting. Any day now. Just need a big disaster. We'll be there. Right boys? Wait, isn't Jim's funeral next Saturday? Do we really only have 3 guys showing up to Field Day this year? Oh, it's alright. Just gotta wait another month for Chuck's new hip to heal up so he can climb the repeater tower and we're set for another 5 years.