If most of the things you've requested to be changed on the TRX-1 were done, I would want it less than I already do.
I sent this short list to the scanner suggestion email posted above. FYI.
The TRX-1 is superior in build to the SDS Uniden platform.
That's a broad statement. In some ways, perhaps. But overall I don't agree.
1. Omit the current LCD and Keypad and replace it with a touch screen like the one used by the Kyocera DuraForce Pro 2.
2. Android Development Platform internally.
Especially when driving, but also at night, I drive the scanner blindly. Whether to pause on an incident, lock something out or whatever. I do it from feel. Touch screens don't have that feel. Operating System? Who wants all that baggage and then need to pay a license fee as well which will only increase the cost.
3. WiFi capability; USB 3.0
I wonder what specifically you're trying to acheive that doesn't already exist. I have no problem with the present USB. While it might be nicer to have a faster connection (USB3), the processor inside the TRX has its limits too.
4. Bluetooth connect for audio output.
Not something many people would use to make up for the increased cost. I'd vote that you should be able to plug a BT adapter into the USB and get your audio.
5. Retain AA, Alkaline, or NiMH battery capability. The SDS-100 approach was a mistake.
Apples and Oranges. The SDS-100 is power hungry. It's because of the topology of how it was designed. This got it to market more quickly. We'd need 6 AAs in series parallel (4.5 volts) to get 4000mAh to be equivalent of what the SDS needs. There's not a lot of good choices presently.
6. Do not redesign based on Uniden; innovate completely, and differentiate.
Physically? Logically? Operationally?
I have always liked the GRE user interface over that of Uniden. However, Uniden handles some things (like multiple sites for a single trunked system) much more eloquently.
7. Form factor and radio size must increase to allow for cooling and electronic enhancements.
One of my biggest complaints about the TRX-1 is that it doesn't use the battery holder that virtually every hand-held model before it used. Yeah that increases the case size. Just think, then you won't need that "sleeve" that comes with it. Ridiculous.
8. IP69, 68, with sealable openings for optional increased cooling via convection flow, prompted by the electronics prior to thermal shutdown. Visual and audio alert prompting user to "open the vents."
Have you had an issue with over-heating? I run these things 24/7 (which means I never get to see the clock) and haven't had that problem. I would like this to use the same case (and display) as the PSR-310.
9. Integrate FM, AM broadcast radio, and optional XM/Sirius Radio receive. SMA port for external antenna support.
10. Add a second BNC connection for 800MHZ and above, while the other is for 800MHZ and below. Yes, a scanner with two antennas, or the option to plug one BNC and go primary with the other.
Cost for little value. I want something that scans, not something that finds a broadcast signal. If you REALLY need this, then I'd vote that you use that USB port to plug it in. That device could then provide all the antenna inputs you want.
11. State of the Art Windows based software interface with true drag and drop capability and object oriented intelligence fully leveraged. Android App. Mac App. Maybe Apple IoS.
Ok, now you're talking about EZ Scan and not the TRX-1. I wrote a letter to Whistler over a year ago about how lacking their software is. They have added a lot of things I mentioned, but it seems like it was "hacked in" rather than designed into the app.
I wrote a review, which they were sent a copy of my issues.