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    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Wouxun radios selling like hotcakes at Dayton Hamfest

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Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
The UV3 model is the one imported through Powerwerx, as opposed to Wouxun.us. It is what HRO and many of the dealers sell. The case is slightly different, but functionally I have noticed no differences at all. A friend has a UV1, and I have to say it seems like his receiver is slightly louder than my UV3 (bought from HRO). Both work very well. ...and these are the only two I have personally touched

As a followup to your comment about them being nearly the same I found some additional detail.

KG-UVD1 was the first original rugged model.
KG-UVD1"P" a more rugged case (?) with added DTMF and upgraded firmware.
KG-UV2D another new case style with some "dealer" requested firmware revisions.
KG-UV3D new lighter Plastic case with exact same chassis as the original models (same as 2D?) with some initial case fit problems for connectors and battery.
All models have the exact same FCC type acceptance, meaning they are the same model electronically.

Essentially, the progression in model number equals the revision. However the radio only differs from the actual production run in cosmetics and form.

Which one of these was available for ~$85 at Dayton?

Opinion, junk or gold?


Jun 3, 2011
The UV2D was being sold by wouxun.us for ~$85. I purchased the UV3D from HRO. My opinion is slightly less than gold, but a real bargain. Definitely not junk.


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Is there an FCC equipment certification label on the KG-UV2D or KG-UV3D? If so, what is the FCC ID number?


Feb 24, 2001
I hope these unlocked radios don't generate new anti-radio laws. There was a fake USCG distress message yesterday. :evil:


Oct 5, 2006
Orange County, California, USA
Am I the only one who has Wouxuns that will self-drain their own batteries after sitting idle for a while, and therefore they aren't ready to go when you need them? My Yaesus can sit for months and still have plenty of charge left on their cells. And I won't even go into how unintuitive the radio functions are... how poorly implemented basic things like scanning are. Alright, I'm done.


Jun 3, 2011
Am I the only one who has Wouxuns that will self-drain their own batteries after sitting idle for a while, and therefore they aren't ready to go when you need them?

I think you are the only one with this problem. My experience has been absolutely superb battery life, sitting on the shelf or in my hand talking all day (although I do have all 1700 mah batteries).


Dec 1, 2010
Livingston Co., NY
I think you are the only one with this problem. My experience has been absolutely superb battery life, sitting on the shelf or in my hand talking all day (although I do have all 1700 mah batteries).

Same experience here as K9DC. I've never had a battery die on me while operating an event, and in most cases it's been sitting around for a while not being charged before that.

As far as the UI goes... you get what you pay for. The Yaesus that you mention were probably $100 or more above and beyond what you paid for the Wouxun, yes? At the end of the day, as far as I'm concerned, it lets me do what I want to do, does it pretty darn well, and didn't cost me more than $150 including accessories and shipping.


Feb 24, 2001
Nope, he's not. It happens with my 1P as well. I can have it fully charged but if I don't use it for a couple of days, the battery will drain pretty quickly and become dead.
Nov 5, 2006
Phoenix Arizona
I have an even better suggestion. Buy a Quansheng brand dual band and you can program it by hand with no cable or software needed, and it is also very cheap.

When you pay under $100 for a radio and it dies, it isn't the end of the world. I bought one just to have around "in case" of possible SHTF type situations in the future and don't even use it (no interest in becoming a ham). If it ever dies, oh well. I just shot off that much money in ammo yesterday at the range, to put things in perspective.

I go into HRO for antennas, coax, etc, for scanners (and something for GRMS here or there in the past). I almost always see some young person in there driving a ratty car who probably just got his "ticket", and who is purchasing some cheap HT, and asking a bunch of newb questions. I would bet there are a lot of people in this demographic (cash poor but curious) who will snap these cheap radios up.

I know of people who use the ChiCom radios for GMRS too (yeah I know you aren't supposed to). A pair of cheap Chinese radios isn't much more than a bubble pack of "28 mile range" radios.

The Chinese radios also offer something that the other radios don't for the most part, which is the ability to transmit on just about any VHF or UHF frequency if ever needed in a life or death situation / SHTF type situation. If someone's only hope to live was to get SOMEONE on the line for help, and some public agency could be reached to save a life or lives, then it can be done. It's highly unlikely, but you never know. Of course before doing that, in a life or death situation I or someone else could just get on a local ham repeater probably, and get help, license or no license. I consider my ChiCom radio as a form of disaster insurance that I will probably never need to use. But like any other insurance, you have it and hope you never need to use it.
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Dec 19, 2002
Wichita Falls, TX
Am I the only one who has Wouxuns that will self-drain their own batteries after sitting idle for a while, and therefore they aren't ready to go when you need them? My Yaesus can sit for months and still have plenty of charge left on their cells. And I won't even go into how unintuitive the radio functions are... how poorly implemented basic things like scanning are. Alright, I'm done.
You are not the only one. There was a big thread about that on the yahoo group. Certain circuits are connected directly to the battery and leak current all the time. I measured mine and if I remember right it was 4 mA. The only solution is don't store the radio for long periods with the battery attached.


