What? RTC is no longer a firmware issue?
Apparently not. That issue, which was raised by Don Starr, was very credible given his experience. OR maybe it was a firmware issue which was resolved but in the mean time the batteries were damaged.
I guess the braver, and smarter than me people who took the 436 apart, and pinpointed the problems are all wrong as well.
Please provide references. I've never read about any pinpointed problems aside from some changing the LEDs with the same ones and they worked again (for a while). Some even had Uniden replace them. But, if you replace bad parts with bad parts, the problem is never solved.
Of all the radios they make, they have have yet to find a source for parts that are reliable. I guess they have never used new parts for any other product before? Let Uniden give their own excuses.
It's called progress. If they kept using the same parts, you would never have anything other than what they made when they stopped improving designs.
You would think you would R&D your capabilities before advertising, and charging money for something you may or may not be able to deliver.
Are we talking about Uniden? Or Microsoft? Or GM? Or virtually any other corporation? R&D is an ongoing process. None of the companies mentioned have operated the way you suggest.
Hmmm they had the R&D money to add features not included in the initial feature spec.
If you mean ProVoice, it is self-funding (at least I'm sure that's how it was proposed).
There is a difference between features that make money on their own vs ones that do not. Those that do not are built into the product base budget.
Maybe that is the issue - Uniden should have kept charging for the Extreme features. Then they too would have been self-funding.
Of course, the extreme features are there - at no additional charge. They are just not what you expected they would be or what you want them to be.