• To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software:

    Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. Making a request such as this is attempting to engage in software piracy and this forum cannot be involved or associated with this activity. The same goes for any private transaction via Private Message. Even if you attempt to engage in this activity in PM's we will still enforce the forum rules. Your PM's are not private and the administration has the right to read them if there's a hint to criminal activity.

    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

Wouxon Question

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Oct 30, 2013
wow some of you people really have some paranoia issues. do you guys really think i'd be going through all this trouble so i could mess around with the police dept. radios?? I came on this message board to get some help because your the "professionals" at this radio stuff.

- robert no one ever said i was in pc all the time. actually its only once or twice a month but i'd love to be able to use my new radio when doing it.

- capt dan you may have 34 years in law enforcement but it obviously wasnt nypd. you know as well as i do that every dept. does things differently then the next.


Oct 30, 2013
Just in case anyone out there is still willing to help. I got my other 2 coworkers radios today and changed the settings from name to frequency. they were both on top frequency 136.025 and bottom 420.025. This is much different than the top frequency of 471.0875 and the bottom 160.900. that i originally had. We have the exact same radios but with these frequencies nothing comes through at all. does this make any sense that theirs would work on these frequ. and mine wont?


Aug 11, 2013
Ocala, Florida
- capt dan you may have 34 years in law enforcement but it obviously wasnt nypd. you know as well as i do that every dept. does things differently then the next.

Obviously ? I guess you are a better detective than I gave you credit for as you were able to determine where I was or was not in law enforcement. I do know that every department does things differently, and that having been said - NYPD does it their way ! NYPD's was is a very strict by the book way - so in reality you would not have permission to use a personal radio on one of the NYPD frequencies without permission of the Chief of Department at the very least. Heck - can't even wear anything with the NYPD identification without the uniform committee's approval. Well, actually with the most recent order, members of the service cannot even wear any NYPD clothing or clothing with any NYPD insignias off duty.

Prior to me - my Dad spent a short time with NYPD in the 50's and prior to him his father spent a career with NYPD and has a book written about him while assigned to Headquarters on Center Street prior to it becoming Police Plazza.

So I remain doubtful that your request is legit - just my feeling.

I do understand you comments about the large hand held radios. I always tell visitors about how safe the subways are at night - just watch for the guys - well now guys and/or gals talking into paper bags - they are the cops.


Oct 30, 2013
capt dan. i'm glad you have knowledge of the way things run around here. So we have an understanding as to why we dont go running of the permission from the chief for everything we do ...if your so doublful that im a police officer. Why dont you private message me im sitting at the front desk right now. i'll send you the number just ask for me or my seargent thats sitting next to me. But if i prove to you im a cop are you willing to help me out???


Premium Subscriber
Nov 5, 2013
Flushing, New York
Listen im a Det (NYPD) and a paramedic here in NYC, when working as a medic I have a radio for both PD and EMS, and was able to program the radio. I just joined this site (I want to add LI EMS and Westchester EMS) and saw the posting.
If you are a cop i can help. You must work midnights I will check back in the tomorrow morning when I get to my office at 6am,



Feb 10, 2005
Northern Alabama
If NYPD, as the licensee, does not back you using those radios, then you are NOT authorized. Please understand being employed and given a department radio does not equal authorization to use a personal radio unless they state you can.

We have a winner! If NYPD does not back the use of these radios, then they are not authorized. Doesn't matter if other people use them.

also i have the r-ctc and t-ctc set to 103.5 as does my coworker. on radio reference it says something about D025. what is this? is it important?

Just in case anyone out there is still willing to help. I got my other 2 coworkers radios today and changed the settings from name to frequency. they were both on top frequency 136.025 and bottom 420.025. This is much different than the top frequency of 471.0875 and the bottom 160.900. that i originally had. We have the exact same radios but with these frequencies nothing comes through at all. does this make any sense that theirs would work on these frequ. and mine wont?

I'll give you a clue.... the two frequencies (420 and 160) have nothing to do with each other. Because you don't know this, that means you really shouldn't be trying to program in frequencies to use on a police or public safety system. If you were trying to program in amateur radio frequencies you'd probably receive an astounding amount of help and would be encouraged to learn how to program in repeaters. However, public safety is a whole 'nother animal. If you don't know what you're doing, you could end up causing some serious interference issues with other users or repeaters.

Contact someone in your department who is over radio communications for assistance. If they don't approve the use of personal owned radios, then have them issue you a department owned radio. It's their job to provide you the tools you need to do your job safely.
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Oct 30, 2013
However, public safety is a whole 'nother animal. If you don't know what you're doing, you could end up causing some serious interference issues with other users or repeaters.

This is EXACTLY why im on this site. I really dont want to screw anything up. I came here for HELP and all you guys keep doing is shooting me down with bullcrap like im not authorized. if someone would just help me do it CORRECTLY i'd be on my way.

Contact someone in your department who is over radio communications for assistance. If they don't approve the use of personal owned radios, then have them issue you a department owned radio. It's their job to provide you the tools you need to do your job safely.

I have a dept owned radio. its gigantic. i use that for regular patrol. the whole point in doing police work in plain clothes is to have the bad guy not know your a cop which is completely impossible with those "dept owned" radios.
You may have seen this video that was posted in another thread. #NYPD Celebrates #4thOfJuly with Illegal Surveillance - YouTube The sergeant isnt using the wouxun its another manufacturer but he is using what you guys call an "unauthorized" radio. no he doesnt have permission from the nypd but this is what we use. this helps us do effective plain clothes police work. You might not be willing to help me but eventually someone will. You seem like someone that would know how to program it correctly so instead of shooting me down you should be helping me do it right.


