But, the message has been sent that the bar is being raised. ProVoice was hopefully just an entry into the additional digital mode realm. Proof of concept if you will. It is also EOL, which means that licensing fees were most likely less of a gamble than some other formats, and a good jumping off point.
There may be no reason for the competitor to add ProVoice, but there is an incentive to beat Uniden to another, more popular mode, and that same incentive applies to Uniden to keep ahead of the competition.
All the what about me cry babies you need to think about the people that got left out of the scanner market from day one in the digital market.
I agree to a point. But Japan calls the shots for Uniden though I believe. If they see little return with ProVoice, that may in turn slow progress for anything else in the future. People in this country call the shots for the competitor I believe, so we have to see how they respond.
Unbelievable turn this thread has taken.
They rolled out a format that covers 6% of the US/Canada. There are huge actuarial formulas that are in play here. The return doesn't have to be huge to show a viable model that can be extrapolated to other formats.
Curious - any usage outside the US - Canada?
Unbelievable turn this thread has taken.
I will continue to say this as long as the same, tired, 11 posters jump into every Uniden thread to whine and complain the same, tired, complaints they have made in hundreds of posts. Including the user near me who has been banned multiple times for encryption rants, and now wishes Uniden bankrupt as something "serving the greater good".
If Uniden made a scanner (or software update) that added DMR/NXDN, and dispensed cookies from the SD slot, then they would still complain it doesn't have OpenSky, MPT, and a gluten-free cake option.
But, the message has been sent that the bar is being raised. ProVoice was hopefully just an entry into the additional digital mode realm. Proof of concept if you will. It is also EOL, which means that licensing fees were most likely less of a gamble than some other formats, and a good jumping off point.
There may be no reason for the competitor to add ProVoice, but there is an incentive to beat Uniden to another, more popular mode, and that same incentive applies to Uniden to keep ahead of the competition.
Being the suspicious type you know me to be Ed, I also have to wonder if Harris agreed to sell the rights to Uniden thinking that it might impel some EDACS/Pro Voice users to speed up the move to P25 so that they can have encryption capabilities.
woah now Tim there is NO room here for constructive dialog like your post [emoji6]First and foremost Uniden is a business .Its all about the money as it should be. This Provoice upgrade will generate millions of dollars for them which in the long run will help us and them.
Although it is frustrating I believe Uniden will come through on the promised features.
Now before the haters start hating on me this is my opinion and I own both the 436 and 536hp and am quite happy with them.
If we continue to not support Unidens scanner division it will close up shop then where will be.
There is nothing wrong with being strong and reminding Uniden of their shortfalls just do it in a constructive manner it works better that way.
Have a beer take a walk go out and have fun don't let these scanner issues control your life...Rant off
That is my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Progress is being made, so I'm hopeful we will see good things happen. Besides, I would rather see a single scanner line expand mode capability (pay for the options you want or need) than have to buy a whole new scanner line every time. This approach is more cost effective for everyone involved. But I do hope DMR is next on the drawing board.