Oct 5, 2006
Orange County, California, USA
As far as the UI goes... you get what you pay for.

I agree with that 100%... which is why I never mentioned it before.

I should add that I'm simply not using these radios on a daily or even weekly basis. I guess I'm not too surprised to hear mixed stories regarding battery life, as inconsistency seems to come with this price range.

I guess I'll detach the batteries when not in use. Thank you, Tom.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Yep. You are right. It will do 155.7625, but not 155.7525. Guess you'll have to spend the big bucks to get that freq. No cheapies allowed.

so how are all the part 90 users who get licensed to those splinter channels gonna fare? maybe you can call the mfr' rep...no wait, you can't. that number is super secret. a firmware update should fix it, oops I forgot, no firmware to update as it's all in ROM.

proves my point, the OET was asleep at the wheel when they approved this road apple for part 90. won't even do narrowband correctly. even a 10 year old HT1000 DN will. and these can be had in the same price range (I've got a nice DN UHF F/S), much better radio for public safety.

nice cute toys, hopefully they will cause the big three Japanese ham vendors to lower their prices, but sure isn't part 90 material.


Jun 3, 2011
Last I knew, Part 90 certification had nothing to do with the QUALITY of the radio. FCC is not trying to play Consumer Reports here. That is an entirely different discussion. It simply means it legal to use it in a part 90 licensed service.

OTOH, that does not mean it can legally be used on a part 95 service (GMRS/FRS/MURS). It CAN be used on Part 97, mainly because there are no Part 97 specific certifications.

Mine is mainly used for Part 97, and a couple of Part 90 frequencies I am authorized to use. Yes, I know I should disable the Menu button on mine to be strictly legal outside the Ham band.

It is what it is. If you do not LIKE the unit, that is a different discussion and not pertinent to the discussion of legal to use, or not. My Kenwood TK2180 & 3180 are just as technically illegal to use on FRS/MURS channels as the Wouxun.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Last I knew, Part 90 certification had nothing to do with the QUALITY of the radio. FCC is not trying to play Consumer Reports here. That is an entirely different discussion. It simply means it legal to use it in a part 90 licensed service.

OTOH, that does not mean it can legally be used on a part 95 service (GMRS/FRS/MURS). It CAN be used on Part 97, mainly because there are no Part 97 specific certifications.

Mine is mainly used for Part 97, and a couple of Part 90 frequencies I am authorized to use. Yes, I know I should disable the Menu button on mine to be strictly legal outside the Ham band.

It is what it is. If you do not LIKE the unit, that is a different discussion and not pertinent to the discussion of legal to use, or not. My Kenwood TK2180 & 3180 are just as technically illegal to use on FRS/MURS channels as the Wouxun.

It should never have been granted part 90 certification, it doesn't meet the requirements. You are correct, your 2180 and 3180 aren't certified for FRS or MURS, very few if any true LMR radios are.

Not to nitpick, but all commercially sold part 97 gear does in fact require certification as a part 15 device. Ever notice the disclaimer "this radio may not be offered for sale until FCC approval" on every new Yaecomwood radio that comes out?

IMHO, Wouxun slipped one by the FCC. I think they intended it to be a part 15 RX and not sold as part 90. It sure doesn't meet the requirements.

Did you happen to notice the cover letter on your TK-3180 initial filing about being able to be operator programmed? This document isn't the same as the cover letter Danny Chen submitted. Even more interesting is the Justification letter: "The applicant acknowledges that it is a violation of FCC rules if the device operates on unauthorized frequencies"

I smell a fish. Compare your 2180/3180 certification documents. the Wouxun stuff is laughable. No one read it. They just took the check and like that shady second chance car lot "Drive Time" stamped APPROVED.


Jun 3, 2011
It should never have been granted part 90 certification, it doesn't meet the requirements

Exactly what requirement does it not meet? The user programability is easily removed with the proprietary programming software. Unchecking a single check box, locks the unit down to whatever was programmed into it.

Not to nitpick, but all commercially sold part 97 gear does in fact require certification as a part 15 device.

So does every electronic device that is sold in the U.S. Meaningless.

IMHO, Wouxun slipped one by the FCC.

With all due respect, it doesn't matter what your humble opinion is. The fact of the matter is, it was approved and is legal to use for services it was intended (part 90). It may be an unreliable junk radio, but FCC is not in the quality business. It is a part 90 type accepted radio. A far site better than snipping the jumper in an Alinco and handing to your local volunteer firefighter. At least the W can be locked down and tampering with the programming prevented. (This is also a great feature for blind Hams)

I smell a fish. Compare your 2180/3180 certification documents. the Wouxun stuff is laughable. No one read it. They just took the check and like that shady second chance car lot "Drive Time" stamped APPROVED.

Those are pretty wild statements, which obviously I cannot refute. But in this public forum I would recommend caution making accusations like that.
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