Oct 30, 2013
Listen im a Det (NYPD) and a paramedic here in NYC, when working as a medic I have a radio for both PD and EMS, and was able to program the radio. I just joined this site (I want to add LI EMS and Westchester EMS) and saw the posting.
If you are a cop i can help. You must work midnights I will check back in the tomorrow morning when I get to my office at 6am,


Thanks bro. i work midnights also. just private message me please


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
I do not want to high jack this thread so will point viewers to the NYPD thread where there is a video on some PC [real or not] on a subway using a Baofeng radio. Like really a Baofeng radio underground and talking into the radio when it is sideways. I wonder if these 2 are related. Read the NYPD thread and see. nypd using baofeng radios?????


Oct 30, 2013
I do not want to high jack this thread so will point viewers to the NYPD thread where there is a video on some PC [real or not] on a subway using a Baofeng radio. Like really a Baofeng radio underground and talking into the radio when it is sideways. I wonder if these 2 are related. Read the NYPD thread and see. nypd using baofeng radios?????

Really robert????? what in the world would make you think this video is not real? You think someone went out and staged this? believe me its very real!
The only thing wrong with the video is that the sgt. and po are using horrible tactics
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Feb 10, 2005
Northern Alabama
Believe it or not you would think the nypd has a radio technician i can just go and call but its not really like that. specially since im pretty sure the nypd doesnt actually back us using these radios. Its not like tv. lol.

Hmm, the NYPD website disagrees with you, sir. I'm guessing that the Communications Division or the Electronics Section can assist you.

NYPD | Deputy Commissioner Information Technology

You seem like someone that would know how to program it correctly so instead of shooting me down you should be helping me do it right.

I'm not trying to be a jerk to you, but those of us that have/do run large commercial or public safety radio systems don't take kindly to users programming unauthorized radios on our systems. In the past I've even been hesitant to allow someone with the technical knowledge to program their own radios. It's our job as system admins to get the radio correctly programmed.

I think it's great that you want to learn how to program the radio, and maybe someone will help you out. I can't, in good conscience, give you any guidance except pointing you in the direction of your radio technicians or system admins.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Besides having the correct frequency and tx/rx tone code or DPL programmed, make sure the repeater offset is 3.00MHz and SFT-D is + for your 471.0875 frequency. The radio may default to 5MHz offset for UHF but above 470MHz it changes to 3Mhz. I believe UHF T band was included in the recent narrow band change so you probably need to select WN NARR.


Jul 28, 2013
Besides having the correct frequency and tx/rx tone code or DPL programmed, make sure the repeater offset is 3.00MHz and SFT-D is + for your 471.0875 frequency. The radio may default to 5MHz offset for UHF but above 470MHz it changes to 3Mhz. I believe UHF T band was included in the recent narrow band change so you probably need to select WN NARR.

Can you be more expecific on this matter? trying to understand this. thank you

@TB Medic & @Tommydds are you OTA?


Apr 5, 2013
"I can't, in good conscience, give you any guidance except pointing you in the direction of your radio technicians or system administrators."

Oh, for the....

This beating around the bush is probably what irritates me the most about HAM ops. Screw "conscience"; you're just the messenger. What the recipient decides to do with that information, and the responsibility of knowing the consequences he may end up facing should he decide to misuse it, is the recipient's business. If I were still a HAM op, and even if I decided to become one again, if I knew stuff about a particular radio system's operating parameters (including how to pwn it) I'd just be a man about it and post it, end of conversation.

Besides, repeater offsets, tones etc. can probably (likely) be gleaned by spending ten minutes using the Web Search Utility of One's Choosing. Even sites like interceptradio occasionally have that sort of stuff in their public frequency lists.
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Aug 11, 2013
Ocala, Florida
There are a lot of things I know how to do that I am not going to tell someone else that I do not know, and do not know they have a legitimate need to do what they are asking ?

YES, most of the stuff can be found by doing some research - then let them do it.

We are not talking about how to trick your gas meter into thinking you used less gas to heat your house than you actually did. Or get a pay per view show for free .....

Someone, that I only know by a screen name - is asking for help to program a radio so he can transmit on the New York City Police Department frequencies. He claims to be a NYC Police Officer - maybe he is - maybe he is not - maybe he is and has only honorable intentions - maybe he is a less than honorable cop and has impure motives. He openly admits that what he is asking to do is not approved by the Police Department, that would make using the radio on NYPD frequencies illegal.

I know how to program the radio - but I am not publishing it - he can figure it out himself - sorry.

I know how to make a bomb - but I am not publishing it - anyone who wants to know can figure it out them self.

If he is legit - and not dumber than a door knob - he should be able to figure out to program the radios in less than 15 minutes - but I am not going to publish directions for him to do something he has said from the get go was not approved and therefore illegal.

don't mean to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings - just my 02 cents - as they say my computer = my opinion


Feb 12, 2009
wouxon kg uv6d v2

bought this radio a few months ago. Tried to program via keypad with code number.. nogo..
tried the programming cable and software.. nogo

anybody have an easy way to jumpstart this radio??


Premium Subscriber
Jun 6, 2005
fedexer999, not sure what this has to do with the OP. Suggestion would be to check other threads here. With jumpstarting, just connect the positive to positive and negative to negative.
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